babygirlhelps · 6 months
I think I'm going to leave this blog as inactive, check it from time to time but inactive. HOWEVER. I did make a new one, mostly for animated stuff, but we'll see how it goes tbh. If you're interested in finding me you can follow me over at @fey-resources! It may change over time, if I come back into other fandoms but the fandom I'm in right now mostly is all animated. So I'm going to hang out there for now. However, I still miss you all and if I ever dabble outside of it again, who knows. Maybe I'll remake this blog too or just nudge stuff over there.
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babygirlhelps · 1 year
I haven't really been here for a while... I'm not saying I'm coming back- It would take more time and effort than I think I have right now. But I am curious... for one, if anyone I used to chat with or talk to is still around.... I miss you guys! And for two- is tumblr rp still a thing???
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
Still alive! Still around. Not really coming back but I want to keep checking in from time to time. Hmmm I do want to chat a bit... So... if anyone sees this hit my inbox up with a positive rp story, experience or something like that? I'm in a good mood and want to just see cheery things. <3
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
Still alive, still around a bit too! Not sure if I’ll jump right back into here but I’m going to be peeking in for a bit. I always come back eventually though. Did anything sort itself with the tags? I left tumblr for a bit around then because life and anxiety and then that piling on realllly didn’t help. Getting frustrated to find gifs and what not. Ah well. I’m around, might be looking for a RP, might decide against it. Either way, Happy New Year everyone! <3
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
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Sugar plums ain’t half as sweet as you
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
hey! fc anon here. don't worry about finding me one. I'll keep poking around, I've learned a few things that should make it easier. Thank you, though and, again, glad you're back and doing stuff.
I’m sorry Nonnie! I meant to reply to this way earlier! I may still answer it just to answer it and have that list out there! Normally I would have loved to answer quickly but damn this week has been... a lot. Work got so busy and it’s stressful because we have new assistant manager and one back who left during most of this pandemic. And they’re reforming some stuff. And I’m just... kinda not here for the panic. Heh. Sorry, random rant. It’s been tiring.
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
Hey Nonnie! I see your message, today was just rough! I will try my best to get to it as soon as possible, hopefully tomorrow! I’m sorry I just don’t have the energy to properly FC hunt but I will sit down and do it properly as soon as I feel I’m at my best.
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
baby girl, are you gonna be working some magic?
If you rub my lamp and ask nicely I might~
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
Hey there!! so glad to see you back in action!!!! You were missed
Aw thank you, sweet pea! I’m a little here and there but I missed checking into this place so I had to come back! <3 Missed all of you guys!
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
Hey all! I’m gonna be chilling here for a bit as far as I know. If anyone needs anything let me know. i’m working on pages on my indie but I’ll pop back in and out!
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
Thinking back on it, roleplay really changed around 2015/2016, which is also right about the time we entered the era of ‘gif icons’ and longer replies. Before that groups tended to last for a year, sometimes two, but I feel like we as roleplayers have just grown so impatient. We don’t want to wait around and develop friendships, and ships naturally, we always want to plot these things out right away, which then already cuts out a chunk of time you used to normally put into developing those connections. And if we don’t get what we want right away, we don’t hang around to develop it, people are impatient and just leave and try another place, and then leave there, and trying another place, it’s just a loop.
I know it won’t happen, but we really need to just slow down the connection development and stop pushing for instant connections and instead go back to trying to develop them naturally.
I also feel like we’ve started to bite off more than we can chew with replies which can severely hinder activity in the group. Multi-para, or even just para replies often lead to people putting off doing them because it’s a lot of time and can often be draining. Unlike when it was more like one or two lines which you could do in like twenty-seconds, and then move on.
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
write  more  plus  size  muses  challenge  (  from  a  writer  with  two  chins  &  counting  )  !!  tw  ;  eating  disorder  ,  body  image  ,  fatphobia  mention.
there  are  a  million  reasons  someone  is  overweight.  some  of  us  don’t  know  ,  or  care.  we  don’t  have  to  explain  it  or  justify  it.  neither  does  your  character.
but  they  can.  and  sometimes  it’s  really  important.  i  have  struggled  with  my  size  my  whole  life  ,  but  i  attribute  most  of  it  to  an  eating  disorder.  but  that’s  for  me  ,  not  you.
we  don’t  need  to  eat  double  the  portion  size  to  feel  satisfied  ,  nor  do  we  need  to  eat  more  often.  our  hunger  works  like  yours  does.
stop  writing  fat  characters  who  are  constantly  snacking  or  asking  every  other  character  for  their  leftovers.  it’s  fucking  rude.  we  don’t  do  that.
if  anything  ,  i  am  more  likely  to  eat  less  or  avoid  eating  altogether  when  around  others.
also  stop  writing  fat  characters  that  are  constantly  dieting.  stop  writing  fat  characters  who  lose  weight  to  be  liked  (  or  for  any  other  reason  for  themselves  ).  we  don’t  have  to  change  ourselves  ,  just  the  people  around  us.
plus  size  bodies  are  unique  and  beautiful.  we  can  be  tall  or  short  or  hairy  or  lanky.  
our  weight  isn’t  all  in  the  hips  and  ass.  mine’s  in  my  torso.  it  can  be  in  your  chest  ,  your  face  ,  stomach,  legs,  thighs.  most  of  the  time  ,  it’s  everywhere  ,  spread  out.
i  have  stretch  marks,  but  those  only  showed  up  when  i  rapidly  gained  weight  .  most  of  my  life  i  didn’t  have  them  despite  being  fat  from  a  young  age.
my  thighs  and  upper  arms  jiggle.  a  lot.
we  don’t  all  hate  our  bodies  &  we’re  not  all  bullied  for  them.  we  make  fun  of  ourselves  too.  i  love  my  jiggly  arms.
that  being  said  ,  we  are  treated  differently.  all  the  time.  sometimes  i  think  people  are  scared  i’ll  crush  them  by  just  standing  there  &  talking  ?  or  they  think  i’ll  breathe  the  fat  plague  in  their  space  ?
shopping  is  really  hard.  most  stores  don’t  cater  to  fat  bodies  at  all  ,  especially  in  women’s.  i  mostly  shop  in  the  men’s  section  or  in  exclusively  plus  size  stores.  our  options  are  super  limited.  that’s  not  our  fault.
the  word  fat  isn’t  offensive.  but  don’t  call  me  it  or  describe  me  as  it.  we  do  use  it  to  describe  ourselves.  and  not  in  a  negative  way  !
speaking  of  ?  did  i  mention  we  don’t  all  hate  our  bodies  and  want  to  change  them?  
edit  your  language.  eradicate  the  idea  that  skinny  is  beautiful.  every  size  is  beautiful  ,  asshole.  i’m  really  cute.  being  fat  and  being  beautiful  are  not  mutually  exclusive.
don’t  say  “you’re  not  fat”  to  a  fat  person  like  it’s  a  compliment.  i  am  fat  and  that’s  okay.  stop  treating  fatness  like  a  character  flaw.
we  fall  in  love  just  like  you.  we  don’t  have  to  settle  for  an  individual  who  makes  us  feel  like  crap  just  to  not  be  lonely.  i  know  it’s  hard  to  believe  but  there  are  actually  people  out  there  who  don’t  judge  character  by  weight.
it’s  not  cute  to  have  fat  as  your  “type”  because  not  one  of  us  is  the  same,  our  bodies  are  so  different  and  our  only  similarity  ,  really  ,  is  we’re  bigger  than  average.  we’re  not  a  fetish.
there’s  no  fat  clique.  i  have  friends  who  are  plus  size  and  ones  that  are  skinny.  i  knew  really  popular  assholes  in  high  school  who  were  fat.  i  knew  soft-spoken  ones  and  edgy  ones  and  stoners.  we’re  not  all  friends.  not  all  of  our  friends  share  our  size.
same  with  our  families.  stop  assuming  we  come  from  fat  families.  being  overweight  can  be  /  is  genetic  as  well  as  due  to  lifestyle  choices.  both  of  my  brothers  are  skinny.  my  mom  is  bigger  than  me  ,  my  dad  is  average.  my  grandparents  are  small  ,  my  cousin  is  a  little  smaller  than  me  &  my  aunt  used  to  be  big  but  ended  up  losing  a  lot  of  weight  due  to  a  physical  illness.
boobs  sag.  gravity  pulls  them  down  before  anything  else.  mine  bounce  ,  fall  ,  pop  out  of  my  shirt  ,  whatever  the  fuck  they  want.  they  crush  each  other  when  i  lie  on  my  side  and  spread  in  big  blobs  when  i’m  on  my  back.  they’re  super  annoying  and  i  love  them.
it  is  possible  to  balance  items  on  our  chests.  it’s  very  useful.  sometimes  i’ll  prop  my  boob  up  to  have  a  bigger  table  when  i’m  carrying  something.  sometimes  i’ll  rest  my  container  of  applesauce  on  it  while  i’m  lying  down.  my  dog  likes  to  use  them  for  pillows.
i  can’t  see  through  them.  it  takes  some  work.  i  can’t  lay  flat  with  a  bra  on  and  watch  tv  at  the  same  time.  i  can’t  see  through  my  stomach  when  i’m  looking  down  either.  
that  doesn’t  mean  it’s  harder  for  us  or  takes  longer  for  us  to  use  the  bathroom  or  shower.  we  just  have  to  learn  to  do  some  of  it  blindly  or  move  faster  (  because  yes  ,  of  course  we  wash  under  our  fat??  )
i  do  not  sleep  with  a  bra  on.  i  was  told  at  a  young  age  that  i  should  though.  i  don’t  know  if  there’s  any  merit  to  that  tip  or  if  it  was  invented  to  make  skinny  people  at  sleepovers  more  comfortable.  
we  can  (  and  do  )  wear  sports  bras.  same  with  spandex,  tights,  and  crop  tops.  we  can  wear  whatever  we  want  just  like  you.  it’s  just  not  as  easy  for  us  to  find  these  items  in  our  size  ,  in  stores.
being  fat  isn’t  a  disability.  
we  don’t  get  special  treatment  in  gym  class  or  different  expectations  ,  because  guess  what  ?  we’re  not  unhealthy.  stop  babying  us  when  it  comes  to  physical  activity.  we  know  our  own  limits  and  we’ll  tell  you  if  we’re  close  to  them.
we  can  run.  we  can  do  yoga  and  stretch  without  cracking  or  breaking  something.  we  can  &  and  do  have  sex.  we’re  not  always  in  pain  either  ,  for  the  love  of  god!!
there  are  things  we  can’t  do.  the  most  obvious  place  for  me  is  at  carnivals  ?  i  still  go  to  them,  but  i  don’t  go  on  rides.  most  don’t  support  fat  people.  same  with  clothes.  most  of  them  don’t  come  in  our  size.  our  options  are  limited.
we  don’t  sweat  more  than  the  average  person?  weight  isn’t  an  indicator  of  how  much  you  perspire.  
on  that  note  ,  i  don’t  give  a  damn  what  health  blogs  and  magazines  tell  you.  those  are  written  by  skinny  people  who  hate  us  and  think  we’re  gross.  we  are  each  individually  responsible  for  a  so  called  obesity  epidemic  ,  according  to  them.  they’ll  do  whatever  to  convince  you  of  this.
i’m  not  “glorifying  obesity”  either.  i’m  telling  you  that  i  exist  and  i’m  not  disgusting  because  my  body  looks  like  this.
don’t  forget  to  be  intersectional  when  considering  writing  plus  size  characters.  familiarize  yourself  with  harmful  stereotypes  and  misconceptions.  i’m  a  cis  white  woman.  i  have  it  a  lot  easier  than  plus  size  poc,  and  plus  size  trans  ppl.
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
⊰ emmy rossum gif hunt. ⊱
beneath the cut, you will find approximately #240 high quality, medium/small, textless gifs of one of my most beloved faceclaims EMMY ROSSUM ( who is an american actress & singer ) in her most recent projects: comet, shameless, you’re not you, before i disappear & some as herself in interviews. none of the following gifs were made by me & as such, belong to their respectful creators. thus, if the owner would like any of their gifs to be removed, feel free to contact me HERE. if you found this in the least bit helpful, likes & reblogs are appreciated !! 
     ↳  TRIGGER WARNING: body image, smoking, blood, sexual themes 
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
Emmy Rossum Gif Hunt
Under the cut, you will find 127 gifs of Emmy Rossum from his role as Fiona Gallagher in season 7 of Showtime’s Shameless.
These medium-sized gifs come from a variety of sources
Sizes range from 500kb to 2.0mb
Like and/or reblog, if you would like
All the gifs in this hunt are made by me
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
EMMY ROSSUM GIF HUNT  — You’re Not You / Shameless
Hi guys, it’s been a while, but i’m still around & rping! By using this link you will be taken to a page with god knows how many HQ & TEXTLESS gifs of Emmy Rossum as Bec in You’re Not You and Fiona in Shameless. All these gifs were made by me and I will periodically be updating this gif hunt if I make more. Please like this post or just let me know with a kind message if you use these gifs, or add them to your own gif hunt! You may use these gifs to make gif icons and static icons, under the condition that if doing so please credit me and alsolink me. Enjoy!
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babygirlhelps · 4 years
GIF Pack: Emmy Rossum (Comet)
Below the cut, you’ll find 100 gifs of Emmy Rossum as Kimberly Mosser in Comet.  All GIFs were made by me - do not claim them as your own.  Please do not include these GIFs in GIF hunts or other GIF packs, but feel free to like or reblog this post and use the gifs for roleplaying purposes.  GIFs are 245x160; some are duplicates with colour variations. Content warning for smoking and some drug use.
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