ayana-nyan · 6 years
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THX Just Shared the Original Sheet Music for its ‘Deep Note’ for the First Time
Look at this lad. Image: THX, Ltd.The Deep Note, the distinctive synthesized crescendo that is THX’s audio trademark, is one of the most iconic sounds in all of film. For the effects firm’s 35th anniversary, they’ve now shared the sheet music behind the sound.
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
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Let’s always be together from now on
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
I really do like this - even if there ARE pairings that I absolutely cannot stand for personal reasons. I mean, I can usually understand or figure out the appeal, I just don’t want to read anything involving them myself.
tbh don’t ever bother asking me whether i ship this pairing or that pairing, just assume the answer is either yes, i could be persuaded, or i don’t know who those people are and block or follow my ass based on however that assumption makes you feel.
because i’m a multishipper and i don’t have notps. i play this game with myself whenever i don’t like a ship or i don’t get it or it even straight up physically repulses me where i go to ao3, sort by bookmarks, and read fic until i can figure out what the attraction is. and 99% of the time?? i can absolutely be persuaded by somebody’s good writing that the pairing has appeal in some way or some universe. some of my favorite ships now are ones that i absolutely hated before i conned myself into liking them.
so if there’s something i might ship that’s a dealbreaker for any of y’all just go ahead and assume i ship it and hit that block button because even if i don’t, i’m probably a few fics away from shipping it at any given moment anyway.  🤷
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
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this has been sitting in my drafts because ive been meaning to draw the last 3 worlds but im lazy so here
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
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I woke up out of a dead sleep to make this and then immediately passed back out
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
so on the subject of stolen property, i’ve seen various arguments on this point but it is in fact true that inheriting something from a relative, when you know full well that it was stolen, does not make it yours.
this clearly goes doubly so for powerful magical artifacts, and especially for artifacts which are strongly implied to contain part of their creator’s soul!
you can talk about consequences - maybe the artifact in question has benefits for you, maybe you’re not convinced its rightful owners would use it responsibly - but talking about the consequences doesn’t erase the fact that whatever benefits you think you’re getting are achieved through wrongful means.
which is why i, too, think Frodo should have given the One Ring back to Sauron. thief.
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
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[Image Description: Tags reading “barebacking, NOT THE HORSE RIDING, thedickriding”]
The AO3 Tag of the Day is: Insert obligatory horse fucking joke that I just can’t muster the willpower to write
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
also werewolves that dont fit into the ‘stereotypical werewolf’ criteria are nice as well. i want a story where it turns out the dainty and sweet lady is the monster that slaughters people every full moon.
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
So Okone Ga Nai, which is widely considered to be among the very worst when it comes to problematic BL/’’yaoi’’ tropes, is written and drawn by a pair of dudes. There’s a level of irony here that transcends the goddamn stratosphere. 
A manga that’s absolutely rife with the kind of creepy objectifying stuff that anti-fujo’s claim is the trademark of afab BL fans, and you know what? Suddenly, everything makes so much more sense to me about this manga. Aside from the fashion porn, it absolutely did not feel like a female fantasy when I read it - because it isn’t. 
Anyway, the word fujoshi has no business being thrown around in discourse that isn’t about BL anime and manga. It is not a sexuality or a gender identity. It does not mean ‘transtrenders’ or mlm trans men or afab people who use mogai identities. It means a female (or female-aligned) fan of BL anime and manga, which is a specific subgenre of romance that focuses on m/m relationships, typically highlighting the emotions between characters and often using a heavily shoujo-inspired art style.
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
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PQ2 is gonna be interesting
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
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Is this self care?
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
wish customer service jobs operated w video game standards, so a customer would come up to me and i’d say “greetings traveler! looking to trade?” and they’d only had 4 options for their response 
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
my wish is for those cloths ohmg
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“Do you… have a wish?”
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
“Terf is a slur used to silence us” dang bitch I wish it worked shut the fuck up
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
Patreon support: if you reply to the email–
The email you just sent. The auto-generated email that says “do not reply to this email” at the end of it. That email.
Welp. Here goes.
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ayana-nyan · 6 years
My favorite ( and by favorite I mean makes me cringe every time) is “trashed” instead of “thrashed”. Y’all taking your partner and dumping them in the garbage can! 
Not my kink personally, but it does seem to be just HUGE in fandom. >_>
That moment you are reading a sex scene and the author uses withered instead of writhed. Unless they really did mean the person shriveled up. Them and all the others but seriously this is such a common mistake I've come to both dread and expect it.
Did it get you writhing in laughter the first time you read it? 
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