anor3xialevi-blog · 5 years
when u are anorexic you see the world in a weird way. everything sort changes. you lose your body, your love, confidance, friends, everything. nothing looks the same anymore. its sad but its true. the way my anorexia began is because when i was 13 i was looking at all the anorexic girls and boys and i liked them. they were perfect in my eyes. skinny. and then i started to hate myself. like really hated everything. but one thing you cant change when u hate yourself is your mind. it cant become skinny or fat.
by 15 i was really skinny 95lbs. but still nothing has changed. i started to faint less or actualy never. i was so proud of that, silly i know and scary too. i didnt or i guess my mom didnt want to fasce the fact i was skinny and anorexic and because of that i didnt buy anything in my right size. i would wear my odl stuff and it would be sooo big on me. i was dead than, and dont get me wrong im still kinda dead but less that i was 2 years ago.
16 was the worst year of my life. sweet fucking 16. my familly sort of just left. i was on my own. i didnt pay much attention to school. i started to work to earn money so that i can live. i lost 3 jobs because they said i was to skinny. when something doesnt go your way you cant just give in. not without a fight
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