atla-fanfic-prompts · 2 years
Fanfic Prompt #4
Imagine an AU in which Aang died, either in the iceberg, or during the Fire Nation attack. The Fire Nation proceeds to hunt down the next two Avatars that surface after the fact, before they are even old enough to stand a chance. Water Avatar, dead. Earth avatar, dead... ...And then the Fire avatar is born into the royal family, and so, we get... Avatar!Zuko, or Avatar!Azula.
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atla-fanfic-prompts · 2 years
ATLA Fanfic Prompt #3
An AU in which the war never happened, and the ATLA world has become very much like our modern world, as far as technology goes. It still has all the features of the fantasy world that ATLA is- bending, fantasy creatures, the like, but it’s also very modern AU-like at the same time. Urbanization, big cities, are far more common, with roads like ours, with modern cars. Cell phones, computers, TVs, every bit of technology we have in the real world, exists here, right alongside the benders and mythical creatures. Aang is no longer a missing avatar that has been trapped in ice for a hundred years, and instead just simply exists as normal alongside the rest of the main cast- but of course, still is the Avatar, because the Avatar still exists. Because the war never happened, Zuko has no reason to try and capture Aang, and as such he befriends the group from the get-go. In this universe, Iroh becomes Firelord, because there is no war, and Lu Ten did not get killed, which did not give Ozai an excuse to try and tell Azulon to revoke Iroh’s birthright. Ozai is still, however, an abusive piece of shit, and he still burns Zuko’s face, however it is for a different reason as in canon, because there is no war room, because there is no war. Ozai is then subsequently banished by Iroh, and stripped of his title as a Prince of the Fire Nation. Iroh takes Zuko and Azula in as his own. The actual story here could take place with the characters as young adults, meeting eachother through travelling around, going to college, sharing an apartment building, meeting at a coffee(or tea) shop, etc,  or it could take place in their teens as a High School AU, with them all attending a school in a neutral city, with the characters likely being sent there for the school’s high reputation. A lotta possibilities here. :’D
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atla-fanfic-prompts · 2 years
ATLA Fanfic Prompt #2
- In which werewolves exist, and Zuko gets bitten at some point during Book One. A sort of AU, canon divergence- werewolves exist in the ATLA universe, strange and mysterious, rare creatures that are thought by many to be extinct, or simple myth. As it turns out, they are very much real, and Zuko is the unfortunate victim of an attack. Zuko, not fully realizing what it was that attacked him, thinks nothing of it beyond treating the wounds. That is, until the full moon, during General Zhao’s attack on the Northern Water Tribe.
---- Extra Ideas: - In this universe, werewolves can learn to control themselves during transformations, but it takes quite a bit of mental training, and the first few transformations will always result in a werewolf completely losing control and succumbing to their base animalistic instincts. Even in those who have learned to maintain control, animal instincts always exist in the background, ready to take over at a moment’s notice.
- After the first transformation, werewolves begin to develop animal-like senses even in their human form, such as enhanced sense of smell and hearing... and a craving for raw meat. This also comes with some slight animalistic tendencies, such as growling when irritated.
- Even after losing control, some werewolves are still able to recognize, to some level, people that they are close to and care strongly about, which is sometimes enough to prevent them from attacking them. A wild Zuko may not attack Iroh, even if his wild self does not fully recognize him.
- Considering a full moon occurs during Book Three, while Zuko is in the Fire Nation... if events do not lead him to join Team Avatar early by this point, then the Fire Nation may have to deal with a rampaging werewolf Zuko. This could lead to quite a lot of conflict between him and his family, even before the Day of Black Sun.
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atla-fanfic-prompts · 2 years
ATLA Fanfic Prompt #1
An AU where Zuko and Azula grow up with a much closer relationship as siblings than in canon. Ozai always tries to pit the two against eachother, just as in canon, however, it doesn’t work- despite his best efforts to instill in his children that Azula is better than Zuko, that Zuko is a disgrace for being unable to firebend on the same level as Azula, this does not manage to drive a rift between them the way it does in canon. The two grow up with a near unbreakable bond- Zuko adores his little sister from the moment she’s born, and even as she begins to surpass him in skill, and gains their father’s favor, Zuko may have a bit of jealousy now and then, but even still, he will always love his little sister, and Azula loves her brother, too.
Both of the siblings have their internal struggles- Azula, with the crushing weight of having to live up to her father’s high expectations, and Zuko, just wanting his father to be proud of him, even once. Ozai’s treatment is clearly damaging the both of them in two entirely different ways, but despite it all, the two remain close, and confide in eachother. Azula stands up for and comforts Zuko when Zuko is treated badly by Ozai, almost becoming fiercely protective of him, and eventually starts to help teach him firebending in the hopes that he will catch up to her level with her help, and Zuko does what he can to make sure Azula isn’t pushing herself too far, and stressing herself out with her father’s expectations of her. Of course, they have their fights, like siblings do, and there may be some conflict that stems from Ozai treating his children so differently, and there may be a slight lack of understanding on Zuko’s part as to why Azula is also damaged, when she has everything he always wanted- but they push through it. But then, the Agni Kai happens. Zuko is burned, and banished. This time, Azula leaves with him.
Both Zuko and Azula redeem themselves in the end, both of them turning against their father, and working with the Avatar to put an end to the war, together. ------------ I just love the idea of the Fire Siblings, in another universe, having a much closer relationship and sibling dynamic, and actually working together throughout the events of the series, instead of working against and hating eachother, with Azula also getting a chance at redemption along with Zuko. :’D I like to think of their dynamic here as akin to a sort of mix between Edward and Alphonse Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist, and young Catra/Adora from She-Ra, minus the romance for the latter two and focusing on the more sibling-like dynamic.
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