YES BANK, India’s fourth largest private sector Bank, in partnership with Kidzania organized a fun-filled evening for its customers to celebrate priceless childhood memories in Mumbai and Delhi recently. As part of YES BANK’s constant endeavor to deepen and extend relationships with its valued customers beyond banking transactions, the Bank had launched an initiative, ‘Cherishing Childhood’.
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A Quote from BuddhaCharita
न चैष धर्मो वनए एव सिद्धः पुरेऽपि सिद्धिर्नियता यतीनां ।
बुद्धिश्च यत्नश्च निमित्तं अत्र वनं च लिङ्गं च हि भीरुचिह्नं ॥
Transliteration: na caiṣa dharmo vanae eva siddhaḥ pure’pi siddhirniyatā yatīnāṃ । buddhiśca yatnaśca nimittaṃ atra vanaṃ ca liṅgaṃ ca hi bhīrucihnaṃ ॥
English Translation: Attainment is not only achieved in forests, the salvation of ascetics can be accomplished even in a city; thought and effort are the true means. The forest and the badge are only coward’s signs.
Hindi Translation: उद्धार केवल जंगलों में ही नहीं होता, एक शहर में भी तपस्वियों के मोक्ष को पूरा किया जा सकता है; विचार और प्रयास ही सही साधन हैं। जंगल और उपाधि केवल कायरता के संकेत हैं।
Source: BuddhaCharita by Aśvaghoṣa – 9.18
Click here to read more: https://resanskrit.com/buddha-purnima/
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Sanskrit Quote on KamaSutra
कृते प्रतिकृतं कुर्यात्ताडिते प्रतिताडितम्।
करणेन च तेनैव चुम्बिते प्रतिचुम्बितम्॥
Transliteration: kṛte pratikṛtaṃ kuryāttāḍite pratitāḍitam। karaṇena ca tenaiva cumbite praticumbitam॥
English Translation: For every action, there should be a counteraction, for every blow a counterblow and by the same logic, for every kiss a counter-kiss.
Hindi Translation: हर कार्रवाई के लिए, एक जवाबी कार्रवाई होनी चाहिए। हर प्रहार के लिए एक प्रति-प्रहार और उसी तर्क से, हर चुंबन के लिए एक जवाबी चुंबन।
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