astropsychickid · 2 years
You guys remember this prediction? Well, we had that conjuction two days ago. And what happened two days ago? The Fed announced the recession we were all expecting.
But is it really as wild as a Tower moment? Such a life changing event?
Let's remember that this conjuction is pretty unique, not because Mars+Uranus, but because we also have NORTH NODE too! North node is always pointing to our future, what we need to focus on, what is important.
Well, the thing about this recession is that is probably the biggest sh*t show we have ever experienced so far. All countries in the world are already having more than 6% inflation, prices are still skyrocketing in all markets and seems to be no cap, tax rate is higher than ever, dollar and euro have equal parity, S&P 500 has never looked so chaotic, and so on.
I'm not an expert in macroeconomics, so i cannot explain all of it better. But it is easy to take an inflation calculator, and see how much you could get with $1000 50 years ago, and how much you can get now. Let me save you some time: your parents had it easier.
This event is just a wake up call, a "hey, you better get your sht together now, collectively!!", and we can expect more and more attention and focus on finances, long term stability, and security while the north node is still there.
What matters to me and blows my mind is that the announcement came EXACTLY the same day we had Mars+Uranus+North Node in Taurus... you gotta love astrology
Astro Prediction: Mars in Taurus
Soon we will have Mars in Taurus, and I feel like this placement will give a push to global finances overall. People will put more attention on the subject, and i feel like macroeconomics will be a big subject. Not only we have USA recession, but we also have Bitcoin fall, China and USA tension, and of course, the ongoing Russia-Ukrain. Mars will put the attention on finances, global finances, and how money is moving so far. Maybe we will see news about fed and the tax rate, and news media will definitely focus on how this is manage. I wonder if Mars focus will give a push into some growth? However, i see it difficult because by the end of July we will have a conjuction of Mars-Uranus. This can be a world-shaking events regarding finances, and something that will be difficult to ignore or cover. Mars-Uranus is a power combination that definitely feels like tarot Tower moment.
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astropsychickid · 2 years
Personal finances Astrology readings open!!
Guys, a lot of you read my personal finances astrology post (that you can read here) and sent me private messages about your own natal charts so I could give it a look. It seems that in this chaotic financial times, a lot of you are wondering if you can find some answers and ideas in astrology. Short answer: of course you can!
So, I'm opening this specific astrology finances reading for all of you!
What can you expect from it?
We will look at your current transits and how they are impacting your finances.
We will pay attention on current opportunities and looking for specific dates/events that can help you grow into abundance.
Check your natural disposition about money on your chart. We will see what is the most natural way for you to make money in this lifetime.
Specific guidance on how to start this new path, grow your business or making your ideas a reality.
A motivating and empowering chat that will leave you feeling ready to manifest all your dreams into this lifetime!
Price: $10
You guys can ask me anything about this reading if you have doubts, send me a message and book when you feel ready :) THANKS!!
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astropsychickid · 2 years
Astrology Update: Full Moon in Capricorn
This July 13 we have a full moon in Capricorn. This is going to be an interesting transit that will make an impact on cardinal signs: aries, cancer, libra, and of course, capricorn. But, why this full moon in capricorn will be so special?
Well, mainly because the Moon will be conjuct Pluto in Capricorn.
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A full moon is a moment of release, a completion of a cycle, the finish line. Full moons are moments when we see the full picture and receive the benefits of our hard work. Is when we have clarity, full light, full vision, so we can finally understand what is happening and let go what doesn't serve us.
This impulse of letting go will be intensified by Pluto. What is Pluto? Basically, the planet of evolution, transformation, rebirth. Leaving behind what doesn't work to build with what does. Pluto is like Shiva or the The Tower on Tarot, it removes everything that doesn't serve us so we can have a fresh start with what does.
So, what will be the theme of this full moon in Capricorn?
This will be an impulse, a wake up call to let go something that is not serving us anymore. This could be a habit, or something that we enjoy so much, but somehow is stopping our growth and evolution.
Pluto + Full Moon are here to say: is time to let this thing go, we don't need it anymore and we can grow so much without it.
What signs will be the most affected?
You will feel this transit more if you have placements on Capricorn in your natal chart, especially personal planets (Venus, Moon, Sun, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter. I will also include chiron, lilith and north node here, which can be intense too). You will also feel it if you have placements on cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
How this Full Moon in Capricorn will affect me?
It depends on your placements and aspects, but we can have a a little idea if we check in which house we have Capricorn:
1 House: letting go ideas about yourself or letting go of ways you present to the world that are not serving you anymore. Are you seeing yourself, and showing other the completeness of who you are?
2 House: letting go of feeling or beliefs about your value and self worth. Are you appreciating the fullness of who you are?
3 House: a renewal of thoughts and communication. Are you expressing yourself in the most authenthic way?
4 House: this could be a letting go of familiar habits, or even maybe old grudges. Are you fully comfortable in your own home, or even, in your own skin?
5 House: letting go of false believes about your own creative impulses and your inner child. Are you trusting in your inner child?
6 House: letting go of small habits, those that we do every single day, but that deep down we know they might not be the best. Are you having a routine that makes you feel happy?
7 House: letting go of people and relationships that are not good for you! Are you comfortable and happy with your current relationships? (and im not talking only about romantic relationships).
8 House: a rebirth of your deep beliefs. You might feel like a full upside down and makeover is happening.
9 House: a transformation of your core beliefs. Are you living aligned with your core intentions and beliefs? Do you feel like living your best self?
10 House: a transformation of career, profession, or just a big change on how you present to the world. This could mean letting go of things that are not serving your professional goals. Are you doing what you actually love?
11 House: this could be a renewal of friends or maybe a transformation of your dreams. Maybe you see that your group of friends is not longer fitting. It could also feel like your dreams for life are changing and you see yourself in a different future.
12 House: a deep renewal and transformation of your deep beliefs, a cleaning and purge of your subsconscious mind. This placement might be uncomfortable and highly emotional. You could face things from your past or maybe big fears. But remember, after the storm is gone, you will feel refresh, clean slate!
This is just a few observations, and remember that you could experience different things depending on your own aspects and placements. I hope this help you guys with this big Full Moon in Capricorn!!
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astropsychickid · 2 years
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Updated & corrected houses chart.
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astropsychickid · 2 years
Astrology placements that could indicate psychic abilities Pt.3
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Venus placement:
A lot of astrologers don’t count Venus as a psychic element, but I’ve seen people with these interesting placements:
Venus in Pisces people is very intuitive through feelings and emotions. If they don’t feel a good vibe, they will know it. However, Pisces sometimes is a bit blurry, and that’s why you will see a lot of Venus Pisces getting hurt or betrayed. 
Venus Conjunct Neptune is an intensification since Neptune is the higher octave. This person is very spiritual and intuitive and can develop communication with the other side through feelings and emotions. 
Sun placement:
I think it is important to check the aspects of the sun in the birth chart first, but we can all agree that Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Aquarius signs are highly intuitive and psychic. If you have one of those, check your aspects, what is the prominent element on your chart, and see which clair you feel more identified with. 
Extra observations:
Uranus + Neptune is a bomb. Is like having sudden insights, truth, revelations, visions, feelings… and all are accurate but you don’t know where this is coming from. If you have these, trust your instincts. 
Uranus or Neptune in Taurus are AMAZING mediums. You guys can ground a lot of information easily and have many downloads. 
Aquarius placements are very intuitive, but honestly, most of the time I see their abilities through thoughts and they don’t even know they are getting downloads:s
Aries placements are very intuitive too, like you guys know and feel what to do next and you don’t even doubt, but sometimes you guys are so scattered that you get lost.
These are just some placements in astrology observations that I've discovered through the years. If you guys have more of those, leave them in the comments! THANKS!!
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astropsychickid · 2 years
Astrology placements that could indicate psychic abilities Pt.2
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House Placements in Astrology that could indicate Psychic Abilities:
12 House placements: this is the house where our world and the spiritual world connect and merge. Is the house of Pisces, and Pisces placements are very intuitive, spiritual, and tend to have water sign abilities, like clair feeling or clair knowing. 
8 House placements: this house is all about esoteric, mystic, hidden and the occult. It is the house of Scorpio, and these Scorpio Placements are often related to death. Mediumship is common here. 
9 House placements: the 9 house is about higher knowledge, finding the truth, and connection with the spiritual side. People with Sagittarius placements or 9 house placements have strong intuition and wisdom to lead people and teach. 
Birth Chart Placements in Astrology that could indicate Psychic Abilities:
Moon placement: 
The moon is the most psychic element in our birth chart.
If you have it in the 8 house or 12 house, you are definitely psychic. 
Scorpio Moon, Pisces Moon, Cancer Moon are very intuitive and can feel your vibes by just hearing your name. 
If you have Moon + Uranus, you can have sudden downloads of information and intuition.
If you have Moon + Neptune you can definitely have visions or hear, easily connected to the other side, downloads of information, strong clair feelings, and more!
Mercury placement:
Mercury can indicate if you have abilities to channel, communicate downloads, and clair knowing. 
Mercury in the 9 house can have prophetic visions. In the 12 house it can download information easily from the other side and will find the truth without actually knowing how. 
Pisces Mercury is basically telepathic, Aquarius Mercury is extremely intuitive, and Cancer Mercury might be shy in communicating but will download information in a heartbeat. 
Mercury + Uranus will get sudden downloads and information, you will know the truth without researching. 
Mercury + Neptune will give you a lot of intuition to read people’s vibes. 
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astropsychickid · 2 years
Astrology placements that could indicate psychic abilities Pt.1
Guys, this post got so long that I'm going to divide it into three parts. I’ll link all of them down below so you can find all the information and check everything!
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Some powerful astrology placements can indicate if you have psychic abilities. However, I’ve seen people with these placements and they don’t recognize it in themselves. So, let’s explain a few things before jumping into the astrology information:
Most people have the idea that psychic gifts are just having visions or being able to communicate with the other side. This is a misunderstanding. I believe most people have a psychic side, but these talents and skills are hidden, not recognized, or we can even be afraid of them. But, if we all have these talents, where are they?
Well, there are different types of psychic abilities. Psychic vision, the most mainstream, is called clairvoyance. Psychic hearing is called clairaudience. These two are the most obvious ones, therefore, if you don’t have those, you might think that you don’t have any ability! These clairs are associated with our Sun power or Sun sign. Is the “masculine” force of the clairs, and therefore, is more visible. 
But we also have a “feminine” side of the clairs, a few abilities that are hard to recognize and understand because they are not so obvious. These are really common, but often ignored. We have the ability to feel, which is called clairsentience, and it can be easily confused with our feelings, sensations and emotions. We also have the ability to know, which is called claircognizant, and these can be easily confused with our own thoughts. There is also the ability to smell or taste, which is pretty common in mediums, and you can even imagine how simple it could be to ignore those too. 
So, how do we know if we have some of these? Learning astrology and these rare astrology placements can help us out a bit to discover our own talents!
Astrology Elements that could indicate Psychic Abilities:
Personal planets in Water Signs: water signs are all about emotions, so you could be an empath or clairsentience. Water signs are highly intuitive, so they can also develop other clairs, like psychic knowing. 
Personal planets in Air Signs: air signs are all about thoughts and ether. These people are claircognizants or clair knowing. However, it is needed to learn discernment of thoughts. 
Personal planets in Earth Signs: these people are amazing mediums since they have the ability to ground information. They can develop multiple abilities. 
Personal planets in Fire Signs: fire signs are more extroverts, so they tend to have a strong intuition to lead people.
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astropsychickid · 2 years
I'm opening my astrology readings and tarot readings
Hi guys! I've been obsessed with astrology since i was a child (i'm 26 currently), and now i also love tarot, and nonduality subjects, and it is just now that i feel ready to offer these readings. So, what can you expect out of them?
Guidance and advice. I get better results when the question is often focused on growth, guidance, motivation, advice and support. However, I can do predictive readings, especially if we combine both - tarot and astrology - to give you the most accurate answer possible.
Detailed answers. I love explaining the subject and dissecting each answer so you can understand perfectly what is being said.
Are you new to these subjects? Don't worry, i'll take my time to explain everything to you!
Support and motivation. The reason I love doing readings is because i can see how people feel more happy or calm in the process, and i love how inspired and motivated they feel with the reading.
I only receive PayPal or Binance payments.
We can do videocalls, I can send you an audio/video, or just a text with all the details. Depends on how you feel more comfortable doing this.
Astrology readings:
I do natal chart readings, so you can understand yourself better, know your strenghts, purpose, focus, and even evolutionary details. Price: in-depth reading 30 min $20
I do transits and special events, so you can prepare for your month, week, years, or that special day in the best way possible! Price: $10
I do solar returns, so you know what is new each year in your life! Price: $15
Tarot readings:
2 questions (no matter if they are about different subjects). Price: $10
1 question. Price: $5
I do guidance and advice, and also predictions.
Nonduality guidance:
1 hour session talking about your current point in life and finding the most appropiate advice (based on nonduality teachings) so you can find peace, liberation, express your emotions, feel comfortable in your own skin, and have a happier life! Price: $50
If you guys have any questions about my services, please, feel free to ask me anything :D
If you guys want to just support my work, you can make a donation to my paypal account: Paypal.me/agmp0296
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astropsychickid · 2 years
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astropsychickid · 2 years
MAstrology Observations 3
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Aries rising men tend to have a more “rugged” look to them with nice fluffy hair and the women are just really beautiful and their eyebrows are really narrow like -> \/ that lol
- I also feel like Aries risings are the best rising sign hands downnn, you really have to experience it for yourself lol
in my experience Capricorn’s have always been good at school (academically, the types to get straight A’s every year...like how do y’all do that lmaoo
If you know someone with a lot of fire placements in their chart, it doesn’t matter what their Mars sign is, there probably just gonna go tf off and scream a lot when their mad lol
If you have a Sagittarius MC, your probably very well liked by your peers
I feel like when a Leo, Cancer or Aries Mars gets mad about something they’re the types to rant on their social media about it
-Aries Mars will say what they gotta say (it will be brutal) and then forget about it later on lol
-Cancer Mars will mention how the person made them feel and find a way to make that person look like the worst thing in the world haha. Sometimes they have a tendency of making themselves look like the victim and others the villain.
-Leo Mars will rant in a more prideful, “fuck you”way, saying things that will make you laugh out loud but also impressed by their chose of words, I feel like they lowkey like the attention of it lol
Aries & Scorpios placements ALWAYS look good in red or black.
Taurus placements tend to have a more mature voice, even in their childhood
I feel like no one really talks about how amazing Pisces moons are🥺, y’all are best, also most I’ve met have always been very “ahead of the game”
Leo mercuries give off Leo sun energy, when they’re not a Leo
Aquarius & Pisces placements don’t really have a type
I feel like 8th house synastry isn’t intense unless you have the Moon, Mars or Venus in there
I notice Virgo placements are always adjusting or trying to fix something on themselves, constantly fixing their hair & adjusting what they’re wearing like they aren’t already perfect little angles 😇
Mars and/or Jupiter in the 2nd house or 10th house are hustlers 💸
(Not saying this is destined to happen to anyone who has this placement) People who have Pluto in their 7th house could have multiple experiences of meeting and/or dealing with toxic, manipulative & crazy people.
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astropsychickid · 2 years
12 House is often misunderstood
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I rarely see astrologers giving a good explanation for the 12 house. It seems like most people focus on the dark and scary side of this house, and completely bypass the good traits. But let's be clear: ALL houses have good and bad traits. ALL signs have good and bad traits.
Most people think of 12 house as evil. It is hidden, dark, mysteries, secrets. So, of course, it is easy to relate it to all "bad" things in life. Isolation, drugs, addiction, mental health problems, prison, secret enemies, struggles, etc. And yes, in some aspects, these things can be true. The 12 house is what is occult, behind your "face" which is the ascendant.
HOWEVER, people seems to forget that houses are related to signs. And the 12 house is the house of Pisces. Have you ever met a pisces? Yeah, they are not scary at all, i'm sorry love but you are a softy.
12 house is ALSO being creative, hidden talents, strong compassion and empathy, but also strong intuition and connection to the other side. This is the land where the spiritual and the material world merge together, where inspiration comes from, where oneness resides.
So, what does this mean if you have placements in the 12 house?
I often see people scared of their 12 house placements, because there are a lot of astrologers out there saying that you will go to prison one day or that you will go insane with that crazy head of yours. So, let me be clear with this:
12 house placements are not necessarily bad. As all signs, houses and placements, it can be both, good and bad. Let's put some examples:
Sun in the 12 house? This can show off as a shy personality, you probably like to isolate, and you don't love to bring attention on you. It can also manifest as a person that is involve in spiritual or creative subjects. Meditation retreats? You probably love that. Some alone time to relax? That's your jam.
Mars in 12 house? This could mean that a lot of your focus and motivation is a bit hidden, but it can also means that you have a hidden passion, strenght or talent that as soon as you identify it, it will fired you up. Mars 12 house can show up as a person that loves working at home, and loves working on the shadow. You are the person that helps people thrive, and you love having success without putting your name out there. It can also show that you are heavily invested on 12 house subjects, like spirituality, creative activies, mental health topics, etc.
Moon in the 12 house? You are extremely connected to the other side and you are very intuitive.
Stellium on 12 house? This is just an intensification of these energies, so you probably have a lot of passion or focus for 12 house subjects.
So, my point is: if you have 12 house placements, don't be afraid of those. These placements won't always manifest as problems in life as astrologers say. Instead, they tend to manifest as people that are interested on those subjects, people that help/work with other people on those subjects, activism, healers, spiritual people, artists, entertainers, dreamers, and more. This is the actual 12 house.
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astropsychickid · 2 years
Have you guys noticed how much we don't like feeling any "negative" emotion?
i was talking to my friends about astrology and what subjects they would like to read, and most of them answer topics related to money, happiness, and predictions. Seems normal, right? Pretty regular and conventional subjects. I kept asking more people and... all of them wanted the same? They all want to know how to be happy, with more or less words.
We want money because we think it will make us happy. We want growth because we think it will make us happy. We want popularity and validation because we think it will make us happy. We want predictions to avoid the bad events. We want rituals to avoid the bad juju. We want lessons to manage and control our emotions...
Everything that we do, EVERYTHING, is related to happiness. We think that having/doing something, will make us happy and if we succeed in that, NOTHING negative will happen to us.
We are so afraid of negative emotions, of the struggle. But at the end, they are just that...emotions, sensations in our bodies. What we are actually running away from is that hearthwrenching sensation, those ugly butterflies in the stomach, that pain in the throat. We spend all of our precious lives in fear of feeling emotions.
But here comes the plot twist: seeking eternal unconditional happinness will make us sad. Read that again.
We will never find eternal happiness, and you might read this and think "thats obvious, of course", but is it? Ask yourself how many times in the last month you avoided feeling bad. And then ask yourself why were you feeling bad. At the end, if you ask enough, you will get an answer similar to: this happen and it make me sad because i wanted another thing to happen that i though it would make me happy.
We are all looking for things that will bring us unconditional happiness and avoid all "bad" feelings, and guess what? It won't happen. Bad feelings are also part of the magical life.
Something to think about, huh?
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astropsychickid · 2 years
Astro Prediction: Mars in Taurus
Soon we will have Mars in Taurus, and I feel like this placement will give a push to global finances overall. People will put more attention on the subject, and i feel like macroeconomics will be a big subject. Not only we have USA recession, but we also have Bitcoin fall, China and USA tension, and of course, the ongoing Russia-Ukrain. Mars will put the attention on finances, global finances, and how money is moving so far. Maybe we will see news about fed and the tax rate, and news media will definitely focus on how this is manage. I wonder if Mars focus will give a push into some growth? However, i see it difficult because by the end of July we will have a conjuction of Mars-Uranus. This can be a world-shaking events regarding finances, and something that will be difficult to ignore or cover. Mars-Uranus is a power combination that definitely feels like tarot Tower moment.
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astropsychickid · 2 years
I've been digging a lot about money and astrology, and most information is pretty basic. They all say to keep an eye on 2h, but this is not enough. So, this is a short summary of things that i've found relevant so far:
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2H: yes, your 2h is important. It is the house of value, and therefore, it also includes your income. But this house talks about how you make your regular day to day money, AND your relationship with that money. So, if your 2h is on a fire sign, you will be comfortable making money in risky ways, and you will have a very passionate relationship with your money. Money becomes something exciting, and if you have a job that is not exciting, you will see that reflected. Of course, it is important to know what other planets are there and PLEASE check your house ruler. For example, if you have a 2h Aries, where is Mars on your chart? This will give your a better idea of how money comes to you.
8H: this is the house of shared money, investments, stocks, inheritance. If you have placements in this house, you will probably be interested in investing or making your money work for you. You can receive or work with money that isn't yours too. For this house i think it is not only important to know the qualities of the sign that is in, but the ruler of that sign. For example: if you have a Libra 8h, and Venus on 9h, we could say that could feel a bit insecure about investing even though you like the idea, but through knowledge and information, you can make solid choices and start your path.
11H: this is the house of gains, popularity and social recognition. People with placements in this house are recognized by their community and tend to accomplish their financial dreams. They are wealthy, and it comes without much effort. It is important to see the sign, of course, but also what placements are here. Mercury? Then you will gain through communicating. Venus? Maybe through art or entertainment. Mars? It could be activism and social causes.
North Node: do you have your north node on these houses? If your north node is on the 2h and 8h, you are called to make your financial dreams come true. It is important that you see what aspects and signs are affecting your north node so you can know how to work with it. For example, a 2h Cancer North Node can feel very shy about finances and will struggle taking risky decisions. They want to feel safe first, and this will be majorly important to make money in the right way for them. If they don't feel safe first, money won't come.
Saturn: many people ignore Saturn when is about finances, because saturn is mostly about karma and lessons. But Saturn is also discipline, hard-work, control, and stability in the material world. Saturn in 2h 8h often means that big money will come, but it will come later in life, you will have to go through his lessons firsts. If you have conjuction with Venus or Jupiter, this will give a bit of push to your finances and you won't struggle much, but again, you need to be ready for father Saturn lessons too.
Jupiter: known as a the planet for luck, it can play a big role on finances. Not only check where is located on your natal chart, especially in the 2h or 8h, but also it is interesting if it is on the 10h or 11h. What sign is located in? This can tell you the qualities. For example, Pisces 11h with Jupiter could be manifested as a lot of gains through creative work or spiritual work.
Moon: i'm sorry but the moon is extremely helpful for making daily decisions about money, don't come at me lol do you need to publish your big project or business and you need people to pay attention? Wait for the moon to be favorable, maybe on your 10H, 11H, wait for a full moon. You want personal recognition through your business? Wait for the moon transit your 1H. Get a moon calendar, you won't regret it.
These are just a few basics observations that have helped me on my financial journey. I hope this helps you guys!
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