The child of a Mermaid and a Centaur has a 1 in four chance of being a normal human.
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So, a friend of mine that I play VtM with asked me to write a smut Drabble between our two characters. This is that piece. I needed a break from Choices for awhile and he knew I still needed an outlet.
To Cory: The greatest storyteller I know. Thank you for putting in the blood, sweat, and tears for many years to lead us all on an adventure. And for seeing more in me than I see myself.
Warning: Language and Smut
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Apple was ready for a change. The years after the heat came down in NOLA had led to a dull existence in North East Tennessee. There was no change, no excitement, only dreams of him.
She looked in the mirror and stared back at the short apple red locks she had worn since the early 80’s. She closed her eyes and imagined her mother’s long flowing tresses. A few moments later she opened her eyes to the new her. Long waves of chestnut flowed down her back.
Apple glanced at the only treasure this area had offered her. A late night shopping trip in an antique store produced a tintype from the early 1860’s. Cole Rainer, human, sat in an antique silver frame staring back at her.
“There’s a safe house in Martinique, if you ever need it.” he told her as they once again were splitting ways. A week of ravenous sexual exploits after years of radio silence, and he was gone again.
A night of driving had deposited her just inside the Florida line. The next night led her to the very tip of the state, and selling her car. A couple of boat rides later, and she was finally stepping onto Fort de France, Martinique.
Apple had been on the island for a couple of nights, staying in a cheaper inn on the outskirts of the city. She ventured out at night, taking in the nightlife while looking for him.
Apple had ventured into a forgotten area that needed some TLC one evening. She found an old distillery building, surrounded by overgrown foliage. That’s when she felt it; the gut wrenching sensation of being watched. Apple continued to look around, pulling out her phone to take a “selfie.”
Before her finger could press the button, she heard the voice. One full of gravel and honey; a slight twang of times long past. “I wouldn’t take that picture, if you value your life.”
Apple slowly dropped her phone, as a smirk spread across her face. In her sweetest Tennessee accent that she had picked up, she suppressed her giddiness. “You wouldn’t harm an innocent little girl, would you?” She knew very well he’d rip her head from her neck if he had the slightest inkling to.
“I don’t think your so innocent. Maybe I think you’re here to do me harm?” He barked out. Apple rolled her eyes before slowly turning towards the voice.
“Or maybe I needed a good fuck before continuing on my way.” Apple quipped, this time her thick New York accent cut through the night as her eyes focused on the man before her.
Cole was a little shocked at the sudden comment, but upon seeing her face, he found it familiar. Being his usual self he grumpingly replied, “Honey, I wouldn’t touch you with a diseased dick, let alone my own.”
Apple turned red with anger, it was always like this with him. “You would think a jackass like you would remember someone you’ve fucked several times over the last three decades.” She spat at him as she started to walk away.
His own anger grew, confirming his identity was known to someone on the island. He racked his memory, looking for her face. “You changed your hair.”
Apple stopped, not turning around. “It was time for a change.”
Cole continued trying to come up with her name, but images of her bound and beneath him, skin covered in a sheen of blood sweat was clouding his thoughts. “I preferred it red.”
“No one asked you, you ass.” Apple began walking the path back towards the city, never turning around.
Cole quietly followed her, “Cherry, no not with moves she has. Peaches? Not right. Damn it’s some fruit she’s named after.”
Apple got closer to the inn she was staying at, knowing he had followed her back. “You going to stay back there mumbling all night, or are you going to give me what I need?” She turned to face Cole, the street lights showing her lust blown eyes.
“You came all this way for a fuck? You don’t look like the type that’s desperate.” He watched as she once again stormed off in anger. “Damn, why is she so hot when she’s mad?”
Cole caught up to her effortlessly, and spun her around to face him. He looked down at her, then noticed the tiny apple tattoo peeking out below her top. “Apple, why are you here?”
“To see you, you big jerk. It’s been almost ten years. I’m leaving the states for awhile and I thought I’d stop here on my way. Part of me just hoped you’d be here.” Her voice grew smaller as he towered over her.
More and more images of nights filled with every position known to man came flooding into his mind. Apple stood, staring up at the only man she ever obeyed without question. The only man that worshiped her in a bedroom the way a woman would fantasize. A breath she didn’t need to take quivered in her throat.
Cole watched as her body responded to being so close to him. He shoved her back into the building behind her, slightly cracking the bricks. His mouth descended on hers, forcefully pressing his lips against Apple’s. Mere seconds passed as their tongues began warring with the other for more.
Apple grabbed the back of Cole’s neck with one arm, the other wrapping around his waist. She pressed her body as tightly to his as she could on her tiptoes. A low growl slowly eased from within his throat as she pressed herself into his hardening member.
Cole hooked his hands under Apple’s firm ass lifting her up and against the wall. Apple placed both hands on his shoulders as Cole traced kisses along her neck, his fangs slightly scraping her sensitive flesh.
Apple locked her legs tightly around his waist, her hands clawing at his back as Cole used one hand to grab her full breast, squeezing roughly. Apple barely registered that Cole had taken off at record speeds back to the abandoned building.
Upon entering the old distillery, Cole sat Apple down and slapped her ass. Apple squealed, and looked to see what he was staring at. Her eyes grew wide, “You’re not serious?”
Cole’s eyes grew darker in the moonlight, “I can’t have you cheating like that time with the rope.”
Apple bit her lip to keep from smiling as she dropped her bag on the floor. Cole grabbed her shirt and ripped it open like a piece of paper, his mouth immediately descending on one breast, fully enveloping her entire hardened bud. His hand pinched and twisted the other, as the other hand worked at the buttons on her shorts.
Apple moaned as she felt the heat pool in her core, reflexively thrusting her hips into his hand. Cole squeezed, and bit down on her nipples, pulling a yelp from Apple’s full lips.
Cole pulled away from her chest, and in one swift motion pulled her shorts from her legs. He grabbed the copper tubing on the ground beside them and bent it around her wrists. A second piece he bound her ankles fashioning a spreader bar. A devilish smile adorned his face as he took in the woman before him.
“Do you think you can be good this time?” Cole asked, cocking an eyebrow, daring her to defy him.
“Anything for you, Daddy.” Apple purred up at her lover.
Apple had been on the island for a couple of nights, staying in a cheaper inn on the outskirts of the city. She ventured out at night, taking in the nightlife while looking for him. Apple had ventured into a forgotten area that needed some TLC one evening. She found an old distillery building, surrounded by overgrown foliage. That’s when she felt it; the gut wrenching sensation of being watched. Apple continued to look around, pulling out her phone to take a “selfie.”
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The Clans as Salem quotes:
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remember kids: rats are the capri sun of the vampire world
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Good knowing you
A few of you are amazing people, but I think I’m gonna take Roxy and Poppa Bas, and leave for a bit. This was suppose to be fun, but I’m feeling like some people are getting lost between fiction and reality. So before my anxiety cripples me, I’m splitting.
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Bruises - Chapter 4
Summary: This series is my take on TRR if Bastien has a daughter.
Warnings: This series will have non-present parenting issues, possible triggers for combat veterans, and a few others that will be addressed when they come up.
Pixelberry owns the characters, and settings from TRR and TRH series, I own Roxy.
Tag List: @badchoicesposts
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Chapter 4- Hunger Pains
Bastien blinked, running the Prince’s question through his head. “You would be a suitable husband, I’m more concerned with is if she doesn’t wish to marry you? She’s been through a lot in her life, and I don’t want her being forced to take on more than she can.”
Liam chuckled, leaning back in his seat. “I’m not going to force anyone to marry me, but the courtesy of letting me know how they truly feel, will serve each Lady well. I know I must marry for the country, but I’d like to have a real connection with who I choose.” Liam thought for a moment, “What has she been through, Bastien?”
“Sir, she’s an American soldier with three tours of combat under her belt. The third was bad, I still don’t know all the facts. But her left arm is scared by some serious burns, and her body has multiple gunshot and stab wounds. Not to mention Anna, her mother, passed away right before she turned 18, and only recently met me.” Bastien ran a hand down his face. “She doesn’t have any set plans, I thought if anything, some time away would center her.”
“I can’t wait to meet her, and get to know her. If only because she’s your daughter.” Liam replied with a slight smile.
“So, do we tell the court, or does this stop here?” Bastien asked, praying he could keep her safe either way.
“Let me ponder it for the evening, but I suggest tellin Drake. He may not like the fact you hid her from him. He looks up to you.” Liam took in Bastien’s thoughtful expression. “Besides, he can help keep an eye on her for you.”
Roxy walked into her apartment and took a deep breath. The afternoon had been more than she had anticipated. ‘What did I just agree to?’ She wondered as she changed into a pair of ripped jeans and her trusted black tank. She walked to her closet and grabbed her two large army duffle bags, laying them out on her bed.
‘What the hell do I pack for a Royal Social Season?’ Roxy walked into her closet, glancing at her lack of evening gowns. She started with her underwear drawer, dumping the entire contents into one of the bags. Suddenly her phone began ringing as she replaced the drawer.
“Yes, Bastien.”
“I’ll have an answer from Liam later tonight. In the meantime, your flight will be on the royal jet at 9am, at terminal four. Your cousin, Lord Maxwell, will be expecting you. I have to leave with Liam on an earlier flight.” Bastien rambled off as if addressing any other guard with instructions.
“A couple of things, Bastien.” Roxy chewed on her lip before continuing, “ First, how do I get my pistol and knives through the gates? Secondly, what does one pack for a Social Season?”
Bastien chuckled slightly as the men started entering the SUV. “I’ll send you an itinerary in a few minutes, I’m back on duty, so I can’t speak long. As for the arsenal,” Bastien paused, there were plenty she could choose from at the Palace, he would gladly offer her, but he understood the connection between a soldier and their personal firearm, “I’ll have Maxwell meet you by the guard shack to the runway. He’ll have two diplomatic stickers with him, put those on your bag, and skip going inside the airport all together.”
“Thank you Bas. Have fun with the boys! I suggest keeping them out of the Bronx.”
“I’m quite aware of the city’s crime rates, but thank you for the reminder. I have to go, see you soon.” Bastien smiled as he hung up the phone, ‘She would be an excellent guard.’
A few hours later, a trip to the bank, and a crappy shopping trip in SoHo, Roxy managed to find two evening gowns that covered her scars and a vintage masquerade mask for the opening ball.
Roxy finishes packing as her stomach rumbles. She glances at the clock, 8:30. She grabs her leather jacket, places her 9mm in the inside pocket and grabs her already packed sling bag. Roxy heads out of her building and down the street to the local pub.
Roxy walked in a saw her favorite bartender Daniel and his friend Riley. She sat down at the bar, and Daniel handed her her usual, a double of Wild Turkey American Honey on the rocks.
“You want a deluxe burger tonight Rox?” Daniel asked with a wink as he already started ringing it in before she could reply.
“Of course, it may be my last one for a few months.” Roxy replied as she heard the bell to the front door.
“Where you headed?” Daniel asked as he glanced at the three men who had entered.
“Europe, to spend some time with my Father.” Roxy was going to continue when the men started yelling about best tables, and whiskey. “Looks like you’re in for a rough night.”
Daniel looked up at the obvious tourists, “Which sucks, I have a date tonight and if I cancel again,” Daniel dropped his head before he finished his statement.
Riley walked up to the bar to grab some menus, “Hey Rox, everything good?”
“Yeah, I graduated this morning and leaving for Europe tomorrow.” Roxy winked at her and took a sip of her drink.
“That’s great! Hey, Dani Boy, want me to take the table, so you don’t get stuck here all night?” Riley asked.
“Please Riley, I owe you one.” Riley smiled at Daniel.
The door to the pub chimed once again, and Roxy turned to see what had walked in next. Her face paled, heart began to race as Prince Liam walked in, with Bastien following behind. Bastien was glancing around when he locked eyes with Roxy, his jaw dropping slightly.
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Bruises-Chapter 3
Summary: This series is my take on TRR if Bastien has a daughter.
Warnings: This series will have non-present parenting issues, possible triggers for combat veterans, and a few others that will be addressed when they come up.
Pixelberry owns the characters, and settings from TRR and TRH series, I own Roxy.
Tag List: @badchoicesposts
Thank you all for being patient with me, the four year old caught a summer cold. 😢
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Chapter 3 - Compromise
Five Years Ago
Roxy ran back across the base to where her car was parked. She opened her door and jumped inside. As soon as Roxy slammed her door shut, the tears spilled from her eyes like a broken dam.
Roxy sat and forced herself to go through every memory of her mother, trying to gain some memory of her father. She had nothing. Roxy brought up her father once to her mother when she was around 13 years old. Anna mumbled something about being sent away and never coming back.
‘He never came back for you momma, why is he here for me?’ Roxy thought as her tears slowed. She grabbed an extra shirt from her back seat and wiped her face. The clock read seven am, ‘Shit, too early to drink.’ Roxy threw her car into reverse, and took off out of the lot.
Bastien sat in his rental, his hands on the steering wheel, wondering why he came. ‘I’m so sorry, Anna. I don’t know what to do here.’ He watched as a lone car took off through the lot across from him. Something inside told him to follow.
About ten minutes later, Bastien watched as Roxy climbed out of her car, duffle bag in hand. The sign above the door read, “Night Stalkers Gun Shop and Range.” Bastien couldn’t help the slight smile curved his lips. He decided to give her a few minutes to warm up before he joined her.
Bastien entered the range quietly, hearing a familiar shot sequence echoing through the building. Pop-pop pop, Pop-pop pop, Pop-pop pop, a clip dropping, click, Pop-pop pop, Pop-pop pop. Bastien stood against the wall behind Roxy, each target moving towards her getting the same fate, two in the chest, one in the head.
Roxy dropped her final clip, placed the Sig on the table in front of her. She took off her safety glasses as she pressed the button to bring all the targets to her. Bastien watched as she reached up and took one of her earphones out.
“It’s not a good idea to just stand behind me, you’re lucky I didn’t turn and shoot when I felt you there.” Roxy’s voice shook a bit, never glancing at the man behind her.
Bastien’s lips turned up into a slight grin, appreciative of her natural instincts. “You left before I could answer your questions.” His voice steady, and relaxed.
“Listen, Mr.Lykel, a part of me appreciates you acknowledging my existence, but I’ve been doing just fine on my own.” Roxy slightly turned, taking in the man behind her.
“I’m not trying to change your path, I needed to know if you were my child. It took three years, because of political unrest in my own country. My current charge, keeps me,” Bastien paused, trying to find the right phrasing, “traveling. It’s not so easy to find my own time these days.”
Roxy grabbed her box of target shells, and began reloading each of her clips. “I’m not a child. A child needs someone to take care of them. I can take care of myself.”
“What did Anna tell you about your father?” Bastien asked.
“Nothing.” Roxy quipped as she slammed the clip into her pistol, and began assaulting another batch of targets.
Present Day
Bastien pulled up in front of 1 Hotel Central Park. He had spent the last 30 minutes compromising with her about the stipulations for her joining him in Cordonia. The final outcome was he would tell Prince Liam the truth, and take his council. Roxy hadn’t been happy with his final remark, but conceded.
“Roxanna Nicole Stanley, I have been doing my best to compromise with you on this for the last three years. The best you’re getting is me telling the Crown Prince and leaving it to his discretion.” Bastien’s voice was straining against flat out yelling. ‘Her stubbornness is from her Mother.’ He thought.
“Fine.” Was all Roxy replied as she climbed out of the rental.
“I’ll call you soon with your flight information.” Bastien told her as she shut the door. He rolled the window down, “And Roxy,” he began as she turned to face him, “I’m extremely proud of you. Anna would be too.”
“Thank you.” Roxy replied as she walked into her building.
Bastien handed the keys to the Valet, and walked into the hotel, unsure about how to approach Liam. The elevator dropped him off in the Penthouse suite the men were sharing for the weekend. He could hear Lord Maxwell in his room, “Tariq, this store sells those Santoni’s you like.”
‘Good, that’s two together, hopefully Liam is alone, but knowing Drake…’ Bastien’s thought fizzed out as he entered the seating area and found the two friends discussing dinner locations.
Bastien stopped and bowed to Liam. Liam looked up, as Drake looked at his watch and back at him. “Bastien, glad you’re back, the guys were getting restless.” Liam spoke with a slight laugh.
“Yeah, Bas, I had to tackle Maxwell twice. Did your meeting run late?” Drake asked, eyebrow cocked.
“About that, Your Majesty, may I have a word with you in private before we head out into the city?” Bastien asked, his tone serious, yet light.
“Of course, Drake excuse is.” Liam stood up from the couch and led Bastien into the Master suite. “What’s on your mind Bastien?”
“I need your council in a personal matter, sir.”
Liam cocked an eyebrow, his biggest smile gracing his face. “Please, have a seat Bastien. What can I help with?”
Bastien sat in the chair across from the Prince, crossing his leg over his opposite knee. “It’s about my daughter.”
Liam’s eyes grew wide, mouth slightly opening. “Your daughter?”
“Yes sir, she’s also the Duke and Lord Beaumont’s cousin, sir.”
“Oh! Is she joining the season?” Liam asked. The shock slowly passing, as his mind began to work out what he thought the issue would be.
“On the condition I formally announce her as my daughter to the court. I don’t think this is wise, but lying to the Royal family is never an option.” Bastien replied, watching Liam’s body language.
“Why have you never brought her up before? Does Drake and Savannah know?” Liam asked as he walked over to the bar cart pouring to small glasses of scotch.
“No, they do not. I only discovered her existence about eight years ago, it took another three to find her, and five to finally have the beginnings of a relationship with her. I've been worried about her safety, given my position.” Bastien took the glass that Liam offered him, taking a sip before continuing. “I originally planned my vacation for this weekend to attend her Commencement Ceremony from Columbia. I was afraid I would have to cancel on her when you brought up this getaway. That’s where I was, and who I was with this morning and afternoon. Duke Beaumont recently discovered that his mother was my older sister. He asked if I had any children the court didn’t know of, and I hesitated in the slightest. He has invited her to join the Social Season.” Bastien finished his glass and loosened his tie slightly.
“So, she is your daughter, but also a blood relative to the Beaumont’s, correct?” Liam asked, and Bastien gave a nod. “You’re concerned for the safety of her status as your daughter if our enemies were to discover her identity and existence?” Liam was trying to put his trusted guards concerns into a monarch's view.
“She also has a military record your Majesty, and a degree in International Relations. I may have suggested for her to apply for the Royal Guard after the season.” Bastien watched as the surprise returned to Liam’s face.
“Are you afraid I may choose your daughter Bastien?” Liam asked, voice serious as he watched the man’s face.
Bastien suddenly understood his daughter’s concern. Roxy could possibly be chosen by Liam at the end of the season, and she wouldn’t necessarily be able to say no to the Crown Prince. Bastien sat stunned, looking at Liam.
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Pernicious Passion: Part Six
Please check out the Pernicious Passion MASTERLIST for the complete list of writers and artists who inspired this series!   Bastien Lykel belongs to Pixelberry, and Kara is a real-life talented PB writer. Events in this fic are purely fictional because this is just a fun spoof!  Author’s Note and Summary: Bastien reflects on all the fandom writers and artists who love him. It’s also a shamless plug for all of them. If I missed anyone, please send me a DM so I can add you! Links will take you to author masterlists.
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What paranormal creature are you most like?
My Result: "Twilight" Werewolf(80%)
Congratulations, you run with sparkly vampires.:3 You have many friends who treat you like family, no, who ARE family, and family is EVERYTHING to you. When you defend something, you defend it with your life. You are loyal to your friends and family, you hold onto your values and let very little stand in your way. In some ways you are independent, in other ways you depend on others.
Additional Results:
"Twilight" Werewolf (80%)
Angel (68%)
Mermaid (65%)
"Classic" Werewolf (58%)
"Twilight" Vampire (45%)
Classic Vampire (42%)
Demon (39%)
Visit: What paranormal creature are you most like?
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if you have ever suffered from…
• depression
• anxiety
• eating disorder
• self-harm
• ocd
• bipolar
• feelings of guilt and hopelessness
• suicidal thoughts
can you please reblog to show support for people who also suffer.
you are not alone.
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Somebody That I Used to Know- Be Careful What You Wish For chapter 11
Pairing: Liam x MC; Liam x OC
Word count: 1,354
Warnings: Evil Liam, fat shaming, Rebecca
Summary: Rebecca learns of Liam’s infidelity.
Song inspiration: Somebody That I Used to Know by Goyte featuring Kimbra
A/N: A huge thank you to @sirbeepsalot for all of her help and advice and being an ever patient sounding board. (MoE thanks DoE as well.) Thank you to everyone still on this crazy train, and everyone who just joined. Moving forward and I hope to answer a few questions. The fat shaming is all the character, it actually hurt to write it as I myself am very curvy, love your body and yourself and don’t let anyone make you feel bad for how you look.
Series warnings: Evil Liam, dark!fic, deceit, manipulation, dub con, possible NSFW content, possible character death. This is taking the Liam from TRH to the extreme, he is not the Liam we know and love. By clicking read more you acknowledge you are at least 18 years of age.
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the taglist.
Disclaimer: I only own my OC’s, the rest I’m simply borrowing from PB for a bit.
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I just can’t 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
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Master list
Romance and Decorum
A Royal Romance Fanfiction Series, where a descendent of Aria Mills and Ernest Sinclaire of Desire and Decorum enters Prince Liam’s Social Season. In this series, Riley Brooks, the MC successfuly turns Maxwell’s offer down (because I always found it creepy that she took off with complete strangers).
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An TRR fiction where the MC is Bastian’s daughter.
Chapter 1: Graduation
Chapter 2: The Proposition
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Bruises- Chapter 2
[First off: Thank you to everyone who has read, commented, reblogged, or combination of the before said. You have no idea what this means to me!]
Summary: This series is my take on TRR if Bastien has a daughter.
Warnings: This series will have non-present parenting issues, possible triggers for combat veterans, and a few others that will be addressed when they come up.
Pixelberry owns the rights to these characters, I own Roxy.
Tags: @badchoicesposts
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Chapter 2- The Proposition
Five Years Ago: Fort Bragg, North Carolina
Roxy stares at the man that just introduced himself. Her palms are sweating, a knot formed in her stomach, and she’s trying her hardest to control her breathing. Roxy jumps up from her seat, her flight or fight reflexes kicking in. Before she can take a step towards the door, her world went black.
Only seconds later, Roxy found herself on the floor of her Command Sergeant Major’s office. The CSM was kneeled down beside her, and Bastien was returning with a cup of water. Roxy’s eyes darted between the two men as she scrambled to sit up.
“Easy Specialist, that was a pretty hard hit. Give your body a chance to catch up with your thoughts.” The CSM helped her into a sitting position as Bastien held out the cup, hand slightly trembling.
A knock at the door reveals a doctor. The man walked in and looked around the room. “Command Sergeant Major, I was told I’m needed this morning. Sergeant Owens, head of Labs at Womack.” The man explained, before saluting CSM Porter.
“Yes, we need a paternity test for these two quickly and,” Porter pauses for a moment, “quietly.” Porter gave Owens a glare emphasising the ‘quietly.’
“Not a problem, who do I contact with the results?” Owens asked.
“Me.” Porter answered quickly.
Porter and Owen helped Roxy to the chair she had previously been sitting in. Owen quickly swabbed Bastien and Roxy’s cheeks, packing them away carefully in a small case he had brought, then left.
“Stanley, I’m relieving you of your duties for the afternoon.” Roxy nodded in understanding. “I believe you and Mr.Lykel have some history to discuss. I’ll call you with the results as soon as I have them.” Porter stood, as did the pair before him. Roxy saluted as Porter shook Bastien’s hand and saluted Roxy. “Dismissed.” Porter quipped as he sat back down at his desk.
Roxy took off out of the office, quickly walking out of the building. Her hands were trembling, and all she wanted was her mom. For 18 long years, it had just been the two of them, moving town to town, experiencing what life threw their way.
Bastien stayed silent, keeping within a step of her the whole way out. He watched the lady before him as her strong facade began to crumble. He wanted to reach for her, hold her and tell them both they were no longer alone, but he stood, and waited.
Roxy felt the man watching her, she kept her face forward as she spoke, voice cracking from the silent tears streaking her face. “How did you find me? And why now?”
Bastien took a deep breath of the early morning air, the sun was barely peeking over the buildings. “Three years ago, a newspaper article caught my attention. ‘One dead, three injured on way to Commencement.’” Roxy took a shaky breath as more tears fell from her eyes.
“Your Mother’s name was listed as the fatality. I was heartbroken, I spent three months training with the US Marines in Quantico as part of my training. I met Anna my first weekend there.” Bastien’s voice grew softer remembering that night at the bar off base. “I searched for her obituary, where I found you listed as her survivor. In my free time, I searched for more information about you.”
“It took you three years to find me? If you were so heartbroken, why did you leave her behind?” Roxy snapped at Bastien. Pieces of her wanted to hear more, but in that moment Roxy ran as fast as she could. Bastien’s heart began breaking again.
“Help me, Anna.” He whispered as he walked back to his rental car.
Present Day
“So let me get this right,” Roxy began as she finished her last bite of her Risotto, “you’re suggesting I come to Cordonia, become my cousins’ entry into an archaic Social Season for the hand of the Crown Prince?”
Bastien knew the idea was far fetched, he washed his last bite of Salmon down, moving his plate to the side. “I’m suggesting, you come to Cordonia, get to know some of the people and see some new scenery. If you like the country, after the Social Season, apply for the King’s Guard. If you don’t, you can return back to the states.” Bastien waited a moment before adding, “It at least gives you a getaway to plan out your future.”
“Your skipping over the fact that this Social Season is specifically for Liam to choose a bride. Why would I want to marry anyone right now? Let alone someone I’ve never met?” Roxy was almost fuming.
“I won’t be able to spend a lot of time with you, unless your traveling with the Royal entourage. Being the only child of the Head Guard doesn’t grant you access to it, but being a Noble Lady sponsored by a Duchy will.” Bastien sat forward, knowing her stubbornness would keep her focused on the marriage aspect and not on the benefits of getting away. “No one is saying you have to marry anyone.”
Roxy sat back, taking everything in as the waiter asked if they’d like dessert. They both said no, and the bill was sat beside Bastien. He pulled out a card and placed it inside of the book, before turning back to Roxy.
“So the court would know I’m the cousin of these Beaumont guys, but I still can’t claim you as my father?” Roxy narrows her darkening gray eyes.
“We’ve discussed this many times, Roxanna.” Bastien hates this discussion, he used her full first name as the aggravation came forward. “It’s not safe for you. If someone trying to get to the crown was to use you to get to me, I wouldn’t want to make that decision.”
“How many times do I have to tell you Bas, I can handle my own? I’ve been shot four times, stabbed multiple times, blown up once, and then some. You don’t have to make that decision, because the one thing I have learned the last few years, is that I get my loyalty from you, and you will protect the crown.” Roxy was getting tired of this discussion, it’s been the same since they first began communicating. He wanted to be in her life, but he felt as if he was putting her in danger.
Bastien eyes his daughter as the waiter picks up the check, and walks away. “You know, once I was certain you were mine, it killed me inside to know you were on deployment. It really pissed me off I could never get access to your full files, or find out where you were sent. I know I shouldn’t use my position to spy on a member of another countries soldier, but you aren’t just any soldier.”
The waiter sat the copy to be signed down, along with Bastien’s card, and thanked them for their patronage. “However, I have come to realize how much like me you are. Which is why I’m offering you a position in the guard at the end of the season if you so choose.”
“Well, then here is my answer. I will go, and help these Beaumont’s not look like complete failures in front of the court, but you have to admit to the court you are my father.”
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Oh my goodness!
I just want to take a moment and thank everyone that’s reading my Bruises series. There’s so much that needs to be told, so much trapped inside my head! Thank you for the kind words that form encouragement inside my head.
I do have a four year old, so until school starts, my writing time is limited. My goal is to have a new chapter every couple of days!
@badchoicesposts @riseandshinelittleblossom @stopforamoment @bobasheebaby @sirbeepsalot @mfackenthal
I know I’m missing a few of you! But thank you so much!
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I do not agree with all of these (adverb lover here), but some are good advice.
(Credit in Pic)
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In this series, the MC is Bastian’s daughter, that he didn’t know he had. There may be triggers for certain readers later on. I will mark those chapters for the readers.
All characters belong to Pixelberry, except Roxy.
Please be kind.
Tags: @badchoicesposts
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Chapter 1: Graduation
Present Day
Roxy looked at herself in the mirror of the bathroom. Her early morning mist colored eyes echoed back the same hardened stare she so frequently wore. She pulled her jet black hair back into a low bun, reminding her of her five years in the Army. She quickly applied her makeup, spending a little extra time covering the scar on her left cheek.
She walked into her closet and pulled out her one shoulder, short white flowing dress. As she began to slip on her white heeled sandals, her intercom buzzed. Roxy walked over, pressed the button. “Stanley, can I help you?”
“Roxy, it’s Bastian. May I come up?” The deep voice replied from the other end.
Roxy buzzes the door, and finishes putting on her shoes while she waited for him to arrive at her apartment. He’s dressed in a nice suit, his hair slicked back.
“It’s good to see you Bastian, but I thought you couldn’t make it?” Roxy asked, her eyes narrowing, trying to find a sign of what was going on.
Bastian’s eyes lit up, “Liam and his friends decided on New York for their weekend getaway. Drake has promised to keep a watchful eye on Liam during your ceremony.”
“I’m happy you’re here Bastian. It’s…” Roxy began as the emotion caught within her throat.
“I can never replace Anna, your mother, and I haven’t been able to spend a lot of time with you since I found you, I just hope I can be here when you want me here.” Bastian’s words were rehearsed in his mind many times on his flight over.
Roxy stepped forward, and wrapped her arms around her father. He was a good foot taller than Roxy, but she was usually the shortest in the room. Bastian was slightly caught off guard, he hesitated a second before wrapping his arms around his daughter’s shoulders, letting this new, but welcomed sensation flood his body.
After a moment, Bastian looked down into his own gray eyes looking back at him. “I believe, if we don’t leave soon, you may miss your ceremony.”
Roxy gave a small smile, stepping back into her bedroom to grab her bag, gown, cords and cap. She returned to the entrance to see Bastian holding a small gift wrapped box. “I wasn’t sure when to give this to you.”
Roxy opened the box to find a pair of ruby apple shaped earrings in white gold. “They’re beautiful Bas…” Roxy pauses for a moment, “I love them, Dad.” Roxy quickly stuck the studs into her ears and they left for the commencement.
Roxy received her Bachelor's degree in International Relations, and Bastian stood and applauded for his daughter as she walked across the stage. She had spent the last three years at Columbia University, five years in the Army before that, and for 17 long years traveled around with her Mom.
After the ceremony, Bastian had reserved a table at Amaranth, an upper class Mediterranean Restaurant on 62nd Street. After they ordered, Bastian loosened his tie and took a deep breath.
“What do you have planned now?” Bastian asked, relaxing a bit in his chair.
Roxy relaxed a bit, taking in her surroundings before facing her father. “Honestly?” Roxy asked, thinking about her options. Bastian nodded a firm yes, and Roxy took a deep breath. “I’m not really sure.” The sentence feel from her lips with defeat.
Bastian sat up, placing his elbows on the table. His face was filled with concern. “I’ve never heard you sound so defeated. Not even when you were discharged.”
“The army was easy. You did what they said, and relied on your training and your brothers beside you. School seemed logical. I wanted to see the other side of the picture. Try and understand why men and women like me are sent to do what we do.” Roxy took a deep breath, trying to ground herself. “But I honestly don’t know what to do with myself. This wasn’t what I planned for my life.”
Bastian watched his daughter for a moment. Her mouth was full like Anna’s had been, and her smile reminded him of Anna as well. Her military record, the parts he was cleared to read, read like his own.
“May I tell you a little about our family?” Bastian timidly asked.
“I’d love that.” Roxy sat back and crossed her ankles, taking in Bastian’s features as he talked.
“Our family isn’t a Noble family, but we were influential. My father wanted to try and leave our ancestors previous occupations in the past.” Roxy raised an eyebrow, as Bastian continued. “We were assassins, and spies mainly. So when my older sister married a Duke, my father was over the moon. When I decide to join the King’s Guard, I was disowned, and told I was ruining our family’s chances.”
“How is putting your life on the line to protect your monarch, and guard your country, ruining anyone’s chances?” Roxy’s voice had a hint of venom, and her eyes narrowed.
“My father didn’t see it that way. Even though I never get to call them family, I’ve watched my two nephews grow, and become men. You have two cousins in Cordonia.” Bastian sat back, contemplating his next statement.
The waiter appeared with their Prosciutto di Parma appetizer, and refilled their water glasses. Bastian nodded at the waiter and waited till he had walked away.
“Since you have no set plans, may I suggest an idea?” Bastian questioned then took a bite of his portion.
“I’ll listen, doesn’t mean I’ll agree.” Roxy replied digging into her own plate.
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