assassinsandco · 4 years
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assassinsandco · 4 years
I think i’m gonna restart things here! If anyone has threads they definitely want to keep, please let me know, but otherwise I think I’m going to drop everything (except anything started recently) and start fresh. Just been getting very overwhelmed with drafts lately :(
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assassinsandco · 4 years
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assassinsandco · 4 years
It was rare that Jihu ever saw Tae like this. In fact, he couldn’t remember a time where he had seen him quite this bad, this out of it and it was scaring him in a way he couldn’t quite put into words. He didn’t want Tae sad! He never wanted Tae to be sad. And so, despite their usual dynamic, Jihu knew he needed to be the ‘grown up’ version of himself here, reaching out to touch him gently to assess just how bad it was. Min could be like this, could have these moments, and Jihu knew that gentle was always best. “I don’t want to play.” he answered, shifting to sit next to him rather than on his lap like he might usually, but only so he could wrap his arms around Tae’s middle slowly, assessing his reactions the whole time, “I’ll sit with you. No one should be alone when they’re feeling bad.” his voice was soft as he pressed a kiss to his shoulder, before resting his chin against it, “What can I do? What do you need?”
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open to: m/nb. littles, babys, kittens, puppys, etc etc. any muse that he would typically take a lot of care of.
plot: just have your muse try to cheer him up that’s all he needs here.
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Tae knew they’d been talking to him. He had felt their fingers on his arm trying to get his attention for the past few minutes, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t do this right now. Usually Tae would take such good care of them, smother them in love - both mental and physical kinds - and it would seem like the other was his whole world. Yet right now it was hard enough for him to not just zone off into nothingness. He was trying so hard, but wasn’t quite succeeding. “I’m sorry hun,” he finally speaks, his voice not carrying any of that usual deep love and affection he felt for the man, instead carrying a soft sort of sadness, “you should go play. Daddy just needs to sit here for a while.” Sitting here, alone with his thoughts, was probably the worst possible thing he could be doing in this moment and yet - the alternative of trying to force that happy persona back into the world was unbearable.
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assassinsandco · 4 years
Like for a starter!
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assassinsandco · 5 years
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assassinsandco · 5 years
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assassinsandco · 5 years
“Have you got an appointment?” Kun asked as he glanced up from the book on his desk, focusing on the person in front of him. They didn’t look like a client he’d seen before, but this wouldn’t be the first time Kun’s overly distracted mind had forgotten someone.
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assassinsandco · 5 years
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By the time it registered for Lenon Dylan had already injected it, and was already talking. “Dylan you-” his hand still holding the one syringe shook, his will faltered, and he whined; just a moment of his usual self pushing through. Dylan was everything to him, everything he could ever want at more - his shining light in his miserable existence. The one reason he’d kept living for so long. When Dylan had come into his life, when he’d met the other, started to care for him, it had given him a purpose. It gave him a reason to start feeling pride in himself, to stop thinking he was just a pretty little thing for people to use how they wanted. Dylan had given him a hope he had always been so afraid of thinking about. “I don’t want to turn into him Dylan.” Tears started falling down his cheeks again, for what was probably the hundredth time that night, his shaking hand still holding the syringe to his vein. It seemed like the only option. It seemed like the only way to make sure Dylan stayed safe. “I don’t want to end up hurting you. I don’t want to do the things he does. I don’t want to be him! But he’s going to make me!” Lenon’s sobbing now, hanging his head down, staring through the tears at the needle that was gently stabbing into his skin. He wanted the relief. He didn’t want the fear of hurting Dylan any more. He didn’t want this life any more. He didn’t… “He’s going to make me hurt you one of these days Dylan and I can’t - I can’t do it. I’d rather die then hurt you.” He pushes the needle to break skin, still softly sobbing. He needed that relief… he needed to feel free… he needed Dylan to be safe… It was the most important thing in the world to him. Making sure his light was safe. “It’s… it’s y-you and me against the world but I-” Lenon gulps, trying to catch his breath between sobs as his thumb taps the end of the syringe, hesitating, he didn’t want Dylan to take them. He didn’t want Dylan hurt. He didn’t… Lenon sniffs, trying to stop the tears, before looking back up at him. At the man he valued more then he’d ever valued his own life. “Just let me go Dylan… Just let me go… Please.” It was the only way he’d ever be free. It was the only way Dylan would ever be free. It was the only way he could keep Dylan safe.
“Lenon, if you kill yourself, I...” Dylan’s voice broke and for a moment, he had to close his eyes to steady himself. He felt dizzy with the worry, sick at the thought of having to live a life with Lenon... broken at the fact that Lenon wanted that. “He can’t do that. We won’t let him do that, whatever it takes but please... please let’s just worry about that if it ever comes up... Please.” he whimpered, voice getting quieter and quieter, more and more strained. “If you leave... If you go...” He would follow. There was no doubt about it. Dylan didn’t have anything without Lenon and he would have no hesitation in following right after if Lenon went through with this. “If you don’t want to hurt me, dont’ do this. Because this is the worst way you could ever hurt me.”
Dylan could feel the drugs starting to take effect, but the ex-addict - or, well, the ex, and now yet-again-addict had far too high of a tolerance. Potentially higher than Lenon and it worked well for them both in these situations... but whatever Lenon was taknig definitely seemed to be strong. One or two syringes... “Just... please don’t leave me.”
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assassinsandco · 5 years
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They hadn’t talked in what felt like years, yet when Ace saw the text from the all to familiar number he couldn’t help but oblige the panicked appear request. Not alone of course, because he seemingly could never go anywhere alone any more. Of course it was with good reason, Ace knew the amount of attempts he’d had on his life, and the bounty still hanging over his head - of course there was. A nineteen year old who had managed to rise the ranks of a mob without seemingly lifting a finger must be dangerous. Or so he assumed that was others thought process, and that was the reason he was making his way to the abandoned building flanked by two guys that definitely held the aoura of ‘you fuck with us you die’ around them, only for Ace to point to one door with two fingers and then towards the back, “Make sure no else is here, and make sure no one gets in.” He says simply, both men nodding and moving away to scout the place and stand guard, neither empty handed as it seemed a slight glint coming off of one of the mans guns. Ace pulls out his own, entering the building slowly, quietly, listening for the source of the crying he could hear echoing in the building, until he found him. Jihu. Sitting in a dimly lit corner, sobbing. Ace checks the area before putting his gun back and kneeling in front of his old friend. The blood, he could smell it through his mask before he could see it in the faint light filtering through one of the windows. It didn’t phase him, he’d seen worse, but he did reach out gently to take one of Jihu’s hands and lift his own shirt with the other, beginning to start wiping some of the blood away. In the darkness, without saying words, his face covered with his mask, it may have been hard to tell who Ace was, but that wasn’t a thought that dawned on him in that moment. His only thought a way to make sure the other man was safe.
Jihu really wasn’t sure why Ace had been his choice to call. Of all the people that worked under Caleb, of Blake and Mya and Brooke and everyone else that could’ve come to help him, he’d picked Ace, the one person that wasn’t a part of the company. The wait felt like torture but when Ace did finally turn up - at least, he assumed it was Ace - it was like an odd wash of relief that mixed and melded with the fear and disgust also flooding through him. He’d killed people. He’d lost his best friend... Oh god, what was he going to do?! He couldn’t do any of this without Min! “H-He’s dead...” he sobbed out without warning, looking up at Ace with an expression that could only be described as broken. “M-Min.. Minnie he... they killed him.. I... I didn’t mean to.. to kill them too but... but they had... had guns and... and...” he broke into another sob, his stomach churning with nausea not only from the thought, but from just how hard he’d been crying.
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assassinsandco · 5 years
@maybe-imthemoon​ | Starter Call
“You lost?” Jiwon had stepped out of the club for a few moments, just to get a bit of air and to stretch his legs. His prosthetic had been irritating him a bit, causing an ache in his thigh, and getting out for a moment seemed like the best solution. He’d been leaning against the wall just in the alleyway that ran alongside the club when he noticed someone starting to wander down it - given it was a dead end, it was curious, “If you’re looking to get into the club, the front entrance is just around the corner and a bit further up.”
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assassinsandco · 5 years
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Soyeon grinned softly, sitting in front of the female. “This is honestly so fun to, scaring the hell out of le best friend” as Soyeon’s grin grew wider, looking around the room they were in.
Recovering her racing heartbeat, Nari huffed out a breath and shot a pout directly in Soyeon’s direction. “Le best friend isn’t going to be around to scare the hell out of for long if you keep giving me heart attacks! Warn a girl, will ya!” There was no hostility behind her words, not really. In fact, they were more or less carried on a laugh, buried under the dramatics of a hand on her chest and the other fanning her face to ‘calm herself down’.
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assassinsandco · 5 years
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“We protect her with everything we can do…” Abby answered, looking up at the male. “Between you guys watching for outside threats, my wards even in her crib, Minnie staying by her side…she’s the most protected baby in the world.” She laughed softly. “You just…do it, Blake. I dunno, there’s no manual. Caleb was a mess before she was born…” Blake’s the only one she would ever trust that information to because she knew he probably saw it when Caleb was at work. “You have to trust yourself, as much as Sky does. She wouldn’t be with you, startin’ a family if she didn’t think you’d do everything to keep them safe.” 
Blake gave a feint nod at her answer, taking a deep breath. He knew Sky trusted him, but that didn’t help to calming his nerved. He’d lost his sister... He couldn’t even protect her, and she was old enough to do things for herself at the time. A tiny baby, a little, helpless human would be under his care and he couldn’t believe for the life of him that he could do this. “I just don’t want to let Sky or the baby down... I don’t want them to have to worry about a thing and I just... I dunno if I can do that...”
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assassinsandco · 5 years
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Being told he didn’t have to explain was more worrying than it was calming, the words sending a spike of almost fear through him. Austin watched, now frozen, eyes slightly wide, while Blake drops his bag and begins to approach. It’s cute. They were the last words he was expecting to hear. Austin was used to being ridiculed, so used to having people trying to rip up his dresses, hell his family had even burned some he used to have when they had found them, so to have Blake smiling, taking the bow, playing with his hair… Austin almost started crying. Tears pricked his eyes and he took in a shaking breath to stop a sob of happiness from escaping, staring at the ground as if still to ashamed to look his boyfriend in the eyes. “I didn’t want you to find out.” He didn’t want to lose the one person he’d finally become comfortable around just because of a stupid disgusting habit. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry I’ll change.” It was as if he didn’t want to push his luck by being like this in front of Blake any longer. He didn’t want to do something to make the other hate him.
“Woah, hey, no...” Blake frowned, taking Austin’s hand now though he was gentle about it. He didn’t want him to run off but he’d never been the type to force it. “Stay. I mean it, I think it’s cute and if it makes you this happy then what’s the harm, right?” he insisted, ducking down just slightly to try and get him to look at him properly. There was a hint of concern in his expression, concern about Austin’s reaction more than anything, but he didn’t voice it. Not yet. He brought his hand up slowly, brushing the back of his finger over Austin’s chin with a smile, “Hey, look at me... you don’t have to change anything about yourself, alright? Clothes are clothes. You can wear whatever you like or nothin’ at all and I’d be fine with it. I mean, maybe wear somethin’ when you’re out in public but... that’s more for not getting arrested.” he tried to joke, straightening up a little, pressing a kiss to his forehead, “But my point is, you can wear what you like, when you like.”
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assassinsandco · 5 years
@softdreems​ | Cont
Prin couldn’t help but smile back at Fi. It wasn’t often that he got to see the other male smile and when he did, it always made his heart flutter. While there was some truth to his own statement about being depressed, he was getting increasingly good at waving it off with a joke, at laughing it off just like he had, and so he opted for pretending he’d never said it that time around, giving an eager nod at the offer to make some. “Do you have chocolate chips? I really want chocolate chip cookies...”
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assassinsandco · 5 years
@softdreems​ | Cont.
It would hardly be the first time that Dylan had seen Lenon use drugs, and it definitely wouldn’t be the first time he took those drugs from Lenon and took them himself to stop him from doing something stupid. His hand had swiped some of the syringes before Lenon could even blink, and was stabbing one into his own arm, just hoping that muscle memory served him well and the drug went into his vein not his muscle. He’d learned a long time ago that in a lot of cases with Lenon, words were never enough. Actions had to be taken.
“This isn’t the answer and you know it.” Dylan huffed as he pulled the syringe out, lining up another at his vein “Now, I am going to use every single one of these unless you put that one down and stop talking crap, alright? Because you can’t die. You can’t just... you can’t go... It’s the two of us against the rest of the world, right?” He had no idea what to do. He’d been there before... wanting to kill himself and granted, Lenon never knew about it because he was as quiet as he could be. It’d be in moments after a client where he wandered to the roof or stared at anything sharp in the vacinity... But Lenon, even without being there, always reminded him that he couldn’t leave... “You are not your father, you never will be and we will get out of this one day, okay?”
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assassinsandco · 5 years
Blake had never expected this to be the view he came home to, but it had been and for a moment, he wasn’t entirely sure what to. He’d seen a lot of things in his life and don’t get him wrong, this was absolutely nothing compared to the horrors - he was an assassin, after all - but it was one of the first where he wasn’t immediately sure on how to respond. He just didn’t want to say the wrong thing. “You don’t have to explain.” he eventually answered with a light shrug, dropping his bag down and shutting the door behind him, wandering towards Austin, his head tilted as he stopped in front of him, “It’s cute,” he smiled, reaching up to brush some hair from his forehead, “Here, let me…” he reached for the bow, smiling as he moved his hands to try and put it into Austin’s hair. He’d done it with his little sister before… “Did you really hide this for all this time?”
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“This isn’t - um -” He hadn’t planned this to be the way his boyfriend found out he liked this, and he couldn’t even say this isn’t how it seems either because, hell, here Austin was standing in the middle of their room in a pastel purple dress and matching pink tights, “Okay, yeah, it’s exactly what it looks like. I’m weird. I like wearing dresses. Sue me.” Austin drops his hand from his hair, pulling the bow he had been attempting to put into his hair down with the movement, “They’re comfy as shit.” a feeble way to defend his habit. Austin so rarely felt comfortable in his own skin so rarely felt comfortable with his body and face, but in that moment, past his clear embarrassment at being caught, Austin looked… happy. The way he seemed to shift slightly to make the dress twirl gently against his legs, the way the corners of his lips curled up just that faintly, and most notably the way he had been looking at himself in the mirror - usually to ashamed of his own appearance to ever want to see himself. Austin was happy in the silly little dress and tights. It was his guilty shame. His secret happiness. And now his boyfriend had found out, and he didn’t know what to do.
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