hey!! u alive in there?
Yeah. I think.
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that's good! not gonna lie, i was pretty worried about you for a long while there. -hug anon
I've been around...
Just not, really, here. Y'know?
[She looked down at her feet, just, kinda standing there]
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Yo who the fuck told you to be so pretty damnit /lh /nm
You're talking to me, right?
[She didn't know how to respond to this compliment, but all she did was give a slight smile and look away]
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hey audrey! it's been........ a while. How are you? -hug anon
I'm fine, I guess.
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They have not died, that I can say for certain. But I suggest you try to wake them up soon.
What should I do to help them wake up?
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That dearest singer dressed in green is in a place that does not exist. They have not awoken yet.
Oh. Did they die?
[She had a blank look on her face, seeming to be unaffected by this news]
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have you talked to kiwi yet?
No. I don't think I should, though.
[She shrugged, sighing]
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hey audrey .. it's been awhile. ... hru?
Uh...I guess I'm fine...
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"I think you 'n' potionmaker should talk."
Well, I don't feel like talking, believe or not.
[She rolled her eyes, shrugging]
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didn't you and miriam like, kiss or smth?
Please, respectfully, don't ever speak to me again about my "romance" with that...that...
[She sighed, just shaking her head]
No. We didn't.
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you need to cause chaos again. here. have another weapon.
Thanks. Is this like, a sword?
That's what I'm guessing.
[She studied it, before putting it to the side]
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mim's back!!!!!!!
Oh. Great.
[She didn't sound very excited]
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"What do you like to eat, redheart?"
I really don't like to eat anything. There's a lot of things I do like to eat, but I'm not really, liking anything right now.
[She shrugged, just looking down at her feet]
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ooh a beanbag chair sit on it
Alright, sure.
[She sat on it, well, sunk into it.]
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THROUGHS BEANBAG CHAIR AT Audrey "i hope u like it"
[She staggered a little bit, almost falling]
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The FitnessGram™ Pacer Test is a multistage aerobic capacity test that progressively gets more difficult as it continues. The 20 meter pacer test will begin in 30 seconds. Line up at the start. The running speed starts slowly, but gets faster each minute after you hear this signal. [beep] A single lap should be completed each time you hear this sound. [ding] Remember to run in a straight line, and run as long as possible. The second time you fail to complete a lap before the sound, your test is over. The test will begin on the word start. On your mark, get ready, start.
Sometimes...I wonder why I never ended the world.
Now I see it.
[She begun to glare]
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**hands her a piece of paper with "GO TO THERAPY"**
I worried :{
What the heck is..."therapy"...?
[She raised an eyebrow, just, staring at the paper]
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