atdrusja · 3 years
     hello fellas.      i have moved nina to a blog with the same url,       the link is here.       i will move some threads with me,      and if you want to reply to something of ours,      please just tag my new blog    or send your reply to me and we shall continue our things.        i hope to see you on the new blog.
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atdrusja · 3 years
     hello fellas.      i have moved nina to a blog with the same url,       the link is here.       i will move some threads with me,      and if you want to reply to something of ours,      please just tag my new blog    or send your reply to me and we shall continue our things.        i hope to see you on the new blog.
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atdrusja · 3 years
     hello fellas.      i have moved nina to a blog with the same url,       the link is here.       i will move some threads with me,      and if you want to reply to something of ours,      please just tag my new blog    or send your reply to me and we shall continue our things.        i hope to see you on the new blog.
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atdrusja · 3 years
     hello fellas.      i have moved nina to a blog with the same url,       the link is here.       i will move some threads with me,      and if you want to reply to something of ours,      please just tag my new blog    or send your reply to me and we shall continue our things.        i hope to see you on the new blog.
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atdrusja · 3 years
     hello fellas.      i have moved nina to a blog with the same url,       the link is here.       i will move some threads with me,      and if you want to reply to something of ours,      please just tag my new blog     or send your reply to me and we shall continue our things.        i hope to see you on the new blog.
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atdrusja · 3 years
no lie before we started talking i was fuckin quaking in my boots. now ur like a 1 AHSHDJDJSHS anton however......
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       wait you were QUAKING BECAUSE OF ME   ?????   ......     also ur right.      we should absolutely all be respective of anton.
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atdrusja · 3 years
     okay,      i’ll be working on moving nina to a new blog.      be more selective abt following maybe.      to keep things smaller.      if you want to continue our things over there,      i’d love to do that,       just tag me.          i’ll let you know when the blog is up.
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atdrusja · 3 years
     to redo tags,      or to move blogs.
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atdrusja · 3 years
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     if you think i’m doing fine,       ur wrong.
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atdrusja · 3 years
originally a 2 for nina’s intimidation until u learn she’s a heartrender and then shes a 5. ida u are. a 4 perhaps
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     i am a FOUR TO YOU ????     dsasadjfk.       i’m just a potato.      no need to be intimidated,     ok   ?      let me give u kisses.
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atdrusja · 3 years
The mun a solid 1 ilu u bring me joy. The muse a solid 10 how can someone just BE nina excuse me !!!!
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     i love you an aggressive amount.     miss neenaw is in fact a ten in every way.
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atdrusja · 3 years
ok to jesper, nina is between maybe -69/10 -> 2/10 intimidating on a regular basis. tho if she hasn't had her sugar fix for a day? 11/10
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     UR ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.       if she has no sugar,       she will go nuts.      call a corpse to grab her a snacc. 
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atdrusja · 3 years
reflectiones​,     specht.
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a sailor’s instinct knows how to measure tumultuous seas.     it latches upon the littlest hints of danger spoken in the language of  winds,    upon the sails that flutter under dark grey skies.        he knows when a vessel needs to retreat,   when it needs to face the waves head-on        —       and a heartrender’s frown,    her temperaments,    her glares that boiled with the fervour of  molten lava  were no less than waters ruled by the night sky.     specht made his way across the buzz of the crow club,   sweeping through the crowds like a knife cutting across paper.      usually found on the docks,   under the  glimmering lights  of the establishment,   he stood out like a boulder.      when at last he came to a stop in front of nina,    a chair closest to the dark painted walls was where he sank in,     lost to the shadows and curious eyes of  greedy gamblers.        ❝   what’s got you looking so sullen?   ❞       he inquired,    voice low and heavy,   part with genuine concern,   part with a  desperate desire  to not attract trouble being so out of place.        ❝   if it’s because of brekker,   you ought to get used to it already.    ❞
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               the heartrender hadn’t expected anyone to seek her out.       tonight was a night where she missed matthias.      despised herself for getting him in trouble,      even if it had been to save his life.       even if she had only hoped for a chance for the both of them.        nina hasn’t noticed,      but she’s been sighing heavily for the past five minutes,      scaring away any pigeons who may come near her.        not even jesper was anywhere to be found tonight,      even more reason why she felt lonely.       but soon,       soon she’d get him back.       she’d be with him again,      if he could ever forgive her.       that thought sent another shiver down her spine.      only perking up when someone speaks to her.        ❛       it’s not brekker,      ❜          something that surprises even herself.      usually when someone was sulking in the crow club,      it was from losing too much money or because of kaz brekker.           ❛       can you keep a secret,   specht  ?       i feel like you keep a lot of secrets.       ❜
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atdrusja · 3 years
compluras​,      theofan lebedev.
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          it was a heavy moment, even theofan had to admit that. nothing about this conversation came easily or without its fair share of baggage. it was as if even the way he breathed mattered. something knots in his chest but before he can stop to think about what that might be, mouth is off speaking once more, distracting from the sensation.   ❛   ‘course not, nina,   ❜   smile is warm and kind as always and a hand comes to offer a squeeze over her shoulder.   ❛   but i have a feeling you think you are.   ❜
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               their exchanges were usually easy.      a breeze,     always filled with flattering words and easy laughs.       but this was different,       personal.      the weight had been heavy on her shoulders,       the weight of having her powers changed into something else.       something unnatural.        something so far from what it was supposed to be.       she did feel broken.       like someone had taken a knife to her and made alterations without her accept.           ❛     so what if i do   ?      does that matter to you  ?       ❜         she never understood what theo had seen in her,       perhaps an easy escape from the life he lived.
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atdrusja · 3 years
ruinousaltruism​,      maisy stengaard.
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Of course Maisy recognized her, the Heartrender who slipped through Pekka's fingers and joined the Dregs instead—Maisy'd paid for that loss, but her position is because of her irreplaceability and she couldn't afford to lose that. She turns at the other's voice, feigning unfamiliarity for the folded and sealed paper in her hand. With a shrug, she says, "Sorry, I don't think that's mine." She meets the Heartrender's eyes, smiles faintly, and winks before continuing on.
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               ❛     i’m quite certain i saw it slip from your pocket,  miss.       ❜        nina tries again with a raised brow.       even more confused when the other girl    . . .       winks  at her.        following her with the note still in hand,      feet walking faster.         ❛     you don’t even want to look at it   ?     ❜
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atdrusja · 3 years
pistolslinger​,      jesper fahey.
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      “ HOW COME YOU NEVER ACCUSE MARILKA?  even though she has stolen like, five things from you before, ”  as if she had heard her name spoken, the aforementioned squaller - in - training looks up and squints at him.  did they have super hearing?  fuck.  jesper gives her a blank, passive look, nonchalant as you please, and shuffles himself and nina further away from her.  “ if i pinched something off you, you wouldn’t even notice it was gone.  besides … if i was hiding a whole bottle of kvaas on my person, you’d have seen it t … too.  nina.  oh, no.  nina.  what if zoya found it?  or worse — ivan? ”
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                the way marilka seemed to have heard them bicker makes her laugh way too loud as jesper guides them both away from her.      shaking her head.       then a frown as she realizes what he said.       ❛     wait     -      you let marilka steal from me   ?!     ❜        scoffing as she crosses her arms,      then flashing him a good old fashioned pout.          ❛     i cannot believe i lost that bottle.     people here are thugs.     thei   -    don’t say that.      zoya would have us killed.      ivan would too.       we’re lucky if it was fedya.      he’d save my ass.     ❜
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atdrusja · 3 years
goodnight everyone, pls go to bed at a decent time ❤️ ( looking at u nat and holly )
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