angelstilinskimalfoy · 9 months
Paring-Paul Lahote! x Fem!Reader
A/N: A short one shot. You know the boys are werewolves in this btw, you just don't know that Paul imprinted. Not proof read!
Summary: Paul imprints on reader. Reader does not know. Paul does not tell reader and a comment from Jared pushes him over the edge.
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Readers POV
" Hey Em, do you think this is a good consistency?" I ask looking over at Emily who was kneading dough in her hands. I hold up the bowl for her to look at.
"That's perfect!" she exclaims happily.
I smile back at her and then pour the mixture into the pan.
"The boys better worship the ground we walk on for this," I say humorously as we share a laugh.
We both look up at each other suddenly when we hear the sound of shuffling outside and then the sound of the front door being slammed.
"Calm down Paul!" Sam's loud voice echoes through the house as he and Paul walk through the door. Well, Sam was walking, Paul was storming.
The anger coming off of Paul was obvious, when Paul gets upset it's like you can physically see the steam coming off of his body. Sam continued behind Paul gaining speed and grabbing his arm forcing Paul to look at him.
"I'm not going to say it again Paul," Sam said with a stern look on his face. The kind of look of a true alpha, which he was.
Paul whips around and gives Sam a challenging look.
"You heard what he said!" Paul quipped as Sam, expressing his irritation.
Sam pauses, they share a look, and Paul trudges to his room without a word.
"What was that about?" Emily asked questioningly at her lover.
Sam walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her from behind, you could see his body relax as he sunk into the touch.
"Just Paul being Paul," Sam said heaving a sigh.
"It seemed like more than that," I pointed. Trying to get more information.
Sam and I had a brother-and-sister-type dynamic. He did his best to keep me out of things but I was just as stubborn as he is, so he knew I wouldn't give this up easily.
"Jared made a comment, in his mind, and Paul didn't take it too well," Sam said begrudgingly, obviously not wanting to bring attention to the issue.
"What was the comment?" I asked wiping my hands clean of some batter and flour.
I look up and see how tense Sam is now, avoiding eye contact with me he takes a muffin from the rack on the counter and sits down, starting to eat.
"It's nothing to worry about it's all been handled" Sam mumbles into the muffin "This muffin is delicious babe" Sam smiled up at Emily.
"Wow smooth change of subject, Sam" Emily says laughing a bit.
I think for a moment and start walking over to Paul's door.
"That might not be the best idea Y/N," Sam says from behind me.
I ignore him and continue walking. I reach the door and knock quietly. I hear a grumble coming from the other side of the door, and I open it to find Paul lying on his bed arm over his face.
"Are you okay Paul?" I ask, concern laced in my voice.
When he realizes it is you he perks his head up and starts to sits up. You walk over and sit at the end of his bed facing him.
“I don’t want to talk right now Y/N” he looks at you with defeat on his face.
“I understand Paul, but it might make you feel better. Just tell me what happened. Maybe I can help” I tell him putting my hand atop of his comfortingly. He looks at my hand on his for a moment before speaking.
“I don’t think you’ll understand” he says breathing out.
“Then help me understand” I say eagerly
He looks up at me and there’s something in his eyes that I can’t describe. He stares at me for awhile, just looking me.
“Jared made a comment” I could feel the heat in his body radiating off of him as he continued talking I squeezed his hand to show him that I’m listening.
“He made a comment about you” He started shaking thinking about it.
“Hey, hey, hey, it’s okay calm down” I say taking his face in my hands and making him look at me.“I don’t care about whatever he thought, it doesn’t bother me Paul” I said trying to calm him down.
“It may not bother you but it bothers me!” Paul said cooling off a bit at my touch but still upset.
“What did he say that’s so bad?” I question
Paul sighs and looks down at his hands. “He was thinking about you, about how you are pretty, about how perfect you are, about how if he was your imprint he would tell you immediately.” Paul paused for a minute before taking your hands in his and fully facing you. “You’re my imprint Y/N, that’s why I’m so upset, that’s why it bothers me so much, that’s why he thought it, and that’s also why I smashed his face in the ground.” Paul said with a satisfying smirk at the last comment. “I know that you’re probably disappointed that it’s me but I can’t hide it from you any longer, I’m in love with you Y/N”
As soon as he finished talking and looked at you nervously you smashed your lips against his. The kiss was deep, hungry, you were a woman starved and Paul was a five course meal. The kiss lasted until both of you pulled away for air, Paul smiled widely at you and you shared the expression.
“ I could never, ever be disappointed by that” you told him genuinely “I’ve been in love with you since we were ten” Paul laughed with relief.
“Y/N will you be my girlfriend” Paul asked placing his hand on your check and rubbing gently.
“Of course I will Paul” you share another kiss, when you pull away you put your hand on his chest to stop him from continuing.
“What?” Paul asked looking like a kicked puppy, as you withhold your kisses.
“I love you but you better apologize to Jared, or no muffins for a week” you quipped jokingly giving him a smirk.
“No fair! he started it” He yells chasing after you as you walk out the door laughing.
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