battlecrazed-axe-mage · 54 minutes
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The Yo-kai Watch event is upon us!
Tip for early in the event while there are 50 people in the area all killing fates: if you swap to tank and use your ranged attack, you'll be building increased enmity for fate credit while doing less damage, meaning more people will get to participate before it dies!
Also, if you're on blue mage instakilling fates in low level areas during this time period, when lots of people want to participate in the event and fates are dying within moments, I don't respect you at all and you will not see Hydaelyn's light!
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@sucrecube9 @basilpaste These showed ip together and it was beautiful
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Shadowbringers really is the "wife guys and bad dads" expac
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You know what's even worse than cable being replaced by Netflixhuluprimemaxplus? Every single discrete youtube channel deciding to launch their own streaming service for $6 a month
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@staff This seems...bad I think? This keeps happening to me lately
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peanuts are disgusting and if you like peanuts you're disgusting
Is the reply button on the poll broken? It looks like this
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but it might be a different color depending on your layout. I know it's tough to learn this stuff but I believe in you
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Followup poll to test a theory:
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negl every time a sprout in a roulette apologizes for being new or watching cutscenes I get the most NO APOLOGIES ENJOY THE GAME DO NOT EVER LET SOMEONE MAKE YOU FEEL BAD FOR IT
Protect our brand new baby players!!
You were a sprout once.
You were a confused little newbie once.
You did stupid shit.
You made mistakes.
So why are you being so nasty to sprouts coming to the game? Why are you being cruel to new tanks and healers in Sastasha? The first dungeon thats whole point is to get you to figure out what you're doing.
Why are you being aggressive to new players asking questions? Why are you being a dick? Why are you pulling the boss when the sprout is in cutscene? Why are you being an asshole?
You were a sprout once. Don't tell me you were perfect from the get go. Don't tell me you knew your rotation perfectly off the bat. Don't tell me you never did something stupid as a newbie. Don't tell me it didn't suck when you wanted to watch a cutscene but the party pulled anyways, leaving you behind and forcing you to abandon your cutscene.
Sprouts shouldn't have to say "sorry I'm new"- BECAUSE ITS OKAY TO BE NEW!!! ITS OKAY TO LEARN!!! ITS OKAY TO FUCK UP AND EAT SHIT!!! God knows you throw a limit cut at me and it's like HUH and I've been playing 7 years.
Fuck sakes you dicks, let sprouts learn, fuck up and ask questions.
God I wish you shit rolls and bad rng
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Out of curiosity
When you homebrew your crimes against alcohol, does the surface area of the sugar make a difference? Like, would crushed jolly ranchers work better/worse than whole ones?
You know, that's a good question! I'd assume crushing or melting the candy would make it easier for the yeast to get into, but now I kind of want to just throw a bunch of whole Werther's in a jug and see how they do with it
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Oh whoops I forgot to update this one! She's finished and bottled, complete with extremely disconcerting hydrophobic globules floating aimlessly in the ichor. Tastewise she's less battery acid than she used to be, but still very very bad. Sort of extremely sour dry white wine. I'm gonna let her sit a while and maybe mix her with something lovely and sweet and see if it turns her into something drinkable!
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:) Somehow Further Booze Crime Adventures
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A couple people have asked what's up with LHD so I figured I'd dig this up and update:
After the Sept 2021 post, there was a long silence of almost a year, until an update came on June 7, 2022. In a post on their facebook business page, Ned (the co-owner) reported that they'd be pursuing "less tumbled" dice somewhere between the sharp-edged ones their brand was known for and traditionally manufactured dice. That news was (understandably) not taken well by the backers, and ten days later, he posted again walking back that decision. Instead, he said they were in the process of ordering samples and finalizing details for their preferred manufacturer.
There have been no further updates since June 17, 2022.
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Long story short--the project's dead in the water. In December 2020, one of the owners, Ned, admitted that the money from the project was long gone and that they considered LHD a "failed business". He said they were looking at options for factories to produce the sets (although they planned to keep hand-making the dice in the meantime), but didn't provide any information about that process or how it was going.
People were kind of understandably upset, and imo it didn't help that Ned was treating a lot of questions as an unreasonable interrogation. Despite saying that they were continuing to hand-make the dice at home, there's been no visible progress on that front. The last update post was in September 2021, and it's been radio silence ever since.
The text of the update posts under the cut for posterity:
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(edited to remove his profile pic since their kids are in it, and y'know, can't be too careful)
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Unfortunately, I don't have to imagine 🙃
Man. Sometimes I remember Lucky Hand Dice and just get really sad
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Man. Sometimes I remember Lucky Hand Dice and just get really sad
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I love that we have a two nickels situation with recent horror podcast episodes where a suspicious stranger asks you to roll dice
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Sometimes I wonder if Chessex will ever do something like rerelease confetti borealis, and then this happens and I get a glimpse of the future we avoided
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Ngl i prefer the 2016 version purple on the right.
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