Abigail rushed back inside knowing the state Regina was in and dropped her supply of food in front of her. “Did you think I would leave you hanging? I just didn’t want to be your lunch,” she chuckled at herself. “I’ll leave you to it,”she said giving Regina’s shoulder a light squeeze. Even after being friends with these creatures, the sight of them devouring their food……well she never could stomach it. Which had her spend dinners alone in the Mill’s castle. 
She barely registered Abigail's words or even that she had left. The moment she smelled the blood, Regina was ripping into the packaging and let the hot liquid sooth her aching throat and fill her stomach. She almost moaned with relief. Bit by bit she started to come back to herself and her face reddened with aid from her meal. She had been acting so ridiculous!
“You can smell my blood, can’t you?”
Regina stiffened, her mouth hanging slightly open, her fangs extending as the smell hit her. “Abby, what have you done?”
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Emma hummed at the press of her lover’s body, at the press of Regina’s lips to her own. Her thighs shifted apart a bit, and her lips parted, little whimpers falling and mixing with the moans that started to breathlessly fall from Emma. “P-Perhaps… Mm… You may be right,” she finally said, finding it in her to actually string together a sentence. She was far more eager tonight, and her body showed it. 
The small opening was all she needed. Regina pulled her hand away from it’s light ministrations and replaced it with her leg, pressing it firmly against the blonde’s warmth. Her now free hand began to travel along Emma’s body, mapping it with feather light touches. “I’m going to take you apart so slowly, you’ll be begging for release, long before I’ll allow it.” She whispered this in Emma’s ear before nipping it lightly.
“I’ve been looking forward to fucking you all day.”
extremely naughty starters | @applesandcurses
Emma smiled up at the brunette as she stood in the doorway to the bedroom, the blonde’s lips curled upwards and her body almost bare. Just enough to tease Regina, as if that was Emma’s plan all along. Not that the Savior would ever admit to such a thing. “Oh?” she asked, as if playing innocent. “Have you now? I suppose you’ll just have to show me what all you’ve been thinking about and planning in that head of yours.” 
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Emma’s free hand curled around the arm of the couch, her own body shifting as her heart pounded a little harder. She smiled, humming low in her throat while she continued to tease Regina over the phone, teeth digging into her bottom lip as the mayor spoke to her. 
“What if I am?” she said, her fingers barely held back from touching herself, digging themselves into the couch to prevent herself from trying to alleviate that ache she felt. “What if I’m touching myself right now and imagining it’s you, Regina, hmm?” The blonde purposefully let a moan fall from her lips, low and long, drawn out, as her grip fell away from the arm of the couch and she started to inch that hand to her thighs, her other hand still holding the cellphone to her ear. 
The moan stole the breath from Regina’s throat and she pitched forward slightly, her nails digging into her arm of her chair. She weighed her desire to play their little game verses packing up now and using her magic to get her home and taking the blonde right then and there. But for now the pleasure she was getting from playing was strong enough to keep her in her seat.
Her eyes narrowed slightly and she tried to keep the smile from her voice. “I didn’t give you permission to touch yourself.” Her voice had dropped slightly and took on an all too familiar commanding tone. 
“I touched myself while thinking of you.” (swxnprincxss)
Regina bit her lower lip at the words, shifting in her seat. She was sitting in her office late, having some paperwork that took longer than expected. When she heard the phone ring she answered without much thought and was caught off guard by what she heard. “Ms. Swan, I…really now?” This was a game the two would play with each other occasionally, but it was unexpected tonight. “And what were you thinking about?”
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Abigail scuffed and moved passed Regina nudging her shoulder in the process, on purpose of course, just to press Regina’s buttons even more. Abigail remember, couldn’t bare seeing Henry so upset, thinking his mother was dead. Abigail couldn’t bare the fact of loosing her friend, her sister now bonded by blood. “Just get out Regina, you have no idea of the suffering you caused,” she said grinding her teeth as she glanced over at her.  
In that moment Regina snapped, her patience had ended. With a snarl she threw Abigail against the nearest wall and wrapped her slender fingers around her throat. “You have no idea what I’ve had to do for him, you know nothing!” She finally bared her fangs, a slight hiss escaping her lips.
“300 years of friendship ended in a single moment, and you ask if I’m okay?”
“I’m not cruel Abigail. Despite popular opinion. I’m still somewhat invested in your happiness.“
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Send in sexy pictures of your Muse to my submit box, and see how my muse reacts..  @applesandcurses
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“Lookin’ good, Madame Mayor.”
“You like?“
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✌: What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse?
Nosy Munday Meme
Tbh? Playing EQ is the easiest because I relate in waaaay too many ways with the EQ. I love mayor Regina in all her forms, but EQ and I have a lot in common...
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“Sounds awfully familiar that phrase.” No, she couldn’t just take her happy ending. That was no in the cards for the savior, sadly. And sadly it seemed there was no way out of any of this. “You know what will happen in this town if I take time for myself. That is the problem here, Regina. For once I’d like to let someone fight their own battle. But I can’t. They won’t let me. Even though it’s not my battle to fight.”
Regina’s face softened. “You act like you’re alone Emma, you’re not.” You have me. She couldn’t say the words. She knew how Emma felt, just her against the world, how many years had Regina felt that way herself?
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“I just want things to be normal for once. Why can’t I have that?” Just for once. But in this stupid town, nothing ever would. And she was at the end of her patience. With basically everyone.
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Maleficent smirked as she looked down at Regina’s hands. At times the many buttons annoyed her, annoyed them both. But on days like this, Maleficent took great pleasure in watching Regina unbutton one button at a time. 
She tugged the zipper down slowly and splayed her fingers our over Regina’s back.”My beautiful Regina, my Queen, my gorgeous Wife.” 
She kissed each part of skin revealed, trailing down her wife’s chest. The moment she felt the hand touch the sensitive part of her back she shuddered with delight. The blonde’s words filled her with warmth.
She looked up at the beautiful woman before her and paused her work to capture Maleficent’s plump lips with her own. “I love you so much Mal.” The soft words were spoken against softer lips.
Touch Meme: ➜ Play with mine’s hair || @applesandcurses
“Mmm, I love when you do that,” Maleficent murmured against Regina’s thigh. Curled up on the couch with her head in Regina’s lap. Together after a lovely family gathering. Henry had gone up, the rest had gone to their respective homes. The candles were burning low on the dining table and they were simply enjoying each other’s company in the now silent house. “Tonight was lovely. A perfect way to mark our anniversary.” 
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tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal
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Nosy Munday Meme
❤: How long have you been RPing?
❥: How long have you been RPing this character?
유: Who was your first muse?
♋: What drew you to this muse?
☮: Is there anything you don’t like about playing this muse?
✌: What is the easiest aspect of playing this muse?
☏: What is the most challenging aspect of playing this muse?
☢: How many active muses do you have?
☠: Who is a muse you would want to play?
☤: What do you have in common with your muse?
☑: What are the biggest differences between you and your muse?
♚: Do you and your muse get along?
▲: Of the two of you, who is more mature, you or your muse?
♪: Are you comfortable playing your muse?
✈: Is it easier to write angst, fluff, or crack with your muse?
⌚: Is it easier for you to write as canon characters or OCs?
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Vera began to shift in her seat, her heart began to race a little. All these questions were making her nervous. She knew she shouldn’t have agreed to eating with the woman. 
The young brunette was asked these questions before and so her answer was fast, short and simple. “I’m homeschooled. My family raised me to be independent, they encourage me to travel. In fact, I’m meeting them a few towns away from here to start our new adventure.” 
The words left the girl’s mouth robotically, her eyes emotionless and her tone of voice, slightly annoyed. She looked down for a moment, thinking about what it would actually be like, to have a family waiting for her to start a new adventure. To have a mother. She closed her eyes again and rubbed them, she was exaughsted. 
She sighed.
Vera heard the woman explain her concerns… she couldn’t help but look at her once she mentioned being concerned as a mother. She stayed quiet for a moment.. then looked away. “I’m fine. You don’t have to be concerned. Worry about your own child.” She spoke, her voice breaking a little. 
No one had ever worried about the girl.. as a mother. The thought of having a mother came back to mind, bringing tears to her eyes. 
Since Vera didn’t like to show emotion, her darker side came out instead. She sat up a bit more and tensed, the tears in her eyes fading away. 
The food arrived, Vera’s eyes grew wide. It looked so good, she hadn’t eaten like this in such a long time. Instantly, she picks up a fry with her hand and eats. She was starving. She didn’t notice Ruby or her smile, her focus now on the food and her aching empty stomach. Finally. Food. 
More lies. While she wanted nothing more than to use some magic and force the truth out of the girl, it would probably just send her running. She had originally thought she didn’t want Vera to leave because it would put the town at risk. Then she told herself it was because she was concerned for her, but now...Regina couldn’t explain her need to keep the child close, but she couldn’t deny the feeling was there.
The problem was, as long as Vera continued to lie, there was nothing Regina could do for her, but even if she did talk, what could the brunette do? The more time she spent on getting to know the girl, the more risk Regina put the town in, but despite that, she couldn’t let her go.
When Vera spoke of worrying about Henry not her, she heard her voice catch and Regina’s heart twinged. She felt so strongly for this stranger, why? “I’m the mayor, I care about everyone in my town, even just those visiting. In fact, I’d love to have your family join us here, I think they might really like this town.” She watched the girl carefully, curious to see how she’d respond to that.
She allowed the conversation to pause with the look in Vera’s eyes, clearly the girl was beyond hungry. Regina realized she was staring and quickly looked away.
She took several bites of her own food, contemplating her next moves. She needed to find a way to talk to Emma. If the girl had a family, Emma would be able to find them. She also wanted to talk to Ruby. She could still see the lanky brunette watching the two of them with a wicked smile. It was maddening. She watched as the wolf girl turned to Granny and whispered in her ear. Now that was just rude.
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Emma rubbed circles on Regina’s clit as she marked her neck. “You enjoy pain don’t you your majesty” the dark one purred into the queen’s ear nibbling at it. Two fingers slid into the brunette at this point as her eyes met the others giving her a grin. “Pouting gets you nowhere with me darling” she winked thrusting her fingers hard and faster into the woman. 
Regina shuddered, loving the darkness in Emma’s tone. She gasped when she felt the delicious intrusion and moaned loudly, not bothering to hide it anymore. She bucked slightly as the blonde brushed across a sweet spot.
Send in  √  for my muse’s reaction to yours blindfolding mine
“Mmmm, now what’s this? I was working you know?” Regina leaned slowly back in her chair and let a lazy smile spread across her face. 
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River gave a small sigh at Regina’s admission. Although River hadn’t met her late husband before they were to be married she had loved him, she couldn’t imagine what it would have been like to never have gotten that time as his wife.
“Is there anything I can help with? We can make sure you have a place to go to remember him if you don’t already have that.”
Regina’s smile was sweet and sad. “I have a small grave for him, my father helped me set it up. I visit him every year, if I can.”
She took a sip of the tea and hummed with pleasure. The warmth was both needed and appreciated, and the flavor was divine.
“You don’t have to worry, I’m never going to touch you.”
Regina had put some distance between her and her betrothed when they sat down and watched the other woman carefully. It had been a concern of hers. She had always known she would be in an arranged marriage, but one with a woman caught her off guard. The woman’s words jolted her from her thoughts and she looked at her with wide, surprised eyes.
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“He wasn’t different. He hurt me, alot. I need to see him, Gina. He needs to pay for everything”
She didn’t know that. She never knew what George had done. She never liked the man, but he had been useful for her, so she left him be during the curse. Regina felt sick with this new knowledge. “Sofia, I’m...I’m so sorry.” She frowned. “What do you think you’ll do to him?”
"Grandma Gina?"
Regina looked up from her desk and smiled warmly at the girl. “What is it dear?”
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Emma smirked, even if she knew Regina couldn’t actually see the expression. She could only picture what the mayor was doing, as the blonde reclined back on the couch, cellphone in hand, still teasing her with words alone–for now. “Mm, what do you think was going through my mind as I let my hands wander my body?” she purred, even now tempted to let said hands continue their run. There was an ache between her thighs… Emma tried to hold herself back from doing so, though. Instead, she just spoke softly into the phone to the mayor. 
“You know how much I love it when it’s your fingers fucking me, when it’s your lips on my breasts. I just can’t do it justice on my own anymore.” 
Regina’s eyes darkened several shades and she had to shift again in her seat, feeling a familiar heat pooling in her stomach. Emma’s words dripped with sex appeal and it drove the brunette mad. “Are you touching yourself now? Naughty girl.” Her voice had dropped in tone and had turned husky with lust.
It took every bit of will power for Regina not to throw her papers into her briefcase and rush home right away. Despite her desire, she wanted to have a little fun first more.
“I touched myself while thinking of you.” (swxnprincxss)
Regina bit her lower lip at the words, shifting in her seat. She was sitting in her office late, having some paperwork that took longer than expected. When she heard the phone ring she answered without much thought and was caught off guard by what she heard. “Ms. Swan, I…really now?” This was a game the two would play with each other occasionally, but it was unexpected tonight. “And what were you thinking about?”
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Emma’s smile never faded as Regina moved over to her, as her back hit the door frame. She did shiver when the other woman spoke, though, her hands lifting to rest at Regina’s hips as she urged the brunette closer. Just a bit. “Is that a promise?” Emma purred, already having her body react to Regina’s words and closeness… “Because you know how much it takes to make me scream, Regina.” 
Regina closed the rest of the gap between the two of them, pressing her lips firmly against the blonde’s, silencing her. One hand threaded around smooth skin and pulled their bodies even closer together. Her other hand slid down to feel how eager her lover was. She pulled away from the kiss with a wet pop and bit her way along the other woman’s jaw. “I don’t think it’ll be much of a challenge tonight.”
“I’ve been looking forward to fucking you all day.”
extremely naughty starters | @applesandcurses
Emma smiled up at the brunette as she stood in the doorway to the bedroom, the blonde’s lips curled upwards and her body almost bare. Just enough to tease Regina, as if that was Emma’s plan all along. Not that the Savior would ever admit to such a thing. “Oh?” she asked, as if playing innocent. “Have you now? I suppose you’ll just have to show me what all you’ve been thinking about and planning in that head of yours.” 
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Emma didn’t flinch at the orderlies grip. Didn’t cower when Regina came closer. She took a sharp breath her mind seeming to clear by the second. “I’d try this then waste any more time in this hell…”
She looked away from the evil queen. She knew she needed to work fast. Away. She thought blast them away so she could run.
She felt the guards grip loosen and before she could comprehend what had happened her magic sparked and sent the guards against the wall. For a second Emma didn’t know what to do but stand there stunned. Then adrenaline hit and she bolted past Regina.
The orderlies flew away from the blonde and Regina gasped softly. The shock that washed over her kept her from stopping the woman racing past her, and it took her a moment to gather herself. But only a moment.
“Get up!“ She screeched, her face turning red with anger. “She managed to shove you off, you big oafs! Go get her!“ The orderlies looked confused but they knew better than to argue with the mayor.
Regina passed a hand over her face, letting out a shaky breath. She used magic, how was that possible? Managing to get her shock under control, Regina moved swiftly down the hallways, using her own small amount of magic to sense the other woman.
“and then everything just disappears.” (Lived-in-darkness)
“What are you talking about Swan? What’s disappearing?“ Regina looked at the blonde concerned.
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