annalisequeer-ing · 2 years
I'm a writer who is fine with receiving critical comments even when I didn't remember specifically say so. Some other writers don't want to receive critical comments. That's fine. No unsolicited crit is not a universal norm, so any writer who cares a lot about whether they get critical comments should say so, whether that's saying please do or please don't.
You know, I’ve got a fourteen-year-old nephew who plays the violin.
He’s been playing it since fifth grade, and he’s going to be a freshman in high school next year. He’s at that age where boys are usually fucking assholes. Worse than that, he’s a nerdy boy, who’s into a whole slew of geeky things, which means he could so very easily fall prey to the Nice Guy attitude, but he doesn’t.
He’s a good kid. But because he’s so much like me, and has been influenced heavily by me his entire life, he’s a bit of a perfectionist.
On Monday, we went to an open house for parents for the high school he’s hoping to get into this coming year, and they had their orchestra playing. After their performance, as we were walking to the next section of the tour, he reiterated a point that I’ve heard him voice a few times before.
It’s hard for him to just sit there and listen to other people play the violin now. When he’s listening to the performance, all he can hear are the missed notes or if someone is scratchy or off-key or if they’re a beat ahead or a beat behind, etc. 
He isn’t some virtuoso by any means, he’s just a fourteen-year-old that plays the violin, yet because he studies it, he automatically mentally critiques the performance.
I think we, as writers, can all relate to that. No matter how well we write ourselves, by being in this arena, we are automatically more sensitive to the mistakes others make. In fact, you don’t even have to be a writer; those who read regularly are prone to the same thing.
The thing is, though, I didn’t have to tell my nephew not to mock the students who were performing at the open house. I didn’t have to tell him not to criticize them or make fun of them, I didn’t have to tell him to lower his voice so they wouldn’t hear, and I definitely didn’t have to stop him from going up to them to criticize their performances to their face. It was something that was automatically understood; those things are impolite, and should he engage in any of those behaviors, he’d get in trouble for them.
And here’s the really important bit. Are you ready? 
Not a single one of those amateur performers had to preface that performance by saying, “Please don’t.” 
It was just automatically understood that their audience wouldn’t, because it’s not a thing you do in polite society when you are given something for free by people who are not professionals. Especially when–and this is also an important bit–you are also not a professional critic in any shape, form, or fashion.
My nephew waited until we’d walked away from the orchestra, where they weren’t in danger of hearing before he even began to discuss the very broad concept of how he critiques performances now because he’s in orchestra.
Somehow, without me having to drill it into his head countless times, this fourteen-year-old boy grasps the concept that you should not go up to someone, out of the blue, and criticize their performance just because you heard (or in the case of a writer: saw) their mistakes. He isn’t a professional, nor is he a teacher. He hasn’t been asked, he’s still learning himself, and they don’t know him from Adam. 
On a fundamental level, he seems to get how entirely unhelpful his critique would be, and how the only thing he’s succeeding in doing is hurting someone’s feelings for no good reason.
I just think it’s funny how a fourteen-year-old understands that, but somehow, you don’t.
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annalisequeer-ing · 2 years
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annalisequeer-ing · 2 years
“First of all, everyone’s not queer in the show, right? But I’m also like, why can’t they be? We’ve grown up watching every single show with all straight people.”-Abbi Jacobson, saying what we are all always thinking
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annalisequeer-ing · 2 years
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Look buddy, i’m just trying to make it to Friday.
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annalisequeer-ing · 2 years
Some gay men have pussies and it’s very harmful/hurtful when a large majority of cis gay men talk about being gay “because vaginas are disgusting.”
Cant really speak for everyone but it annoys me and im sure it’s very similar for no op trans lesbians who constantly have hear about cis lesbians being “dick repulsed” so maybe just shut up and keep it to yourself perhaps!! just a thought!!
Begging cis people to use their one collective braincell and use more inclusive language for a community that has carried LGBTQ on their back for years (trans women of color specifically).
That being said, genital preference is unavoidable for a lot of people, especially for people who have trauma! What we don’t need to do is correlate your sexuality to your genital preference (ie, “i’m a lesbian because dick is gross” “i’m gay because vaginas are gross”). This is not only harmful for trans individuals, but it reduces sexuality simply to anatomy (which is not the point).
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annalisequeer-ing · 2 years
“rent lowering gunshots” this, “we can’t let them know we like it here” that, i think everyone is just having fun posting cringe
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annalisequeer-ing · 2 years
watching twitter implode in realtime is definitely funny but also anyone else utterly disgusted at the fact that one billionaires temper tantrum cost thousands of people their jobs, countless more across its userbase and is destroying what is one of the biggest websites on the internet? one guy. literally one single fucking guy who couldn't just admit to a fuck up and is taking the whole thing down with him because of his big mouth. its one guy and he has enough money to just tear down the website. one guy.
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annalisequeer-ing · 2 years
Frankly, to be perfectly honest, if I see anyone being mean to Lynda Carter I’m just gonna start swinging
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annalisequeer-ing · 2 years
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A life-size dollhouse by artist Heather Benning, in Humboldt, Saskatchewan, Canada.
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annalisequeer-ing · 2 years
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Holy shit, Dr. Tingle, go OFF!!!!
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annalisequeer-ing · 2 years
Elon musty ass bought twitter so here I am posting on this infernal site again. Also because i might be writing again but who knows. I signed up for swan queen supernova. we’ll see if i actually write anything at all this year unlike the last 2 years i tried
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annalisequeer-ing · 3 years
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RYAN WILDER & SOPHIE MOORE Batwoman 3.09, “Meet Your Maker”
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annalisequeer-ing · 3 years
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annalisequeer-ing · 3 years
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S3E9 | Meet Your Maker BATWOMAN (2019-)
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annalisequeer-ing · 3 years
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What is going on with you?
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annalisequeer-ing · 3 years
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annalisequeer-ing · 3 years
I thought you might appreciate that in one of our local hospitals here in Australia this has become necessary.
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I am amazed, and know not what to say. (Shakespeare.)
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