Xerneas’ battle theme!
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Just giving all my followers a round of a-paws
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request from spiff!! him and his friend jonah!
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You monster! If your going to be crushed buy the fact persona five will be the new duke nukem forever you'll take us all down, won't you?
I started playing persona 3 and omfg it’s so fun
I’ve never played them before but I really enjoy them!!
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The goal is simple - we thank Hussie for everything he’s done for us. For all the updates, all the people he’s met, everything he’s had to deal with - for making Homestuck. He made something far bigger than he could have imagined. I think it’s time we thanked him.
Everyone who reblogs this will have their URL added to a text file. At the end of April it will be emailed to him along explaining that these are all the people who want to personally thank him for what he does.
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This Is how to make a video about princesses. Take out your note books "feminists" cause you might learn something if you take your heads out of your asses.
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I am the ultimate troll
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Stealth Rocks
-Incognito Igneous
-Hidden Stones
-Covert Cobblestones
-Sneaky Stones
-Cloaked Crag
-Sequestered Sapphires
-Clandestine Minerals
-Tiptoeing Tectonics
-Surreptitious Stones
-Slinking Slabs
-Undercover Ore
-Catlike Stalagmite
-Masked Masonry
-Veiled Shale
-Guileful Gravel
-Obscure Obsidian
-Creeping Crags
-Hidden Haltite
-Peeving Platinum
-Vexing Vauxite
-Xenolithic Xenotime
-Zetetic Zeolite
-Whetting Whardite
-Furtive Feldspar
-Artful Ash
-Buried Bedrock
-Camouflaged Cinnabar
-Concealed Ore
-Covert crags
-Crafty Coal
-Cunning Crystal
-Espionage Pebbles
-Evasive Emerals
-False Fictile 
-Fraudulent Flint
-Hush-Hush Hardware
-Indirect Ingot
-Enigmatic Erections
-Ingenious Indigo
-Invisible Quartz
-Malicious Minerals
-Masked Metals
-Precarious Peridot
-Private Paragon
-Secret Solitaire
-Sheltered Sand
-Shielded Stalagmites
-Sly Rubble
-Sodomizing Sediment
-Subtle Screenings
-Tiptoeing Tectonics
-Disorientating Dirt
-Tricky Terrain 
-Mystic Boulders
-Furtive Fragments
-Obstructive Obsidian
-Camouflaged Quarry
-Lingering Limestone
-Gregarious Geography
-Belied Bedrock
-Skulking Siltstone
-Rubble Trouble
-Guerrilla Gravel
-Lashing Lead
-Grinding Galena
-Peeving Platinum
-Vexing Vauxite 
-Tormenting Topaz
-Keen Kyanite
-Chafing Chalk 
-Excessive Edenite 
-Galvanizing Granite
-Nefarious Norite
-Private Earth
-Waldo Minerals
-Ninja Nuggets
-Pesky Pebbles
-Ruse Rubble
-Dastardly Debris
-Rubble Trouble
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FINALLY we get to upload our first installment of Metal Gear Rising! A few technical issues but we are getting a editor for the next one so things should be turning up roses =D.
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Sonic The Hedgehog.
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If my jokes offend you:
I’m sorry
It won’t happen again
1 & 2 are lies 
You’re a pussy
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Seriously am I the only person upset with this? Like everyone in the world is just cool with this being an eeveelution? 
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I am a proud supporter of chubby!Jane. :p so yes, more rolls the merrier, if ya ask me.
Im not saying theres anything wrong with chubby girls, Its just strange to see stick figure homestuck characters with some meat on their bones.
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159K notes · View notes
The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy.
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oppa gungam style
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gotta go fast
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