basically-fabulous · 2 hours
Truly though is there a trans woman alive who has not been made out to be manipulative for having emotions and trying to explain them
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basically-fabulous · 24 hours
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Nepalese fungus mask (made from the Lingzhi mushroom) PNGs.
(1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.)
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basically-fabulous · 24 hours
the thing that gets me about transmisogyny is that like, yes there are people who hate us, people who see us as taboo sex object, people who see us as male intruders, but there are so many people to whom trans womanhood is just. a joke. a woman with a penis! a man who wants to wear a dress! how absurd! and its so easy to internalize and so easy to parrot and so easy to not think about. and its everywhere. someone you trust, in person or online, can just drop a joke about Girl With Penis? and to them its as effortless and easy as any old dad joke and to you you've just been punched in the gut and lost all trust in them.
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Netanyahu should kill himself today
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Remember Marcellus Williams! A black Muslim man falsely accused. Remember that he's innocent. Remember that the governor of Missouri, mike Parson who had the opportunity to save this man's life, decided not to. Remember all but three supreme court justices decided his life wasn't worth saving either. Remember his face. Remember his Last words. And remember how fucked up this country is
Rest in peace Marcellus
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“unlike Other Men, we [marginalized] men are actually structurally incapable of misogyny” is a disturbingly common belief that goes unchallenged on here
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Never forget that there is literally no material upside to execution
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i think the main character that differs transmisogyny from transphobia + misogyny, is the goal.
trans masculine individuals experience what we'll call "corrective misogyny", where they experience a derision of their chosen gender in an attempt to push them back into the class of [cis]woman this is transphobia + misogyny.
People I think confuse this with transmisogyny because it involves transphobia and misogyny, but transmisogyny is not "corrective". The point of transmisogyny is to push trans feminine individuals out of both the class of man and woman, into a gender underclass, a subaltern as some have called it. There is no premise of "rescuing" trans women. trans men are abused in attempt to bring them back into the protected underclass of women, while trans women are abused in an attempt at the opposite, the intent is explicitly to push us out of all protected classes.
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basically-fabulous · 2 days
Before Williams was executed, his attorney, Tricia Rojo Bushnell, issued the below statement: “Tonight, Missouri will execute an innocent man, Marcellus “Khaliifah” Williams. The victim’s family opposes his execution. Jurors, who originally sentenced him to death, now oppose his execution. The prosecutor’s office that convicted and sentenced him to death has now admitted they were wrong and zealously fought to undo the conviction and save Mr. Williams’ life. More than one million concerned citizens and faith leaders implored Governor Parson to commute Marcellus’s death sentence. Missouri will kill him anyway. “That is not justice. And we must all question any system that would allow this to occur. The execution of an innocent person is the most extreme manifestation of Missouri’s obsession with ‘finality’ over truth, justice, and humanity, at any cost."
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basically-fabulous · 2 days
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basically-fabulous · 2 days
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basically-fabulous · 2 days
im gonna be honest if youre under like 50 you really dont have the excuse "its revolutionary for its time! it was important back in the day!" to talk about RHPS. we do not have to maintain its relevance. we can reevaluate the movie from the perspective of modern transfeminist thought and just... put it under glass, y'know?
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basically-fabulous · 2 days
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basically-fabulous · 2 days
Hello my friend , I am tahrer from Gaza, I am in desperate need of help because my situation and my family's situation are very bad. My father was injured when he was shot by the occupation forces. Skine diseases have invaded children's bodies. We have not been able to buy vegetables for ten months.There is no one to help us. I hope that you will help me and my family, please by donating or sharing. 🙏💔
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basically-fabulous · 2 days
Transition care is being outlawed and institutionally gatekept the world over.
Trans existence is the reactionary scapegoat du jour, a convenient symbol for regressive ideologues to rally against because we constitute a convenient effigy to burn, an existential threat to the patriarchal ideology of 'immutable', 'biological' sex upon which their 'natural order' (of male-supremacy and misogynistic exploitation) is founded.
During a cultural moment where the right's intentions to directly attack bodily autonomy and non-heterosexual, non-reproductive modes of existence are being plainly stated, where the nativist and natalist violence upon which states and their colonial orders are founded is being made most explicit, the response to this overt declaration of war on our ability to do what we will with our bodies is ... non-existent.
Feminism is being thoroughly repudiated by the left, by advocates of collectivization and queer activists alike. The "male loneliness crisis" is spoken of as our most pressing cultural issue, eliding the reactionary turn among men who are responding to deepening capitalist contradictions by demanding their patriarchal entitlement over women's labor and bodies. Trans people's existence is considered a luxury belief, established and proven healthcare is called 'experimental', and we are perceived as affluent eccentrics seeking novel forms of costuming rather than a thoroughly brutalized, impoverished, and stigmatized demographic sinking further and further into the margins.
Conservatives who rail against abortion and no-fault divorce now claim the label of "women's rights" because they also call for the eradication of transsexuality. The connections between the desire to outlaw trans existence and women's political and economic independence are obvious, but no one is making them.
We are not organizing a robust, materialist, ideological opposition to this reactionary backlash on the basis of bodily autonomy, the emancipation of marginalized genders, or the right to exist independently from patriarchal structures such as the nuclear family.
We are arguing with each other about validity, about whether it's "biologically essentialist" to observe that society enables men to exploit women, and about whether anyone who speaks plainly about misogyny is a "TERF".
I stand here seeing things get worse for my sisters and my siblings, cis and trans and non-binary and intersex and queer and even heterosexual and more, watching us devour each other while working class men settle for dominion over their wives and families in exchange for being compliant for their bosses, and I wonder if we'll realize what must be done before it's too late.
I don't know. I don't have an answer for you.
At least, not a good one.
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basically-fabulous · 2 days
We need to be able to discuss the conditions of trans people who want, need, or are already doing medical transition without first apologizing to everyone outside of that demographic.
The men, the women, the nonbinary people, the genderqueer ones, the genderfluid ones, the xenogender ones. The ones who are repressing the need so hard that it's fucking with their memory. The ones who downplay it into just a "want" and think they'll be taking up resources. The ones who've stabilized to a point where they just need the supply of hormones to stick around. The ones who have to worry about customs every time they place the order. The ones who've had to take on crushing debt to afford life-saving surgeries. The ones who didn't have that chance and spend their free time fundraising for themselves. The ones who sit through hours of painful electric shocks to their faces and will have to keep doing it for the foreseeable future until the hairs are gone.
The nonbinary people whose medical needs are so downplayed even in trans communities that some of you fuckers think centering medical transition is inherently enbyphobic. The nonbinary people who have to lie to their doctors to get help in a medical system that thinks their needs are somehow intrinsically different from those of binary trans people. The nonbinary people who need medical interventions that exist but are unavailable due to nothing but institutional negligence.
The young transitioners who've never lived as anything other than their gender, at risk of having to go through the wrong puberty because the sentiment that you could just be gender nonconforming instead is being wielded in texts such as the Cass review to justify the suppression of medical transition.
The group of trans people with transition-related medical needs is a huge segment of the trans community that is seriously vulnerable to political attacks, denied support of any kind in large parts of the world, and for some absolutely terminally online reason expected to walk on eggshells to avoid coming off as transmedicalist.
Some transmedicalists on the internet are mean sometimes. Get the fuck over it and recognize the form that attacks on the trans community are taking now, before the nonmedical form of transness is forced to become the only available option, and then targeted for further suppression.
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basically-fabulous · 2 days
the intelligent and sensitive pervert would like to message you
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