Twoleg of Thunderclan II: Chapter 6: Author's Note
It has been over ten years (eleven, to be exact) since I updated this story. I can't believe it's been that long. I started writing The Twoleg of ThunderClan in 2006 after my friend Julia (who goes by Bramblebelly on fanfiction.net) introduced me to the concept of fanfiction. We were both huge fans of the Warriors Series at the time, so after talking with her, I typed up the first chapter (version 1 of at least 4) in an afternoon on an old Dell laptop. 
I was surprised and flattered by the response it got, and continue to be to this day. I mean... you guys know I wrote the bulk of the story when I was in middle school, right?! My writing has improved SO MUCH since then. And I look back on some of the decisions I made and I cringe. A pregnancy twist? Not to mention Smudge being unneutered?! What was I on?! (If I remember correctly, I was taking Ritalin at the time, so... that’s probably it.) But regardless, you loved it and still do. And so I think you deserve an explanation of where I’ve been and what the delay with updates is about.
If it wasn’t entirely obvious, a lot of the decisions I made were spur of the moment, especially before the sequel got going. I wrote Chapter 2 on my friend’s computer in one afternoon with her looking on and helping me out. That friend, Becky, goes by Yellowfur on fanfiction.net and ended up writing more fanfics than I’ve ever even imagined. She’s since written at least one play that was actually performed in real life. Isn’t that awesome? (Sure, I’m a bit jealous, but still.) Another chapter I wrote while visiting my friend Raye in Vermont, in between visiting the Ben & Jerry’s factory, of course. These writing sessions were fun at the time and have a lot of great memories attached to them, not to mention they were great ways to spend an afternoon/evening and channel my creativity, but in hindsight, they didn’t always produce the best work I’ve ever done.
But, things started to change. I got way into Avatar: The Last Airbender, and the Warriors series got left behind. I still updated The Twoleg of Thunderclan when I could because it had a following, but I wasn’t as passionate about it, and so it was updated less and less frequently. I’ve also become a bit of a perfectionist. It’s SO important to me for something I write to be as perfect as it possibly could be, so it’s probably part of the lack of updates, too.
As time went on. my attention drifted to Avatar fanfics, then to other Avatar-related things, and then farther and farther away from The Twoleg of Thunderclan. Fandoms like Law & Order: SVU, and recently Ace Attorney, the X-Files and Yuri on Ice. I started playing video games to a point where I became addicted. (I still struggle with spending too much time playing games. but it’s not where it once was.) I graduated high school, got depressed, took a gap year, traveled, then went to college and got a dog. Then I left college, went back, basically failed out and got a campaign internship, got fired from said internship, then took years to work on myself before getting a food service job that went from the start of last year until coronavirus put me on indefinite furlough in March. Miranda’s story would return to my mind from time to time, but I could never sit down and do anything more than rewrite the first chapter for the upteenth time.
In June 2006, when the first chapter hit fanfiction.net, I was only 12. I’m now 26. A few years ago, the story had its tenth anniversary- its fifteenth anniversary is next year, as a matter of fact. But now that I’m older, I think I appreciate more fully the love that The Twoleg of Thunderclan continues to get. (Do I have a fanbase or something? idk probably not.) Even the (somewhat well-deserved) hate that it gets is motivating. And I think it’s time that this fanfic gets a finished story.
I know I’m not the only writer that’s left a story to rot, and I’m not shaming anyone who has. I understand perfectly why writers do that. But over the years, I’ve felt immense guilt for not continuing the story. Sure, I’ve known what the rest of Miranda’s journey would be like, since it’s in my head. But the rest of you have only been able to guess, and that’s not fair to you guys. You deserve better.
The writing bug has finally come back to me recently- the coronavirus has left me time to think, of course, but I’ve found myself with a group of friends playing Final Fantasy XIV almost daily. One of our group is an audio YouTuber, and I’ve started to think about writing scripts for him, so keep an eye out for that (if you’re 18 or over.)
Now, I’ll do my best to update timely, and try to give you the best estimates I can. But I can’t promise I won’t fall victim to perfectionism, or depression, or real life and the stresses it entails. I’m only human, you know. But I promised myself I would finish and post Chapter 6 as soon as I could, and here I am. Here it is, after eleven years.
A quick note about the future: I’m going to be re-writing the chapters that have already been posted. The first Twoleg of Thunderclan will probably end up with more chapters, and certain plot points will be edited out or changed. (I may get rid of Mistpaw and the kits altogether.) I’m going to try to be more descriptive with the earlier chapters, and make sure everyone’s in character. I’ve also been working hard on developing Miranda’s character, and I’ll continue to do that. I never saw her as a self-insert, and I’ve been making as sure as I possibly can that she stays as far away from Mary Sue status as possible.
The definitive version of the first story will be posted on my Archive of Our Own account, so if you’d like to read only the rewritten/finished chapters, in order, that’s where they’ll be posted. I figure that’s a better way of telling you guys that there’s a rewritten chapter than just posting it over the old version on ff.net and hoping you guys notice.
And yes, the second story will be finished. And there might be plans for a third story, but that’s little more than some brief ideas right now. I’m also leaning towards ending TTOT after the second story- but a nice, complete, proper ending that it deserves, and that you all deserve. I’ll be able to give you guys more information on that when we get closer to the end of this story.
Now, the moment you've all been waiting for! Go read Chapter 6 on ff.net here, and on AO3 (when it makes it over there along with the rewrites)! If you guys have any questions/comments that don’t fit into reviews on FF.Net/AO3, feel free to shoot me an ask on this blog or my personal blog, aquabreeze, or contact me on Twitter at @zmcadler I hope you all like the new chapter, and thank you so much for continuing to support my writing.
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What's your favorite Narumayo headcanon of yours? How do you see Narumayo as a couple? Do you think that Maya could not be interested in intimacy in her relationship with Nick, but enjoys his company more than anything in a world? I don't think they must have sex to be a couple, let me know what you think. Much love
Ohhh my gosh I love these sorts of asks thank you for sending this.
So you’re saying that you headcanon Maya as asexual? I’m down with that, it totally seems plausible for her character. I don’t personally see her that way, but I can see where you’re coming from. Definitely sex wouldn’t be happening in the trilogy era, assuming they even started dating during the trilogy era. (which I don’t think happened. I think they started dating between trilogy and AJ era at a minimum. Heck, how great would it be if they haven’t even started dating yet and THEN IT HAPPENED IN AA6 AND WE GET TO SEE IT HAPPEN I WOULD DIE.).
My favorite Narumayo headcanon? I’ve mentioned something like this before, but one I really like is that maybe they started writing each other really long and beautiful letters when Maya went overseas. Like, maybe before Maya gets her phone (which must be like a satellite phone or something, there can’t be many cell towers in the Kingdom of Kurain) she can only communicate with Nick through letters, and so they talk that way. Heck, this is basically confirmed in DD when Pearl brings the letter for Phoenix. But what if Nick writes these beautiful, long letters that read like those old civil war letters or something? (Obviously with modern language and minus the whole racism and/or warfare thing but you get my point.)
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I’m supposed to be writing a paper that’s due in 8 hours but instead I’m drawing this picture of Our Lord and Savior Dana Scully
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SO. I am occasionally known to draw things (usually in class, lol I’m such a good student) and so here, have a random attempt at older!Maya I drew in ink.
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aquabreezeproductions · 10 years
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So I was really upset when Ema Skye didn't get her dream job so I made an angsty forum sig-type thing about it. Set to a Langston Hughes poem.
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aquabreezeproductions · 10 years
Hmm... prompt for a narumayo fanfic? Maya wants to cook something for Nick and she ends up messing it all or doing it super great? =u=
This will contain spoilers for JFA Case 2 and the DLC case for DD (I partially spoiled myself- although I haven’t played past Case 1 of DD because I’m trying to overcome a gaming addiction (5 weeks without a single game played and counting. Ugghhh) so I’ll probably be partially off in terms of continuity, since I didn’t want to spoil everything)
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aquabreezeproductions · 10 years
In better news, I got myself an AO3 account today. Expect repostings of stuff from my FF.net account basically… for now, I mean
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aquabreezeproductions · 11 years
Olivia got shot and is in ICU, how does Elliot react?
There were always people in the trauma waiting area at Bellevue- sad, but true. Always family and friends, huddled together in little groups, heads down, concerned faces- here on the worst day of their life. Some would leave relieved, others in tears. That was just the way life- and death- worked.
But it wasn’t every night there was a group of uniformed NYPD officers and detectives in the trauma waiting room. Not every night one of their own had been shot.
Earlier that day, Detective Olivia Benson had been working a case in Chelsea with her partner, Detective Nick Amaro, when the suspect in the same case shot at them- and Olivia got hit in the chest. Amaro managed to disable him with a few shots in the leg, but the damage to Olivia was very, very severe- the bullet may have punctured her lung, or even her heart, for all they knew. It must have hit something important- because she’d been in emergency surgery for nearly six hours now.
Amaro was sitting in one of the chairs, arms folded, eyes half-closed and face twisted with guilt and worry, his shirt still stained with blood. Detective Amanda Rollins was sitting in the chair next to him, her blonde hair mussed slightly from a hard day’s work, scribbling case notes down on a yellowed pad. Detectives Fin Tutuola and John Munch were standing and talking in the corner of the sterile, windowless waiting room. Captain Don Cragen was standing near the door to the OR, his hands in the pockets of his trenchcoat. Olivia was the closest thing he had to a daughter- he’d be the one to get the news, when it finally arrived.
Brian Cassidy had been notified, but he’d been forced back undercover just a few short weeks before, so it could be months before he heard, let alone was able to free enough time to see her.
No one expected someone who’d been out of the loop for two years to walk into the waiting room.
Everyone looked up at the footsteps in the hallway that preceded his arrival. At this hour of the day, this unspeakable hour between night and morning, very little stirred- except surgeons who had just completed long surgeries, now delivering good or bad news to the families of their patients. They all believed that the footsteps came from the doctor that would tell them the fate of their friend and colleague.
But this elite squad of detectives was off their game- normally, they’d know that the footsteps of a scrub-clad doctor would be much softer and lighter. These steps were loud and purposeful, echoing off the quiet hallways and the linoleum floor. They’d normally know- the source of the footsteps was wearing boots.
And then he turned the corner, and Fin, Munch and Cragen’s mouths all simultaneously dropped open in shock- they knew this man. They’d worked with him for twelve years- or eleven, in Fin’s case- longer than anyone else they’d known, save for each other, and Olivia. This tall, slack-jawed man was none other than the retired Detective Elliot Stabler.
"Where is she?" he said in that familiar gruff low tenor, his pale blue eyes intense with worry.
"Well, look who decided to show up." Munch quipped, obviously sore to see him two years after his rather sudden, mostly unexplained retirement. "Only two years late." Fin added disdainfully.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Asked Cragen, in the serious, strict voice he’d always used when the former Detective had gone out of line.
"What are you talking about? I heard Liv was in trouble…"
"Well maybe you’ve forgotten," Cragen retorted shortly, "but Detective Benson is no longer you concern. Maybe she would be if you hadn’t dropped off the face of the goddamn planet after Jenna Fox. Maybe if you’d shown your sorry ass in the past two years we’d be happy to see you."
"I- jeez, I didn’t think-"
"No. You didn’t think. So excuse us if we’re not tearin’ up with joy at the sight of you." Fin scoffed.
"You know that the Captain was framed for murder?" Asked Munch, walking towards his former colleague. "And the daughter of Fin’s old partner from Vice went on a killing spree? And Dana Lewis admitted to killing her boyfriend in her first days at the FBI? Where the hell were you for any of that?"
"…I- I didn’t know- I- I’m sorry…"
"Oh, did you hear that, he’s sorry!" Fin jeered. "Well, sorry just don’t cut it, Elliot."
"Hold on," Amaro cut in, standing up out of his chair. "You say his name’s Elliot?" He walked towards them, wearing a disbelieved expression. "Elliot Stabler? You’re Elliot Stabler."
"This? This is that guy?" Rollins sassed, standing up and pointing at him with mock surprise.
Elliot narrowed his eyes at the young detective. “That depends on who’s askin’.”
"Detective Nick Amaro. I’m Liv’s current partner," he challenged, getting right in Elliot’s face. "But your reputation precedes you."
Rollins sauntered up alongside Amaro. “And I’m Detective Amanda Rollins,” she said, acting more friendly than hostile.
Elliot laughed. “So you needed two to replace me, Cap?”
"What’s the matter?" Amaro jeered. "Scared to know we’re better than you?"
Elliot matched Amaro’s stance. “Look, kid, I don’t know who the hell you think you are, but you’re about ten years away from even beginning to measure up. So no, I’m not scared of some naive rookie that thinks he can do my job better than me.”
"What do you care, huh? You quit the job." 
"Quit? No! I’ve been undercover."
"Captain Cragen?"
A hush fell over the waiting room. Everyone’s heads turned to the source of this new voice; the scrub-clad doctor they’d been waiting for, fresh from surgery- wearing an unreadable expression.
Cragen was the only one who spoke. “How is she?”
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aquabreezeproductions · 11 years
Alright, guys. I’ve decided that “Reopened Wounds”, that minific that sprouted from an EO prompt someone sent me, will indeed become a full-fledged, multi-chapter fic.
I don’t know how long it will be or when the next installment will be finished and posted or anything like that, but I wanted you all to know that yes, I will be continuing this thing.
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aquabreezeproductions · 11 years
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This is the book cover I made for my EO oneshot, Ordinary Evening, which also got its start as an EO prompt in my askbox. The story itself might get reworked some but there will be no other chapters for it, because it’s a oneshot. Oh and you can read the story here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9687569/1/Ordinary-Evening
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aquabreezeproductions · 11 years
That little prompt I did the other night that people loved so much has been named “Reopened Wounds” and posted on fanfiction.net, with a fancy book cover and everything. If you like, check it out, here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/9687522/1/Reopened-Wounds
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aquabreezeproductions · 12 years
So I was thinking about how Elliot never found out what happened in the basement in “Undercovers”. So I started thinking about how he’d react to it now, and this little mini-fic happened.
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aquabreezeproductions · 12 years
Chapter 4: Parenthood
IT ONLY TOOK ME ABOUT A YEAR, YOU GUYS, BUT HERE IT IS. Check it out, review, all that good stuff.
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aquabreezeproductions · 12 years
So, yeah, I've been away forever, I know. I fell off the grid to heal some depression and internet addiction, but I'm back now. But I haven't forgotten about this blog, or SVU. Still love that show more than the world. Mariska is amazing and she always will be. That is all.
ANYWAY. Phoenix is going to start getting updates again very, very soon. Promise. I'm fine-tuning the next chapter as we speak. It's a really, really emotional chapter, so I'm working my ass off to do it right. Expect it... sometime this weekend? Monday at the absolute latest.
Also, I haven't forgotten about your requests. I've got some ideas in the backburner that will probably coincide nicely with some of them. So look for them soon!
Be advised, I am in college now, so things might change with little notice. But a lot of my creative writing has proved useful to get my brain working for writing essays. So, I don't see why I can't do both!
Stay tuned! More Phoenix coming very, very soon.
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aquabreezeproductions · 13 years
Read, review, all that good stuff
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aquabreezeproductions · 13 years
Better late than never, I suppose!
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aquabreezeproductions · 13 years
So, Always Faithful is going to be turned into a twoshot.
Enough people reviewed it and liked it that I'm going to give it a second part. But, I'm not going to extend it any more than that. I think if I go further, I'd just be milking it too much. But, look for Part TWO of Always Faithful, coming soon!
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