avocadojizz · 4 years
It Is Wintertime
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avocadojizz · 4 years
Imagine being the gays at a pride event in 2004 living their lives when someone grabs the microphone and announces to the room that Ronald Reagan was pronounced dead. Can you even imagine the hype, the celebration, the pure elation
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avocadojizz · 4 years
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avocadojizz · 4 years
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avocadojizz · 4 years
who thinks they can fight me and win
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avocadojizz · 4 years
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avocadojizz · 4 years
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“Pardon my enthusiasm.”
“I like your enthusiasm.”
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avocadojizz · 4 years
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avocadojizz · 4 years
I mean when you said “men” who were you referring to in a conversation with radical feminists about transphobia? That seems to be backpedaling imo. Can you point to where I have changed what i have said or am backpedaling? I’m not trying to make you look like a TERF I literally don’t care what you believe because we could go back and forth and it would most likely change neither of opinions so that is irrelevant to me. Feel free to read the other reblogs where I have said this over and over again I’m sorry I didn’t say that directly to you and assumed I had so let me say this clearly: I wrote that two years ago and think it was a messy, unclear way to try and get a point across. I was trying to draw a parallel between two different social movements. That is all. The comparison to “men” in this context was my past self attempting to draw a parallel between the plights women of color and trans women. So yes, saying I’m comparing women of color to men is transphobia. I am not painting you in any way, that is the context and content of this thread. Without backpedaling, can you please clarify what you meant by “segregation is not and will never fucking be the same as denying males into single sex areas”? If I misunderstood who you were referring to as males I would love to know what you actually meant. Also, when did segregation come up? Completely lost by that reach
Libfems twisted what Feminism means so much that you got people genuinely upset at seeing mentions of female anatomy at a womens march and shocked that women don’t want to censor the converstion around our reproductive rights…yikes
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avocadojizz · 4 years
I mean I admitted multiple times it was a messy way to make my point idk what else you want 🤷🏽‍♀️ I also said women of color not black women specifically so I’m kind of confused as to how I was drawing an equivalent to segregation? I mean you’re free to have your views and I’m free to disagree, just be transparent and say it’s that I believe trans women are women that’s getting you and not hide behind racism when I have already admitted it wasn’t the best way to make that point.
Libfems twisted what Feminism means so much that you got people genuinely upset at seeing mentions of female anatomy at a womens march and shocked that women don’t want to censor the converstion around our reproductive rights…yikes
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avocadojizz · 4 years
Drawing a parallel between two different issues isn’t trivializing racism. I would say that calling trans women men is transphobia but that would fall on deaf ears. Also not a lib fem 😘
Libfems twisted what Feminism means so much that you got people genuinely upset at seeing mentions of female anatomy at a womens march and shocked that women don’t want to censor the converstion around our reproductive rights…yikes
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avocadojizz · 4 years
Nah, I clearly said I was attempting to draw a parallel between two social issues and admitted it was messy and unlclear. I also said you could take me being Latina in whatever way you wanted to, just wanted to add that context. Glad to reclarify :)
Libfems twisted what Feminism means so much that you got people genuinely upset at seeing mentions of female anatomy at a womens march and shocked that women don’t want to censor the converstion around our reproductive rights…yikes
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avocadojizz · 4 years
Good thing I’m not a radical feminist then lmao
Libfems twisted what Feminism means so much that you got people genuinely upset at seeing mentions of female anatomy at a womens march and shocked that women don’t want to censor the converstion around our reproductive rights…yikes
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avocadojizz · 4 years
Nah I just still believe trans women are women. I’ve just also learned to respect and understand why cis women are upset. Honestly a few years ago I would’ve fought with you but I’m too old for that shit. Believe what you want, I don’t care. I understand the hostility towards a differing opinion and you’re allowed to feel that way the only person it impacts is you. I just wanted to address the so called racism because yes I can see how my response could have fairly been interpreted like that and I just wanted to clarify the messy point I was trying to make. Clearly that’s not the issue though and it’s my defense of trans women that ruffles you and to that I have nothing to say. Enjoy the rest of your day.
Libfems twisted what Feminism means so much that you got people genuinely upset at seeing mentions of female anatomy at a womens march and shocked that women don’t want to censor the converstion around our reproductive rights…yikes
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avocadojizz · 4 years
Do y’all wanna read my response or continue to tag me in something I said 2 years ago lmaoooooo
Libfems twisted what Feminism means so much that you got people genuinely upset at seeing mentions of female anatomy at a womens march and shocked that women don’t want to censor the converstion around our reproductive rights…yikes
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avocadojizz · 4 years
Yanno, I said this when I was 19 and now being 21 and having completely changed politically it’s really interesting to receive this notification but I guess I’ll say something about this now being 2 years older.
1. I would like to clarify that I am Latina, both of my parents are from Nicaragua take that to add whatever context you’d like.
2. I suppose the point i was trying to get across was one of double standards, trying to point out the ridiculousness in this type of rhetoric, albeit in a very unclear, messy way. I have a vastly different take now however.
3. Currently, I believe cis women should be free to express being upset by feeling excluded from a movement they view as for them. I believe trans women should be free to express being upset be feeling excluded yet again by a movement that has historically excluded them.
4. While I can see how my initial response could be unclear I also think your response of not attempting to understand the point I had tried to get across and calling it racism instead is a major issue. I was clearly drawing a parallel between two social issues, I never likened women of color to men. We can have discourse and differing opinions, that’s fine but let it be that not an attempt to attack.
Libfems twisted what Feminism means so much that you got people genuinely upset at seeing mentions of female anatomy at a womens march and shocked that women don’t want to censor the converstion around our reproductive rights…yikes
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avocadojizz · 5 years
miss isabella swan when asked about her plans after high school for the yearbook
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