asexualchip · 9 months
i think sex repulsed aces and sex favorable aces should hold hands in solidarity and skip through a field together. or any other activity really, it's more about the solidarity. reblog to just fuckin hang out.
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asexualchip · 1 year
Advice for writing relationships
Ship Dynamics
How to create quick chemistry
How to write a polyamorous relationship
How to write a wedding
How to write found family
How to write forbidden love
Introducing partner(s) to family
Date gone wrong
Fluffy Kiss Scene
Love Language - Showing, not telling
Love Language - Showing you care
Affections without touching
Giving the reader butterflies with your characters
Reasons a couple would divorce on good terms
Reasons for breaking up while still loving each other
Relationship Problems
Relationship Changes
Milestones in a relationship
Platonic activities for friends
Settings for conversations
How to write a love-hate relationship
How to write enemies to lovers
How to write lovers to enemies to lovers
How to write academic rivals to lovers
How to write age difference
Reasons a couple would divorce on good terms
Reasons for having a crush on someone
Ways a wedding could go wrong
Arranged matrimony for royalty
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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asexualchip · 2 years
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The Hanfu Story
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asexualchip · 2 years
"I am the hero this city needs!" "Queue the music." This is the best possible combination I could get.
Find your dialogue prompt!
A: The first letter of your first name!
B: Your birthday!
A: “Can I help you?”
B: “Be gentle.”
C: “Help me find my scarf!”
D: “What happened to your arm?”
E: “What the hell happened here?!”
F: “How are you feeling?”
G: “Well, this is interesting! Did you know-”
H: “I just thought of a world without puppies and got really sad.”
I: “I love you.”
J: “Please kill me.”
K: “Want to know how I got these scars?”
L: “On go, we’re going to run, okay?”
M: “Help me.”
N: “Did you hear that?”
O: “Kiss me.”
P: “What’s your favorite sin?”
Q: “Does God ever say ‘Oh my God’?”
R: “We’re stuck in a maze!”
S: “So, today I was thinking we should-”
T: “Did you just murder someone?!”
U: “Code Yellow, I repeat code yellow!”
V: “I want to show you something.”
W: “Can we cuddle?”
X: “Do you want to talk about your childhood?”
Y: “Who wants to die today?“
Z: “I am the hero this city needs!”
“Oh, I saw a spider”
“You shouldn’t have had that sixth cup of coffee.”
“Speaking of that, I just got laid.”
“That should be illegal.”
“High School Musical.”
“Speaking of gay, I’m gonna go do some gay stuff right now.”
“I hope you outlast your relatives.”
“Easy, psycho.”
“I won!”
“I’m confused, as usual.”
“I volunteer as tribute.”
“It’s magic!”
“Dang, I was so close…”
“I have a headache.”
“I love being left alone.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“Please, tell me more.”
“Stay quiet!”
“Oh maaaaan, sounds amazing, who can resist!”
“That’s so gay.”
“This is all your fault.”
“Are you okay?”
“A badly timed joke?”
“I want to leave.”
“5 more minutes.”
“I’m calling the police!”
“Queue the music.”
“Stop following me!”
“We’re all going to die.”
(if you get something confusing, then try to explain it, BAM, you’re writing)
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asexualchip · 2 years
i feel like i’m losing everything all at once. it’s so awful. it’s just getting to be more than a bit much.
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asexualchip · 2 years
hello all, i made a silly quiz to procrastinate on uni work! take it if you want, and let me know what you get in the tags/replies !!
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asexualchip · 3 years
if's with lot's of character customization?
Hi Anon! Here are some we and others have found that has a lot of customization. If anyone has further suggestions, please feel free to leave a reply and we’ll add it to the list or reblog where others can see :)
All-World Pro Wrestling by David Monster
Asteroid Run: No Questions Asked by Fay Ikin
BREACH: The Archangel Job by Michael Maxwell and Ben Luigi
Abyss by @abyss-if
Crimson Rose and White Lily by @manonamora-if
Crosshollow Foundations by @townofcrosshollow
Dear Diary, We Created a Plot Hole! by @ddwcaph-game
Event Horizon by @if-eventhorizon
Magician’s Voyage by @magiciansvoyage
Shepherds of Haven by Lena Nguyen
Snakeroot by @cerberus-writes
The King's Hound by @the-kingshound
The Spirited: Origins by @yuveim
Virtue’s End by @crimsiswrites
Wayfarer by @idrellegames
When it Hungers by @roast-ifs
No Demos:
The Starless Throne by @illonius-if
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asexualchip · 3 years
How come reading tea leaves is seen as this sophisticated, witchy thing but if I slam dunk an open can of Chef Boyardee ravioli onto the pavement in the gas station parking lot to see what kind of soda the old ones think I should buy, foodstuff divination suddenly isn’t cool anymore?
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asexualchip · 3 years
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川の畔の巨大発電所→詳細 Abandoned giant power plant in river side.
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asexualchip · 3 years
anyone interested in ttrpgs there is a massive collection on sale on itch.io right now, with funds going to transgender education network texas &  organización latina de trans en texas.
it’s over $2k worth of games for only $5! the sale is ongoing for this month (03/2022)
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asexualchip · 3 years
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Woe is life in a dystopian world where roughly 60% of the population is blessed (or cursed depending on the point of view) with afflictions of all kinds and tiers.   
You, someone carrying the burden of being a five, managed to hide the excess of your powers from the government, consequently ​avoiding the conscription​ into the Special Forces. Unbeknownst to you, the incorrect evaluation back at the Academy threw you out of the ashes and straight into the fire.​ 
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​All the clichés you’ve ever heard are true and your life is unfair. Still, there’s no use crying over spilled milk, or, well, Perfumare* in your case.  ​
When the dangers of your job as a rookie narco** catch up with you, intricating you in a series of strange suicides that have befallen the city of Elazar, you quickly realize that you can’t deal with everything alone.   
Or, well, you can try. The destiny, though, is clear and just like death, it waits for no one.
*A non-addictive yet potent central nervous system stimulant. Used to temporarily increases the strength and level of one’s affliction, and, in rare cases, awaken a gift previously undiscovered.  
​**As of 1978 ​Perfumare has been classified as a harmful drug. The use, sale, and possession of Perfumare are illegal under federal law. If you came in contact with Perfumare get in touch with the Bureau of Control and Prevention immediately. 
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Genres: mystery, romance, dark fantasy
Settings: urban fantasy, dystopia
Rating: contains content unsuitable for children under the age of 17. See below.
Warnings: crime, scenes of explicit violence, strong language, mind-altering substances (including alcohol and tobacco), themes of death and suicide, mentions of injuries, hospitals, asphyxiation, nausea and vomiting, mind control, psychological trauma, nightmares, temporary amnesia.
Teaser (in the form of a Visual Novel): [here]
Extra content: [Ko-Fi] [Patreon]
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J. ‘Jewel’ Aner: Your coworker of three years. Whether she actually likes you or not, there’s no denying that you work well together, forming an easy routine in and outside of the workplace. She’s a tough one to get to know, keeping you at a distance, as though there is a secret she’s concealing from anyone who might get too close. One thing is certain, she always knows more than she lets on. Or, at least, that’s the impression she gives off.
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A. ‘Reed’ Esposito: A waiter by night and [REDACTED] by day. Though never caught with his hands dirty, he’s suspected of [REDACTED], [REDACTED], [REDACTED] as well as extortion. Though he appears perfectly friendly, the easy demeanor doesn’t last long after his facade crumbles. The few people who got to see his true face describe him as superficial and cunning, though personally, Reed has always preferred the term ‘adaptable’.
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Laurent V. Rosier: Team Sigma’s Commanding Officer. Around the office, Laurent has been called cold and unpleasant. He rarely smiles, and when he does, it’s stiff and obviously forced. Privately, though still rather rigid and closed off, he’s been nothing but kind to you, to the point that you can’t help but question the authenticity of his actions.
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asexualchip · 3 years
Can I ask what your favorite interactive fiction are? I’ve seen your moodboards for some of your OCs, and now I’m curious!
Now this is an interesting question! I have a few in mind ("a few," she says, whipping a long ass list of interactive fiction games that she loves):
With demos | already played:
the wayhaven chronicles (a classic!)
mind blind (@mindblindbard)
the abyssal (@theabyssal-cog)
fernweh saga (@lacunafiction)
body count (@bodycountgame)
the moonless (@moonless-if)
speaker (@speakergame)
shepherds of haven (@shepherds-of-haven)
golden (@milaswriting)
bastard of camelot & supernatural in new york (@llamagirl28)
the marked (@peonyb)
blood moon (@barbwritesstuff)
a tale of crowns (@ataleofcrowns)
remember you will die (@vapolis)
when twilight strikes (@evertidings)
zeus' dilemma (@trinitytrilogy)
citadel (@bouncyballcitadel)
the odessa dating games (@theodessadatinggames)
scandal (@nightingale-interactive)
a comedy of manors (@sviyaginthegreat)
the nameless (@parkerlyn)
the seven heirs of ophaesia (@fantasyfawkes).
into the shadows (@wynnakang)
diaspora (@diasporatheblog)
a mage reborn (@mage-parivir)
the exile (@exilethegame)
faith of gods (@faithofgods)
myrk mire (@catt-nuevenor)
the northern passage (@northern-passage)
conspiracy in emerson (@emersonfreepress)
out of the blue (@outoftheblue-if)
scout: an apocalypse story (@anya-dev)
the ballad of devil's creek (@devilscreekballad)
larkin (@larkin-if)
On my to play list (some don't have demos but the concept is *chef kiss*):
novaturient (@kalorphic)
the golden harp (@thegoldenharp)
thrill seeker (@thrill-seeker-if)
checkmate in three moves (@checkmatein3moves)
we all bleed red (@lost-kiwi-dev)
a knight's heart (@knightsheart-if)
the bureau (@morbethgames)
abyss (@abyss-if)
fallen lights (@fallenlightsif)
legend of a savior (@legend-of-a-savior-if)
witches of ferngrove (@witchesofferngrove)
time's legacy (@legacies-game)
pale imitation (@paleimitation-if)
713 notes · View notes
asexualchip · 3 years
“It’s both a blessing and a curse to feel everything so very deeply.”
— David Jones
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asexualchip · 3 years
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Pablo Neruda, The Essential Neruda: Selected Poems // @sunsbleeding // Anaïs Nin, from Henry & June; A Journal of Love: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin (1932–1934) // Kailah Figueroa, from “june 4th, new york city,” published in Homology Lit
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asexualchip · 3 years
WWC - General Topics
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A collection of WWC posts that deal with more general writing advice, character creation and diversity topics applicable to most marginalized people, particularly People of Color and some more specific ethnic and religious groups.
Writing Research and Google Search Tips
WWC Research & Resources Guides (Compilation)
Character of Color Research Tracking Chart (Google Sheet)
Writing Characters of Color: The Generals
On White Authors “Getting it Right”
The Do’s of Writing People of Color
Writing POC with Little Experience
Properly Coded: Creating Characters of Color 
On “Overthinking” Writing Characters of Color
On White Writers Writing Characters of Color (I, II, III)
Researching PoC + Supporting Writers of Color
Words for Skin Tone
Words to Describe Hair
Describing Asian Eyes
Describing Wide Noses
Praising Beauty Without Fetishizing
Describing PoC and Avoiding Caricatures
Featured Description Guides (Compilation)
Diversity & Representation
To Write (or not write) with Diversity
So You Want To Save The World From Bad Representation 
Diversity vs. Exploiting Cultures
Diversifying a Predominately-White Cast
On “Diversity Quotas”
On Excluding Diversity Out of Fear
Different Heritage POV’s in a Story
Including Realistic Diversity Naturally
White-Dominant Rural Areas and Diversity
White Privilege, Publishing, and Diversity Quotas
Writing: Making Efforts in Diversity
Characters - Creation & Culture
More on Assigning Race after Writing
Tradition and Culture vs. Stereotype
Showing Culture Writing Advice
Character Creation: Culture or Character first?
Character Design and Assigning Race and Ethnicity
Characters’ Races Added Last During Development 
Determining your Characters’ Race and/or Ethnicity 
Stereotyped vs Nuanced & Audience Perception
Writing Powerful Women of Multiple Races
Characters - Cultural Disconnect & Erasure
A Discussion on Culture and Erasure
Western Neutral Characters
‘Whitewashed’ Character of Color?
“Culturing” Culturally-disengaged PoC
Characters of Color with “No Culture”
Mixed Race + Disconnect from Culture
Reconnecting to Culture After Assimilation Attempts
Fantasy & Coding
Defining Coding (& Islam-coded Fantasy)
Denoting Race in Fantasy Setting
Fairy Tale Retellings with POC
Fairies of Color & Cultural Fairy Concepts
Fantasy Races Based off of People of Color
Naming People and Places, Avoiding Explicit Coding
Racially-coding Aliens
Real Religions in a Fantasy World
Religion in Fiction & Fantasy
South Asian-Coded Fantasy Caste System
Whitewashing in a Fantasy Setting
Including Racism in Fantasy
World-building: A Fantasy World without Racism
Representing PoC in Fantasy When Their Country/Continent Doesn’t Exist
Race Allegories / Symbolic Racism
Avoiding Racism Allegories
Blue eyed people enslaved in story
Half Human as Allegory for Mixed Race Struggles
Avoiding Half-Human Allegory for the “Mixed Race Experience”
Eye Color Discrimination as Racism: Story Concept
Racism, Micro-Aggressions & Slurs
Everyday Racism, Friendship and White Allies
Incorporating Micro-Aggressions in Writing
Racist Characters + Including Racism in Stories Not “About” Racism
The Pitfalls of Racist Character Redemption Arcs
PoC Educating White Privileged Friend (Context: Black Characters)
On “Normalizing” Protagonists of Color: Writing Stories Where Racism Isn’t in the Plot 
Racial Slurs & Offensive Terms
Slur use in stories
Racial Slurs and Webcomics
Portraying Racist Characters without Racial Slurs 
Offensive Terminology and Historical Accuracy 
Stereotypes & Tropes
Stereotypes & Tropes Navigation 
Stereotyped vs Nuanced Characters and Audience Perception
Useful Non-WWC Posts
When Diversity Is Bad by tropesaretools
Diversity Exists in the Real World by shiraglassman
How to Write WOC and MOC if you are White by kaylapocalypse
“I feel pressured to be inclusive in my writing!” by nimblesnotebook
On White Fear & Creating Diverse Transformative Works by saathi1013
Villains / Anti-heroes 
Villains of Color
Family of Villains (Black)
Predominately White Villains
PoC Villains, Anti-Villains and Anti-Heroes
PoC in Crime Families & Black/Native Boss
Writing Flawed Black Characters is Okay
Dark and Light-skinned Characters, Black Villain and Avoiding Colorism
Black & White Symbolism: a look at that trope
Homogenization, Cultural Appropriation
How To Blend Cultures (Without Making Impossible Mixes)
Research:Large to Small Scale, Avoiding Homogenizing East Asian Cultures, & Paralleling Regions Appropriately
White Saviors, White  - POC Interactions
Interracial Relationships: Romantic | Writing Interracial Friendships
How to Avoid Glorifying White Characters
Handling a White Female Savior in story
White Character Adopts Black Child in Apocalypse
White Villainous Cult Leader Uses Fascism to “Correct” Colonialism
How to write bigoted villains without coming off as a bigot yourself
Infantilization of white characters (At PoC’s expense)
Solving World Hunger: Changing Skin to Fantasy Color to Avoid the White Savior
Writing About Your Own Culture (Ownvoices)
Misrepresenting Your Own Culture
Why Insiders Can Write Their Experience
Writing Authentic Black Characters (as a Black writer)
Representing yourself in stories when “yourself” isn’t white
Braving Diversity: How to Write Yourself (and others) out of your Story
Building a Community for Fellow Sci-Fi/Fantasy [Black] Writers of Color 
Writing Authentically From Your Own Experiences When They Don’t Match Stereotypes 
Writing Sensitive & Controversial Topics
White Authors and Topics to Avoid/Tread Carefully
Do I Need Permission to Write About Marginalized People?
Writing a Genocide to which you have No Personal Connection
On Outsider-Written Stories About Issues Of Another Group
Writing About Diverse Cops (Cops of Color,  LGBTQA+)
Outsider-Written Stories, Issues of other Groups, Speculative Situation
Writing about Prejudice between People of Color
Reclaiming negative, dehumanizing stereotypes outside the group
Representing yourself when “yourself” isn’t white
Why do you need to tell this story right now? (Muslim monster focus)
Writing About PoC Trials and Tribulations
When Am I Writing an Identity Story?
To Write or Not to Write: Tackling The “Struggle Novel” as an outsider
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asexualchip · 3 years
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Rachel Forrest // Unknown // S. C. Lourie
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asexualchip · 3 years
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ash by tracy k. smith
piranesi vi, giovanni piranesi // the haunting of hill house, dir. mike flanagan // bony legs, joanna cole & dirk zimmer // midsommar, dir. ari aster // murder of agamemnon, pierre-narcisse guérin // game of thrones: a man without honor, dir. david nutter // goodnight mommy, dir. veronika franz & severin fiala // it, dir. andy muschietti // hereditary, dir. ari aster // crimson peak, dir. guillermo del toro // the vigil, dir. keith thomas // house of leaves, mark z. danielewski // spike field, safdar abidi // i’m thinking of ending things, dir. charlie kaufman // the lighthouse, dir. robert eggers // relic, dir. natalie erika james // annihilation, dir. alex garland // anatomy, kitty horrorshow
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