bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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Oh Hell Yeah Babey
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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It’s so sad when the little pet gets left behind~
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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Thanks to my sister @tantumuna​ for letting me put her through this. Enjoy!
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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No, I was not ready. Thank you, king :)
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
Forget the outfit swap…
Give me this soft jock-goth looking outfit, Beel looks so fucking good, my big boy.
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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AKA a tutorial on color theory and skin tone that you shouldn’t have had to hear from a pasty white guy.
I’m not here to talk about what brought me to do this tutorial. I’m just giving my thoughts on color theory, basically, because most of these examples, WHILE TOTALLY VALID, use other pictures as reference points to pick out color. That’s not even necessary all the time, so I’m showing how I choose skin color from the wheel itself.
We’ll be using this sneak preview of Mammon from Obey Me! with piercings, which will be appearing on my Patreon soon. I am literally willing to give you guys exclusive preview content to make this point.
For simplicity’s sake, I went ahead and gave Mammon a base coloring just to give us an area to paint in. Look at that sad, gray skin. He’s so sad. Why would you do this?
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I’ll start with what I think the biggest problem is. Here’s a selection of skin tones I use for white or asian-coded characters. Some of these are color-picks from Belphie and Beel, as they’re in my palette currently, along with the tones I use for Matteo. We can see that those colors tend to be clustered towards the white corner and the top of the color scale.
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I theorize that when people want to make a skin tone darker, what they’re doing is either using black and gray as their shaders, or simply dragging the color selection down towards the bottom, the black side of the color picker. But that side is also where colors are their least saturated.
Skin tone is determined by melanin concentration. Melanin isn’t a different color for different people - it’s simply more concentrated in some tones than in others. So when we’re choosing a darker skin tone, what we have to do is move down into more concentrated and saturated colors.
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Here I’ve selected a few shades of “pale” skin and concentrated them to show a variety of shades and colors that can appear in normal skin tone. You may want to compare shades with the ethnicity you’re portraying before you select your midtone for that character.
The purple tones I’ve selected at the bottom are uncommon, but can often appear in the skin tones of people with extremely dark coloration, which can sometimes suggest an almost violet hue. I think that’s awesome and I implore people to explore reference pictures and models of all backgrounds to literally broaden your spectrum.
As an aside, I personally don’t even like the tones that are often used in official art of Mammon because he does still appear de-saturated in some, so I knew from the start I was going to be selecting my own color.
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First point to consider: Never choose your highlight or lightest color as the base for your midtone!
What we want to do is play around with the base color for our model, and then select our highlight and lowlight tones from there. Once you’ve selected your midtone, it’s okay to slide a little vertically to get your highs and lows, but make sure you don’t lose the concentration of your pigment or you’ll end up shading your model with an entirely different color.
Below I played around with gold and copper tones for Mammon to determine the best complement to the color of his hair, eyes, and piercings. As he’s a fallen angel and technically has no ethnicity, I had the freedom to do that, but I’ve been trying to lean more towards latinx/hispanic for his overall aesthetic. (I am relying HEAVILY on other tutorials and friends who know better than me to get THAT part right. Once again, this is only about color theory.)
As a side note, #2 is probably the closest to Mammon’s canon coloration among these.
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I personally use linear/color burn and color/glow dodge with concentrated colors to achieve my high and low tones. I used mainly a marigold color for this round, but I usually only end up saving the midtone color and using my background to determine the color cast of my highs and lows, so the highlights and shadows might look totally different if Mammon were standing in, say, a dark blue room with a pale light source… but that would not change his base hue.
Here’s the color palette I ended up getting after toying around a bunch. Just from a color perspective, I think this makes his hair and the gold jewelry pop a bit more while also making sure that they don’t drown out his color.
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I hope this tutorial was useful, and if my BIPOC followers and friends have issue with anything I’ve said above, please feel free to correct me and add to this post as you see fit! Once again, this is only from the perspective of someone using color theory to determine these factors, and I am not an ethnic or racial minority in any way, shape or form. My opinions and views on this matter are probably flawed and subject to guidance. I suggested doing this tutorial as a passing thing and someone said that I should, so I did.
Look out for the upcoming “Demon Boys with Piercings” post available publicly on my Patreon for patrons AND non-patrons!
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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Hell y a
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
Levi: You NORMIE!! You would never understand an outaku like me!
Jakari, sipping appley juice out of his bnha themed bottle: No probably not
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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Thats my eternal mood as a twin fucker.
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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stop drawing pale mammon, please stop doing that shit
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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just sibling tingzz
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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I fell in love with @/exuberami on instagram's picture of Asra wearing Simeon's outfit that I absolutely had to draw Simeon wearing Asra's regular outfit + the good noodle with Luke's hat ;3;
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
Croptop Mammon! Croptop Mammon!
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Saw the ref pic on Twitter and I knew I had to do this 😆 I also want to draw all the bros and the undatables in clothes like this. Can anyone give me some outfit ideas 🙇🏻‍♀️
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
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I am disappointed I didnt see anyone do this for the beach event and upset it took me this long to think of it
quick meme as I take a break from drawing Cerberus 
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
MC: Let’s slow dance.
Beelzebub: [does the macarena at ¼ speed]
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bbqbeelzeborger · 4 years
The demon bros as screenshots from me and my boyfriends’ discord server
(Aka I was trying to find a message today and had the idea for this while going through all of our old conversations lmao)
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