anjaseb · 8 years
Pick up lines you can try on cops:
-I see you're carrying more than one baton.
-I don't have anything on me, but I wouldn't mind being searched.
-I'm not drunk, but I wouldn't mind being hammered.
-Pepper spray isn't the only thing you can squirt me with.
-I haven't done anything wrong, but I'll understand if you want to handcuff me, and take me for a ride.
((Note: If any of these fail to produce results and/or you get fined/arrested/etc. It's because of your delivery, not the line.))
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anjaseb · 8 years
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anjaseb · 8 years
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This incredible invention is keeping girls in school
For Trinitas Kunashe, like many girls in Malawi, getting her period was unexpected, unexplained and a burden for her everyday life. Often, girls who do not have access to pads prefer to stay home and out of school for the duration of their periods.
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But Trinitas is changing that with her amazing new invention:
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Made from bright and comfortable locally-sourced fabrics, Tina Pads are a hit amongst girls in her community. They are waterproof, practical and fun – and most importantly reusable.
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Determined to make sure no girl is forced to miss school because of her period, Trinitas is a passionate believer in the power of education to change lives.
#SheWill Succeed
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anjaseb · 8 years
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anjaseb · 8 years
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anjaseb · 8 years
You know you're European when:
They have to defuse a WW2 bomb in your city and nobody is really concerned because that happens from time to time. 
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anjaseb · 9 years
^ pretty much sums up how attack on titan works…
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anjaseb · 9 years
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Which #sgtc will we see on the #reignofbloodtour ?
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anjaseb · 9 years
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VIP passes are selling fast! Make sure you get one on Botdf.bigcartel.com
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anjaseb · 9 years
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anjaseb · 9 years
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anjaseb · 9 years
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anjaseb · 9 years
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I went to a Blood on the Dance Floor concert and got to meet them. I’ve never felt so loved, happy, and cared for my entire life. I have this constant happiness I’ve never had before. When I met Jayy I could barley talk. I was struck with a realization of meeting my #1 heroes’ and it didn’t feel real. I was stuttering a lot and could barley talk, and I was so happy that I wanted to cry. I probably came off as a little creepy. But he didn’t seemed fazed and he signed my poster, took a picture with me, and I got a hug. I was finally able to say “Thanks for saving my life.” And he said “Thanks for still being here.” With a sincere smile. I was trying hard not to cry but couldn’t help it and tears started streaming down my face. These guys have always meant so much to me and to hear him say that made me feel important in this world. Later on Dahvie came out and by then I was able to calm down and actually talk. He signed my Bad Blood vest and a poster. I asked what he put on my vest. Dahvie: “To Jason: Stay awesome -Dahvie” Me: My mom is gonna kill me Dahvie: Why? Me: Well I’m trans and she doesn’t know I want to be called that. She knows I’m transgender but isn’t accepting of it and flips out anytime I do anything that gets me closer to being a guy. Dahvie: Well she’ll have to know one day and accept it. You just have to be who you are. Look at me I dress like a female everyday and I fucking love it. I don’t give a fuck what others say. Be you, no one can tell you who you are. Stay strong and awesome. ((He then hugged me)) The words aren’t exact, but it went something like that. Then I also said to him Me: Thank you for being there. You were the only people there for me when no one else was. I started listening to you January 2013. I was really depressed and suicidal, that’s also when I first started cutting and I- Dahvie:  ((He stopped me and said with a look of worry and care)) Noooo. ((He them grabbed my arm and drew 4 hearts on it)) Remember you are the heart. Don’t hurt yourself it only destroys your future. This world is fucked up and I know it hurts you. People say “well that’s not normal” it’s okay to be different. You help this world be a better place by being you. Stay strong. ((He hugged me again and said)) “I love you” I could barley talk I was just able to shake my head and at thank you. Again not exact words but still close. But right then I knew I would never cut again. I talked to him after he met with more fans. During the concert I realized I forgot to tell him I was done with self harm. After the concert I went to go talk to him I was waiting in the crowd and even though my friends parents who were picking us up were pissed that we were late I didn’t care. When he saw me he said “Hey what’s up Jason!?” It felt awesome that he remembered me. I got another picture with him. Sadly I didn’t know where Jayy was. But I got to tell Dahvie that I was done with self harm. He told me that it was awesome and he was proud of me. In the past used many forms of self harm, and I would do whatever it took to forget what was going on in my life. The night before I went I was feeling like crap. I couldn’t stop thinking about all the negative things that happened past 3 years in my life. I felt like I was useless and my life meant nothing. I tried all kinds of ways to forget by harming myself, which I now realize isn’t the way of dealing with it. I just couldn’t get rid of my depression I felt helpless, trapped, and pathetic. I thought I had no purpose in my life and was just a mistake and worthless. But now thanks to BOTDF I no longer feel that. I now know I’m not a mistake and I’m here to make the world a better place just by being me. I know now just as many rights to be here as anyone else. I realize my life is actually worth living, and to the full extent. I no longer hate myself or feel any depression. I haven’t felt sad for even a minute today. I don’t even remember the last time I’ve been so happy for so long. At not once in my life have I had a smile on my face every second. I would just like to say to BOTDF, thank you so much for everything. I’m sorry for anything negative others have said/will say towards you, because you defiantly do not deserve any of their bullshit. Thank you for reminding me I can be happy, and I don’t need to hurt myself for it. Every ounce of sadness has left me and I feel on top of the world. I feel hopeful for my future which I never have been before. I’ve wanted to be an actor since I remember but always doubted myself and thought I wouldn’t go that far. But you guys are the proof I needed to realize I can do anything I set my mind to. Thank you for always being there when I’ve needed you most. My life has been restored and I know I have completely changed for the better. So thank you guys a million times for always being there for me. I love you infinity and beyond. Jayy and Dahvie you are my favorite people in the whole world. Thanks again for everything.
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anjaseb · 9 years
Me: yeah, I'm dyslexic and dysgraphic so I have to have extended time and use a laptop on my tests...
Person: what!? That's not fair. Why should you get an unfair advantage over me?!?
Me: but i...
(3 days later)
Person: *comes back on crutches*
Me: hey, what happened?
Person: I fell down stairs and broke my leg
Me: you know, I really don't feel comfortable with you getting to use those crutches
Person: what?!!
Me: I just don't see why you should get an unfair advantage over me
Person: but it's not giving me an unfair advantage, they doesn't make me walk better than you, they just allow me to walk at a level closer to my full ability by making up for an uneven playing field
Me: exactly
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anjaseb · 9 years
The Testosterone FAQ
Jay says:
We get so many questions about testosterone, but some of them repeat. A lot. And that’s okay, cos we want to give you all the info, but I’m gonna answer some frequent questions about T here. (Fun fact, these asks are going right back to the start of our testosterone tag, so some of these Qs are really really old!!)
I’m a singer. How will T affect my voice?
This was a huge question for me too, as a singer. I’m a solid soprano, and the idea of losing my (freaking huge) range. To echo Fox and Phoenix’s sentiments from a long time ago, you have options. First, you can take a lower dose, which will adjust your voice slower and allow you to have more control. Second, you can practise every single day, and if possible get a singing teacher who has experience with trans people or pubescent boys. Lastly, you can take T in pill form or gel form, which generally give slower changes, as in the first point.
Obviously, in regards to dose and to what kind of T you take, your doctor IS the final say in this.
I’m scared of needles. How can I take T?
T comes in needle form, pill form, dissolvable tablet form, pellet injection form, and gel form! Not all forms are availible everywhere, so be sure to ask your doctor.
What are the effects of T?
To quote Fox from a year ago:
facial hair
enlarged clitoris
voice deepens
possible growth spurt
skin roughens
features become more defined/squared
possible changes in energy/appetite/mood/etc.
growth in the hands and feet
fat redistribution
monthly cycle stops
There’s more, less prominent changes too.
Do I have to take T forever?
Yes and no. Some changes will stay, such as voice, facial hair, and clit growth, but others will just disappear - your monthly cycle will return, and metabolism will change.
Will I get taller?
Yes and no. If you’re still young and in puberty, then yes, maybe you will. But if you’re over the age of 20, more than likely, no.
Will T make me bald?
Check your maternal grandad, uncles, etc, cos that’s the side that male pattern balding runs in. If you want to counteract male pattern balding, there are treatments for it, both over the counter and more “intense”.
T Price?
It really varies based on location, type of T, insurance, etc. Most people pay less than $60 a month.
What about changes….down there?
There’s a few changes in the genital area that everyone should be aware of. First, clit growth. This is one of the first things most people notice on T, and it’s been dubbed the T-dick. Second, dryness. The bazinga (codeword for the genitals) is less naturally lubricated (as that’s the job of estrogen) so you might get really dry, so extra lube for sex situations. And monthly cycles stop!
How old do I need to be for T?
Most places will put you on at 16 with parental consent, and 18 without parental consent.
I will update this with more Qs!
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anjaseb · 9 years
Intelligent people can have learning disabilities.
People with learning disabilities can be intelligent.
It’s possible to be gifted and disabled at the same time.
Having a learning disability does not invalidate someone’s education or intelligence.
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anjaseb · 9 years
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apparently there is a version of Wikipedia called Simple Wikipedia
and the site is for people with different needs, such as students, children, adults with learning difficulties and people who are trying to learn English
which is wonderful for me because as someone with dyslexia and ADHD you don’t know  how many times I’ve read a wiki article and not understand anything of what I just read
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