bailvys · 4 months
bailey hefts the boxes in the direction the employee points, in the process of setting them down ( using his legs, not his back ) when a familiar voice rings out in the souvenir shop. logically, it should be out of place : kellen's voice is usually only heard on the ship in rather dismal quality through his phone. " well, yeah — " he says, turning to face kellen after he's relieved of the boxes, the banter coming back as easy as breathing. " can't have our guests wanting for souvenir t-shirt choices, right ?? very important work to prevent riots, you see. "
still, he can't keep the grin off his face. now this voyage is certainly looking up from the usual routine he's settled into. " hey, " he says, once they're close enough for proper greeting, pulling kellen into a hug with a firm pat on his back. " couldn't have mentioned the ship you ended up booking, huh ?? i would've left a welcome basket in your room if i'd known. " the last part is a joke — for all he knows, kellen did book a room that got a welcome basket anyway.
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          Kellen’s first stop, as far as exploring goes, is the souvenir shop. According to the ship map, there are quite a few, but this one is near his room, ish. He fishes out his mobile phone and taps on his notes app. His family and teammates dared to ask for souvenirs from the ship, and maybe more from one of the island stops. He reads the list, then looks at the path before him and takes a few long strides. Kellen sees the familiar logo of the souvenir shop, pockets his phone, and hears a familiar voice as he approaches his destination. He stops next to a post, lingering and taking a look — oh, that’s unexpectedly pleasant.
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          “ This is what you mean by busy with work and couldn’t visit Boston, Bailey? ” Kellen greets as he approaches Bailey. “ — Lifting boxes? ” He asks lightly, suppressing a grin.
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bailvys · 4 months
bailey draws even with her at the rail, looking out over the ocean where a smidge of color betrays the impending sunrise. it's an old worn out joke between them —their seemingly opposite sleep schedules— though he doesn't feel the need to push it much further than with a knowing hum. " well the time change might just be in your favor this time, " he muses, pausing to take a sip of his coffee, shaking off the last dregs of sleep. " that can be our major miracle. "
in truth, it doesn't matter what hours people keep on the ship. that was the beauty of it : this mini-city moving from place to place, sheltering its guests after their adventures in port. but still, " i've heard the breakfast buffet is going to have something special for our first port stop, " he tells her, gaze wandering back to alina. " if you feel like staying up for another hour or so. " he turns back to the ocean with a shrug and another sip of coffee. " or i'm sure you could snag a nap beforehand if you wanted. your gran wouldn't let you sleep through breakfast if you didn't want to. "
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it was by far not the only time alina stayed awake to see the sun rise, but seeing it glitter over the water brought a sense of nostalgia and calm of mind that she didn't find in many of the other times she got to see it. she had assumed perhaps its charm would've lessened, but it brought the same peace it always had and with that a comfort she didn't know she had been looking for.
a somewhat familiar voice pulls her from her thoughts and makes her huff an amused breathe. though it distracts her from the comfort the rising sun brought, it seems the sense of nostalgia is never far. "i don't know if we could still define it as minor if that happened", she responded light-heartedly, turning to look his way, "the moment i wake up this early willingly, i might be what needs to be fixed, handyman."
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bailvys · 4 months
STARTER FOR : kellen ( @kvllen )
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the boxes of t-shirts are heavier than bailey expects though he still hauls them off the rolling dolly with ease. strength workouts are harder to do while at sea, so he welcomes the opportunity even if it doesn't really fall into his job description. he'd been wrapping up fixing a flickering light in the souvenir shop when the boxes of restock arrived from their storage hold and given the worker at the shop complained of their wrist bothering them, bailey hadn't minded giving a helping hand. " where do you want these ?? " he asks them, standing briefly as he waits to be directed. " i'm only moving the boxes, " he adds in a light tone, " not unpacking them, so whatever spot's convenient for you. "
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bailvys · 4 months
STARTER FOR : alina ( @alinabvrke )
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early to bed, early to rise. it'd always been in bailey's habit once he started trade school, having always loved the quite hours of morning and cursed with a body that seemed to hold an inability to sleep in. he makes his way through the mostly empty decks, a few deckhands moving around, others who work in the mess halls already looking frazzled as they prepared ship wide breakfast. crew mess isn't open yet, but bailey is able to snag a cup of coffee from one of the machines, filling his thermos and heading up towards waxing daylight.
the small blonde with chin length hair standing at the rail of the deck shouldn't be particularly familiar, but in combination of a few things : the time of day, the time of year, and just some other general sense, bailey draws nearer, steam rising from his thermos into the cool morning air. " i don't suppose you've completely turned your sleep schedule around ?? " he says, the question serving as a greeting — equal parts amused and pleased to see alina aboard one of the cruise liners again. " unless there's been a minor miracle i didn't notice. "
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bailvys · 4 months
STARTER FOR : clover ( @felic1tas )
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clad in a polo shirt embroidered with the lost city liners logo, it's clear that bailey really isn't off duty as he winds through the guest decks. but with no pressing tasks at hand, he's taking the opportunity to grab a drink for himself — if he can get to the crew mess before he gets another page. a sea day, the ocean is pretty calm, though the ship still lists with a few big rollers, already during his short journey, he's offered a steadying hand for a guest or two. the steadying hand he reflexively reaches out this time isn't for a guest, however ; clover always does seem to have a familiar hairstyle when he runs into her. " easy there, " he greets, tone amused but friendly. " can't lose a lifeguard this early into a voyage. " bailey eyes her, trying to judge if she's coming off of a shift or heading for one. coming off, if the overall sun-baked quality about her is correct. " i'm headed in search of a refreshing drink — want to join ?? "
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bailvys · 4 months
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introduction. main.
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bailvys · 4 months
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