What if Robin had always been in love with Wally?
However, instead of confessing it, he ultimately decided to keep his feelings to himself when he saw how Wally and Artemis looked at each other.
Sure, it hurt to keep it all inside.
But if Wally was happy
Then so was he.
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Zoro had expected many outcomes when he said the words "I love you."
What he hadn't expected was for those words to escape during the heat of battle and for his feelings to be returned. When he heard those same words spoken back to him through a bloodstained smile, as the man he cared for so deeply faded away in his arms.
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So did anyone ever tell Medic how Heavy reacted when he died or-
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The Ninja were met with pure silence from Jay for a week after Cole's death.
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I already posted this on my other blog but felt it was important to post it here too
Hey everyone I just wanted to make a quick note that this blog isn't dead. Life has just been really wild these last few months and I haven't had many ideas for posts.
I've also been in fandoms where either the ships are rarepairs. Or media that all the characters are family and that is a HARD NO when it comes to shipping for me.
I'm going to try my best to start posting semi-regularly/a few posts a week. When I have the time.
These posts as always will be a random Fandom and ship within said Fandom.
Thank you to everyone who is still following this mess of a blog despite its constant and random hiatus. I really appreciate your support. It means a lot.
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Saruhiko and Misaki were the first to feel it. Maybe it was because they were the closest to their Kings' battle. Either way, the sudden jolt of pain was jarring. It was one for Misaki and two for Saruhiko. The first was a burning in the corner of their chests and red sparks flowing away. The second came a moment later, pain from Saruhiko's very core. A flowing stream of blue rose from his mouth and floated away, but he didn't move. He could handle the pain, but the realization was something else entirely. He looked to Misaki's chest. The HOMRA insignia had faded. His skin was clear. And if that was true, the captain had succeeded in what Mikoto had forced him to do. But, the blue...He gritted his teeth and stood. He had to see if the others had felt it too.
The next to feel it were Seri and Izumo. They had been avoiding each other in this battle, unwilling to hurt each other even for this. Seri understood Mikoto's goal, and Izumo understood Reisi's. They had both hoped that Reisi, by some miraculous chance, would be able to convince Mikoto to change his mind. But they knew he wouldn't. It wasn't possible. And so they waited, keeping their men safe even as they fought. But then they each felt a burning pain. Izumo's started in his shoulder blade and shot down his arm like a knife before he saw the sparks. He looked around, seeing the red sparks beginning to rise from every member of HOMRA he could see. Seri felt that burning in her chest, mistaking it for stress and then noticing how much it hurt as she noticed all those blue wisps. 
The two look up and see the sparks and wisps mixing. Izumo falters for a second, thinking about running to her. But no. He has to stay with Anna. Even so, that doesn't change his tears. This wasn't what was supposed to happen. 
Seri lets out a scream that she didn't know she could make, her cold exterior breaking for just a moment. She's straight-faced again, but the men around her are looking in her direction. She's crying now. Seeing the second-in-commands react in such a way sends a wave of realization throughout their men. Some are in denial, disbelief. This has to be a joke... The rest are watching blue and red mix in the cold air and knowing it isn't. Some cry openly. Others look away. Even more are stoic but shaken.
Anna does not see the blue, but she feels it. She feels it in Izumo's tears and the way Misaki looks so stiff as he climbs up the hill back to her. She hears it in Izumo's flat order for Misaki to protect her, and his departure without an answer. She can feel Seri doing the same as Saruhiko returns to their group.
Seri and Izumo arrive at the same time. Maybe on purpose, maybe by coincidence. At the center of the crater, they find there are two bodies. They stand still for a moment, hoping to wake up from a nightmare or to see them move. But they are limp, unmoving. 
Seri is the first to go closer. She realizes something for sure: Reisi was the first to die. Mikoto's coat covers him. There's a hole in the back. Something pierced it. Gently, she moves it, just as Izumo seems to have found his courage. The tears come again when she's sure of it. 
He stabbed himself before he moved to Mikoto. Was it to prevent himself from a Damocles Down? Seri doesn't care; she's too busy looking at how the snow has turned red between the two. 
Izumo has started to look at Mikoto now. His hand is outstretched, resting gently on Reisi's cheek. It's a tender sight, but what catches him is the difference in expressions. Reisi has a slight frown on his face, losing itself in empty purple eyes. But Mikoto's eyes are closed, and the edges of his lips curl up slightly. He's smiling. His white shirt is stained a sickening red, and it trails down to the snow. But he's smiling. Reisi’s saber is in between the two of them. Mikoto must have used some amount of adrenaline to remove it and put his coat on top of the other man. 
Izumo takes a step backward. This...it was a sickening show of love. It was Mikoto's revenge, it was Reisi's will to protect Shizume, but it was also an acknowledgment that there is no justice without chaos, no blue without red, and no Reisi without Mikoto.
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Geralt learned how to play Jaskier's lute after his passing as a way to cope with the loss.
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Blue took some time off from running the gym after he returned from Mt. Silver with the information that his worst fear had come true.
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Waylon leaves a bouquet of roses at what remains of Mount Massive for Miles every Valentine's day.
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Shaun held on to Desmond's hoodie after the accident.
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David has heard many gunshots over the years, so many that he barely even notices their sound during missions. However, there is one shot he can't forget the sound of.
The shot that was followed by radio static and the distinct feeling of his heart shattering.
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While Nash is happy to see that his friend moved on during the 20 years he was gone. It still hurts him that he can't have Guile the way he used to.
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Josuke and Okuyasu take on a battle that is too overwhelming for them, and the two both end up severely injured, Josuke being the worst of the two.
In this moment, nothing else matters to Josuke, not the stand user, not his own life, but that of Okuyasu's.
It hurts to move and it hurts even more to breathe due to the wound in his chest. Josuke knows that he's almost finished, and that pulling out Crazy Diamond would be what pushes his body over its limit. But again that doesn't matter.
Soon, he gets over to Okuyasu whose wounds are not quite as bad, but will be fatal if not healed.
Okuyasu is relieved to see that Josuke is alive and makes a quick joke about it to break the tension. Josuke doesn't respond and immediately pulls out his stand, the grim air is what signals to the other man that something isn't right.
Okuyasu starts asking what's wrong, but he soon feels himself starting to hurt less while on the other hand Josuke's body starts to shake, and Crazy Diamond is becoming barely visible.
He realizes that his friend is about to die, and starts begging him to stop using his Stand so he can save himself. But Josuke won't hear of it and keeps going, it hurts so bad at this point but he won't stop until he knows Oku is at least capable of running away.
Once the process is finished, Josuke is now lying on the ground, chest heaving and pulling for all the air it can. He can hear Okuyasu starting to panic and he's pretty sure he is crying...he feels guilty but doesn't have time to dwell.
Despite Okuyasu's sensitive state, Josuke musters all that he can into speaking and screams for him to get away from the user, as they will take their time to finish off a Joestar opposed to some random kid.
Okuyasu doesn't want to leave, but he does so anyway. Calling back to Josuke that he will come back will Koichi's help. Josuke weakly humors this and is thankful to hear the sound of his friend running away. Even if he did come back with help, it wouldn't do anything...
The user would be gone by then and Josuke was feeling quite tired.
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Think Ludwig was a little bit afraid of Misha after the incident with Cheavy? He is fully aware that Misha would never try to hurt him, but they both look so alike its....hard sometimes.
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@mikoreilovepostgenerator and I had a little talk and thought why not spread the suffering here.
William did in fact get the Thorns of Death after the soul attacked him during the events of "The story of Will the reaper"
He is oddly good at hiding it. While he is active in collecting souls, its usually not enough to cause a flare up as he is often trying to help Grell and Ronald figure out what they're doing in their collecting (whether to correct them on a misap,  etc )
And on the occasions that a flare up does occur he usually goes around the side of a building.  or inside of an empty room or office(if he is at the reaper HQ) 
Basically, no one has any clue. 
Until he makes the mistake of letting himself full on laugh whilst talking to Adrian. He knows he messed up as he feels the tight contractions in his chest and immediately starts wheezing and fighting for air. 
Undertaker almost immediately reconizes it, completely surprised that he hadn't picked up on it before hand. 
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Joseph had severe nightmares and insomnia during the weeks following Caesar's death.
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The iconic white streak appeared in Victor's hair from the stress left over by the Creation killing Henry.
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