Does fresh want a match for setting off the explosives?
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[Have you heard of laser vision.]
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III don't think we DO know what we've done -
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[Why, I wonder where these will be used.]
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how is our fresh boi?
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[His definition of good is probably not good.]
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Yep, a perfectly normal cat.
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*give the cat explosives, more specifically fireworks and fire crackers, surprisingly they aren't pink*
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[Do you know what you’ve done]
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what do you mean it looks odd? its now a completely normal cat with nothing strange about it at all. look at how normal that cat looks! why, that the most average looking cat i've ever seen. you'd have to be completely crazy to think that the cat is not completely ordinary and normal
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Maple: “..It’s clearly fake--”
River: “Perfectly normal!”
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can i give the spiky pea explosive's
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Help the bored man, give him cheese 🧀
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[Your gift has been accepted!]
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If the green cat is bored, are we allowed to throw chaos to the cat's way? (Explosives maybe?)
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[Explosives, you say.]
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M!A the cat's fur becomes pink, as if it were dyed (f is that how its spelt?) so basically the cat's fur is dyed pink, and no harm comes to the cat. THE CAT WILL BE COMPLETELY THE SAME ASIDE FROM FUR COLOUR BECAUSE I CANT HAVE THE DEATH/MAIMING OF A KITTEN ON MY CONSIOUS! oh and also the 2 flowers on the boat can't hear thhis so they dont know its just dye
Congratulations you made the most specific one!
[M!A Accepted!]
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[It’s certainly not PINK pink, but it looks pink..]
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(can i turn the cat pink without corrupting it? it would prolly calm the two boat goers down a ton)
Just gotta be a lil creative and word what you say carefully >:)
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Since I’m very new, what is this au about? I don’t want to ask idiotic questions later on
Colors are inverted! What used to be pure is now corrupt, and pink is now not pink! New threats and dynamics.
And “story mode” has yet to happen, if it ever will..
Think of it as a “corruption swap” au that currently takes place pre-game.
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So everything seems corrupted here, (I'm new to the party sorry!) How is everyone if I may ask
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[Some people are doing better than others..]
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maybe its covered in dirt or paint and that's why it's weird? (definatly not because of the fact le kotte was summoned from another world probably)
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[They seem increasingly concerned over the non-pink cat!]
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Which of you actually owns the boat? - 🟨
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[Maple originally gave it to River, but River insisted on sharing.]
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* He digs through a hidden pocket, and pulls out non-poisonous mushrooms! He cannot eat at all, so he holds one out to the cat in case if it's hungry *
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[The two flowers are increasingly confused!]
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well, cats look like that where we come from
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