atxbambi · 6 years
i’m on new tablets which is why i’ve not been on mostly because they’re like kicking my ass. i can barely wake up and i’m so weak sighs so i’ll hopefully be getting stuff tomorrow though
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atxbambi · 6 years
the world is fascinating, simply and truly. never has miyoung’s heart felt so overwhelmed with a mixture of wonderment, splendour and fear as it has since her enrolment into hangang school. the sheer volume of other mutants was reeling in itself, especially for one who has spent her life confined and shielded away from the outside world, but truly the most wonderfully weird thing was the selection of different mutations for her to experience. there were students who could fly, turn into ice, become invisible, lift the heaviest objects, run at supersonic speeds… a marvel to behold, plain and true.
yet there were still some mutations that took her by surprise, some that even chilled her to her very core, some that she simply could not take her eyes off of. it’s not meant as threatening or rude, it’s simply a lacking ability to control herself and stop herself from gawking like a rabbit in headlights at times. 
it happens again before she can control it - an altercation in the hallway has her staring despite her anxious nature, curiosity overwhelmingly stronger than her flight reflex. although her fingers are clasped under her chin and her arms are tucked tight against her chest so as not to seem imposing she cannot seem to drag her eyes away - especially when his face morphs into something unlike anything she’s ever witnessed and the mere shock of it roots her to the spot in a mixture of fear and wonderment. should she help? what could she do? he looks capable of handling the situation himself and she doesn’t wish to draw attention to herself in her first few days, but there’s an aura of distress seeping from him and it makes her antsy. not to mention the fact that his skin had just peeled away to reveal a skeletal jaw and teeth like something from a horror movie…
the group disperses just as she braves the idea to step forward toward him, leaving her far more exposed and looking a lot more nosy than originally anticipated. just her and the boy with the strange face now - her cheeks flush and she tucks her hair behind her ears.
“a-are you okay…?”
honestly, bambi was pretty used to scaring people with his mutation, and he himself was included in that. it was hard not to be frightened or at least freaked out anyway when seeing either of bones’ forms because well.. seeing a half skeleton or full skeleton walking and functioning wasn’t the most pleasant sight. in some ways it’s worse in his partial form though, because it’s.. more frightening for him. he can feel the skin rip and twist, and he can hear the way his jaw creaks slightly as his mouth opens and closes-- but at least he can still speak and relatively stay the same in this form. 
still, it’s because of that that bambi doesn’t expect for someone to so suddenly appear, and it as the boy looking up startled for a moment.. though he has to wonder if the emotion actually shows on his face.
“i-i’m fine..“ his voice is on the quieter side. it feels awkward to talk and he can’t keep the shaky sound from it either because bambi was definitely still both on edge, and panicked about what had just happened. the sudden dizzy feeling hadn’t at all settled with him yet either-- and he’s sure anyone can tell just by looking at the way he’s sitting of his hands shake slightly, both the bare skeletal ones and the skinned ones. “was j-just.. just startled a l-little..”
❀ bones | open
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atxbambi · 6 years
ngl i spent all day binge watching memories of the alhambra so like.. i have no excuse but that to why i’ve not been here today-- but i also did smthing to my back apparently bcos now it hurts so welp? but i’m gonna try get a reply or two done tonight before i sleep!
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atxbambi · 6 years
❀ bones | open
he felt it happen more so than realising it himself. the way his face splits in various places; bones and muscle showing through the rips and tears. the skeleton beneath coming out for a moment in a protective instinct--
the reason it had happened? well it was simple. one moment bambi was carefully, always cautiously, walking down the halls to go and get something to eat maybe. and next there were a few others coming up to him and well.. they were treating him how bambi could remember being treated the last time was in school, just their words were harsher and this time he could feel his mutation inside of him riling up. bones’ protective nature coming out.
that’s what had sparked this all, but apparently it’s enough to make the group back off. both disgust and fear in their eyes-- whilst bambi is really just trying to control it and rein it back in. 
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atxbambi · 6 years
People often thought Nate was childish because he “lived between fantasy and reality.” When in reality, he simply didn’t know the difference. He gew up rather sheltered with his mother being so superstitious by germs and bad men that she kept Nate close to her as much as possible. That didn’t mean that he was completely blocked off from the world. He had YouTube. Something that would become a major view point in his life. 
That being said. He always thought the people on the other side of the screen were fake. Like that they were robots or just putting on a facade for more views. He never expected to meet one of them. Especially not at a mutant school in what felt like the middle of nowhere. 
But there he was. Bambi. The guy he’d been watching on the other side of the screen of a long time. Just walking through the park as if it was nothing. 
Nate paused. That couldn’t be right. Maybe it was the sun? Nate adjusted his sunglasses and squinted. No, that definitely looked like him. Should he get closer?
Nate fell into step behind the guy. Not that that was helping him any. He couldn’t see the guy’s face. Should he do it? Should he talk to him? Nate’s nerves spiked. He picked at his knuckles. First day here and he could either be meeting someone he looks up to or end up as that one weird kid. 
The garden path was beginning to end. He should do something before the guy notices him stalking. He jogged to catch up. 
“Excuse me?” He tapped the guy lightly on the shoulder. “Are you Bambi? From YouTube?” He was kind of proud of himself for his voice not squeaking. 
honestly, the gardens were slowly becoming bambi’s favourite place. they were just so nice and peaceful, and it felt like the safest place for him in his mind. it was the calmest too. he’d already found a little spot he liked to just sit in as well when he felt overwhelmed, and it was perfect for filming mini updates with accidentally catching mutations on camera when he did so.
so it’s not strange as to why he’s walking through them once more, even when he maybe should be exploring the rest of the school grounds instead. 
but it’s because of his peaceful mind and just overall sort of zoned out moment right now, that he doesn’t notice the footsteps behind him or well, the fact that someone’s slightly following him right now. it isn’t when he’d expect either, but it’s why bambi practically yelps and jumps and the tap following by the voice. he isn’t too proud of how easily frightened he is and the fact his hands shake a little more now and his eyes are blown a little wider than they should be.. but being surprised is probably never going to be something he’s good at.
eventually he does managed to turn around though, and it takes a few good minutes for the question to actually register with him. but after it does, bambi’s nodding a little gentle and his voice is quiet, “i-i.. i am, yes?”
nation’s super★
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atxbambi · 6 years
❀ escape route
to say bambi was used to any of this was a lie. he’d never been around so many people before, or even had.. friends, he supposed. were they friends? well, considering a few of the ones he’d met a couple days ago hadn’t exactly pushed him aside and had instead been the ones to pull him along to dinner tonight.. he’d assume that’s what a friend was. it’s was just also so new for bambi, he couldn’t help the doe eyed, curious look on his face at everything around him. as well as the timid and worried demeanour still surrounding him.
but as much as it all starts out well, it doesn’t last all that long by the time he realises what they’re having and korean bbq is not what bambi could really handle being around honestly.
the smell hit him quickly, and despite being surrounded by laughter, chatter and people trying to talk to him as bambi both desperately tried to keep up with the conversation whilst also trying not to show that he might just be sick at all of this. well.. it was difficult and it just left the boy feeling worse as he felt his face getting paler by the second. it was just one of the things he couldn’t do. he couldn’t he around raw meat and it cooking.. the smell might not get to others, but it did to him.
it’s just a struggle to actually try and figure out a way out of this when the fear of being judged or ruining new friendships is hiting him too. not to mention his legs feel like jelly on top of that. @atxsiwon
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atxbambi · 6 years
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hi hey hello!! and this is my bby bambi with skeleton physiology.. which is just as creepy as it sounds, yup. but honestly bambi is a sweet heart, a lil timid angel that’s easily frightened and tbh still incredibly socially awkward and scared of his mutation but he’s here to work on that.. but he’s a soft bab ( also he’s a youtube gamer & vlogger + twitch streamer and he’s got a couple million subscribers so.. he’s kinda popular - but him online and him in person are vvv different )
either way, under the cut i’ll give a rough summary of his background ( which is angsty and cruel so you’ve been warned ), but if you want to read the full thing + see his profile, then here and here are your links! and so is the link to his power, here! and feel free to like this post if you would like to plot <3
Keep reading
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atxbambi · 6 years
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hi hey hello!! and this is my bby bambi with skeleton physiology.. which is just as creepy as it sounds, yup. but honestly bambi is a sweet heart, a lil timid angel that’s easily frightened and tbh still incredibly socially awkward and scared of his mutation but he’s here to work on that.. but he’s a soft bab ( also he’s a youtube gamer & vlogger + twitch streamer and he’s got a couple million subscribers so.. he’s kinda popular - but him online and him in person are vvv different )
either way, under the cut i’ll give a rough summary of his background ( which is angsty and cruel so you’ve been warned ), but if you want to read the full thing + see his profile, then here and here are your links! and so is the link to his power, here! and feel free to like this post if you would like to plot <3
basics: apinya “bambi” kessawai | 20 | skeleton physiology 
so his parents died when he was a child of 4 and they were killed by people that hated mutants, and after that he was moved to busan to stay with grandparents that he didn’t know at all and they basically had no desire to deal with him
aka cue years or harsh words, neglect and just roughness.. and just, they never really praised him or nurtured him he was just very used to harsh words ( and because of this as well as other things i’ll talk about, basically when they used to shout at him or make him scared he’d get really sick which got worse as he got bullied at school as well )
he was 9 when he found out about his mutation which made itself very known during break at school when kids were beating him up and he shifted into a skeleton and the skeleton took over and hurt them back, protecting him but bambi had no idea what had happened
it took him hours to shift back and his grandparents locked him in the car over night and didn’t let him out for nearly a whole day
after that he was removed from school and “home schooled”, but tbh it was more bambi teaching himself things because the teachers that were hired hated him or he scared them when he accidentally shifted or partially shifted - his grandparents kept him majorly locked up for the most part too and they shouted or beat him when he shifted or partially shifted and because of that it made it harder to control as well because the skeleton form, as much as it is him it is also like a different person and bambi does believe he’s protecting him but even bambi is terrified of it
either way, he had little to no social interactions over those years too and it was only at 17 he ran away after his grandfather started choking him and he passed out but when he woke up he was in someone elses house surrounded by strangers that were looking after him
so basically the skeleton took over, got him out of there, and another family found him when he was reforming his skin and took him in - which was majorly because their oldest child could read memories and she read his and basically they adopted him tbh
so that’s the first time bambi’s ever felt kindness and softness, like it was to a point still that he’d flinch when they touched him or he’d panic if he couldn’t control his mutation but they’re a lovely family and basically they’re helping him to control it and teach him it’s okay and he doesn’t need to be scared
and yea, he started his youtube channel a lil over a year after that too when they encouraged him to try it too and yup now he’s going to the school with his now adoptive older sister
mini fun facts:
bby can’t swim to save his life; he’s scared of large bodies of water a lot tbh
also a vegetarian bab for moral reasons and tbh he doesn’t do well being around people cooking meat bcos it makes him feel sick ( i realise now him being sick is a reoccurring theme but yea um it’s kinda a situation )
his name is bambi too bcos obviously thai have nicknames but also because that’s the name his parents gave him because when he was a child it took him so long to learn to walk and he was always sliding around that they started to call him it; and the first nickname he had before that was kasi
so personality wise:
timid, sweet, soft, gentle.. literally couldn’t hurt a fly and too precious for his own good i guess
like he’s just easily scared like a child a little, and he has very bad social anxiety and depression still ( i’ll mention it quickly that he does self harm and has for years but he has no lasting scars because when his skin regrows the scars mend ) - but because of his social anxiety which is worse than his depression now - he’s just scared tbh like it’s hard for him to function socially sometimes because of what he’s been through and how little social interaction he’s had compared to others that grew up with it so he feels like.. inadequate, i guess?
also, when he gets scared he starts feeling sick, like sometimes it’s just dizzy or nausea, but when he gets properly scared he normally ends up throwing up and getting really ill for a day or so because his panic makes him unwell ( like honestly could be as simple as you sneaking up on him at the wrong time too ) - but he’s been told by multiple doctors that in the future it’ll get better, but for now it’s something he’s just got to be aware of tbh
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atxbambi · 6 years
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atxbambi · 6 years
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goth bf
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atxbambi · 6 years
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atxbambi · 6 years
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prince charming 🤴🏻
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atxbambi · 6 years
“Monsters are born of pain and grief and loss and anger.”
— Jim Butcher, The Dresden Files
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atxbambi · 6 years
And then he said, “i’m scared.” “Of what? Me?” I replied. He shook his head. “Of me,” he looked at me. His hands trembled as they touched my skin. “Of me hurting you.”
10 out of a thousand entries i’ll be writing about you. (via permanent-ink-and-paper)
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atxbambi · 6 years
It’s a bad habit of mine to say “I’m sorry” as a reaction to everything. It comes out whenever I’m sad, scared, or confused, even when I’m the one getting hurt.
howtoevaporate  (via wnq-writers)
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atxbambi · 6 years
I’m not too gone to be healed, am I? I’m not too gone  am I?
Alice Notley, from In The Pines: Poems; “In The Pines,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
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atxbambi · 6 years
tag dumping.
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