To clear up on the Atua thing-Atua is not a single god, it's a word used by Polynesian peoples to refer to gods and spirits, I'm pretty sure they just choose a exotic word that could mean god and didn't actually mean to offend or insult any cultures.
Yeah someone send me a DM about it and explained it to me too so I guess that’s great and I will go back to use Atua since it’s what I’m used on using!
Thank you for the explanation though!!
-mod lili)
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Happy delayed birthday, Angie Yonaga. Just know you are the most beautiful girl of the group and deserved all the happiness "Gives a new tool set while I kneel down and kisses her hand in respect".
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Yay, thank you very much! 
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However God created each of us and therefore we are all equally beautiful. 
(Hey everyone, I saw recently that “Atua” was a real god according to some religion and that therefore it could be offensive to use it as belonging to Angie’s cult. I’ll try to inform myself a bit more about it but unless I find proof that it’s not really offensive and that what I saw was just the usual “Tumblr police” acting again I will now use God instead of Atua, but if anyone has a name they want to suggest that wouldn’t refer to an actual god please feel free to send it to me! And I apologize if me using the name Atua has hurt anyone!
-mod lili)
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I cant wait for the new FF members to arrive aaaaaa, I wanna know who it is!
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Are you sure that’s a good thing though?
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W-Why wouldn’t it be...?
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Aww Yumeno-san, you’re so cute when you play at being stupid!~
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Ouma-kun, if you have something on your mind, just share it with the rest of us, no need to antagonize any of us in the process.
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Nishishi, fine, fine. My question is, do you really think that it’s a good thing for us if more people from their organization come here?
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Think about it, right now, we are more numerous than them so even if they wanted to they wouldn’t be able to take us down. But if more of them come here, that won’t be a probleme anymore.
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Why would they even want to take us down in the first place anyway?
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We all participated in a Killing Game and more than half of us are murderers. Would you trust people like that? The easiest way to ensure that we don’t turn out like the Monokubs is to erradicate the probability if it happening right from the beginning... 
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N-No way...!
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Monodam is cute
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You said there were more future foundation members coming right? If so, will they be here soon?
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They should arrive very soon! From what I heard some stuff happened which forced them to delay their trip to this base but it’s fine now so I guess you can expect them to arrive at any moment!
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You mean even more people are going to be here? Who are they?
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The more the merrier! And it’s a surprise so you will have to wait!
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Do u want a flower crown as well, Monosuke? *offers a flower crown*
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I will pass on this offer.
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*gives Himiko hot chocolate* Do you want Marshmallows or not?
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I do!
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HBD Kaede!
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I apoligize for the late reply, but thank you very much!
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Althought I admit that it is strange to not be able to be sure of my own age…
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Angie, you’ve told everyone what Atua looks like to them, but what does he look like to you?
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That’s a secret~
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Somehow while working with clay I stabbed my finger :) (I'm okay tho, it just bled a lot a first but now u can barely see where it was)
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Sacrifices are necessary sometimes for your art to be perfect!
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And Atua saw that and He even made sure that your wound wasn’t serious!
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What is Miaya currently up to?
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Most of the time I’m busy with holding therapy sessions with the students and the Monokids.
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It is quite difficult but they are all working hard!
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Kaede got a hair cut!?
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No, no, I just cut the tip, I haven’t been able to go to the hairdresser for months now and I’m terrible with taking care of my hair by myself so I asked Amami-kun to lend me a hand since he is really good at stuff like that. 
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Okay. We don't talk about Kork here you see. It makes people uneasy. Himiko do you want some hot chocolate to get your mind off of him?
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….I guess.
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Rantaro! What are you up to right now?
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Me? Nothing special really, I just came back from Akamatsu-san’s room, I helped her cut her hair because the tip of it was a bit damaged.
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I’m not sure I did a perfect job but I used to do it for my sisters so I guess it’s not too terrible…
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*begins pelting Saihara with sliced cucumbers*
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*backs away* T-That’s dangerous!
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No he is not!
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