Not a question, but I love how you do highlights!! Keep up the amazing work, you goofy kid/adult/mutant from a far away planet
Thank you so much!! That really made me smile :,)Thank you guys for following me and staying active despite my absence, I’ll be back soon I promise. ❤️
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Here it is: Best stuff first
Extremely handy if you follow a lot of people and hate missing anything good. 
Best Stuff First moves the best stuff on your dashboard—mhm!—right up to the top. 
It’s rolling out this week on iOS and Android, and comes with this Help Center article.  
Thanks! ✌️
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What is cringe culture?
Cringe culture is where people actively get together and hate on a non-harmful fandom, ship, moral belief, character, person, concept, comic, tv show, book, etc. Simply because they dislike it or deem it “cringey” without any evidence, cringey is a term which means childish, gross or toxic.
The reason cringe culture is dead, is because the truth is that people of all ages, should be able to enjoy non-harmful topics without receiving hate or being attacked for it. People should be able to enjoy something regardless of whether you like it or not. You like Undertale? Good!! It’s a good game! You like to self-ship, go ahead, do it. You like Steven universe? Well hell yeah to you buddy.
Cringe culture stemmed from adults hating on minors who interact with fandoms. It’s frankly very immature of them to do something like that in general, minors imprint on characters and storylines very easily and it becomes a major part of them, no one should have to feel like something they like is bad simply because others dislike it.
Cringe culture is dead.
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What do you think of Ben x Jeff? 7u7
I personally believe that people should be able to ship whatever makes them happy as long as it’s not incest, pedophilia or beastiality. But if you’re asking for my opinion, I personally see Ben and Jeff as nothing more than close friends, they know they can rely on each other for a good talk when shit gets Bad™ and stuff. I do not see them in a romantic way at all, but I fully support those who do!!
Also please have patience with me guys, I’m going through a massive depressive episode right now and I completely appreciate all the kind words and how you guys have still been asking questions!! ❤️
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Hey, may I ask something? It's absolutely fine if you decline it but. I was wondering if you could only tag posts that actually include the characters and not spam tagging?
Oh yeah, I try to tag actual drawings with only the characters that they entail, but for text posts I mass tag so that someone who sees my post in the tag may feel inclined to check out my account! Hope that’s ok, If there is a specific reason that you need me to go fix this in previous posts, message me! :)
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Sorry for being inactive guys, I just wanted to say thank you for all of the followers and support despite it! I'll make an effort to get all your asks answered this weekend! ^.^ I've been handling some complex personal matters so all the support is so appreciated, feel free to send in more asks as well! ♡
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Jeffrey Woods stuff: ⁃ 23 years old, Birthday in November ⁃ 6'1" ⁃ Natural black hair and blue eyes Assorted Jeff bodily head canons: ⁃ The scars on his eyes make it impossible for him to really cry, but like, some moisture forms. ⁃ Because of the scarring his eyelashes are really almost gone, a few survived, but it looks kinda weird. ⁃ The scars on his eyes are from an “accident” but it was really like a half accident bc the bullies who did it to him had it out for him since day one and it was kinda already going to happen at some point. It was fireworks that did it, they went off too close, it’s a long story. ⁃ He used to have scaring on the bridge of his nose and cheeks but it’s since faded. ⁃ The scars in his cheeks were from a mental breakdown, it was kind of like self harm I suppose, he wasn’t thinking. He did not slit his cheeks open, the marks were made on the outside of his face. ⁃ The scars on his body are all from altercations that didn’t end well for him. Barely any of them are self harm bc he doesn’t find pain soothing in any way. ⁃ He’s lean but pretty fit, he uses mild exercise as a distraction from breakdowns. He’s also pretty malnourished because he’s shit at taking care of himself. Assorted Jeff head canons: ⁃ He has many assorted knives and weapons that he’s either stolen or actually purchased illegally. He never moves with them when he travels long distances, he just finds new sources when he’s in a new place. ⁃ He barely ever changes clothes, he just steals new ones from anywhere he can find when he gets sick of them. His white hoodie isn’t the first and it won’t be the last. He’s had a shit ton. Something about it reminds him of his childhood and the few good mundane things in life. He keeps them close. ⁃ Jeff actually needs glasses but he doesn’t care enough about anything to even want or entertain the concept. He’s incredibly nihilistic. ⁃ He likes his hair long because he feels like he can hide behind it better, it’s like a safety coping mechanism for him. He only ties it up in a ponytail when he’s really tired or focused on something that needs intricate detail. ⁃ He wants to form connections with people, but he always starts to find flaws in them really quickly and will shy away from them because he knows that he will always judge everyone he meets. Also because he knows his long history with bad people will catch up with anyone he cares about. ⁃ He does have a few normal people he cares about though. ⁃ Jeff suffers from depressive personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, bipolar disorder, chronic depression and psychosis. I’ve done extensive research as well as consulted friends of mine who are medical officials. ⁃ Jeff has a heart murmur and asthma and although it’s not severe, sometimes it causes weakness and an inability to breathe and he’ll rest for days before leaving seclusion. He avoids overworking his body as best he can. ⁃ Jeff is a big music fan and although he doesn’t have money or a computer, he has a small old iPod that he downloads things onto whenever he comes into money. He likes instrumental things and he finds it very soothing to listen to when he gets overwhelmed by reality. ⁃ Jeff really loves animals, he’d never hurt an animal, it’s probably where the little bit of compassion he possesses goes. ⁃ Jeff’s biggest fear is death, if anyone brings it up around him, he’ll start having an existential crisis or a panic attack. ⁃ Jeff loves the winter and hates the summer. ⁃ Jeff actually has a soft spot for young kids as they remind him of his brother. He’d never harm a kid, it’d freak him out too much. After all, what good would that do for society. ⁃ His favorite food is French fries and milkshakes, but since he almost never has any money, he eats whatever he can get. It’s actually kind of sad because he loved fast food when he was younger. ⁃ Jeff does not consider himself an actual murderer, he considers himself a hero. He thinks what he’s doing is 100% justified, he’ll probably actually beat the shit out of anyone who challenges that. ⁃ He wishes someone would actually save him from himself. He’d never admit that. ⁃ Jeff loves sweet things like candy and sugar, but eating even more than once a day makes him vomit. His body is literally so unhealthy it doesn’t even process food correctly. ⁃ Jeff is actually a pretty talented singer, but because of how dehydrated he always is, his voice is coarse and rough. ⁃ Jeff’s immune system is shit, he’s sick at least once every two months. ⁃ He likes nature and sometimes he disappears into the woods and sleeps in the leaves for a night just because he knows he has the freedom to. ⁃ Jeff wears a surgical mask type thing when he’s out in public because he’s too afraid of being stared at or recognized. He likes to read fantasy fiction books because they make him lose track of reality for a little while. He’ll form a protective ring of books on the floor and just flip through like 10 in a day. ⁃ Jeff isn’t actually a terrible person once you get past the foul language, nihilistic behavior and views and the destructive behavior and murderous tendencies. He’s a villain yeah, but he’s got some morals.
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Hey does anyone feel like some facts about the main creeps on this blog that I've had lying around in my head for a while?
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Jeff’s tired.
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He’s not a team player.
Please don’t repost/trace/copy/claim my art! Thank you!
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Hoodie, what do you look like under the mask?
Like himself! He’s a normal dude guy bud
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Uhh, here’s my gross stinky nerd, cause uh i heard u like when people submit their Jeffs :,)
I have an ask blog too?? :0
YESS HELL YES this is such a good jeff!! thank you!!!!
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Admin here, I've got a 16 page comic coming along for my 200 follower thank you! Hold on a bit :-)
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Sorry these were soooooo long, I'm just really hyper RN, so lucky you....!! These ones are for admin!! Who is your fav. Pasta? What would be your fighting style? What would be your main weapon of choice? Fav. Color? Fav. Type of music? Did you have a good day today? I really hope you did. What are your fav. Pasta ships? How many oc's do you have? Who/what are your oc's? Do you think this is annoying? Should i stop? I think I'll stop....... for now... XD -Z
Hey no worries! But buddy you sent me over six asks each with twelve questions each! I can’t answer that in art form. ^^’ So let me know if you’d like to resend a shortened version of those questions or if you’d like me to answer all those questions in written form as though they’re talking instead. (I might include chibis)
also when you said proxies in the first ask were you referring to all the creepypastas? Cause I don't refer to them as proxies unless you're talking about Toby which is different.
Ok so question time:
1. My favorite pasta would have to be Jeff Woods. Even as a young child, I found a deep emotional connection with that character before his story even had a fan-altered version. The version of him that my mind created become a sort of coping mechanism or safe space of sorts for me. Even now as I’m preparing myself for adulthood, I still find a lot of comfort in drawing him. No matter how many fandoms I enter, I always fall back to him.
2. I know a little kickboxing, so I suppose, something akin to that? I’m a very agile and quick person, and for the few fights I’ve been in, in my life, I’ve been able to hold my own.
3. My weapon of choice? Well, my actual creepypasta oc doesn’t use a weapon and basically tears his enemies apart with demon mouths but uh. I’m a human so uh, probably a handheld gun or an small sharp fighting tool. Which is a standard.
4. I don’t have a real favorite color, so maybe either Maroon/burgundy, olive green or navy blue.
5. I listen to a really wide variety of music, but I really have always had a liking for rock. So probably any version of rock even if it’s alternative or even if it’s screamy.
6. I kinda just woke up, but I’m hopeful today will be good.
7. Ok so this is complicated. Sexuality and romantic attraction is something that needs a really healthy environment to grow and happen. Even as a child I never actually partook in any of the shipping aspects of this fandom because of this. I think any interactions between them happen as purely friends. I think they kind of need each other as friends, they’re like support systems. And no they don’t all live together. But some tend to be closer than others. I think because of all the hell they handle on a daily basis, their love interests would have to be someone who’s more innocent and pure to reality as compared to them. Someone human, or more human than them I suppose. Gender regardless, romance with them would need such a strong safe space to bloom.
8. Buddy I have so many ocs it never ends. My main ocs are the ones in my graphic novel, Challenging Fate, which is an alternate reality where humans never happened and it’s run by intelligent cats? But I have an arsenal of humans ocs oh god it never ends.
9. I have Kov, my main oc, he’s a possessed black cat with four eyes. I have Rain, a red haired assassin. I have a lot. Maybe I’ll post them on my personal if you’re curious. I don’t think it’s annoying, if any of my followers do, sorry guys. At least you know more about me now.
Thanks for checking in on me!
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Admin here, just a heads up that I use the fanaltered versions of the stories of the creepypastas that I portray on this blog! The most specific one being Jeff. In the fanaltered version that I use, Jeff isn't the one to burn his eyelids, Jeff actually was traumatically bullied and does not have an insanity episode like the unrealistic one portrayed in the story. Also his mouth isn't slit open, the scars were made on top of the skin. His hair also wasn't burned black, (which isn't possible) it's always been black.
Also another note, the way that I portray these creepypastas, most of them don't kill for fun, most of them have reasons if they ever even actively kill. Jeff acts as a god-complex hitman, Jack just kills criminals to eat and Ben kills the morally unsound as a restless spirit type deal.
Thanks for listening!
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Jack no.
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He doesn’t remember much.
I couldn’t figure out how to get my watermark on lol Please don’t repost/trace/copy/claim my art! Thank you! (Reblogs appreciated :-))
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