aseofspades-blog · 2 years
“A society which cannot tolerate genderbending or cross- dressing ultimately will not tolerate homosexuality, bisexuality, or any other deviance from sexual or gender norms, no matter how closeted or assimilated.”
- Dagger: On Butch Women, 1994
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
did you really think the battle would be over so easily? heh… fools. i haven’t even begun to cry
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
“you don’t like the proliferation of terms like Unalive outside of TikTok because you realize that you’re aging out of youth culture and it makes you uncomfortable!”
no I don’t like it because there’s something INCREDIBLY dystopian about being forced to soften terms for basic parts of the human experience like death and sex (and even more so terms for oppressed minorities- call me a “le-dollar sign-bian” and I will bite you) purely because advertisers and corporations demand it
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
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he's streaming; tip?
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
It occurs to me that as much as “humans are the scary ones” fits sometimes, if you look at it another way, humans might seem like the absurdly friendly or curious ones.
I mean, who looked at an elephant, gigantic creature thoroughly capable of killing someone if it has to, and thought “I’m gonna ride on that thing!”?
And put a human near any canine predator and there’s a strong chance of said human yelling “PUPPY!” and initiating playful interaction with it.
And what about the people who look at whales, bigger than basically everything else, and decide “I’m gonna swim with our splashy danger friends!”
Heck, for all we know, humans might run into the scariest, toughest aliens out there and say “Heck with it. I’m gonna hug ‘em.”
“I dunno. I gotta hug ‘em.”
And it’s like the first friendly interaction the species has had in forever so suddenly humanity has a bunch of big scary friends.
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
my friend told me that her boyfriend got her a super cool rock while they were on vacation together and you would not BELIEVE my disappointment when i realized she was talking about her engagement ring
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
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Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood + text posts and stuff
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
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happy Ides of March, everyone!
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
making silly sounds doesn’t always have to serve a purpose and is sometimes done purely for whimsy’s sake
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aseofspades-blog · 2 years
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