baekxjjang · 11 years
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baekxjjang · 11 years
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cute Baek in SKT BTS
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baekxjjang · 11 years
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(((i dont usually make posts like this but this is really fuckin important to me)))
So these are pictures of me (i have the darker hair; in the last picture, i’m on the right in the stripes) and my best friend, Anna (she has the lighter hair; in the last picture, she’s on the left with the Jaws shirt). I’ve been best friends with Anna for 3 years now and honestly, I would build a ladder to the moon for her. 
She’s the funniest, kindest, sassiest human being that I’ve literally ever met, and she understands me. She knows things about me that I would never even dare telling my family.
This past February, I became bulimic. I was so insecure and I absolutely loathed myself, so I turned to extremely unhealthy eating habits. This went on for a few months, and I realized that keeping it to myself was literally destroying me. So, I knew that the one person I could trust was Anna.
Within a couple of weeks after I told her, she made me feel like I was worth something. I would tell her that I was tempted to purge, and she’d either text to me, or walk to my fucking house, which is at least a mile and a half away from hers. Now, I haven’t purged since May.
She always talks about how she wants to grow up with me—how we’re going to graduate high school together, go on road-trips together, get tattoos together, be bridesmaids in each others’ weddings, and buy a really tiny apartment together and figure out how to make it work…but lately, she hasn’t talked about the future like that anymore.
Anna helped me, and now it’s my turn to help her. 
Lately, Anna has been thinking a lot about suicide. She’s got severe anxiety and she has admitted to me that sometimes, when she’s walking across a street, she wishes that a car will hit her. She says that she feels like literally nobody cares about her, because she is not beautiful or worth anything, and it honestly scares the shit out of me. 
I don’t think I would ever be able to live without her in my life. She’s the most beautiful, kind, worthy person I’ve ever known—she helped me recover from an eating disorder, for fucks sake—and I just want her to see that.
So please reblog this to show Anna how many people think she’s worth so much. 
PLEASE REBLOG. I’m going to show her this on Christmas (if it gets notes) just to show her how many people think she’s wonderful
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baekxjjang · 11 years
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baekxjjang · 11 years
and i am gone
ill be on tomorrow
bye friends ilu
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baekxjjang · 11 years
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Sica’s Selcas
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baekxjjang · 11 years
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Yah! You! Yeah, I’m talking about you! Don’t you recognize me? Is the owl face not enough for you?
Tch. I’m Sungyeol, from Infinite. You are my destiny… so are you really going to scroll past this and miss out on a friend who is going to bother you 24/7 about anything and everything? I can be greasy too, if that’s more your thing (I learned from the best) I don’t care who you are, where you’re from, what you did… AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME!
general rp. para & plot friendly . like/reblog/follow
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baekxjjang · 11 years
How are you, I miss you.
Eh, I'm alright. Glad it's not a weekday. I'm too busy and I don't like it. You?
I miss you too, lovely!
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baekxjjang · 11 years
Hi Baek.
Hi gorgeous.
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baekxjjang · 11 years
Baek hi.
Noona hi.
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baekxjjang · 11 years
im not a child scuse u comes to u yea
ok bby if u insist
cuddles u a lil ayy papi
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baekxjjang · 11 years
Baek is gonna go sleep now
Hope to make new friends tomorrow and not just talking to Sugashit!!!
Goodnight 8^)
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baekxjjang · 11 years
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baekai smiling at each other
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baekxjjang · 11 years
What's an activity you enjoy but you don't think you're very good at?
Dancing - I wish I was as good as Xiumin or Kai or Lay
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baekxjjang · 11 years
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baekxjjang · 11 years
Imagine Dragons inspired asks
Tiptoe: What's an ambition of yours?
It's Time: What's a cause that inspires you to take action?
Radioactive: What's something you'd start over if you could?
Demons: What's an aspect of yourself you try to hide from others?
On Top of the World: Recount a memory that you felt great during.
Amsterdam: If you had a chance to apologize for something you'd done, what would it be?
Hear Me: When do you feel loneliest?
Every Night: What's a promise you've made someone that you'd do anything to keep?
Bleeding Out: What's the most you've ever done for someone?
Underdog: What's an activity you enjoy but you don't think you're very good at?
Nothing Left to Say / Rocks: What does rock bottom mean and feel like to you?
Working Man: What's something you feel under appreciated for?
Fallen: Ever danced with the devil? What's something seedy or shady you've done and enjoyed?
My Fault: What do you blame yourself for?
Round and Round: Do you have any rituals or compulsions?
The River: Who or what gives you strength when you have none to draw on from yourself?
Selene: What's been an unexpected love of yours?
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baekxjjang · 11 years
excuse me but bisexuality means you are only allowed to be attracted to two people in your lifetime and we know damn well about your crush on susie in the third grade so you better use your next one wisely pal
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