banananacentral · 4 years
I have always been the type if person to do something last minute, but for these past few days I have never felt the need to do something as fast as I could.
I don't usually get attached to things like this but, the adrenaline of knowing that something is going to be gone soon is strange and... scary.
When I first watched the first video, I was was like WTF. But you get used to it, or rather, you did.
Me watching yoir videos may be different from others, but I'm sure we all feel the same feeling.
From days, to hours, to minutes, to finally... only seconds. From the bottom of my heart, and on behalf of every fan of Unus Annus, thank you.
We fill miss the channel, we'll miss the videos, we'll miss both Unus and Annus. Even if it's all gone, the memories will resign in all of us.
Memento Mori, Unus Annus
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banananacentral · 4 years
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Might have used the wrong pen to write "Memento Mori" whoops.
I did not make a single work since Unus Annus still had time, mostly because I thought that everyone would much more beautiful art than me and that I wouldn't do much... I wished I had, I really do.
So here it is, my time given to Unus Annus
Good day my friends,
Memento Mori
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banananacentral · 4 years
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Today is day 3 of InkTober and again I mixed two different prompts from two different lists. Spider Nest from SCtoberDesign and Cauldron from Apoctober
I quite like the idea of a witch spider who's body IS the nest, kind of like a boss who throws tiny minions of you, how nice.
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banananacentral · 4 years
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Day 2 of InkTober2020
I used two prompts from two different lists this time. Half Moon from SCtoberDesign and Wisp from the official InkTober prompt list.
Had fun, a bit more in the simpler side, but I think I like it!
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banananacentral · 4 years
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InkTober is finally here, and that means days upon days of drawing. I'm following a promt list for character designs, but I may add a few other lists when I feel like it. Anyway, here's my scarecrow for day 1.
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banananacentral · 4 years
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.Living inside a home to a volcano, a great beast sleeps. The volcano is not active, but neither is it dormant. It is said that the beast controls the magma of this volcano. On the east side of the volcano is an entrance leading to the center of it, and to the beast's home. In the center of the volcano is a circle platform, that is where the beast rests. The beast is a machine, but it's also alive. Around it, overgrowth  has taken over. Beautiful flowers, and many different plants grow on and around the beast, and living creatures visit. It baffles many how living things can grow here. The heat should have interfered with any growth, yet here they are, growing and surviving. It was soon found out that the heat that was supposed to come from the magma stops at the edge of the platform. It is speculated that the beast, which has been called Kirin, has control over the magma and its heat, and perhaps even fire.
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banananacentral · 4 years
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Just finished drawing Leo as a human, a super simple one again. Virgo's up.
#zodiac #zodiacsigns #zodiacleo #leo #characterdesign #zodiacdesign #zodiacdrawing
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banananacentral · 4 years
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Skipped the other days just to grab my bearings.
Tried doing horror, but probably ended up doinf fantasy instead, guess I'll go with it.
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banananacentral · 4 years
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So... I'm sorry for the crapy stuff I've been posting, but do not fear, for tomorrow will be only one prompt once again.
I'm so happy.
So, for Tracker, you're probably wondering what I even drew.
Well here it is: Once thought to be goblins, thanks to their similar body appearance, these little guys were soon found out to be of the dragon family.
Though they give no name to their kind, they do give themselves names, as like other dragons.
These dragons are peculiar creatures. Their senses are keen, and are stronger than any living creature on this planet. They are also smarter than any. While other dragons can talk, think, and feel like humans can, these dragons are beyond other dragons.
They enjoy using technology, which there are plenty of in the Military, which is why there are so many of them in every corner of the Military.
Sir Henry, one of the dragons that lives in an Army base in REDACTED helps around by tracking, and in return, gets to use Military technology.
#smaugust #smaugust2020 #dragondesign #dragon #cybernetic #art #digitalart
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banananacentral · 4 years
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So... funny story. I forgot to do 3 yesterday, so I thought I'd do 3 and 4 today, but then I didn't have time, so 4 and 5 are up tomorrow... hopefully.
And, sorry for the half jobwith this one, time was not on my side.
#smaugust #smaugust2020 #dragondesign #cybernetic #art #digitalart
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banananacentral · 4 years
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Here’s day 2
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banananacentral · 4 years
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banananacentral · 4 years
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A simple design for my own liking. I think I’ll design a zodiac every month now.
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banananacentral · 4 years
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So, taking my personal taste into consideration, I’ve made a herosona that fits myself (kind off).  
Green Triune was twelve years old when she used to live in STATE REDACTED, America, before taken in. Governments across the world have been taking in human beings who posses mysterious markings somewhere on their bodies, the markings taking many shapes and sizes, and have found that the people who posses these markings have some kind of supernatural abilities; the ability to have one or more translucent arm(s) protruding from the host’s body anywhere on the body, studies has shown that it could even come out anywhere on the face. In Green Triune’s case, three green arms come out from her back.  Some people also have, at least, one more ability if the extra arm(s) hinder a part of the host’s body from working, such as: Having arms protruding from the eye(s) will give the host the ability to have an extra false eye or eyes, whether it be on or off the body. The eyes aren’t exactly like eyes, more like a drawings of it, but it still works like eyes.  The United States government have taken in, took care of, and trained people who have this ability, usually starting their training when they are thirteen and letting them on the field at age fifteen and over (depends on how well they are/where during training).  I was thinking on what my herosona should be, and decided to base it off what I thought I’d be good with. I like being a tank in games, so I thought I could add that here, like, her arms are really strong. I also don’t like being close up to someone when I’m fighting, weird I know, so giving her three arms to fight with seemed like a good plan. I also like the color green, so I added the color green…
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banananacentral · 4 years
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I'm not very happy with this, but I was messing with some new stuff. I'll try harder tomorrow!
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banananacentral · 4 years
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Meet Maki, my newest character. This took two week of, inconsistently, working on her, and finally finishing her.She was inspired after I watched Oncha's video, on YouTube, on her kitsune character, and studying Hyanna-Natsu's ref sheets, also from YouTube, really helped allot.
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banananacentral · 4 years
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I could not wait for this since last night! I love the oarfish, and when I saw serpent, I just knew it.  Oarfish are fish that live way down deep and come up near the surface. This made me think that maybe this mermaid would go up to collect gizmos
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