andrew-todd-lincoln · 9 years
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Wasn’t really planning on being one, but now that you mention it, Dr. Lincoln does have sort of a nice ring it too. Would you listen to my medical advice then?
And when did you become a doctor ,Mr. President? 
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 9 years
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Maybe not, but then you’ll have to drink cough syrup and eat noodles for much longer if you don’t properly take care of yourself now.
That might be true but they are way more enjoyable than cough syrup and noodles. 
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 9 years
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As much as I love all three of those things, I don’t think they’re the best when it comes to taking care of a cold. 
I’ve spent the last three days locked in my room with orange juice, vodka and pizza. I don’t know if catching a cold was a blessing or an inconvenience anymore. 
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 9 years
Yes, I will. I do think she’s the best candidate that’s declared so far, and it’s going to give me stuff to do before I start working.
Are you helping out?
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 9 years
Hey, that���s cool too. To each their own.
What if we don’t?
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 9 years
It’s just going to be a lot of canvassing, social media work, and other kinds of get out the vote efforts. I mean, people already know who she is, and she’s quite popular, but any bit helps.
Hey, I’d be down to help for sure, man. You just point me in the right direction.
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 9 years
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My godmother is officially running for president, not that this was a shocker to anyone. But if any of y’all want to work on her campaign, I’m sure she’d love your help.
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 9 years
We can... dance! You said you’d face off in Just Dance. And yeah, whose fault is that?
And what are we going to do? You know, I’m not sure we’ve ever hung out that much out of classes. 
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 9 years
I don’t know how I managed to do that... Come on. Go out with me, and we can de-stress together. Lord knows we both need it.
But there is still so much stuff that needs to get done. I think you might have just made me stress out a little bit more.
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 9 years
You’re about to graduate undergrad. Live a little, Kennedy. You have plenty of time to buckle down and be responsible. That’s what law school and your career is for.
Are you really asking me that question? I think you might want to rethink that.
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 9 years
I’ve officially checked out of college mentally. I have no more motivation. Tell me, Jordan Kennedy, what sort of crazy things should I do during my last month or so of my undergraduate career?
It’s terrible! I feel so lazy.
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 10 years
It’s senioritis. I feel you.
I don’t think spring fever exists for me this year, all I want to do is lay around and watch hours and hours of Mad Men.
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 10 years
That sounds like a plan. You are pretty darn cute, Lincoln.
Right back at you, Hayes. What do you say we pick up right where we left off when I get back to Brookline?
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 10 years
You'll have to tell me all about it when you get back! Only the really cute ones.
Over a burger, fries, and a milkshake? They can’t be cuter than me, can they?
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 10 years
It must be really cool to see her in her element like that. Plus, I'm sure the time with Colin won't be the worst thing. Haha. I guess we did kind of christen it.
Yeah, I’ve only heard of how good she is on the ice but have never actually seen it for myself. And hanging out with Colin’s always fun. And yes, we did. Unless, of course, you take all the guys to the diner and tell them it’s their booth. ;)
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 10 years
It was a crazy time for everyone. I heard! First South America, and then China? That's amazing! I'm sure it will be a great break for you. I'll save the seat for you. Would hate for someone to mess up the butt imprints on the seat.
Yeah! You know how much I love traveling. Plus it’d be cool to see Spencer’s perform live. And don’t you dare give away my booth! Or better yet, our booth. Ha.
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andrew-todd-lincoln · 10 years
There is a very dusty spot at your booth. I think it misses you.
Hey, you! I’m so sorry for being MIA lately. The weeks leading up to spring break were crazy, and now I’m not in town. I’ll be sure to drop by the diner for my first meal back! How are you?
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