ashleyisgenderconfused 3 months
ideas for tumblr staff
dont remove the boop button
stop banning trans women for no reason
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ashleyisgenderconfused 3 months
Oh Joy....
I might be allergic to Spiro :)
Yesterday near the end of my work day, I started getting pretty itchy around my face and on the drive home, it started moving down to my chest and arms. I didn't think much of it, I work with animals and I walk them outside, so I'm thinking I just got bit up by some bugs on a hot summer's day. I take my second dose of spiro shortly after I get home and not long later, I start getting super itchy all over. It eventually goes away and I go to bed. I wake up this morning due to extreme itching and hives all over! Since Spiro and E are the only 2 new things I've regularly introduced to my body, it might be one of them. I'm just choosing to assume it's the spiro :) Gonna call planned parenthood once they open, see what they say and if there's an alternative I can take.
It's just so INCREDIBLY frustrating that every time something good comes into my life, some shit comes up to make things difficult. I know there are alternatives, so I'm not letting myself spiral. I just wish shit could just WORK, and I don't have to go through these hurtles.
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ashleyisgenderconfused 3 months
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Just feeling cute today~
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ashleyisgenderconfused 3 months
we NEED themed grocery stores
do you have any idea how incredible it would be to have your groceries rung up by someone wearing a wizard robe?
right now every grocery store is exactly the same. it's boring as sin. the theme is groceries
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ashleyisgenderconfused 3 months
Another Day, Another Injection
Today marks number 14 since I started HRT! I don't have too many updates over the past week. The most notable one I can think of is I swear I lost like 5 pounds over the course of a night and my belly became super soft and smooth! The fat on both my stomach and butt has become much softer than it was, adding more jiggle to it! Still haven't noticed any breast growth, which is unfortunate, but that'll come in time!
For a more mental update than a physical one, I FINALLY found a therapist. I've been searching on and off for about a year and finally found someone who not only takes my insurance, but specializes in the LGBTQ+ space! So I'm very excited to start seeing her!
That's all I have in terms of updates, so I'll catch you all on the flip side! Stay sexy!
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ashleyisgenderconfused 3 months
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All of the Prehistoric Pride guys in one collective post to celebrate pride month. Choose your fighter and have an awesome time :D
More suggestions are always welcome, I sadly was not able to cover everyone, but I will do more of these in the future!
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ashleyisgenderconfused 4 months
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Got my first wig yesterday! Also woke up this morning and apparently my stomach decided to just shrink laat night and get super soft 馃槀
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ashleyisgenderconfused 4 months
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NASA Data Sonification: Black Hole Remix
In this sonification of Perseus. the sound waves astronomers previously identified were extracted and made audible for the first time. The sound waves were extracted outward from the center. (source)
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ashleyisgenderconfused 4 months
Day 7 Updates!!!
So it's been a few days since I last posted anything and today is day 7 since I started HRT, and the day of my second shot! I've only noticed a few additional things since my last post:
First, My hips started to hurt. It felt almost like growing pains and for the most part, it was fairly mild. At least until last night. I was in an immense amount of pain for at least 15 minutes, to the point I was curled up in a ball. Yeah, it was intense. I'm surprised that I'm already feeling any sort of pains like this, especially since I'm 29 and supposedly past the age on any bone development. But who knows, our bodies are weird.
Second, my hair isn't near as greasy as it was. There's some grease there, but it's not coating my face as horribly after sweating all day.
Now, my last noticeable change, which is my favorite, my bald spot is starting to grow hair again! It's short and almost peach fuzz, but the fact I'm already seeing hair growth makes me so friggen happy!!!
From everything I've been reading up to this point, my breast development should be starting to some degree this week, so I'm absolutely looking forward to that! But other than that, I've got nothing else to report! You all have a wonderful day and I'll see you around :3
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ashleyisgenderconfused 4 months
Reblog to trans the gender of a tumblr staff member
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ashleyisgenderconfused 4 months
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ashleyisgenderconfused 4 months
Day 2 Updates!
So, it's been 2 days since my first shot, 2 days since I started Spiro. I thought writing about my experiences in the order they happen would be a good idea. Not only for me to look back on in the future, but to potentially help any un-cracked eggs, or anyone else just starting their journey. As anyone talking about changes, these are my experiences and everybody and every body is different, so your mileage may vary. This post is 18+ as it will be mentioning genitalia and sexual drive. Just giving that heads up.
The first thing I've noticed is the consistent mental clarity. After discovering who I am, but before my first dose, I would have long moments of mental clarity, feeling as though I truly exist and present in the world. This would eventually fade as the day went on and more crap piled onto me. However, over the past couple of days, the mental clarity has been very consistent until I got super hangry, but more on that later.
With the mental clarity, I'm already having an easier time noticing my emotions. In the before time, I was really only depressed or angry with some fleeting happiness. Now I'm just rather content or happy, with irritation and anger noticeable, but nowhere NEAR as all encompassing as it used to be.
Now, we get to the hunger. Yesterday while I work, I had lunch. Then about an hour or so later, I felt as though I hadn't eaten anything. Before getting home, I ate 2 more sandwiches. When I got home, I had a normal serving of dinner, then a pack of 10 sushi from the grocery store and a couple more snacks before finally going to bed. Until I ate my sushi, I was HANGRY. I was irritable and could only think about what I'm going to eat next. And I can already feel this starting to happen again and it's not even time for lunch!
The final thing I've noticed is I'm already producing far less mucus than I normally would. Especially during allergy season, I would regularly need to clear phlegm from my throat with the most disgusting sounds you've heard multiple times a day. And it only recently came to my attention, that I've hardly felt the need to over the past 24 hours.
Now on to the 18+ stuff, so if you're under 18 and have read up to this point, you're excused.
AHEM, my balls have already started to shrink some. The skin tends to be more wrinkled now and they don't hang nearly as low as they did. And while my penis seems to be about the same length hard, it's gotten slightly smaller while flaccid. I was hoping to get bottom surgery one day, so I guess we'll see in a couple years where it's at!
My sex drive has also changed somewhat. It seems to be easier to control, though this could be more of the fact I have a more appropriate level of dopamine buzzing around my brain. But beyond that, I feel I need to think a little bit more to get myself excited, and I've noticed some music helps with that process more than it did before my first dose.
But that's all my changes for two days! Not much, but I'm feeling incredible and I'm SO excited to see what the coming days have in store! And I'm POSITIVE I'll be updating more as I notice changes. As I said, at the beginning, I'd love to look back on this for myself one day. And maybe all of the embarrassing and possibly even gross moments might help others realize that this is a long process and that if something feels bad, it won't last forever!
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ashleyisgenderconfused 4 months
Here's to the people who weren't abused by their parents, but whose parents sucked anyways. Here's to people whose parents fucked up raising you out of ignorance and not malice. Here's to the kids whose parents didn't know what to do with you so they did nothing at all. Here's to people whose parents are getting better and growing as people but still hurt you. Here's to every mean comment that wouldn't have been so bad if it hadn't come from your mom; here's to awkward family dinners because you're all trying to forget;
here's to you, survivor of a thousand 'not as bad as it could have been' hurts. I see you. You aren't alone.
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ashleyisgenderconfused 4 months
honestly I think being a shapeshifter would solve 75% of my problems. just saying...if anyone is a genie or something on Tumblr I would love to shapeshift.
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ashleyisgenderconfused 4 months
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ashleyisgenderconfused 4 months
Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.
It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.
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ashleyisgenderconfused 4 months
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It's been an amazing few weeks and today officially marks my first dose!!!
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