arosketchytlog · 9 years
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Just a quick sketch of Chibi-Toko I did. Congradulations on getting Indivisible funded LabZero & FanBase! :D
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arosketchytlog · 9 years
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The Indivisible Indie Go-Go campaign has reached their funding goal tonight! Here's a little celebratory comic I whipped up. Congradulations LabZero! :D ******************************* So I haven't used this Tumblr blog in quite a long while, but I've been thinking on-&-off about using it again, & for other arts to. Now's a good start I think. So from here on, I may just do that. We'll see. Thanks for your time.  :)
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arosketchytlog · 10 years
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This my 1st time updating from a tablet device. This is a test upload. (7-12-2014)
I drew this pic of Eliza sometime recently after she was released in the SkullGirls Encore Beta. Figured I might as well post it. Sorry for the bad picture quality. it was a quick snap from my device. @ ^^;
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
This was indeed a an amazing site to see on this week's Salty Cupcake Stream.
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Alex just completed Big Band’s amazing action shot! Want to see the first, very work-in-progress footage of Big Band? Then watch this video:
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
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Hi! Long time no see. ^^;
So Skullgirls will officially be released for the PC tomorrow 8-22-2013. Congradulations to LabZero! :D This is just a Really REALLY rushed quickie sketch I did some time back.(hence some visible pen mistakes & such, by anyway) ^^;
So far my they're my favorite Skullgirls Team. These are the 3 characters I’ve been primarily been playing with so far, using these specific color palettes--Red & Black. J
The name comes from their colors:
Team “BloodDark”.
I’m making fun of early Image comics title with that name a little bit. ^^; ,And also they are my 2 favorite colors. ^_-
Done with a black & colored pen, Sharpies, & a couple Tria markers.
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
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Hi! This is an update on my previous "Salty Umbrella and Big Band" Sketch. Originally a fanart based on a Sketch request Rich Brown made to the Salty Cupcakes stream some weeks back.
This drawing is now transfered and updated with more stuff. I plan to continue this piece, so the next stage will be to ink it into some neat lines.
I hope you guys, and Rich Brown, likes it. :)
Oh! I'm sorry I'm late with this: Thanks to 'Banana Butt N Tacos' for the note about Rich liking this drawing onstream a couple weeks back.
Yeah, I was so ESTACTIC when he saw it!! :D
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
Read the first and second-to-last posts in the thread.
Basically, all of the paperwork was signed and done, but then Cee broke his NDA forcing Lab Zero to call the deal off. Lab Zero will not be giving the guy another chance because they’re sick and tired of dealing with him.
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
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Just a sketch of Big Band and Umbrella. 5-17-2013 An idea requested by Big Band's voice actor-Rich Brown some while back on one of the Salty Cupcakes stream. Hope he likes it. :)
Even though I have no hate on Umbrella in particular, I think this drawing would fit perfectly in line with a few of the other drawings I see in this Skullgirls search, where Umbrella is mad that she is still not in the game. Might as well post it. ^^;; Also Thanks for all the likes and reblogs on my last update! @_@ ^^; I'll try my best to keep this tumblr "Tlog" going! ^_-
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
Who won the 2nd DLC vote?
BEOWULF!!! John Tomar! Sound off "SandyMan Beo-Savage" Please!! Because that voice is just too funny!!! XD XD :D
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
I just saw this news on the Skullgirls Facebook Page. So reblogging for everyone else to get this good news! ^_^
...did Mike lose some weight? ^^;
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The Skullgirls patch is finally out on 360. I’m going to go dl that shit right now as well as the Resident Evil Revelations HD demo.
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
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potentialforart said: So envious! ;-; I wanted the sketchbook but I couldn’t afford that tier… I wonder if they could sell the sketchbook separate later..
Lab Zero is actually offering some of their digital download pledges from their Indiegogo campaign to purchase...
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
Yess look at all those moves!
Space Jazz made it, yey!
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
Question about sourcing your pics.
Hi! Could someone tell me how to source the pics we uplaod to tumblr?
I find it a bit confusing. O_o
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
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Ok I'm a day (and a half?) late with this update, but here goes anyway. Once again, CONGRATS ON ELIZA WINNING THE 1ST FAN-VOTED DLC POLL!!!
I'm absolutely happy with the choice. So I updated this drawing a bit more.
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
Though I ended up voting for Annie (after having a hard time choosing between Eliza and Annie), I'm VERY glad to see that Eliza won the first DLC poll!! Congrats Vampiric Egyption Princess!! :D
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Junkpuyo suggested that I post this on da Tumblr, which makes sense- and I shall!
The third Skullgirls character, no longer a mystery! I hope most of you are happy ;w;/ Or happy enough ;D; Blood can be salty, I suppose. owo;
Eliza and her two bodyguards/bouncers, Albus and Horace. Like Ms. Fortune, they are ferals.
Are you guys ready for the next votes?
Meanwhile, non-segue’d shameless plug go!!! http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1187578829/black-torch-comic-anthology 
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arosketchytlog · 11 years
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Hi! I wanted to update for a while now, but I didn't finish some drawings as of yet. But this one's done! :D
We're down to the final week of voting for the first DLC character, and there are four choices now--Aeon, Annie, Eliza, and Minette.
They are all good choices, and I like them all...in this order:
I decided that Eliza and Annie are the two I should war with myself over. It was a difficult choice really... So this drawing shows who I eventually picked the email ballet. The Death-Sparkle attacks and "Hardcore-Magical-Girl-only-in-twisted-Skullgirls- fashion" was too good to pass up, and I wanted to see her maybe show up in the game eventually if she ever got funding, which I hoped for a loooong before this campaign was ever even introduced to the public. ^^;; Anyway even if Annie doesn't win, I won't be disapointed in whichever of these other characters get chosen in this first round. If they go the different route of doing the vote system for the second fan-vote DLC character, it will interesting to watch, as the fanbase will actually get to see the level of popularity that each character on the chart actually has when they give the results each time (I think). I had my top 8-10 choices ready since before the ending of the campaign. (and many of the unofficial voting websites also helped me to sort out my ranking of each character for the entire chart as well. ^^;;)
BTW, for anyone who is interested, Skullheart Forums are back up! (4-23-2013)
And I heard LAbZero had something going on with their Paypal recently, but got it sorted out recently. (I haven't really read enough about the situation yet honestly). Whatever perils & challenges LabZero team faces in their paths, I wish them best on making it through all of them! ^_^
EDIT:Also, sorry the scan is not the best. There are specs on the drawing. Might upload a better one later. Thanks. ^^;;
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arosketchytlog · 12 years
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CONGRADULATIONS ON A SUCCESFUL FUNDING CAMPAIGN LABZERO and SKULLGIRLS FANBASE!! Coming in at the Lead at $829,829, Skullgirls Indie Go-Go Campaign Drive scores a win of all Stretchgoals, leaving them to run out the clock at 14 days from now to score a final stretch goal of 4th playable character Stage and Story mode at the Paypal field! I think a link for Paypal payments will be available in due time. Just keep an eye on the Skullgirls Indie Go-go Campaign page for updates. http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/keep-skullgirls-growing/x/2483251?c=home
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