askthequeenofsneaks · 7 years
I feel like Puck is actually this huge dork who loves the avengers will you search his room for action figures?
oh, trust me when i say he’s not. i’ve been in his room, unfortunately, and there was nothing close to that pleasant in there. that room is a certified dumpster fire in a way that is unreal.
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askthequeenofsneaks · 7 years
what would you do if daphne got a boyfriend?
i would be incredibly concerned. daphne’s a little young for that, i think!
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askthequeenofsneaks · 7 years
What is your middle name and will you try to prank puck and show us the result?
1 - that’s classified information2 - i would but he’s asleep and i like living
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askthequeenofsneaks · 7 years
What do you think you're going to be in the futue? Or are you like me and don't know what to do with life....
i have no idea right now, but i have lots of time to think about it!
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askthequeenofsneaks · 7 years
what's your idea of the perfect date
hmmm, i really like aquariums and zoos, but i wouldn’t mind going to a café or a bookstore. if there’s a movie i’ve been wanting to see, that’s usually a fun thing to do. it really depends on my mood.
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askthequeenofsneaks · 7 years
what is your relationship status with puck right now?
we’re at an impasse right now. he wants to leave the house but granny left me in charge and i said no, so he’s sulking. (it’s storming, so i know he just wants to play in the mud.)
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askthequeenofsneaks · 7 years
do you have a favorite song?
it changes really often, to be honest, but right now it’s a close call between both vor í vaglaskógi by kaleo and the night we met by lord huron ..
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askthequeenofsneaks · 7 years
Sabrina? You alive? You on a case or something?
yeah man i’m alive! sorry for the delay in answering asks guys, been on a weird adventure. it’s a long story. (it involved puck’s disgusting slime and donkeys. like i said. long story.)
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askthequeenofsneaks · 7 years
Are Puck's eyes green or blue? (Cause it switches in the books) Also, which color do you prefer to gaze into dreamily?
they’re a weird mix. imagine a swamp, but prettier. there you have it.
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askthequeenofsneaks · 7 years
how many nicknames does Puck have for you and which one bugs you the most ?
1) it’s impossible to count, really.
2) and honestly? i hate all of them equally. it’s hard to just hate one.
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askthequeenofsneaks · 10 years
Tumblr media
its almost the anniversary of being a family again
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askthequeenofsneaks · 10 years
Tumblr media
its been a good long while since I’ve done any SG fanart 
so here’s a blushy ‘brina 
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askthequeenofsneaks · 10 years
What's your favorite genre of music
I like mostly indie stuff, at the moment! Indie rock and alternative rock are my favorites.
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askthequeenofsneaks · 10 years
Is Puck in the same place as you right now? I'm sorry if he is. I hope you make it out of today safe.
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askthequeenofsneaks · 10 years
You got that right. I have the hammers ready right now, and Dad's installing a tiny doggie door for the food. (Don't worry about me, I've got a stash of chips if Puck somehow manages to get the door)
im nailing the door shut with sabrina since tomorrow is april fools day!!! we really dont want to be anywhere near puck on april fools day
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askthequeenofsneaks · 11 years
Hello! I'm really glad to find out you had a tumblr. Did you draw your profile picture? It's really nice! Also how did you have the spider battle if you live in New York?
Hi! No, I didn't, but thank you! 
The spider attacked while I was visiting Granny. Now we're back in our apartment while Granny's house gets fixed up. She's staying with us, so it's a little crowded... 
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askthequeenofsneaks · 11 years
sabrina!!!! whats up?? ouo
Hey daphne what are you doing on tumblr i am 300% sure you are below the minimum age 
but i mean im good. Busy, but good.
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