apennedlife · 3 years
A Krampus Christmas
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house A presence of evil seeped in from without The stockings that hung by the chimney with care Would never be touched, in the morning still bare The children were restless while prey in their beds As visions of murder and death filled their heads And mama and I herbal tea in our cups Just settled down when the beast fell upon us
In through the window glass flew as it shattered Heavy black chains hit the floor with a clatter The body that followed was massively built Slow and deliberate his head at a tilt
Ivory white horns spiraled up towards the moon Fangs dripping wet to be sunk in flesh soon Obsidian eyes fixed us with a stare Claws sharp as daggers skin covered with hair
A basket of wicker and rod made of birch Each for the children deserving much worse Was slung on his back though forgotten for now Before us stood Krampus, from the waist he then bowed
No introduction we knew without asking Atonement for sins would be everlasting Horns freshly sharpened, a growl could be heard As Krampus charged forward his wrath we incurred
Cloven hooves drove until tips pierced the skin Impaling the woman again and again Punishment served I saw only a flash Claws tear at her throat blood fall with a splash
Unable to move, I was chained without knowing Krampus then turned to me teeth were all showing A long cherry tongue escaped from his lips Forked it shot out and struck like a whip
Tasting his dinner, Krampus tucked in with glee Savoring Papa ‘till the hour struck three Vapor trails followed from the bedroom he lit Gone before sunrise, no chance of remit
He made not a sound but went straight to his work Pulling the first boy from his bed with a jerk Head down in the basket feet dangling astray No mommy or daddy to come save the day
Onto the next one not a minute to spare St. Nick would be waiting with scowl and a glare Little Vanessa tucked tight under covers Ripped from the blankets thrown in with her brother
Krampus turned sideways and spat with disgust Misbehaved children to Hell is a must Back down the hallway out the window he leapt St. Nicholas watching eyed dawn as it crept
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle And away St. Nick flew like the down of a thistle “To home!” Krampus cried with bellowing thunder Sans reindeer sans sleigh just earth torn asunder
Dragging the heathens to his devilish pit Fire reflected and danced off the spit Sizzling fat still burned from the others As Krampus returned fresh meat for his supper
None heard him exclaim as screams filled the night air “Parent your children the rod do not spare Or come Christmas Eve when the sun sets below And darkness descends in a withering snow My basket I’ll shoulder with birch in my hand Frozen flakes flying I’ll scour the land Seeking the indolent insolent impudent youth Fosters who failed them, I’ll slaughter them too Bodies found rotting meat flayed from the bone Nothing but death when I visit your home So heed what I say show kindness to all If not Christmas day, your bloodline shall fall!”
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apennedlife · 4 years
Broken I’m untouchable
I’ll only leave you bloody
To you I’m fixable
If only I would let you
I’ll be the Sadist
Blood drops stain our lonely lips
Feed me fill me get inside
Your love cup runneth, mine is dry
A toast then to the passing wind
That blows you from my arms
A shell I drained and now discard
Ready for the next one
I know it won’t be long
Jagged shards pierce flesh as I fall
Away from everyone exposed
Even if you gathered all my pieces
I’d never make it home
Life is pain and I’m alive
Without I don’t exist
Feelings plural turned singular
As I cover up my wrists
Keep giving me your plastic smiles
That barely scratch the surface
Facades lost when I hear
Your first few uttered words
Keep giving me your plastic smiles
That barely scratch the surface
Facades lost when I’m nowhere near
Invisible to hurt
Keep giving me your plastic smiles
I see beneath the surface
Facades lost in the end
As I’m covered up with dirt
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apennedlife · 4 years
Imagine an island so big you could live on it
Build a society so great the world thrives on it
Imagine a people cut off they ignore logic
Instead create truths out of socially hot topics
Fill me in, where were you when the world began
Thousands of years shape the future
Rooted inside ancient cultures – Not Yours!
The question to ask answer after
Is why in the fuck do you even matter
Like water on Earth reality stays
Constant unchanging despite what they say
Using psychosis in infinite ways
To justify content the media plays
Take the knife from your mouth puppet cut a way out
The trap of perception creates within doubt
Only be lonely when Sandman’s about
Certainty hits and strips fictional routes
Merrily we go, down into darkness
Light shining bright, the edge of your abyss
Uneven the scales, change be upon us
Total acceptance, escape ignorance
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apennedlife · 4 years
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apennedlife · 4 years
Inside sits the child
Pieces of his puzzle scattered
A picture of his smile
Everyday is a struggle to conquer
Reaching the end once again blurred lines begin
Pushing away even further
Buried alive open wide keep shoveling
Death is the ultimate comfort
Seeking reprieve from the need to feel at peace
Gathering storms are upon us
Reality bleeds within me when I release
Crowded room echoes my fear
Disturbing spiderwebs unclear
If I’ll ever get to hear
Laughter ringing in my ears
Silence then go catatonic
In my mind exists iconic
Shifting shapes fly supersonic
Sanity a mask symbolic
Differences in us we hide
Alone with others see inside
Bodies while they still have life
Denial isn’t sacrifice
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apennedlife · 4 years
Precious Metal
Hidden in my memories Dull, your luster lost its shine Fate or chance delivery With you I leave it all behind
[Chorus] Silver Spoon With you I can’t get higher Silver Spoon With you my life’s on fire Silver Spoon Blackened by desire Silver Spoon With you there’s no survivors
Together after time in years Neglect requires more than polish Soak the rag in salted tears Wipe the past and layer tarnish
Your beauty puts my eyes in focus Your skin reflects the lie As I set fire to us both The flame it purifies
Cupped in your hand’s life eternal A chance I take each time Loaded on the edge immortal Echoed words of “I’ll be fine”
Embrace me in your petals, rose Blanket thorns pierce flesh, I chose Each drop of blood brings death, so slow With you there’s nowhere left, let’s go
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apennedlife · 4 years
Your Police State
Your life’s been reduced to a binary code
Publicly shared data freely exposed
To privately held corporate bodies who know:
 Your likes and dislikes and the places you’ve been
Your hopes and desires your feelings within
Your searching your lurking the deep dens of sin
You frequent when no one is watching yet then
Protests arise with a government spin
A police state they say the surveillance must end
While Bezos and Zuckerberg Pichai and Yiming
Laugh with Jack Dorsey each time you log in
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apennedlife · 4 years
The Rock of Control
The weight
Yet comforting
Its boundaries hold steadfast
Encasing turmoil
Layered and formed throughout the ages
Accepted yet rejected
As death is accepted
By those who would live
And life
What of life
Struggling to break free
Dreaming of the unknown
A wall to tear down
Oppression left dead in the streets
And life will continue
For some
Freedom remains homeless
A ghost amongst us
A ghost within us
A slave to our minds
A slave to our hearts
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apennedlife · 4 years
I miss my someone.
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apennedlife · 4 years
There is no freedom in death, my hand be still
Unhappy in life to set to right, doth daily test my will
Forward then the hounds begin, baying for the kill
When I confront my broken heart, at least a hole will fill
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apennedlife · 4 years
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apennedlife · 4 years
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apennedlife · 4 years
The Path
A ghost amongst the façade Weaving through life Pause: Directions – Erections, Rejections, Inspections Infections Pregnation Gestation, Incubation, Congratulations Annihilation Election Revulsion, Temptation, Extortion, Revolution Pollution Of a mind Play: Decisions internally twisting intentions Motivation unknown outside selfish ambition Confusion, Delusion, Intrusion Of Self Illusion Where am I Dead with no I to die Fruition Of thought in suspension When thought becomes pure self-addiction And ceases to be a distinction Completion
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apennedlife · 4 years
The Park
Gluttony in the flesh Staring at your phone Six kids you brought yet all a bother Better here than home
Never heard a gentle “No” Only anger in your voice Behavior learned and echoed louder Courtesy a choice
Pride in self is now a right “Can’t tell me what to do” Rules to them do not apply Try and you will lose
So relax and take a load off Let your kids do what they want Yell and curse to get your way Our future they will haunt
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apennedlife · 4 years
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I am and will always be yours.
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apennedlife · 4 years
You don’t see me
Blind though 20/20
Figure formed and changed before you
Aged unnaturally
My cry for help
As years pass away
Echo in my head
Your answers still remain
Self-lies and alibis
While I live my own destruction
Peace then when I’m dead
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apennedlife · 4 years
End It
Sickened by the sinew ropes Pushing down and past my throat Claws of broken fingers grope And pull from deep inside me hope
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