an-anonymous-furry · 2 years
“People experiencing homelessness who have physical disabilities or chronic health conditions also benefit greatly from non-congregate shelter settings…" 
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
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The Earn It Act hurts everyone! Don't let it pass!
Sign the petitions here
And check the reblogs, a lot of people have left links to websites discussing what this act does and how you can help fight it.
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
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Vintage on disability rights.
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
not to be dramatic but the uk is literally slipping into a legit fascist state rn, our rights to free speech are slowly being revoked and literally nobody is talking about it lmao I hate it here
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
I myself do not get horny, or at least I never have in my life so far. I would just like to add that some people may simply be curious what the mud puddle tastes like, and if they drink it and realize yes, it tastes like mud, they should not be expected to want to drink it again. So, a person who tries sex once and decides it's not for them is just as asexual as someone who has never tried before.
what people dont understand about asexuality is that asexuals can get horny. we can. we do. maybe not all of us but we do. and that doesn’t make us any less asexual because asexuality isn't about sex drive, it's about sexual attraction. imagine you're kinda thirsty and there's a mud puddle in front of you. do you wanna drink it? yeah, it's like that
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
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and the Iraqi people welcomed the Americans with flowers. I wanted to set a historical event to teach Bush a lesson from the Iraqis, telling him you lied, we did not welcome you with flowers, and instead we are saying goodbye with our shoes.“ 
Muntaza Al Zaidi, the Iraqi reporter who became known as the guy who threw a shoe at Bush and later ended up in jail for three years because of it. 
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
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“Workers in this country need to understand that we have a considerable amount of power in this country, if we choose to utilize it, and there’s no reason why we should stand back and let these companies just completely exploit our labor for billions of dollars and fight tooth and nail not to give us anything.”
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
For those of you who haven’t been keeping up.
The Navy spilled 14,000 gallons of fuel into the water on O’ahu. They said nothing for a whole week, and only admitted error when the residents on the military base started getting sick.
The spill contains petroleum, which is linked to a multitude of long term issues. Currently, residents are complaining of nausea, burning skin and headaches.
A well on the island is being shut off because it borrows from the military water supply. This well provides over 20% of the water on the island. Residents are being told to ration water, and no one is sure if the entire water supply is contaminated. We have no answers, no solutions, except wait for symptoms and pray you don’t fall ill.
US greed and imperialism will kill my people. US occupation kills my people.
They come with poisoned supplies and deadly viruses. Same story different century.
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
whew chillay
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
you do know that when jewish and romani people say “never forget” we mean “learn about the holocaust so you can recognize the warning signs of facism and genocide” not “repeatedly bring up the holocaust whenever anything bad happens and exploit our pain and trauma to make people care about your cause” and when we say “never again” we mean “take action to prevent any stage of genocide on any scale by any means, hold collaborators responsible and don’t be complicit” not “only care about genocide when it’s too late”, right? or did you think it was just a fun catchphrase?
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
if you have a couple of bucks to spare, consider throwing them to The Indian Residential School Survivor Society (IRSSS). they provide counseling and other forms of support to First Nations people who are residential school survivors. this is a list of other charities that support first nations people, this list is a mix of charities and ways to learn more about first nation activism and history, and this is a link to a free online college course called Indigenous Canada
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
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an-anonymous-furry · 3 years
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A small message to someone who might need it :)
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