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Jeremy Gilbert the Hunter, the young Gilbert had gone through hell and back but most importantly he had seen the worst of the world and yet he had been prepared to help his friends in any way he could. Jeremy the hero, Elena felt proud of him but Jeremy had felt less proud his sister was a vampire and he could do nothing about it, the things he had been made to hunt his own blood was one of them...creature of the night. Jeremy shook his head as he looked at the book in front of him, the words seemed to blur in front of his eyes he buried his head in his hands trying his best to focus...to study. Tomorrow’s exam but the young Gilbert had other things in his mind; it had been like something pulled him away from everything he knew, his soul ripped from his chest. He held on to his chest but the pain continued, it had been like something had been calling to him something neither pure nor good. Jeremy shook his head kicking the chair he sat on back; he walked towards the mirror inside his bathroom.
 He looked at himself on the mirror, he leaned forward but nothing he looked exactly like he had only a few minutes ago but he felt like he had been burning up his body on fire, he could feel his insides turning. Thunder, lightning struck the skies and Jeremy Gilbert; the ‘Hunter’ had evaporated, the minute he hit the floor something had happened to him it had been like the thunder had hit him causing him to black out. As he got back into conscious he groaned the pain as had stood up, he looked at himself on the mirror a small smirk appeared in his lips. He was back from the dead, his heart felt like stone but that had been the least of his problems he didn’t care. Jeremy Gilbert didn’t care and it felt good, he could watch all the idiots die and he would watch his own sister kill herself by playing hero. Katherine would kill her the first chance she got, Katherine Pierce the name rung inside his head as if a broken record the poisonous woman that had created the Salvatore’s.
 Walking out of his room, Jeremy stood in the hallway watching his sister as she looked at herself in her mirror, the very purity that he had once admired but had long gone. She had been born a saint but had been tainted, he watched as she smiled at herself the same smile she had always used to cover up her pain. She was broken but would never admit it; she would die just to see her own friends live “Jeremy?” Elena said as she looked at him, she walked towards her door leaning on the doorframe “Are you okay?” Jeremy tilted his head to the side “Just peachy, sis. Just peachy” He said as he walked downstairs towards the door.
 Jeremy smirked as he walked inside the Mikaelson Mansion; the smell of the dead caught his attention. He had come back home, he was home where he belonged; he was with people he knew would appreciate him. Jeremy walked into the living room; he smiled as he looked at the emptiness of the room. He had remembered it like it had been “You’re late” Rebekah said as she crossed her arms over her chest, she looked at Jeremy as if annoyed he was surprised the young Mikaelson hadn’t launched at him with a fang or two “I’m here, aren’t I?” Jeremy said giving Rebekah a smile of warmth something he had never once shown her “Stop complaining, where is he?” He asked looking at the door “He’s coming, he’ll be happy to see you” Rebekah forced out a reluctant smile, Rebekah had never stopped looking at the young Gilbert she had been amazed indeed that Rivera Montgomery’s power had been strong, the Original Witch had come through once again,  Jeremy looked like he had “So anything I should know before I see him?” Jeremy asked walking past Rebekah towards the liquor cabinet he poured himself a glass of whiskey “Nothing you don’t know, Jeremy” Rebekah said turning around rolling her eyes “Now sister, I have a name and I would like you to use it” Jeremy said looking at her.
 “Where is Jeremy?” Elena asked as she walked into the Salvatore Boarding House, her heart raced as if she knew something had happened to her little brother. Elena knew something had happened to him, it had never been normal for him to act like he had. Jeremy had walked out of their parents’ house as if on a mission “Something’s happened to Jeremy, Bonnie” Elena said as she stood in front of the witch, she could feel her tears busting out of her eyelids “What do you mean something has happened to Jeremy?” Bonnie asked holding Elena’s hands “I mean exactly that, Bonnie.” Elena said as she sat down.
 Darkness had overpowered Fell’s Church, it had welcomed the sinners and Henrik had been one of them. He had come back from the dead, his vessel had been reluctant to let him in but he had taken what he wanted like he had done on The Other Side. Henrik Mikaelson was back, he would stay by his family’s side this time even if it meant Jeremy Gilbert had to endure the torture he would put him through. Henrik had endured more pain and suffering than he would dare to tell, he had suffered but he had welcomed his destiny of death with open arms. Henrik looked at his brother, he smiled before he walked towards the fireplace but the minute Rivera walked inside the room, Henrik lit up with excitement “The witch that woke me from my slumber” He said as he looked at her he nodded in a small ‘thank you’. Rivera nodded back, the woman would do anything for the Mikaelson’s, and she would forever stand by them even if the town rained of blood. She would watch in amusement “Don’t squander it, Henrik. You have immortality now and you have Jeremy’s body as a vessel. Have fun in it” Rivera said as she gave him a smile.
 Henrik had taken Rivera’s advice “I’m impressed, Niklaus. You brought me and Kol back. The least one we thought cared about family proved all of us wrong” Henrik said as he sat down on the couch, he looked at his older brother as he looked out the window into the darkness of the night “I brought Kol back for revenge and mine as well. An eye for an eye, Henrik” Klaus said picking up his glass from the table “So what do you want me to do?” Henrik asked. Klaus’s lips formed a small smile “Live and destroy, brother. Immortality is a gift so enjoy it” Klaus said with a smirk.
 Henrik smirked as he walked into the Salvatore Boarding House; he looked at the two girls on the couch as if they had been estranged to him.  The humans Jeremy had once known had gone into the fade, Jeremy Gilbert had died the minute Henrik Mikaelson walked inside his body as if he had owned it. Henrik had given him no choice, he had taken away the only thing Jeremy had held dear to his heart...his soul he had squandered “What I miss?” He asked as he walked into the room, he had known the Salvatore boys would try something. That had always been their play, try to help Elena even if it meant death for the second time “Jeremy?!” Elena said as Bonnie lifted up her head looking at the ghost of her boyfriend “Try again, sweetheart” Henrik said as he tilted his head to the side, Henrik owned Jeremy Gilbert just like he owned every single last one of his friends.
 Bonnie narrowed her eyes into Jeremy, the aura had gone but all that existed had been nothing but a shell of darkness hanging over him. Bonnie shook her head as she looked at him “Jeremy?” Bonnie said as she stood up freeing herself from Elena’s hold, the witch’s power had been useless against him. Henrik looked at the witch that stood in front of him, his lips formed a devious smirk “He’s gone, little witch.” Henrik said “He’s dead but he gave me a message,” Henrik said leaning his head close to Bonnie watching as tears burst out of her eyelids “You try any of that witch stuff of yours on me and your Jeremy is good as dead. I will make sure of it. I mean you hurt me, you hurt Jeremy. This is his body after all...I will make him suffer as painfully as I know how.” Henrik said almost in a whisper, the love he had watched from The Other Side Henrik had grown tired of it “Now that I’m back into the living. I’m making some changes and first to go is you, little witch and second is Elena Gilbert” Henrik looked at her “Jeremy” Elena said.
 Henrik laughed as he looked at Elena “May He Rest In Pieces” He added as he walked towards Elena, he knelt down in front of her as he watched her closely trying to piece in the puzzle of how Henrik came to be “There’s a new monster in town and he’s ready to make this town rain corpses” Henrik said locking his eyes with Elena’s, he forced her to look at him, to watch him as he told her his plan “My brothers aren’t the only ones good at attention, I’m the youngest Mikaelson and what I want I get” Henrik told her. He could smell it, he could smell her fear filling up the room, he could smell Bonnie’s worry, her tears hitting the floor “Don’t waste those tears, angel. You’ll need them with what I have planned for this town” Henrik said standing up looking at Bonnie “Not even magic can save it”. him being a wizard from his mother's side he knew he could tap into that and create the magic that would drain the life out of everyone in town "Let's not forget...I'm after all a witch. Don't you just love Esther? The Original Witch gives birth to the devil spawns" He grinned before he could leave.
 Bonnie wiped out her tears “But how?” she asked as Henrik walked past her as if she was invisible “There was crack between Hell and Mystic Falls” Henrik said before he walked out of the Salvatore Boarding House, he knew he had left everyone in awe and now he would play and let everyone in Mystic Falls notice his arrival. The youngest Mikaelson was back home where he belonged, were the heart was “Henrik, welcome back to the living” Elijah said turning around to look at his brother “Hello from the dead, brother” Henrik smirked as he looked at Elijah.
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Stefan looked at the tombstone of his brother, he tilted his head as he read what had been written on it ‘Rest in Peace’ ‘Beloved Brother’ and Beloved Son something kept telling him Beloved Asshole would have fitted perfectly at the least, Damon was an asshole just like other assholes he had gotten himself murdered but him it was for the greater good. Stefan had to admit he had missed his brother he missed what they used to argue about he missed wanting him dead and he missed the bickering more than the arguments but most importantly through it all he missed his brother and not what he was but his brother. Stefan kneeled down with a smile on his lips, he held the bourbon taking a sip of it then he poured the rest of the bottle on the grass. He knew that he wasn’t in there, nothing was in his place but just a coffin with a name on it “Six months in and you’re still dead...” a devious smirk appeared on Stefan’s lips as he shook his head “Witches...so unreliable, huh” Stefan said he meant it, he meant what he was saying because he knew from firsthand experience. The Stefan that everyone knew was gone, he had left when his brother had died he couldn’t handle the pain anymore he couldn’t handle the suffering of knowing Damon Salvatore was dead...gone “I know you’re dead but I also know you are plannning to escape Hell. Do it before Elena turns into an old lady with cats” He laughed “Just find a way to come back...I know it’s in your head”
 Damon might have done things that were worse but Stefan knew that he had done much worse than poor Damon, he had murdered, killed and slaughtered all for the fun of it. Stefan deserved to die but God wouldn’t let him, no one would let him “Since you’re gone, I’ll tell you what you’ve missed. What I’ve been up for the past six months” Stefan nodded “Let’s start after you supposedly died after Elena cried herself to sleep for countless days and then it became months and then I started to get irritated and annoyed at the fact that she kept crying and then her friends looking at me like I’m supposed to take care of her. She’s your problem now, man. Don’t get me wrong but the minute she chose you was when I washed my hands of her so I let her deal with your death...she’s a vampire now anyway” Stefan’s voice was amused at what he had been saying, he had decided to cut the shit and tell it like it was before he told the real story of his adventure. Damon had a right to know about his girlfriend...his boring girlfriend...she was his now...Elena Gilbert was Damon’s now and never his “It’s not gonna be my problem she gets herself killed with her carelessness” Stefan said...."I'll look after her as much as I can, brother but she chose you. There is no dagger that hurts more than that. You're lucky you're dead, you're idiot" He said with a grin.
Stefan looked at the sobbing human he tilted his head to the side studying her, she made him fascinated by her sobbing and begging he was fascinated that she had the guts to beg for forgiveness while he wanted to drain her dry. The Ripper was back into action, Stefan couldn’t handle the pain of his brother anymore he couldn’t let it consume him. He wanted to forget about it to forget about Elena as well but she had always made it hard, her crying had gotten too much for him “Ple...P...Please....Please don’t do this” The woman begged him, she crawled away from him her tears hitting the ground “Hel....help m...me” Stefan kept following her but at his own place, she seemed hopeless she wanted to give up he could feel it and his monster could feel it too. She was giving in to him and that was what he wanted, Stefan watched as the woman tried standing up but she kept falling back down but she kept trying until she succeeded. Her face covered with tears, her makeup smeared all over her face but that had just been the beginning, she looked at Stefan for what seemed like ten minutes but was more or less a few seconds. She turned her head to look at the darkness of the woods then back at the monster that stood to wait for her next move “Run” Stefan’s inner voice kept telling the woman, it kept repeating the words as if she would hear him but he knew she wouldn’t. She would wait until he moved or he killed her ‘RUN DAMMIT” The voice shouted even louder than before but even that couldn’t reach her. Stefan knew he would kill her, she was his first victim first of much more and he needed to make an example out of her.
 The woman turned around, she started running for dear life she wanted to save herself she wanted to live there was so much she hadn’t yet done and so much she wanted to do, she wanted to forgive people and write her will but she knew that was impossible now she was about to die. How could she have been stupid? How could she have let this man take her out thinking she would score? The minute she had made a move on his direction had been the second she had signed her death certificate “HELP” She shouted to however could hear her, she wanted help and a saviour “Somebody please help me” She shouted again, she kept running regardless she wanted to get the hell out of dodge but before she could even look back Stefan stood in front of her blocking her way “The chase...so fun” Stefan said as he looked at her, he took a step towards her his hand around her neck lifting her up as she struggled he squeezed lightly but careful not to kill her quickly he wanted to live and he wanted her to fear to take strange man on their offer. Bringing her down he pulled her towards him throwing her down. He walked towards her picking her up, he looked straight into her eyes as she continued to cry and beg for a hopeless mercy. Stefan’s fangs extended while she screamed louder than she had before, he smirked deviously he had always loved the screamers they brought in the most fun. Stefan’s fangs sank into the woman’s neck, hunger overwhelming him he knew he wouldn’t stop at just tasting her blood, he wanted all of it and leave her lifeless and without a head. Pulling his fangs out of her, he looked at the woman as she took her last breath of life before he broke off her head.
 Stefan walked inside the Salvatore Boarding he threw his leather jacket on the couch while he walked towards the liquor cabinet pouring himself a glass of bourbon his brother’s favourite kind he walked towards the couch seating down watching the empty fireplace until the door opened and shut footsteps walking towards his direction he could smell Elena’s scent a smile away and now in the Salvatore residence “It’s been awhile, how are you holding up?” Stefan asked her, of course, he knew the answer to his question but he wanted her to tell him the truth if she was even capable of such now that she had turned into a monster herself “I’ve been better” Elena said as she walked towards the liquor cabinet pouring herself a glass of the bourbon herself “Killed anyone yet?” Stefan asked her, he looked straight at her as she sat across from him “No, Stefan I haven’t killed anyone just yet” Elena rolled her eyes “I’m proud, Elena...resisting temptation but then you do live with them all the time. You live breath and eat humans...how do you do it?” Stefan asked her as he leaned forward towards her holding his glass “Practice, Stefan. I was once a human before all hell broke loose” Elena replied without any sarcastic comment “Right” Stefan said giving in to defeat “Because Damon would be disappointed if you did become a killer” Stefan said as he shook his head at her, he could believe that he had once loved this woman she was the only thing that stood between humanity and monster, she had opened his eyes to true love until he had realized that she belonged to someone else and never him. Stefan had accepted that, he had accepted that she was Damon’s and he was free to do as he pleased much like killing innocent strangers along the road and he was ready to do as he wanted “But Elena we are all killers...we are all abominations to the creation like Dracula...we can’t stop killing and you sit there and tell me you haven’t killed anyone since Damon’s passing. As if you haven’t gone off the ledge” Stefan was aware that he was poking her...provoking her to tell the truth...he of all people knew how it was like to lose someone and he knew there was no way she wouldn’t have killed anyone “You must really think I’m that stupid” Stefan said leaning back into the couch “I’m telling the truth, Stefan” Elena took a sip from her drink but Stefan just nodded standing up, he placed the glass on the table.
 Stefan walked towards the Salvatore basement, opening the door he shook his head as he walked towards the lifeless pile of bodies taking one Stefan left the door opened walking towards the living room where Elena sat, he stood before her dropping the body on her “I suppose he crawled in here by himself and killed himself then” Stefan said looking at her crossing his arms over his chest “Let’s go out for a drink, Elena” Stefan said with a smile on his lips “Wait...you’re not going to lecture me?” Elena asked but all Stefan could do was shake his head “No, that’s what Damon would’ve done. I’m not Damon and I don’t really care what you do hell I wouldn’t even care even if you got yourself killed” Stefan said grabbing his leather jacket “Try to keep up” Stefan said walking out.
 “You lied to me, Elena,” Stefan said as he walked inside an abandoned house, he stood in the middle of the room a light pointing in his direction almost as if it was a stage. Stefan tilted his head “I didn’t lie to you...” Elena hesitated for a second but she held her own “Oh, but you did...you see there is something you can never lie to me about. I know when you are lying...I know when you are lying to yourself...I know when you are pretending to be human when you are not” Stefan paced around the place, he kept glancing at Elena. Stefan had left Elena to her friends, he had left her after her constant whining and sobbing he had no choice; the newborn just couldn’t shut up. Damon had done what was needed, he had done what needed to be done to get the situation done, he had turned off his emotions and let the Ripper consume him and take over “What’s wrong with you, Stefan?” Elena asked the male.
 Stefan stood facing the wall looking at it with fascination as a devious smirk appeared on his lips “With me? Nothing is wrong with me, love. In fact, I’m better than I was...you see” Stefan turned around to look at Elena, he felt no sympathy for her “Don’t you just love abandoned warehouses except something is missing...don’t you think, Elena?” Stefan grinned, he wanted to give her a small node “No....?” Elena replied. Stefan laughed as he walked towards Elena, he held her hand leading her towards the closed door “Open it” Stefan ordered the minute she did a group of girls appeared in what seemed like a sorority party “Well don’t be so rude, Elena. Greet your meal” Stefan whispered in her ear as he shut the door the minute they walked inside “Stefan...what is this?” Elena asked “My friends, Elena...my new soon-to-be-dead friends,” Stefan said with a smirk.
Stefan walked towards the blonde girl who embraced him with opened arms, Elena watched as their lips touched but it was Stefan’s hands that made her pay attention; Stefan kissed the young woman’s neck he looked at Elena as his fangs sank into the blonde’s neck he smirked deviously as he drained her blood as Elena’s facial expression changed into horror “Stefan...Stefan...no” Elena’s voice cut off as soon as she said those words but Stefan wasn’t listening to her, he wanted more blood...more blood...fresh blood and she knew he would kill each and every girl in there. Stefan pulled his fangs out of her neck; he smiled as she dropped on the floor her lifeless body pale and hungry for blood “You see, Elena. Not all of us are like you...no one of us wants to be you. Damon is dead, Elena. He is gone, dead...well he was already dead before he was officially dead what he did just pushed the process faster” Stefan knelt down to the blonde, he brushed her cheek with a devilish grin admiring what he had killed his doomed victim “Let’s be honest, my brother was an asshole but I did love him, he was my brother and I made him turn into what he was. I mean that blame just doesn’t wipe off your memory that easily no matter how much you want it gone. He wanted me dead and well I wanted him just as dead but he never could pull the trigger. He followed me around making sure I didn’t kill anyone when he could have just killed me right there and then” Stefan lifted his head to look straight at Elena, he wanted her to see that the Stefan that she had known had died and gone unlike her he never hide it.
 Elena just looked at Stefan, she could feel tears forming begging to burst but she wouldn’t let Stefan see her weakness, she wanted to hold her own and try to get through what she had gotten herself in, she could feel her fear covering her very being and now she had no one to hold on to...no Damon. Elena stepped back as Stefan walked towards her “Sometimes I wonder Elena what would have happened had you died in that damn bridge” Stefan said as he kept walking towards her just as she took steps back until her back hit the wall with a loud thump “What would it have been had Elena Gilbert died? Would Damon have still been alive? Would Bonnie still be alive...or at least would she have been free from your crap. Would she have lived a life without being controlled and walked all over by Elena” Stefan kept pushing the young vampire, he wanted her to feel the same pain he had felt when she had destroyed him and made him feel like a puppet “What would-would life without you been like...you are the reason Damon is dead” Stefan said as he stood in front of her. He looked at her as she burst into tears but Stefan didn’t care, she was a vampire, full of emotions and a murder at the same time. She was going to reap her true nature “Stefan...Stop...please” Elena begged but it all fell on deaf’s ears.
 Stefan tilted his head as he studied the female, he was intrigued he cupped her face giving her a smile just as his fangs appeared “You are poison, Elena....you are just like Katherine...but weaker” Stefan said as he left her standing there in shock and in pain, she had lost yet another person. Stefan walked towards the door he opened it looking back at Elena “I left you dinner, let’s see how human you have left in you” He said before he walked out but because he even hit the corner street screams of females roared “No matter how much she wants to deny it...there will always be a monster within her” Stefan said before he left Mystic Falls.
                     PRESENT BACK IN THE CEMETARY
 Stefan smirked as he stood up he brushed off the grass on his pants, looking one more time at his brother’s empty tombstone he gave a small nod “The sooner you get back, the sooner Elena survives yet another day. We both know that she wouldn’t survive long if she continues to act recklessly” Stefan said being honest, he had left Elena alone left her to her own devices. He couldn’t stay with her when all she did was remind him of Damon, he couldn’t play a wannabe human when all Elena’s friends would blame him “Are you coming, Stefan?” a female voice asked him. Turning around Stefan looked at the blonde who gave him a warm smile “Yes, lovely love” He returned the smile. Stefan had gotten Rebekah back after she had found him wrecked and ruined she had helped him gain back what he had lost and gained back control over his monster. Rebekah was his guardian angel with fangs.
 “I know you’re probably listening to me right now and to be honest, brother. Life is much better without her...the dark side is so much better” Stefan winked as he turned to walked towards Rebekah, he cupped her cheeks together lovingly leaning in for a deep long kiss “Niklaus wants to see you as soon as we arrive in New Orleans” Rebekah informed him but all Stefan did was  just stroke her cheek with admiration, he tilted his head as he studied her carefully not wanting to forget a single thing about her face, her eyes and her lips “Yes, I’m sure he does...I’m sure” Stefan replied.
  Damon and Katherine stood watching the scene in front of their eyes, his brother had finally given into the darkness and there was nothing he could do about it; Stefan now had Klaus and Rebekah as his family. The sins of the seven deadly sins now roamed around with Stefan in toe “Well there goes the neighborhood” Katherine sarcastically said as she huffed her hand on her hips looking at Damon beside her “We’re dead, Katherine” Damon reminded her “Oh, Damon. We were dead long before that” Katherine reminded him “There is nothing we can do about him now, Stefan Salvatore is gone, Bunny eating Stefan is dead” Damon whispered “And the bunnies never fought back” Rolling her eyes Katherine stood in front of Damon “Stop feeling sorry for him, we all knew he belonged to the dark side long before The Ripper came to play” Katherine was right ‘We need to find a way to go back” Katherine suggested “No....no...Stefan is past fixing or helping and besides to him we are both dead. He can’t see any of us” Damon said as he walked past Katherine, he stood there watching his little brother leave with Rebekah and he never worried about Elena, Damon was more concerned about his brother than a girl who had just turned into a vampire five seconds ago. No matter what it took, Damon knew he would go back, he would go back to fix or repair or heal his brother. Death wouldn’t stop him he would find a way back.
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She had chosen Damon, Elena had chosen Damon over him and still he could never get rid of that pang of pain, that same disappointment that roamed the air every single time she had passed him, her guilt never in a show and yet she dared smile and pretend that everything had been the same. Elena had killed him; she had driven a dagger inside his heart leaving it there. Stefan had watched as she and Damon pretended to not notice him, they fell in love more times than he had ever been granted. Damon had enjoyed watching him in pain, his little brother who deserved to be dead “I told you she would be mine, brother. She was always mine” Damon said a smirk painted on his lips, he looked at his brother without a single feel of remorse, he had gotten what he had come to Fell’s Church for. Stefan looked at him, he stood up walking towards his elder brother “And somehow I find myself not caring, funny huh” Stefan said as he walked passed Damon.
 Stefan had enough; he could never bare doing the same thing every single day. He couldn’t watch his heart continue being destroyed as if it meant nothing, Stefan had packed up and left Fell’s Church, he had left everything behind that he knew he could live without. He had finished what he had started, Elena was with Damon. Had it been fate? Had destiny driven him to the vampire female that he had encountered once again? Stefan shook his head; he didn’t need to find out “Ste...Stefan” Elena Gilbert said as she walked into the living room “Yes, it’s me, Elena. Disappointed?!” Stefan said as he lifted up his head, he looked at the female in front of him.
 Elena had tried her best to pretend that she had forgotten about the boy she had once loved more than anything, Elena loved Damon now. She would love him, she would force the kind of love he had dreamt of so much and yet even Katherine could never give him “What...what are...how  are you?” Elena hesitated as she moved closer to Stefan, the young Salvatore sibling looked like he had given life a second thought and Elena had to admit he looked better than he had before she had seen him.
 Stefan laughed at her ‘trying’, he lifted up his glass taking a sip “I’m alive, aren’t I?” Stefan said with a little smirk on his lips “So when did you get here?” Elena ignored his reply, had it been the months that Stefan had been away or had it been the fact that she had broken him Elena knew there was a difference in his voice, there was a difference in him...she could see it in his eyes “Last night...” Stefan replied he walked towards the window standing as he watched the slow breeze took control of the weather “Stefan...” a voice said as heels clicked on the floor, Katherine appeared walking towards Stefan. The five-hundred-year-old vampire had found what she had been looking for, she had found him while he had lost all hope. When Elena Gilbert had broken him to the point of no return, Katherine had ended what she could but she could only love so much.
Katherine stood in front of Stefan, she smiled at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and she didn’t care about the female that stood watching them. Katherine leaned in just as Stefan caught her lips, the kiss that had made sense, the kiss of two souls bonding for eternity “Katherine? Stefan, Katherine?” Elena said shaking her head; it had been true wasn’t it. Stefan had changed and she was responsible, she couldn’t give him what he had so yearned and now she had done what no one could. She had driven him into the arms of the same woman that had tried her all to kill her or have her killed. Stefan looked at Katherine; he locked his eyes with hers as if Elena was not in the room. The same thing he had seen years ago in her eyes still existed “Katherine, Elena. Katherine Pierce” Stefan said as Katherine let go of him “I’ll be back, I have to go meet a hybrid about something, around,”   Katherine said passing Elena with a devious smirk on her lips.
 “So why, Stefan?” Elena asked looking at the young Salvatore, she had tried to understand, tried to get what he saw in her but she came up with nothing just like she always came up with nothing “Because Elena, no matter what I did for you, you would always look Damon with love, want, need and you would look at me with nothing but emptiness. You loved my brother more than you loved me and that hurt more than I thought would, standing there watching you choose Damon broke something in me. It broke the man I was...” Stefan said looking out the window; he tightened his on his glass almost afraid it would fall “You chose the same person that would have had your head. You fell in love with his monster and now” Stefan said as he walked towards Elena, a small smirk appeared on his lips “His monster is nothing compared to mine, you made me who I’ am now and now you will regret that same decision you took months ago.” Stefan said.
 The cold in his voice Elena knew he had turned off his humanity, he had buried it and he had given up being the same vampire he had once been “What are you talking about, Stefan?” Elena asked her voice full of fear, Stefan the same vampire that had risked his life for her and now she was afraid of what he would do...what he would do to her loved ones, what he could do to her life “Just wait and see, Elena. The day is still young, sweetheart” He said as he leaned down putting the glass on the coffee table, Stefan walked out of the living room but the minute he reached the stairs he stopped “But if I was you, I’d stay inside tonight or better yet stay inside during my visit back home. It’s not safe out there for weak little girls” Stefan said looking at Elena.
 Elena sat down, she had tried her best to try to protect her town but she had failed. Stefan would break every little nerve in her, he would break her and leave her for Katherine to finish and she knew Katherine wanted her more than she had wanted anyone “No...he can’t...Stefan” Elena whispered her eyes wandering around, she had lost her family once and now she knew Stefan would target each and every one of them again, he would come after her last because that had been the only way to make sure she suffered enough to fill what she had done to him “Oh, he can. Poor Elena, just when you thought you had your little happily ever after” Katherine said as she stood behind her “Why are you doing this, Katherine. Why are you using him?” Elena asked feeling her tears about to burst, she held them back just like she knew she needed them “I’m not using him, Elena. I’m helping him; I’m helping him get closure that’s what mates are for. I love him therefore I will kill every one of you just to see him happy” Katherine said, her voice full of cold emptiness “Don’t worry about Damon” Katherine said with a smile “He’ll get over you quicker once he meets someone else” Katherine looked at Elena. There was no doubt Katherine enjoyed every single thing she had done, she had loved Stefan more than she had anyone else but what he planned to do she loved him even more.
 Stefan smiled as he walked downstairs, he had known Elena had waited, she had stayed worried about her beloved friends but even Stefan knew she should be “Stefan...” Elena said. Stefan rolled his eyes walking towards the door “Here’s how I see it, Elena. You either play hero or well you can figure the rest out” Stefan said as he opened the door, Elena stood in front of him looking at him hoping to find the last of his humanity “It’s not there, Elena. You buried it the minute you drove a dagger inside my heart” Stefan said looking at her “And now you’re going to bury your own friends” Stefan said with a smirk shutting the door behind him.  
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Michael turned around looking at his brother, he had never once stopped believing but there his brother stood telling him of their father’s departure Michael tilted his head slowly walking to Raphael “Raphael, you of all people should know that he is there he always will be” Michael said standing in front of him of all the brothers they had, Michael had always known that Raphael would support his decision for the apocalypse he knew they would stand together but never had he thought Gabriel would leave because of the fight between he and Lucifer. Raphael looked at his older brother; he looked away as he walked past Michael trying his best to ignore eye contact “I will not stand and believe in something that does not exist, Michael. Even our own brother has turned against us...you. Lucifer has made our family rebel against each other and yet you still believe in those Winchester brothers, Michael, they will not help if you continue to watch Lucifer torment them” Raphael stood by a window watching the angels go about their business, he watched as they spoke amongst themselves he smiled “Sam will say yes, either way, he will let Lucifer in just like the book says. He will become Lucifer and yet Dean continues to play ‘Hero’. Tell me how long will that continue until he...Sam kills him? Tell me how long you will continue to pretend that Dean will say yes in the end” Raphael turned he looked at his brother as he sat behind his table “He left, Michael. Our father left and now we’re all alone. He couldn’t fix his own children. He couldn’t save you and Lucifer” Raphael walked towards Michael “It was meant to happen, Raphael. The fight between Lucifer and I was meant to happen. I’m supposed to kill him just like you are supposed to support me.” Michael said without looking at his younger brother.
 Gabriel chuckled as he looked at Dean and Sam Winchester, he crossed his legs over the other “You want me to help you get my brothers here? Where I’ am and where Lucifer can kill you...Dean” Gabriel lifted up his shoulders with a small smirk “Yes, Gabriel. We figured they can’t do anything more than what they have already done” Dean said dragging down a chair seating down in front of Gabriel taking a beer from Sam “As much as I love watching both of you try to play hero, I can’t do that.” Gabriel said looking at Dean “Just try, Gabriel.” Dean said taking a sip from the beer “Now, Gabriel” Sam said behind his laptop.
Gabriel smiled as he stood up, for the years he had stayed on Earth he had never once needed his brothers, he had never thought he would call them for anything and now he left The infamous/Famous Winchester brothers to order him into bringing hell onto Earth. Gabriel shook his head uncontrollably “Michael...Raphael...Lucifer” Gabriel said looking at Dean who had avoided his eyes, Gabriel wanted to laugh he wanted to be the one that would watch as Michael tore Sam into pieces but he knew that would never happen, Michael welcomed The apocalypse he wanted to kill Lucifer just like their father wanted. Raphael wanted to watch as Michal do so. Gabriel admired Dean for his playing hero but he knew that wouldn’t last long just like when he had been in hell, just like when he finally agreed to Alistair to wreck souls instead of him being torn to pieces every single day of another century. Gabriel The Archangel, he walked towards the bathroom. He knew his brothers would answer his call; they always did even though he had left them.
 Michael stood behind Dean with Raphael behind him; he tilted his head looking at Sam then at Dean who had jumped “Gabriel...brother. You called?” Michael said watching as Gabriel walked out of the bathroom with a grin on his lips, he opened his arms at his brothers “Mikey...Raphael” Gabriel said “It’s been so long, I just thought one last family reunion would break the ice” Gabriel said looking at Raphael who had stood quite, something that was rare for the Archangel. Raphael loved talking, being in control and yet with Michael’s presence he restrained himself “Gabriel, I can’t say it’s a pleasure to see you” Raphael said with a small but visible grin that he knew would piss off Gabriel just as much as he pissed him off.
 Michael paced around the small room; he looked at his vessel as Dean studied him his form “Sam...” Michael said as he walked towards him “We haven’t officially met.” Michael said, Michael could feel Raphael’s huff but he contained his feelings towards the young Winchester. The only Winchester that would say ‘yes’ his devil of a brother. No matter how many times Lucifer had betrayed Michael, he loved him still he loved him and he cared for him. He had watched as Lucifer had played the trickster to people whom they should have bowed to “Leave him alone” Dean said without a single hesitation, he looked at Gabriel as he spoke with Raphael. Michael turned with a smirk walking towards Dean “Dean, why am I here? Why are we all here?” Michael asked looking at his brothers “I need to ask you a favor for Bobby...” Dean said swallowing his pride, Dean had never intended to say ‘yes’ but he would do anything to help the man that had helped raise him and Sammy. He would go through hell and back but importantly he would bow down to an angel who wanted to use his body as a vessel “Then ask. Ask why he’s in hell because Crawley trapped him there. Ask why we are not helping him. Ask why I came here on Gabriel’s calling” Michael said as he paced around Dean “Because Dean I wanted to see what you were going to do, Raphael didn’t have any hope for you and well we all know how that always turns out.” Michael stood beside Dean looking at Sam “Yes, Dean I watched you in hell. I was there” Dean groaned “You were there and you didn’t even help me, ” Dean said raising his voice “It was not my fault you were in the first place, Dean. I didn’t intervene because no matter what you do or what Sam gets himself in but you will always try to get him out. You will go to hell and he won’t.” Michael looked at his brothers “I get it, Dean. It’s family love but see I love Lucifer as well but I will kill him either way because it is right and it is what I have to do” Michael said looking at Dean, Michael understood the kind of relationship he had with his brother, Sam but he also knew that their kind of relationship was exactly the one he had with his brother, Lucifer.
 “So you want me to kill my brother because you want to settle a score?” Dean asked as he took a sip off his half –empty bottle of beer “No, we will kill our brothers because it is right and because we are good sons” Michael said as he heard Dean let out a small chuckle “You will say ‘yes’ Dean. It may not be today or tomorrow but you will because you want to know why?” Michael said, “Why?” Dean asked.
 Michael walked to his brothers who immediately stopped talking the minute he had joined them “Because Sam will say yes to my brother and you will do what must be done to protect the world...say yes to me before your brother and mine ruin what you once would have known as Earth. You will do what Castiel wants’ you to do and what your brother, Sam wants you to do deep down inside. You will swallow your pride and be my vessel.” Michael looked at Sam as he looked uneasy at that comment he had made “Yes, Samuel. We know what you and Castiel think” Raphael said as he walked towards Sam “I can smell the demon blood in you, Sam,” Raphael said as he stood beside Sam “Gabriel, private meeting right now,” Raphael said before he flew back to Heaven “You see, Dean. Had you not been born this would have never happened but you and Sam were born and now you were both chosen. Like it or not you will be my vessel” Michael said standing in front of Dean “Gabriel...”Michael said before he also left the room. Gabriel looked at Dean and Sam “Good job, idiots. Now I have to watch my brothers plot ways to kill Lucifer all over again. Good job...bravo” Gabriel said disappearing into thin air.
 Dean shrugged as he walked towards the refrigerator taking out two beers giving one to Sam “We’re screwed, aren’t we?” Sam asked as Dean sat across from him “Not if I can help it.” Dean said opening the beer.  
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Kol stood in front of the Salvatore door;he leaned forward as if he wasn’t a ghost of some sort. He smirked as he heard a voice…Elena’s and none other than Damon himself, the smile painted on his face told everything one needed to know. Kol was thinking, he was thinking and planning. Planning a way to avenge him and a whole lot of the other reasons.Elena Gilbert needed to die either way. With Bonnie Bennett on the other side,there was no one who could stop him…fool him like they had last time. He would be ready; he would be ready to deal with what would come next. Kol stuck his head inside the door, pushing his entire body inside. The presence that entered gave new life to the room; it was cold with a sudden breeze.
Yes, Kol fucking Mikaelson was back andthis time with a plan. He walked past Damon and Elena aware that they couldn’t see him for now, he poured himself a glass of bourbon mixed with blood fresh blood from the source herself the very honorable Miss April something. What was her last name? Kol didn’t know and he didn’t care, he wouldn’t care much throughout his very famous stay. He knew he wasn’t invited but he invited himself and he would stay. Thank the witches, huh. Everybody seemed to hateElena Gilbert just as much as he did and including ghosts that roamed the streets at night wondering how they could give the people a run for their money. The solution…kill and be a legend.
Kol sat down in the middle of the two couple, he placed a leg over the other and smiled as he made himself visible to the two vampires that stopped and looked at him “Miss me?” He said in a low soft sarcastic tone, he knew he had made one hell of an entrance and now he would be hunted and wanted dead. Interesting how many contacts Niklaus had inthe Other Side, people that were willing to help him so he would be alive and undead once again. Witches stepped in, in spite of their Niklaus hatred they knew never to make him mad “Interesting how many contacts Klaus has. They just couldn’t wait to bring me back” Kol said as he became the new center of attention. He was the new thing. Klaus was proud that Kol knew, he was happy again. Kol tilted his head to the left as he looked at Elena, he smirked excitedly on as he stood up. He walked to Damon, he gave him the glass then he turned to Elena again. The horror was on the newborn’s eyes gave a meaning to Kol’s return. He was back and she was screwed.
Kol stood as he jumped up and down in his head, he was on cloud nine and Elena knew it “Don’t you just love witches?” hesaid as he continued his raving, he had zone out from Damon but he hadn’t forgotten about him at all. He was ready for any kind of action, let Damon Salvatore try anything, anything at all and the newborn will suffer the consequences“No, not the Bennett witch. My brother” He said as he winked at her. Kol was back. He was back and carrying not only one reason but a billion more all because of Elena and her friends.
Kol lifted his hand, he stroked Elena’s cheek as he gave her one of his most insincere smiles “Such a beautiful face with a tainted heart” He whispered to her, they shared a moment of silence asthey looked at each other. Destruction. Danger. Evacuate.
Kol looked at the door of the Salvatore Boarding House, Rebekah stood there along in admiration of her brother’s handywork. Kol let go of Elena’s cheek, he vamp sped to Rebekah stopping in front ofher. Blinking for a second, tears strolled out of her eye lids uncontrollably. Kol knew what that meant, he was home and she was home. A family broken but a family mended. Kol leaned forward to his sister; he kissed the top of her head while wrapping his arms around her. Hugging her “It’s really you” Rebekah whispered behind the tears, she couldn’t care less about the two that stood watching as the scene unfolded. She was just glad to have her brother home where he belonged “It’s me, Rebekah” Kol confirmed as he smiled stroking herback.
Letting each other go, Rebekah gained control of herself giving him a smile “We’re together again. Klaus really came through” Rebekah said. Klaus stood beside the two siblings; he lifted up his head “Klaus came through indeed. Anything for the family” Klaus said as he gave Elijah a hand gesture to come out and join the family reunion. Elijah walked to them; he gave Kol a nod as they all stood before the two. Klaus looked at his siblings as they all got ready “Elena Gilbert, Damon Salvatore…I’m sorry but family comes first” Elijah said as he nodded at Kol again. Kol stepped forward“Now where were we…oh yeah revenge” Kol said as his fangs extended in length looking and watching.
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You still writing as Qetsi?? My Silas needs an emey lol
ooc: I’m still alive. I swear I am. :l  so.. yep. :l
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