Aldebaran, you have invited the golds to spend Carnaval in Brazil? If so, how was it?
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Actually, we swore never to speak it again anon, but if you must know…
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Will u come back someday? ;-;
OMG Dear anon I would really like to have an answer to your question, but muns are pretty busy rn with their adult lives ;u; we really do miss you all and have tons of asks to answer (and feel very motivated to do so) but 0 time :’) we’re truly sorry!! hopefully we’ll be able to come with something soon  
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entiendo que Shun puede ser molesto pero ¿por que crees que es así? es el único de sus amigos que su maestro se encuentra muerto e Ikki casi nunca esta para el realmente y eso debe hacer que se sienta solo ¿no crees que el busca compañía en ti? tomando en cuenta que solo tiene 13 años y el creció de una forma muy diferente a ti, en un orfanato que solo le enseñaban que lo importante era pelear entre si ¿tu nunca te has sentido solo alguna vez?
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can I ask stuff from the spin-offs like Saintia Sho, Episode G , Episode G: Assassin etc?
Hi! actually no :c this is a blog for the XX century gold saints only u.u but if you have questions involving XX century gold saint’s opinion about those spin offs or something like that it’s ok! n.n thank you :-*
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El Cid, what are your truly thougs about Sisifo? I've seen you two together this times, so I wanted to aks you this.
Hello :3 this is a blog for the XX century gold saints, i guess you were looking for  @asklcgoldsaints n.n good luck!!
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..........You cant approach Camus that easily. Spending time with him is really hard...
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(He wont give up tho)
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HB to Mr. 28 going on 14 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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...Would you fuck a clone of yourself?
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(x) ((sorry for being inactive, muns are really busy rn! couldnt miss the opportunity to make this tho))
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If you guys are ponified (made into pony version of yourself), what will your name be?
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Couldn’t do the other 11 saints but i guess you get the point anon uwu 
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bueeeeeeno, como soy insoportable entonces no creo que quiera su regalo de cumpleaños. Era una entrada para dos personas de un restaurante elegante donde sirven comida de todo el mundo, hubiera ido con Mu por que escuche que muchas parejas terminan casándose en ese lugar y no se han separado nunca, supongo que es romántico. La usare yo e iré con Kanon le va encantar por que hay muchos tipo de vinos, cervezas, ron, tequila, etc, pero bueno como no la quiere ... namaste maestro
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Holis :)
Al parecer tus mensajes esta en un formato de “roleplay” por lo tanto no podemos responderlos ya que este es un blog de preguntas a los caballeros dorados, sin embargo, estoy segura que deben existir algunos blogs de Shaka para ese fin n.n
Mun Gopaca
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Maestro Shaka me hace sentir que no soy querido por usted, usted me quiere verdad?? *Sob* diga la verdad, así me voy para no molestar mas *Sob* pero quiero que sepa que usted siempre sera la persona mas importante, aunque yo no le sea para usted *Sob*
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Shaka.exe has stopped working
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Q: For Athena’s sake xDD that monument reminded me of Sempai’s in yandere Simulator jaja. Don’t worry Shaka, Mu will notice you when you least expect it :vv
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Milo whyyyy?
Meanwhile in someone’s wallet
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If you don’t know what the hell is going on press here 
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Can me have a cute moment or photo with the Siberian Family (Camus, Milo, Hyoga and Isaac,)? Thank you! Ps: i like your page! >///
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“You can´t imitate the siberian style Milo, you are born with it” ((Thank you for liking our page!!
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por que nunca le preguntan algo a Kanon?? yo creo que el es increíble,(sinmencionarquenosedesnudaigualquesuhermano) igual que mi maestro Shaka
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Oh dios xDD ha este paso me ganare el odio de los dorados con mis preguntas. Hare una mas inocente, mi pregunta es para Mu ¿Como has estado? c:
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Dokho, ¿Qué se siente ser el que tiene más experiencia (cof"viejo"cof) de todos los dorados?
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Shion: Dohko, si sabes que a ambos nos dieron el mismo cuerpo de cuando luchamos juntos en la guerra santa, verdad?
Dohko: La juventud se lleva en el corazón, querido Shion ;-)
Shion: ….. púdrete Dohko. 
Translation under the cut
Q: Dohko, how does it feel to be the most experienced (cof cof old cof cof) among the gold saints?
Dohko: Well, actually i am 18 yo, the other gold saints are 20yo or 28…for the matter the old guy here is Shion ;-)
Shion: Dohko, you are aware that we both have the same body as when we fought together in the holy war, right?
Dohko: youth is carried in the heart, dear Shion ;-)
Shion:….FU Dohko
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Para Shura: Cómo te sentirías si ves un post de Facebook que dice "El nombre del mejor santo dorado empieza con S" y que todo el mundo responda Saga o Shaka? :o
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No llores nosotros te amamos SabroShura uwu 
Translation under the cut ;-D
Q: This one is for Shura, How would you feel if someone did a post on facebook asking who’s the strongest gold saint with the letter “S” and everyone said Saga and Shaka?
Shura: I really don’t care about what the other’s think about me, the only opinion that matters to me is the one of Godess Athena…
Shura: Oh, im sorry, that’s my mobile…
Savage facebook post appears
Saga: The strongest gold saint name starts with “S” and ends with “aga”
Shaka: Not you only suffer Bipolar complex but also dementia…
DM: hahahaha you owned faketriarca 
Saori: Stop fighting you guys :( you do know both of you are my favorite “S” named saints ;-)
Shura dies 
Dont you cry Shura we love you uwu
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