Hey! Here’s my blog’s rules:
1) BE POLITE TO OUR AUTHORS. Yes, I’m asking you to be nice to people on the internet. It’s absolutely fucking soul-crushing to have your OC ripped apart on a blog and have those comments be filled with people hating on them. When most people make unbalanced characters, they’re either young or inexperienced and they don’t deserve that kind of verbal berating for something they likely didn’t ask for.
2) Direct links to a person’s page aren’t posted unless that person contacts us first. This is to prevent potential waves of hate for those that did not listen to rule one.
3) This is not a bad OC blog per say- it’s more of an OC reviewing blog. Sorry for the misleading URL, I made it ages ago. There will still be some bad OCs, no doubt, but there’s not gonna be any straight bashing. Go to another blog for that.
4) These are the fandoms we review for: Harry Potter, Hetalia, Homestuck, My Hero Academia, Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, Haikyuu!!, Genshin Impact, Demon Slayer, Supernatural, Naruto/Boruto, Danganronpa, Creepypasta, Undertale, Pokémon, Corpse Party, FNAF, Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea, Your Turn to Die, Witch’s Heart. We may have forgotten about one, so feel free to shoot us an ask so we can either add it or clarify that we don’t review OCs from that fandom.
5) We will find at least ONE positive thing you have going for your OC. No creative creation is without it’s perks or flaws. Even if you think it’s dumb or hopeless, we will find a way.
6) If you ever want a private review, DM us and we’ll see what we can do. We prefer to do public reviews though- we promise we don’t bite!
-Mod KI
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And we never saw them again 😔
So funny story...
I lost the password to this blog and the password to the email associated with it. So I abandoned the blog without a word, Until one of the old mods, Gabe, finally motivated me to recover the passwords and regain access to the blog. It only took 6 years. But Gabe and Cherry are super excited to get back into it after all this time!
I’m going to be cleaning up the blog. I want to change up the main way it operates. I want to move away from OC critiques and more towards OC advice. Less clowning on people and more trying to help people.
Not sure how active I’ll be between my full time job and my own art, but we’ll see!
- Ace
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Couldn’t find a way to update the last one.
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No image for this one, so I’ll just put this here, instead. Obvious Spoiler Warning, as I can’t keep my trap shut about how cool this game is.
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Here comes my good ol’ name schpiel.  From Japanese 莉 (ri) meaning "white jasmine" or 里 (ri) meaning "village" combined with 奈 (na), a phonetic character, or 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens". Funny choice, but there’s also Sal, which isn’t even that uh... Japanese, if you will. But he’s usually a special case in a lot of things.
This is excusable, considering the game never specifies ages. All that is really known is that Wadda is (presumably) fairly young according to her stature and comparison to Chlomaki’s in-game description.
Oh dear. Please be certain as to what species you are. It would be really concerning if you were trying to be both a witch and a familiar as I’m pretty sure that doesn’t happen.
Height:155 cm Siblings:None Familiars:???
Same height as Chlomaki, hm? Most witches, I’ve noticed, don’t have siblings. Guess they’d have to fight for their family right to be a sorcerer. Please, please tell me you know what a familiar is. If you do and you haven’t picked familiars yet, I guess that’s okay. I did it the opposite though, by making familiars for Wadda.
Personality:Rina is a little shy,sweet and she is nice and kind.
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Literally EVERYONE in THE WORLD and their DOG can be “sweet, shy and kind.” I don’t think I’ve ever seen a character do this well and have this as their only traits. Here is genuinely a list of characters by the traits you’ve listed (only ones off the top of my head.) Sweet: Cherryblod, Minero, Doloz, Lobco, Princess Uomi, Tarako, Tatsumiya... Nice: Aom, Cherryblod, Minero, Doloz, Irena, Lobco, Miyura, Princess Uomi, Pulmo, Tarako.. Kind: Helica, Aom, Cherryblod, Creamil, Minero, Doloz, Lobco, Miyura, Princess Uomi, Pulmo, Rimorimo, Seguro, Tarako, Tatsumiya...
And those are just from the sea! And including shy reminds me of Dolphi. Please don’t tell me you’re just gonna mimic Dolphi.
Though she’s stubborn and at times she can be a little creepy and or dark.
This is Wadanohara and the Great Blue Sea. I’d be surprised if she couldn’t be a little creepy or dark. 
Eye color:Left-Gray Right-Dark Green
Oh, I’m all for being unique to some degree, but you better explain yourself. 6/1,000 people have heterochromia. You’re quite lucky to end up being reviewed by someone with (hardly noticeable) heterochromia. Was it congenital or was it out of a condition? Because if you’re going for uniqueness, I recommend looking through such conditions and researching one to apply to this character.
Crush:She won’t tell anyone
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W h y  d o  u  t e s t  m e  s o
Pick one of the bishi husbandos with fins on their heads and it’s likely her crush.
Appearance:She has long blue-gray highlights.Her hair is up in pigtails.She has pointed ears.She wears a dark purple and white dress it has two shades of purple. She has a reddish plum aand silver brooch attached to her collar/choker. A dark purple and white lavender bow is attached to the back of the dress around the waist.She wears stockings and dark purple knee length boots.
I know it’s not always fair to ask this, but a picture is REALLY preferred here. Even if you suck at art, I focus a lot on characters more than the art.
Do all the witches play piano?
Likes:Star fruit, music boxes.
This blog condones consuming star fruit only in moderation. Be careful, kiddos.
Dislikes:Seeing her friends get hurt,bugs,squid.
Here’s my pet peeves with dislikes- don’t state the obvious. If your OC is a diehard Blue Sea character, it’s obvious they won’t like Sal. If your OC is not a fan of the monarchy, it should be obvious that they don’t like Princess Uomi. I’m pretty sure Wadda has a squid familiar. I imagine they don’t like your Basic Sue, too.
If  it’s   not       relevant           don’t                put                     it. It’s not hard to not waste my time.
According to the creator’s art, she’s soft in the head for Sal. The whole “childhood friend” thing. You see, if Sal had a right-hand witch, he would’ve used her power and probably left Wadda alone (ignoring the fact he has an obsessive crush on her), which completely f**king obliterates canon. Way to go, Rina, you destroyed the Reali-sea.
I give Rina...
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A squinting Squidward/10.
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Alisa (Pokemon)
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... Zekrom? Is that you, homie?
Name: Alisa
Name was popular mostly in 1970, which isn’t when this takes place. It’s still around and popular, though. Russian and Ukranian version of Alice. Alice means noble and kind (used as derivative from Adelaide.)
Age: 17
I actually think Hilbert and Hilda are around 16-17, so this age is okay. In the area her story occurs, it’s usually okay for a 16-17 year old to be out on their own.
Birthday: August 29 (Virgo)
Okay, out of curiosity, I’m keeping a tab on her traits compared to the typical Virgo.  It’s a habit for me to dig into horoscopes like this.
Game version: Black (*note: all my pokemon ocs are based off the trainers of my videogames, so things such as pokemon teams are real and their birthday is the day I began the game-but in this case I designed her before getting the game for excitement xD) 
Note that Pokemon Black is most similar to New York. ALSO, that’s not a good habit. Replacing the MC is replacing canon and is typically frowned upon. I did it previously and UGH my OC was a mess.
Color scheme: Black, grey, white, light blue Fav Pokemon types: Thunder, Dark, Bug, Ice, Ghost Occupation: Pokemon trainer Short story: Alisa is maybe the oc of mine with the darkest story, poorly xD
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Thunder is a sound, darling. Do I have to prepare the “Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds” shield? Because I feel like I do.
She has an older brother, Lars (currently 22, is the oc of my sis ), who is all her family. Their parents left when Alisa was 5, and her brother always betrayed her, occasionally abusing of her from when she was 14-15.
Ummm, in NY, I’m pretty sure they’d notice a 5 year old being raised by a 10 year old.  I’m usually okay with OCs coming from abusive backgrounds, but you need to handle it carefully and do it well.
He also trained her to be a Pokemon trainer, putting in her head that she has to be the strong on the first place, or Pokemons would never obey, so trained Alisa’s Serperior to beat her often, just to “make her stronger”. That’s mainly why Alisa doesn’ trust people, likes being alone, is probably emo and betrays her Pokemons. 
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No. No. Don’t do this. Pokemon are supposed to be peaceful creatures to humans unless brainwashed or omniscient themselves. Mewtwo was capable because he was f**king MEWTWO- HE WAS INSANELY POWERFUL. Who is Lars? What makes this Serperior only beat Alisa? How do you even do that? NOT ALL OF YOUR POKEMON ARE EVIL???
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There are 2 exceptions: Serperior, ‘cause she’s terrified by him (she let him battle alone, without even giving him attack/strategy orders); Joltik, 'cause she has him since she was 3 and loves him so much.
I’m glad she at least has Joltik, but Serperior needs to be given to the brother. It sounds like Serperior was Lars’s to begin with.
Now her wish is to travel, far far away from her brother, and becoming a Pokemon Master so that she can kick his ass. And then living peacefully all alone xD But my unlucky girl met someday another of my ocs, Blanche, who got separated from her best friend Kurai (again, my sis’s oc) and hates travelling alone. Blanche basically forced her to team up and travel together, but when they meet David and his gang (David is friend’s oc ) she found the occasion to split up from her and continue by herself. Basically her story would be 90% censored in a Pokemon anime LOL What will happen next to my poor baby? xD
I think she probably shouldn’t be a Pokemon master if she can’t even trust her own Pokemon. I love trauma in characters, but this is done so horribly...
I give Alisa...
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A Serperior about to end this Woobie out of ten.
0 notes
Heloise Lane (Pokémon)
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Firstly, his design is delightful. I love it.The artist is brilliant in that aspect! ... The Pokémon might need a little work though. Gastly’s just a difficult Pokemon in general- trust me. I know.
Name: Heloise Lane
First name is a rare feminine Scandinavian/German name, but the French version “Héloïse” has been gaining traction in France. May mean healthy and wide or a variation of Helios the Greek sun God. This name was most likely chosen as it is becoming popular. Nothing too wrong with that. 
Age: 21 Birthday: October 31st [ which is the reason for his halloween obsession ]
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Why am I getting a bad feeling.
Eye Colour: Grey/Blue Hair Colour: Purple/Orange
We can’t see both of this OCs eyes to tell whether the creator means he’s heterochromic or not, but I’m pretty sure they just mean it’s a mix of those two colors. Purple and orange hair, however...
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I don’t think any characters (with the exception of like... Guzma) have very notably two different colors of hair. I’ll excuse it for the most part, but still... easy with the design liberties.
Trainer Class: Hex Maniac/Psychic
Unless you’re in a certain RP group where you 100% have to pick a certain trainer class, I don’t exactly recommend it. Why? Because then you can’t be too creative with your OC. Look at Sidney from OR/AS:
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He’s a part of the Elite Four, so he doesn’t exactly have a trainer type. He’s very non-linear with any character designs. Just exclude this entire section unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Hometown: Laverre City Region: Kalos
The name fits the region as Kalos is based off of France. Way to go, creator!
Mild Sweet and mothering to his pokemon Morbidly obsessed with halloween the the ‘death’ aspect A bit of a space case
Mild- OK Sweet and mothering to his Pokémon- Common, but OK Now, the Halloween obsession is something we need to talk about. If we’re assuming Kalos operates the same way France does, then France doesn’t exactly nationally celebrate Halloween. Even more notable is that it’s actually during La Toussaint (or All Saints Day in English) on November 1st.  While Halloween still happens, it’s not like here in America where almost all streets have to be ready for trick-or-treaters- it’s more in prepared little areas for children to celebrate. Pokémon does have it’s dark moments, but a character being obsessed with death is very out of character for its universe. Samhain (the origin of Halloween) has no death aspect so to speak, either. It’s literally the harvest. Calm down.
Bio: Heloise is a sweet and quiet boy who grew up with loving, if a little eccentric parents, and due to the day of his birth he soon became enamoured with Halloween and all it’s aspects. He was always a bit of a spacey child, often getting lost in his own large home or the grounds/woods surrounding it. He met his pokemon in the woods he loved to roam and formed very strong bonds with them throughout his early teens.
“He met his pokémon in the woods he loved to roam” *hasn’t got a Pokemon yet*
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Since he is often lost in his own little world it’s been good for him to have his team around since he very literally wanders into trouble all the time, he doesn’t really mind though and is happy to get out of his little city and explore a new region with his pokemon friends.
Cute little ending there and rather acceptable character bio. If he had a little more notable personality, it would help in RPs and various fanfic.
Likes: Autumn Weather and snow His pokemon [ of course] Halloween [ of course ] Dislikes: Summer Weather Awkwardly upbeat people in his personal space 
Say Halloween one more time. It’s really starting to annoy me and taint this character as a whole.
Nickname: Gigi Species: Pumpkaboo N/A Level: 60 Ability: Insomnia Persona: Gigi is a sweet Pumpkaboo that loves all the attention she gained from her ‘mommy’ and is never away from his side for more than a few seconds if she can help it. She enjoys eating candy and sometimes takes things from others
Nickname: Gabriel Species: Darkrai Pitch-Black Pokemon Level: 56 Ability: Bad Dreams Persona: Gabriel spent his time, before he met Heloise in the woods, simply wandering and eating dreams he came across. They met one night while Heloise was wandering around alone in the dark in the woods. They simply watched each other at first but after many of the same meetings happening over time caused them to slowly but surely bond and now Gabriel considers himself a sort of protector so the small male and takes his well-being very seriously and is often a bit too overbearing. Nickname: Jean-Luc Species: Gastly N/A Level: 50 Ability: Levitate Persona: Jean-Luc lived alone in one of the abandoned houses in the woods Heloise liked to wander and after a meeting he began to follow the small male around until eventually he was just always seen with him and considered his pokemon. It became official not long after that and he happily follows after Gigi and often gets into arguments with the Pumpkaboo about who Heloise loves more. Nickname: Andre Species: Chandelure The Luring Pokemon Level: 46 Ability: Flash Fire Persona: Andre is the chirpier and more active ‘twin’ of the two Chandelure in Heloise’s party. He enjoys floating around and brightly illuminating everything and luring people around in the woods to get them lost. He and his ‘twin’ met Heloise as little litwicks that would get him lost in the woods and soon grew very fond of him after their many meetings. Nickname: Adrien Species: Chandelure The Luring Pokemon Level: 46 Ability: Flame Body Persona: The more reserved and collected of the ‘twins’, Adrien enjoys watching Andre make a fool of himself while he helps Gabriel keep an eye on Heloise since the small male has a knack of getting himself lost and into trouble with his air-headedness.
May I say the use of “the small male” makes me highly uncomfortable. Not exactly sure why, but it does.  This isn’t a competitive team, so I won’t criticize it as one. I’m just simply astounded that Heloise did not use a Pokéball on any of these Pokémon, meaning they could run away or be caught by another trainer at any time. 
Overall, this trainer started out good, but the logic caused it to burn down in twisted flames pretty fast.
I give Heloise Lane...
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One disappointed Pikachu/10
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