aqueosis · 10 years
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aqueosis · 10 years
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Saving Hope 1x01
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aqueosis · 10 years
oh, she was. she was just curious, is all. we promise. so teagan takes a few more steps forward before giving a nod towards the ukulele he’s holding.
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     ’ I can see that.
             I was listening. ‘
His eyebrows jump at the statement, and his fingers begin working  at  the  strings  again,  following  the  same  chord pattern  as before , as if  he'd never  stopped.  Adjusting his position on the rock, he sits cross legged. 
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             "Do you like to sing?" 
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aqueosis · 10 years
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        We don’t talk about Pasha Novak’s debilitating fear of the water half as much as we should, you know. It’s the kind of thing where she can’t exactly remember how it started, but trying to dig that deep in her (seemingly repressed) memory gives her a stomach ache and a dizzy head— but that ain’t the half of what she’s gotta deal with even standing a few feet away from a nice glittering, glistening lake. It’s all throat tight, strangled not-quite-sobs from there on out. It’s really tragic—
        especially when you’re twenty five fucking years old. 
       Unfortunately, the field of work she’s in (mostly voluntary these days) requires putting herself in situations she’s not entirely comfortable with— in the pursuit of the truth! And justice! And shutting the things that go bump in the night the hell up. Stuff like that.
       The soft plucking of ukelele strings catches her off guard and she springs to attention where she stands— goddammit. So jumpy. Take it easy, sweetheart; no one’s drowning you just yet. 
       Deep ol’ breath, and, “I recognize that song. Do I? I think so.”
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          That was a stench very much distinguishable from the natural ones           clogging up his nostrils.  Firstly,  it was a people smell.  As it wafted           closer and  closer to his lake,  it turned into an animal smell.  It was            fear. He smelled it all the time.  Prey animals reeked of it, and every           time someone died, the lake reeked of it.  It was an annoying smell.           Not  one  he'd  expose  himself to voluntarily.  That was quite alright,           though. She could stay as she pleased. He wouldn't disturb her. He            was in a good mood at the moment. 
                   The thing that got to him was the way she flinched.                     As if his tune was something abrasive  to the ears.                    Something  that  registers  as  shock, not  melodic.
                                                                    Indeed, no one was drowning her.                                                                                                                    Just yet. 
                                   "You may. You may not. Is it pleasing?" 
                                                      His fingers kept moving.                                             Answer with caution, young lily pad. 
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aqueosis · 10 years
❝ oh! that— makes sense. wow.❞
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she doesn’t have an answer for that that doesn’t make her sound like a weirdo so she just tilts her head to the side and blinks twice.
❝ I— don’t know? I was walking and I sort of got turned around a few times, maybe.❞
smooth, tink.
"birds are fun."
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the corners of his lips twitch a bit it's something that's supposed to  be a smile, but just comes off as  rather... awkward. 
"welp, uh, if you're stickin' around,  wanna help me feed them?"
smooth, rust. 
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aqueosis · 10 years
          lostsoldixr           bloodypart           aqueosis
                    " y’know, for the record, it’s not                        un-masculine to drink fruity                         cocktails at a bar. ” 
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      just to cover that.              seriously, don’t judge. he’d rather              have some eye-sore neon pink              crap that tasted like an alcoholic,              tropical heaven send, than               whiskey.                       no one likes whiskey.                                    people only pretend to like                                    it to be cool. 
              "The taste is a lot less dynamic                 and a lot more flavorful.                 No judgement passed here,                 my friend."
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          masculinity was kind of like trying           to read a book with invisible ink.
                             why are you trying so hard to read that?                              it's invisible, dipshit. try a different book. 
              if trying to read a book about whiskey with invisible ink isn't working,               pick up the neon pink tropical heaven send book and read the shit out of it. 
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aqueosis · 10 years
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aqueosis · 10 years
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aqueosis · 10 years
tinkerbell is sort of just wandering aimlessly when she hears him and it’s the sort of voice that draws her attention so of course she’s off to find the source of it. and she does.
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now she’s just sort of staring. in a totally-not-creepy way she’s just sort of vaguely confused.
❝how come you’re feeding birds?❞
     oh, clumsy water spirit.      you had to be more aware of your lake.      who knows, that could've been someone bad.
                   don't blame him. he was caught up in his bird feeding.
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      "Well they, uh, they like treats. Makes 'em happy."
               he raised a questioning eyebrow,                 pausing his feeding for a second                to analyze the being. 
             "Why are you in the middle of nowhere?" 
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aqueosis · 10 years
sigh. i miss photoshop.
hello here is a link to a blog with lots of links for you
have fun
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aqueosis · 10 years
        he couldn’t tell if that was an abrupt         change in attitude or what, but maybe         it didn’t really matter in the end.
        his ears practically perked up         at the mention of tea, though.         so maybe he should just sit         back and enjoy it.
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                       he watched rusty,               lazily yet intently.
       “Got peppermint?”
             with a frown, he crossed the very line he'd established himself,          moving towards the other as he looked at all the stuff in his arms.          everything he'd said before. soaps, some stolen fruit. fun stuff.
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                                  "--here. Take this stuff.                            and yeah, I've got peppermint."
                      he was quick to dive down again, this time grabbing                       a pot. he had his tea and firestarters on the surface,                       hidden under a hole. after reaching the surface again,                       he stripped down behind a tree, and put on dry clothes.
                                "Alright. Uh, do you want sugar?"
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aqueosis · 10 years
                    "Foo-ooo-ood. ♪"
       rusty wailed out, in his usual singsong sort of voice.        not food for him, he'd gotten some treats for the birds.        the doves and the blue jays that hung around absolutely        loved it when he brought them seeds. 
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        he scattered the market's seeds on the ground around his lake,         watching happily as they would swoop down to collect their snack.
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aqueosis · 10 years
           well, that wasn’t exactly a warm welcome,            but he’d accept it all the same,            mainly because he didn’t really            care, but also because            it was a really nice lake.
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          he’s being a little flippant, but he’s not really in the mood for           chit chat today. he mainly just wants to sink beneath the           surface of the lake and sleep for the next two moons.           oh yeah. that sounded great.
      “You didn’t have to do that, you know.”
     he didn't conjure up much of a response.      because he got to thinking, and some part      of him actually felt sympathy for this guy.      if the same thing happened to his lake       he'd probably cry awhile.       the last thing he wants is to      give the guy a hard time.
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                       he dove under his water again,                collecting things from his underwater cave.
       "--I have, uh, soaps and stuff. Food. Tea."
                    he frowned lightly.
              "I have weird taste. Sorry."
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aqueosis · 10 years
                  with a huff, rusty gestures to a                   separate area of the waterbed.                   it's not like he didn't like the other,                   he was just having a bad day.
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      "Look ---- see, that tree right there? That marks your half of the lake.       You stay over there. I even gave you the bigger half. You're welcome."
          don't be upset with him. the a string on his ukulele broke earlier.           which means he would have to go into town to get a new one.           and he'd probably have to go down to the bottom of the lake for a wallet.           it was a whole process, really. 
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aqueosis · 10 years
     rusty's just resting in the water,      fully clothed. the lakeside beings      tend to like him for keeping peace.       he whistled a quick melody and       watched as one fluttered onto      shoulder. he grinned.
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               yes. rusty: actual disney princess.
— livexdead, pixydusted, aqueosis, & cxrauro !
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  ❝ birds are so fucking cool.      if i had a pet it’d be a bird.❞  he doesn’t even know you’re  there, he just has his head  cocked, listening to the doves  cooing above him.
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aqueosis · 10 years
     his music is interrupted, and he turns to face the other, head tilting as he watched them. they'd been standing there for quite some time, but he assumed they were just enjoying the music. apparently not.
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                   " ...playin' a ukulele.
                                 What're you doin'?"
  what the hell is going on here. teagan isn’t quite sure but she’s been staring at the other for longer than people would deem to be appropriate. then again, she’ll take her power and use it to make an embarrassment of people who deserve. so.
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     but she takes a few steps forward and gives a blink.
' You alright, pal? '
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aqueosis · 10 years
            lately people have been coming to his lake.                causing up a stir while he wasn't home.
                  he could feel it in the way the bugs buzzed.                   in the way the water never really settled.
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                             for now he'll probably just sit around                       sing for a bit and wait for his prey to come by.
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