anacedragon · 2 days
at some point we gotta acknowledge that getting the majority of your news and takes and general opinions from tumblr is not meaningfully different than getting it from tiktok even though on here it's in textual form. understanding the world through the lens of viral videos vs understanding it through breathless unsourced text posts written by dykeastarion69
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anacedragon · 6 days
I think the first step towards the life you want is often to just say yes to more things. Accept that coffee invitation from your coworker even if it seems awkward. Sign up for that free class at the library that you're not sure you'll like. Join that club. Book that tour. Say yes to as many things as you can and kill the part of your brain that gut-reacts with a no.
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anacedragon · 7 days
“Nobody’s going to want to sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours to get from New York City to LA.”
Me. I will sit on high-speed rail for fifteen hours. I’ll sit on it for days. I’ll write and read and nap and eat and then do it all over again. I’ll stare out the windows and see America from ground level and not have to drive. I’ll see the Rockies and the deserts and cornfields and the Mississippi River and your house and yours and yours too. I’ll make up stories in my head about the small towns I see as we go along. I’ll see the states I’ve yet to see because driving or flying there is a fucking slog and expensive to boot. I’ll enjoy the ride as much as the destination. And then I’ll do it all over again to come the fuck home.
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anacedragon · 11 days
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wow i wonder what piece of breaking news i missed
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anacedragon · 11 days
We ask your questions so you don’t have to! Submit your questions to have them posted anonymously as polls.
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anacedragon · 12 days
Home protection ideas for ladies. Stay safe, queens!
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anacedragon · 13 days
I dunno man. I found out today that a subway sandwich is $14 now. A shitty subway footlong sandwich that isn't actually 12 inches long and is occasionally made with expired ingredients and was never a great option to start with. I ate those in high school because I was broke and at the mall a lot.
There are poke bowls in my city from a local place for $16. Super fresh fish and veg, warm rice, more than I can eat in one sitting, for the price of a sandwich and a drink at america's most mid-tier sandwich shop.
Someone in another post said (paraphrased) you used to be able to get something mediocre for cheap, but now the mediocre things cost as much as the nice things so why would you?
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anacedragon · 19 days
Atla nation, come get y'all's juice
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anacedragon · 22 days
Sure tumblr had the stupid infinite chocolate glitch, but at least it wasn't as real-world devastating as the people doing the Chase bank "infinite money glitch" this past weekend.
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anacedragon · 22 days
This is a really helpful tracker app 💖
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anacedragon · 22 days
DNI if you’re a bad person. This will certainly filter out bad actors, who both self-identify as such and respect the boundaries of people they are bad actors against. This will certainly not alienate people who have internalized shame or feel like outsiders in community spaces.
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anacedragon · 23 days
I want slower packages delivered by transportation workers who are paid more to work less and I'm not kidding
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anacedragon · 23 days
today while building furniture with my (very straight) roommate, i told her "my gender is the little ikea man in the ikea instruction manuals" and she laughed her ass off. i think shes finally getting it
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anacedragon · 1 month
Aromanticism aside, I haven't really ruled out the idea of getting married. Because you know sharing responsibilities is easier and cheaper, and taxes are better, and western society is really built around couples. I just simply would not share my bed with my spouse, or share my room with them, and I would not want to merge finances with them, and would want to keep my 401k and credit cards all separate, and would want to keep my own meal schedule and cook my own meals and not share my kitchen with them and preferably not share my bathroom with them and definitely absolutely not follow them if they had to move across the country and I would not want to give up my last name or share ownership of my cat or share ownership of my condo or share ow dear fucking god I don't want to get married at all. dear fucking christ all things holy I want to stay single forever. christ alive. I'm marrying my autonomy as we speak.
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anacedragon · 1 month
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one of my favorites of all time
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anacedragon · 1 month
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anacedragon · 1 month
i hate those posts that are like "what if your mother aborted you?" because it's LIKE. i value my mother as having her own agency above my existence simply because she came first. if she aborted me, id be fine with it because in the fucking hypothetical of un-existence & knowing, id rather her have access to safe abortion than having to carry & birth when she didn't want to like wtf kind of egotistical question is that. do u not value yr mother in the least. whatever joys you've gotten out of life aren't greater than yr mother's choice
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