ange1ange1ov · 4 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №135 🌳 “It's A Jungle Out There” 🌳 — Apo, 2024
The world may be changing at the speed of light and becoming increasingly incomprehensible, but some things nonetheless remain stubbornly, painfully, anciently human. And to be human is to never be separate from Nature or its rules, regardless of how many neon lights, glowing screens, and countless other synthetic distractions may temporarily blind us to this fact. The concern here is how some aspects of that disconnection are rapidly accelerating the fatal return of our current societal iteration to the very dust it was brought up from. This cannot be the path of a successful, intelligent, self-respecting species. Neither does our reality need to be anything like this. Of course, as its inextricable extensions, we evolve by constantly exploring different variants and unknowns — which inherently leads to missteps — but the window of time to self-correct is closing in such a way now that there won't be many further chances to 'fuck around and find out.' Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. The sole future I'd personally want to be a part of anyway is one that's symbiotic with our only real, tangible, immediate deity — Mother Nature herself — and not at the expense of her.
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ange1ange1ov · 4 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №134 🍉 “HURRIYA (حرية)” 🍉 — Apophysis, 2024 FREE PALESTINE Time and again, one can't escape being reminded how human cruelty truly knows no bounds. How the chains of suffering keep being extended instead of broken, as if healing is the truly horrifying path. How the real enemies throughout all of the ages continue to be imperialism, colonialism, and any mentality, 'morality,' belief, or system that deceives and divides people into 'lesser vs. greater' and other such variations in order to facilitate or even try to justify exploitation, violence, destruction, and death. In light of all the progress in so many other fields, it seems so unreal to still live in a world with multiple ongoing genocides, wars, and endless human rights violations or other wholly evadable crises propagated by those who choose to point fingers and act on fear and greed rather than to take a good, long look in the mirror and do their shadow work. There's so much to say, but words feel superfluous when faced with situations like these. Yet silence is not an option either. P.S.: Calling out/criticizing settler colonialism and nationalistic propaganda does not and will never equal anti-Semitism, thanks.
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ange1ange1ov · 4 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №133 🎨 “Show Your Colors” 🎨 — Apophysis, 2023
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №132 “Simple Pleasures” — Apophysis, 2023
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №131 “Febricity” — Apophysis, 2023
The feverish follow-up to “Apricity.”
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №130 “Heart Of The Sea” — Apophysis, 2023
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №129 “N-AI-TURA” — Apophysis & Ps, 2023
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №128 “Blue Angel” — Apophysis, 2023
Inspired by a personal event.
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №127 👁️ “EYECLIPSE” 👁️ — Apophysis, 2023
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №126 🕷️ “Death Weaver” 🕷️ — Apophysis, 2023
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №125 ◆ “The Last Secret” ◆ — Apophysis, 2023
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №124 ❄️ “Apricity” ☀️ — Apophysis, 2023
The faint warmth of the sun in winter.
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №123 “Urban Rain” — Apophysis, 2023
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №122 “Ideas Of Others” — Apophysis, 2022
We tend to see bits of ourselves in others, not so much who they are. A jumble of approximations, vague conceptions, fading or incomplete memories, all strained through perhaps too many preconceived notions we're willing to admit to or are even aware of.
Yet, really or unreally, you and I are one and the same. The further we zoom in, the more the borders fade away. The more we know ourselves, the more we can see in the other. The closer we get, the more the illusion of separateness falls apart.
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series ✧ №121 ✧ “Realm Of Possibilities” — Apophysis, 2022
A 2D representation of a 5D being navigating its 3D potential in 4D.
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №120 “Point Of Contention” — Apophysis, 2022
A conflict can also be a chance for rediscovery.
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ange1ange1ov · 5 months
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Fractals Are Forever series №119 “OBL1V1ON” — Apophysis, 2022
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