apbts · 7 years
A day like every other.
You lived a boring life, you were looking for a job, applying wherever you could but failing to be called back. Your personal life wasn't the best either, you were living with your parents, no lovers in your life.
When you got ready to take your dog for a walk you thought it would have been a day like every other; you wore your sweatpants, your coat, your beanie and your vans shoes and got your dog ready to go out.
You were walking around the block, as usual, hoping to find some familiar people with their dogs so that they could have played a tiny bit with yours, but also wanting no one to bother you at the same time.
You had nothing else to do so, at a crossroad, you decided to change path and make the walk longer.
You walked and walked thinking about random things, making up some impossible scenarios in your mind, reminding yourself to stop watching romantic movies and tv shows for a while.
You were walking absentminded for lord knows how long when you bumped into someone. Your dog stopped for a second feeling that you weren't moving anymore and started sniffing around without a care in the world. You snapped out of that trance you were into and raised your head, already apologizing to this stranger in front of you.
“I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking were I was goin-..”. You stopped when you met the person's eyes.
It was a young man, he looked younger than you, but he was much taller than your tiny figure. He was wearing some dark jeans and, a gray tight t-shirt matched by a hoodie of the same color, but a little darker and a beanie. He was looking at you with a confused expression, you thought “why is he looking at me like that? I apologized..”.
He scratched the back of his neck and said something in a foreign language, that's when you realized the reason behind his confused look: he couldn't understand what you were saying, he was Korean.
You mentally thanked all the Korean dramas you watched forgetting about your thought of not watching them anymore.
You couldn't really speak Korean, but you knew a couple of phrases, you could at least apologize to him and saying goodbye.
And that's exactly what you did, you put together the words you knew and bid your farewell leaving him there.
“Wow”, you thought, “I really managed to talk to a Korean guy”, and you went on with your walk.
Half an hour later it was time to head back home, you went back the same way, passing by a tiny park with a couple of benches. There was someone sitting there, “weird”; you thought, “at this time of the night no one is ever sitting there”. You shrugged and kept going until you heard someone yelling “Hey!”.
You felt kinda scared, the sun had gone down, you were alone with your dog, who knows who was yelling at you, so you quickened your pace, another “hey!” came to your ears, followed by quick steps. At this point you were terrified. You started running , your dog enjoying the little run.
At some point you stopped, you weren't sure but you felt like the words directed at you weren't in English anymore, you turned around and you saw that guy from earlier with his hands on his knees, panting from running after you.
You went towards him and asked him if he was okay, he just did an okay sign and got up.
You looked at him with a confused look waiting for him to talk and explain what he wanted. With some broken English mixed with some (okay, a lot of) Korean, he explained he was there on vacation, he lost his friends and found no one who could understand him and you just left when he finally thought he had found someone who could speak Korean. So, yeah, when he saw you again he had to stop you. He added that he liked your beanie too, for some reason, you could just reply with a “thanks”.
He told you his name was Jungkook, he was there with his six friends to do some sightseeing, but he stopped in front of a videogame shop and lost the others.
You decided to help him, but first you had to take your dog home.
He followed you, you two were slowly getting to know each other, struggling sometimes to make sentences that made sense.
You finally reached home, took the dog inside and reached him outside again.
You took him in front of that videogame shop again, thinking that, maybe, his friends could be searching for him around that area.
No one was there, after an hour of walking around there you both felt tired and sat right in front of that shop.
You really enjoyed talking to this guy, even if you couldn't understand everything he was saying and he couldn't understand everything you were saying either.
You felt really tired all of a sudden, you started yawning and, a couple minutes later, everything turned black.
You were dreaming of this handsome young man who you met during a walk, weird, everything felt so real, but it was just a dream, you thought. Someone shook you, you opened your eyes and they were met by the ones of the man you were dreaming about.
You found yourself surrounded by young men at this point, you were a little confused, who were these people?
Jungkook finally spoke and told you you were right for wanting to wait there, those were his friends who finally found him.
They all thanked you for helping him, they were worried sick.
You could finally go home now, you said goodbye to all of them and turned to head home. The oldest of the group stopped you though. He was better at English so it was also easier to understand what he was saying. He told you it wasn't really okay for a woman to go around alone that late and that they would have walked with you.
I mean, it was surely better than going home by yourself, and they looked like good guys. You found out they really were, they were also members of a band, not well-known yet. Jungkook became very shy, he was walking next to you but he wasn't saying anything. You looked at him a couple of times and found him looking back at you and then averting his gaze as soon as you looked at him.
You finally reached home, now it was the time to actually say goodbye and leave them. They all said goodbye, Jungkook was the last one to do so, he told something to his friends and they starting walking back without him. Jokingly you told him “you're going to lose them again if you don't go”. He blushed and hold your hand looking into your eyes. He told you he really enjoyed the little time spent together and that he would have wanted to stay more, but he couldn't. He then kissed your cheek and left, finally reuniting with his friends.
--- 2 years later ---
It was a day like any other, you woke up to go to work and spend your whole day in an office. You turned on the radio in your car to listen to the news, a lot of people were talking about this band formed by seven men. You turned it off and looked for it online, you recognized them instantly and thought “wow, they really made it”.
You got home that night thinking about that weird day of two years ago, how you met that shy Korean guy, and look at him now, shining. You wondered if he still remembered you too, probably not, you thought.
You went to bed smiling that day. Needless to say, you dreamed about that handsome Korean guy for the second time that night.
0 notes
apbts · 7 years
Meeting him.
It was June, you had recently moved to a foreign Country after having graduated from University.
You spent months in your little apartment watching tv shows and youtube videos. One day, though, one of the many youtubers you liked posted a reaction video to a boy band called BTS. You never heard of them, you did not even know what music genre were they making, you had never been a fan of boy bands either. You watched the reaction, their music wasn't really what you used to like, you were a rock&roll and metal chick, never been interested in other musical genres, nonetheless you found yourself kinda intrigued.
You decided to give them a chance and see why so many people were reacting to them and praising them.
It all started with “I want to know their names” after watching a couple of music videos. I mean, it was obvious that they were pretty attractive, it was only natural to try and find out their names, right?
People already uploaded a lot of “guide to BTS” videos on youtube, you just had to choose one, and so you did. You clicked on a funny guide talking about the fandom and their inside jokes too. You were kinda taken aback though, you couldn't understand anything they were saying, Korean wasn't one of the languages you had studied during your school years. There was something about them, though, that really pushed you into searching for more videos, eventually finding out the band had their own youtube channel.
It was really weird at first, you always thought boy bands were made of kids whose only talent was singing, sometimes not even that. You had to admit that BTS changed your opinion completely.
Months go by, you felt like you were falling more and more into the fandom, you even joined a group chat with other fans to share your thoughts with.
Honestly you felt silly, why were you liking a boy band so much? That wasn't you, how could you like a music genre so different from what you were used to listen to? What would you have told your friends or your family if the topic had come up?
You had to hide your phone and not give it to anyone 'cause they would have seen all the photos, gifs and videos of these Korean boys who were all years younger than you.
One day, though, you decided to stop feeling like an outcast because you like Korean pop music and you started enjoying the music and the huge amount of videos too.
You eventually realized you had a favorite member among the seven of the group. You liked everything about this boy for some weird reason, of course you liked everything about the others too, but this one boy had something more in your mind, he became your bias.
This attraction you were feeling towards him went probably overboard a couple of times, you just felt like you were living your high school crush all over again.
More months go by, one night you were alone in your room, chatting with your fellow ARMYs, when one of them decided to share some gifs she found online, they were just gifs on your bias biting his lips while talking or thinking during interviews. You had seen people do the same thing, and hell, you did it too, it was nothing special. It was just him, he had that effect on you. You let it slide, closing the chat, not thinking about it, you couldn't have that big of a crush on someone you would have never met in person.
Life as an ARMY went on perfectly fine for a long time, a year later you were still there, on that chat still talking with your friends, but this time you were telling them exciting news: you were finally going to Seoul on vacation, you couldn't wait, you had been studying Korean too to prepare yourself for the short trip.
The time came and you finally found yourself at the airport, in Seoul, ready to rest for a little bit and then start going around the city and enjoy your time there. You went to your hotel and took a nice shower. That night you couldn't sleep, you were too excited for your first full day in Seoul. You just had 3 days, you had to make the most of it.
You packed your days with visits to monuments, famous places and so on. You walked around a lot and you were so mesmerized to hear your favorite band's music everywhere, you were used to American pop being played in every shop and restaurant.
It was your last day, you woke up really early, you walked all morning, at noon you decided to take a break so you sat on a bench under a tree. You were kinda dozing off and staring into nothing when you saw a blurry shape of a person in front of you asking you if you were okay, you guessed you had been out of this world for too long. Your eyes went up from that person's chest to their face and you froze. Those lips, those same lips you were so hypnotized from a while ago, were there, moving, saying something to you.
You eventually came back to your senses. You looked up to meet his eyes, kinda worried at this point because you were not responding, you were in a kind of trance.
He smiled when you actually looked at him, glad you were okay and not some kind of zombie.
He asked you if he could sit next to you, you said yes, of course, he wasn't a creepy stranger, right?
You talked for a while, he didn't know you were a fan, you didn't say anything until he asked you and, surprisingly, he wasn't taken aback by the revelation, you looked kinda chill in his eyes.
After a while he told you something that made you blush so hard you could have won a competition with the sun. He said “you like my lips, uh?”. You suddenly realized you were staring at them while he was talking. You raised your eyes, luckily he was giggling and making fun of you.
A couple of hours went by before you looked at the time. You had to rush to the hotel, pack and head to the airport again, your vacation was over. You told him that you had to go, sadly. You were already thinking of having been blessed to be able to meet your bias in person and were ready to leave him when he said “I can come with you, if you want”. You looked like a deer in front of flashlights for a second. Of course you had to say yes, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.
You went together to your hotel, joking, talking about anything, teasing each other, you really enjoyed his company, he was the same as in the videos you used to watch, but completely different in a way.
Before heading to the airport he wore a mask to cover his mouth and a hat and you two went out.
You didn't have a lot of time once there, you had to go fast to avoid missing the flight.
You were about to leave, you were telling him you enjoyed the time spent together and that you would have been a fan of them and their music, no doubt about that. You started tearing up, you quickly turned towards the gate area when he grabbed your wrist and turned you back to face him, he didn't have the mask on anymore, his lips were right in front of your face. You stared at them again, he smirked and the next second they were on yours. You froze, his lips were better than you could have ever imagined. He kissed you gently, you melted when he deepened the kiss adding his tongue.
You were just mesmerized, hypnotized. You finally broke the kiss, he looked at you and gave you a piece of paper, he told you to read its content only when you were back home. You sadly left each other, you got on the plane and headed back home. On the plane and all the way back to your house you were giggling and thinking “best vacation ever”.
You finally got home, you remembered about the piece of paper he gave you, you quickly opened it. “I can't promise you anything, but here's my skype ID, please add me if you want to talk more” was written on it.
Was that even real?
Did that really happen?
You rushed to your laptop and typed the name written on the paper. You found his profile and added him waiting for him to accept.
A week passed, you weren't sure of anything anymore, maybe he gave you a fake name or something, maybe it was all a dream. You were starting to give up when you suddenly heard a familiar sound coming from your laptop.
You looked at the screen, someone was videocalling you. You answered, familiar lips smiling and saying “Hey, long time no see”.
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