beartamed · 2 years
hey everyone! thank you so much for always supporting me on here throughout everything <3 there’s honestly been a lot going on and i’m super active on my multi, and i really miss writing these 3 bastards, so i’m going to be moving sergio, arturo, and helsinki to my multimuse! find them on @multimuse-rp <3 love you all so much!!!! thanks for all the support!
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beartamed · 3 years
Before 2021 ends tell me something you always wanted to tell me.
Alternatively, have the sending muse tell the receiving muse something they’ve always wanted to tell them.
Remember to specify muse for multi-muse blogs!
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beartamed · 3 years
@enqinaer // @unsnare
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beartamed · 3 years
"Heeelsiiii!" Nairobi sing-songed, sweeping into the room. She was dressed to the nines for Christmas in a red dress and dangling gold earrings. Matching festive bracelets jingled on her wrists as she cupped Helsinki's chin and kissed him promptly on the cheek. "Feliz navidad y próspero año nuevo, querido."
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Nairobi looked absolutely gorgeous today. She always did, but today especially. Helsinki grinned as she kissed his cheek, pulling her in for a tight hug — hopefully not too tight. He’d learned his strength from too many people. “Nairobi?” He placed his hands on her shoulders, pulling back from the embrace to look her in the eyes. The smile remained on his face, never fading. “¡Feliz navidad!” He suddenly lifted her up in the air, twirling her around and dipping her before letting her back up, making sure she was on balance before letting go. “I got you something. It’s under the tree.”
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beartamed · 3 years
@delnquent asked: 1, 6, 9, 10, 20 for the vanilla sunday meme
1. Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
Oh, every day. Helsinki is very much a romantic. He craves affection. He craves the little things, like buying each other flowers on Valentine’s Day and making each other breakfast in bed just because. He dreams of a beautiful, domestic life — maybe even adopting a kid or two. Because, let’s face it: Helsi would make an amazing father.
6. Does your muse steal clothing from their partner?
Actually, it’s usually the other way around. As a big man, most of his partners’ clothes wouldn’t fit, anyway. But he would definitely love it if someone else wore his clothes.
9. Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
It’s hard to say. He’s attracted to people who aren’t afraid to be who they are. He’s attracted to people that are passionate, people whose love is intense. But he also loves a sense of humor. As for physical features… the eyes. Pretty eyes are his weakness *cough cough MARTÍN*
10. Have their crushes been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split?
All male. That was actually how he realized he was gay — he’d appreciate the beauty of women, of course, but when he fantasized about romance, he’d only imagine men.
20. Would your muse be interested in engaging with multiple partners?
I thought about this one for a while, and I’d have to say no. Helsinki wants someone that would do anything for him, just as he’d do anything for them. And I think having multiple partners, even if just for one night, would make him feel insecure — unwanted, even. He’d probably feel left out if he wasn’t given enough attention and guilty if he was given too much attention, so I think he’d be too worried to properly enjoy himself.
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beartamed · 3 years
Vanilla Sunday Meme
For muns who aren’t into explicit sexual content, but don’t mind approaching the topic. Feel free to cross out any questions you aren’t comfortable with!
Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
Is your muse a deviant? Are they overly flirtatious or forward?
Is your muse good at kissing? Are they experienced?
Does your muse initiate a lot of physical contact?
Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
Does your muse steal clothing from their partner?
Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
Is your muse comfortable with, or proud of their body? Are they insecure?
Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
Have their crushes been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split?
Have their partners been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split? 
Is your muse easily flustered? Do they blush, swear, etc.?
Where is your muse most sensitive? 
Is your muse more submissive or dominant in a relationship? 
Would your muse ever tempt their partner, e.g. flirting, wearing tight/sexy clothing?
Does your muse initiate heated/sexual contact, or do they wait for their partner?
Does your muse leave hickies? Do they ask for them?
Does your muse like to be pinned down, or to pin their partner? 
Has your muse reached first/second/third base? Home run? 
Would your muse be interested in engaging with multiple partners?
Would your muse ever send a sexual text message? Would they send pictures?
Does your muse read smut, own magazines, or watch p-rn?
Is your muse the type to discuss their sex life or sexual prowess with others?
Is your muse a top, a bottom, or a switch? Do they have a lean?
How interested is your muse in sex and sexual activity?
Do they have sex frequently, occasionally, or rarely?
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beartamed · 3 years
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beartamed: an indie, selective, mutuals only rp blog for helsinki of netflix’s la casa de papel / money heist. sideblog to @gcvernedbalance. loved by allison.
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beartamed · 3 years
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He always found comfort with Nairobi in his arms. Helsinki didn’t need to be held; he needed to hold someone and tell that that they were safe with him. It couldn’t be Palermo; he had never loved Helsinki, probably never even liked him for more than just his muscles. His head came to rest gently on the woman’s shoulder, though he didn’t put his full weight on it. “I know.” And he did, but he still kept coming back for more, every single time. Boom, boom, ciao, but he didn’t want to ciao. “I keep thinking that if I show him how much I care, he’ll start caring, too.” But, of course, it would never happen. Palermo would always choose Berlin, even if Berlin beat him into the ground and buried him alive, and even if Helsinki comforted him afterwards. It would always be Berlin. “I’m better off with you.” Not romantically, of course, but Helsinki was convinced that the two of them were platonic soulmates. And maybe that was all they needed from each other.
@beartamed​ —
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[ HUG ] to hug my muse from behind
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    It must feel stupid, to him at least, how easily his touch send shivers down her spine, like something that was meant to be and never happened. Bear-like embrace wrapping around her waist like a blanket, nothing but warmth contained within, the warmth of a friend intending to stay that way – her lips twitch feebly in an attempted smile as she settles comfortably in the touch. ❝ Helsi? ❞ Gentle voice calls at him, and she knows perfectly well what it’s all about. Because a certain someone is too much of a cabrón to allow himself to be hugged lie this, and because Helsinki is too much of gentle soul to deal with his stupid rules and prohibitions. ❝ Está enamorado de Berlín. You know that, right? ❞ The impossible is not to be chased. She’s learned it the hard way, never even tried to – it’s a terrible lesson to learn, but it’s time he understood it too. Ágata never wished for them to have what those two share – she wishes for Helsinki to find it, with someone who cares, and for herself, to find someone who’d treat her just the same, like an equal, like a queen, like the most important thing in the universe. The worst part of it is seeing her best friend long for someone whose heart belongs to another. ❝ How many times does he have to kick you out to prove it? ❞ 
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beartamed · 3 years
How was it possible for Helsinki to put so much love out into the world and get so little back? It broke his heart, because this wasn’t the first time something like this had happened. Sex was always meaningful to Helsinki, but apparently not to other guys, and certainly not to Palermo. He was right, though — he’d known what he was getting himself into. And now, he wished he could hate Palermo for hurting him, but he still wanted him — loved him, even. “I would have given you everything.” He took a small step closer, his gaze drifting down to the man’s gorgeous blue eyes. “If you’re attracted to me at all, why wouldn’t you let it happen?”
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✱ ˚・` @beartamed​ sent “ you couldn’t have cared less about someone who loved you more. ”
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Simple words could have clarified it all, but Helsinki wasn’t simple. And words weren’t his forte, either. A sigh drops, and despite the chuckle that came with it, it’s sardonic, somewhat mocking the entire situation. ❝ Spare me the fucking pity party, big man. You knew what you got yourself into. ❞ He meets his gaze in the mirror, simply to underline the latter words. He knew. It wasn’t a secret. Never had Helsinki ever been more to him than just this. Or, perhaps it had been but it was his mind that didn’t allow him to think like that, didn’t allow himself to be vulnerale like that. Who could hurt you with a hardened exterior like his own? Except the imminent death that knocked on their doors alrady. ❝ Don’t paint me the villain just because you’re nobody’s first choice. ❞ It’s then that Martín turns around, eyes catching the other’s as he adjusts his tie, somewhat pitying the other in the moment. ❝ You’re not six, Helsinki, stop acting like a child. ❞
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beartamed · 3 years
MONEY HEIST SEASON 1 PROMPTS. ( A collection of dialogue based roleplay prompts. Feel free to change the pronouns and alter the sentences as you wish. )
And then they’ll kill you.
You’re dead, anyway.
For fuck’s sake….
For fuck’s sake, man.
Come on, man.
On your knees.
Please, don’t kill me.
Don’t look at me.
Don’t fucking look at me.
What the hell was that?
Calm down, Jesus!
Calm down. Have some fucking strength, or we won’t get out alive, right? You have to give it some balls.
Shut up, shut up.
Thanks. Tell them you killed me and you got rid of the body.
I’ve got the fingerprint. Nobody will get in. I’ll hide. Tell them you killed me.
There’s not a single drop of blood.
Shoot me in the hand.
Shoot me in the shoulder.
The shoulder is so close to the lung. I can’t do it.
In my thigh, it bleeds a lot. I’ve seen it.
My brother got hurt with an iron and he bled a lot. Come on. Come.
Bite my hand if you want.
Have you got bad aim or do blondes get you nervous?
If she grabs your knee and begs you not to kill her, it’s not easy.
Why didn’t you kill her?
You’re a fucking bastard.
You don’t want to stain your hands with blood, but you stain mine.
If you ever touch me again, you’re dead.
There’s a coal boiler in the basement. Put her inside.
Later you’ll clean all this.
I need to know if you’re going to surrender.
When you were a child, what games did you play in the playground?
I played ladybirds too. I was very good at that.
Some of us played cops and had to catch the others and when they got you, they got you, but I don’t remember a single child in that playground who surrendered before he was caught.
Children in the school playground do not risk going to prison for 8 or 16 years.
You’re right. You’re absolutely right.
That’s why I asked my mates.
We’re enthusiasts.
Finally we’ve decided to go for the zero years in prison.
Is it familiar? It’s the one seized nine months ago with 2,800 kilos of cocaine.
You only have two choices. One: to punish us. Two: to save lives.
And I’m afraid you can’t choose both things.
I hate the sea, the fish and the sand on the beach.
We’re bringing that lorry to get them out of that mouse trap.
It’ll be easier for us in the open field.
Let’s get the vehicles ready with narcotic gas.
What plan is better than going out with the eight millions of the safe vault?
They’re printing their own unmarked money.
Be careful.
Has it got delayed opening, like the other one?
It was caused by a hostage who didn’t follow my rules and tried to contact… using this phone.
We said no victims.
She had a phone. What should I have done, give her some lashes?
Scare her, not kill her. Cut her an ear, like in the movies.
If she had given information to the police about how many and where we are, now you’d be the one having been shot.
When they notice there’s a hostage missing, we won’t be here.
Are you telling me about the rules?
You, who due to your affair with this jerk almost killed an officer?
We must call him and tell him.
Do you know how music was invented?
Don’t touch me, they’re gases.
And the saturated fats they give us to eat there.
What’s the matter?
If everything goes well, I’m taking my son to a country whose name we can’t even pronounce.
Are you staying alone in this mouse trap?
Have you killed that woman?
It’s an anxiety attack. Lie him down. Lie him down.
Nobody was hurt. Okay?
It’s a rollercoaster.
Are you pointing at me with your gun?
Look, this is urgent, you took away my phone.
You’re like a built-in wardrobe.
Don’t know what happened to me.
Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
Where must all that end?
You’re fucking brute.
I left it because I suffered from claustrophobia.
It was due to the nerves..
What can I say? It was exciting.
In the end, we worry a lot about many things and we shouldn’t give so much importance to things. In the end…
Well, actually… nothing’s fine.
Everything… is quite bad. Fucking awful, I’d say.
We’ll cover the bleeding and see how you progress, okay?
Just like when we were kids and played that Operation game…
Well, it can’t have more contraindications than a bullet.
Listen, the reality is that… it doesn’t start with a smack.
You killed her, jesus. She was innocent.
See who that man is and what’s he doing here.
She had checkmated most probably.
The spokesman in the shadow has described as deplorable and shameful that diplomatic relations take precedence over the life of eight Spanish adolescents.
Are you sure?
You killed her, motherfuckers.
Hurry up.
Water, water, please.
I want to infiltrate the medical team.
No. Somebody’s getting in, but not you.
Sure. There’s always someone better than me for everything.
I can get there and, at a glance, know how many they have, what type and if they’re fake or not.
We can know who the robbers are.
You’re right.
You’ll come with me and cover the doctors.
I heard a shot before.
The police. They shot a hostage.
Who did the police shoot?
The manager of the factory.
Did the police kill them?
Is he alive?
With his team.
He’ll have surgery and will be saved.
You must tell him I’m alive.
You must tell him
Because you’ll be fine and he will as well, okay?
Come on. Let’s have a look at the wound.
Calm down.
He is going to blame himself. I took the phone because he told me to.
And that now I’m dead because of him.
You must tell him I’m alive, okay?
And his son too
Are you pregnant?
Very well.
I’ve decided to get our officers inside the building.
I’ll do it by taking advantage of the medical intervention.
I celebrate these decisions you make during ambulance rides.
But my presence here responds only to the government’s wish that there isn’t a violent outcome.
The CNI officer has suddenly become a pacifist.
Weren’t you the one who wanted to get the tanks in there?
I wanted to catch them by surprise. Finish with this soon.
But now the priority is zero victims.
So I advise to negotiate and wait.
It must suck a lot being here all day believing you’re the best, not having to make any decisions, right?
Like being in a hostage crisis talk show.
Inspector, I’m not going to bite because I understand at a certain age hormones take over inside.
As you’ll understand, I have to inform about all this.
Of course.
So far the kidnappers have always been ahead of us.
Everything was planned. Except this shot.
It’s the first thing not according to plan.
And we must take advantage.
The only way to get in without being detected by their cameras is to advance along this tube in the subsoil that leads straight to the basements.
It’s the ventilation nozzle.
It was added seven months ago to release the heat from the presses.
It’s a work in progress.
I’ve been thinking about you. And everything we did wrong.
Don’t think about it, darling. Not now.
I know we’re not fine. We haven’t been fine for some time.
I’ve neglected you and our children. I’ve been selfish.
I promise all that’s going to change, you hear me?
It’s always been you since the day I met you.
Are you ready?
Well, they’re ready.
Put on your masks!
And with me! Rock and roll!
Move forward.
Your hands on your head and legs apart.
We’re frisking you.
Get him out of here, please.
The one with glasses is the cop.
Whose is this one?
Is this tune familiar to any of you?
What has happened?
What are you doing?
We’ve all heard the shots.
I’ve asked you what the hell has happened.
Not here.
We said no victims.
She had a phone. What should I have done, give her some lashes?
Scare her, not kill her. Cut her an ear, like in the movies.
If she had given information to the police about how many and where we are, now you’d be the one having been shot.
But you’d keep your ear.
Who shot?
Too much hot blood.
Calm down, the public opinion is on our side and that’s not going to change.
When they notice there’s a hostage missing, we won’t be here.
We’ll be far away.
Are you telling me about the rules?
You, who due to your affair with this jerk almost killed an officer?
I’ve got it ready. Here.
How are you? How’s your life?
Fine. Here I am.
It’s the sixth time you come to pick me up and you’ve never looked that way.
What the fuck is up?
I’ve fucked it up.
What the hell did you do?
He had lost 800 pills.
It seems they had been stolen from his car.
And he’s got a boss.
That motherfucker is a lunatic.
For the last time, go back to your position.
What are you going to do?
Shoot me?
Have you killed that woman?
Dad, what’s up? What’s up?
Dad, is it a heart attack?
Are you having a heart attack? Dad, no, no.
It’s an anxiety attack. Lie him down. Lie him down.
Excuse me. Sorry.
The shot we’ve heard before… Is anyone hurt?
Calm down, all right?
Nobody was hurt. Okay?
We only shot to dissuade an intervention. Just that
You’ve heard that Stop thinking weird things about those shots, okay? These people are robbers, not from the jihad or anything similar.
Honey, I’m sorry.
It’s a rollercoaster.
Well, which is the other one, where you get wet?
We’ve been at the amusement park. It’s so cool.
Come here, love.
You’ve violated a restraining order.
Turn around and stand against the wall.
Raquel, I’m her father. You can’t keep me away from Paula.
You’ve violated a restraining order. Turn around and stand against the wall.
You’ve already screwed up my life. Isn’t that enough?
Are you pointing at me with your gun?
Look, this is urgent, you took away my phone.
How are you feeling?
The sky is huge, right?
Where must all that end?
Due to that shit that was eating your lungs.
But it wasn’t that.
I left it because I suffered from claustrophobia.
I couldn’t stand being in that hole.
So I started with robberies to make a living.
And I ended up in prison. Locked up, like my whole fucking life.
Are you okay? You sound strange.
Not strange.
I’m fucking great, here, in the countryside, in the open air.
I wasn’t born to be over a barrel.
And it’d be greater when we leave this place.
You know one thing?
Fuck the Maserati and they gyms.
You know what we’re going to do with our millions?
We’re going to buy an island.
So you can sleep in the raw among the palm trees.
In a hut. One hut for you, another for me.
you snore like crazy, believe me.
Put it in.
One second, okay?
Let him rest.
Finish cleaning the toilet.
And then swap your position with Helsinki and watch the hostages.
I’m sorry. I’m a mess.
No, really, don’t worry. I don’t think I have any calls.
Let me see. Look, not even a single WhatsApp. See?
I don’t…
Excuse me, it’s not my business at all, but… is everything all right with your daughter?
I stole your phone, I frisked you, I almost arrested you, but you’re still worried about me?
Well, you took the phone accidentally.
It was due to the nerves.
And the frisk was… Well, it was funny.
What can I say? It was exciting
Anyway, then he invited me. So we’re at peace now.
In the end, we worry a lot about many things and we shouldn’t give so much importance to things. In the end…
Well, actually… nothing’s fine.
Everything… is quite bad.
Fucking awful, I’d say.
Excuse me, but… I…
No, the emergency was… my ex-husband had taken my daughter and…
Well, he’s got a restraining order for ill-treatment.
Let’s see.
I think we should take out…
Shall I help you?
Come on, almost there.
Okay, okay.
Okay, okay.
Careful, careful.
Okay, that’s it.
Oh, my God.
I think we should take the bullet out.
No, no. No, there are muscles, bones and such.
You’ll make a mess.
How are you taking it out?
You can’t take it out with that.
No. Some people have bullets and they’re okay.
I’ve seen it on TV. And pieces of glass… It’s all right.
We’ll cover the bleeding and see how you progress, okay?
I brought loads of antibiotics.
Painkillers, muscle relaxants… Everything.
Won’t that be bad?
I hope it doesn’t have contraindications.
Well, it can’t have more contraindications than a bullet.
I was thinking of the baby.
You’re right.
Okay, okay.
I’ll read the pamphlet and see what we do, okay?
Let me see.
“Read this pamphlet carefully before you start taking the medicine.
Keep this pamphlet, because you might need to read it again.
If you have doubts, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
This medicine has been prescribed and…
Hey. Have you got more noodles?
Not noodles. I have some rice.
It’s all right.
What are you doing? Hey!
What the fuck are you doing?
Don’t open the doors!
On the floor! Now!
I have a shot.
She’s hidden.
I’m so sorry that you had gone through…
Through an experience so…
Well, if you need some kind of help, I can give you…
A phone always at your disposal, a bodyguard with glasses…
I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have joked about something like that.
I apologise. But I see you and… And it doesn’t fit.
It’s not what I imagine when I think about…
About what? A battered woman?
Because I’ve got a gun, right?
You fall in love with a charming and intelligent man… who makes you feel the centre of the universe.
And when he asks you to change your profile picture and use a picture of your daughter, you think it’s tender.
And when he tells you not to wear a miniskirt to work, you think: "I’m a woman who works in a men’s world, he’s actually protecting me.”
Like in those horror films where somebody goes down to the basement and everybody thinks: “Don’t go downstairs. Don’t do it.”
That’s where I got the first slap. And then the second, and the third…
And finally I got the divorce.
Didn’t you report him?
No. He was a police officer, the most popular guy in the station, and I just wanted to lose sight of him.
I guess… I was ashamed to sit down in front of my boss and tell him about a year and a half of humiliation and blows.
We’re bait. They’re using us as bait.
We’re getting out due to humanity, because one of our mates needs to breathe, and I won’t tell you again.
Don’t move.
What fucking world are we living in?
Nobody’s willing to do anything for anybody, right?
One of us has an anxiety attack and you only think that you’re a bait.
Nothing’s gonna happen.
Nothing’s gonna happen, because I’m going out with you.
Why did he have an anxiety attack?
Due to shots. It was the shots, right?
It was the shots. Who did you kill? Who did you kill?
Open your fucking mouth.
Stop it.
Stop goofing around, please.
Look, it’s a fucking great day.
As you know well, I’d never have allowed this crazy thing, but right now my mates are convincing me
You only have to do one thing: be professionals.
Doesn’t this seem professional to you?
A fucking note better than the ones in the bank.
They can’t even trace it. A work of art.
I am a professional.
On your knees.
Your hands on your head.
Don’t play with me, stand up. I’m talking to you.
I need authorization.
They’re still on their knees, sir.
I’m waiting for instructions.
They’re running.
I have a shot at the kidnapper.
What the fuck are you doing?
On your knees.
Give me the green light.
They’re going to execute them.
They’re going to shoot.
I request to open fire.
Put down the gun!
They’re going to kill them.
Target’s down.
All units, stop the fire.
We’ve shot a hostage.
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beartamed · 3 years
@naircbi (continued from here)
Out of everyone in the gang, Nairobi was the least deserving of being shot. So why did it have to be her? The sweetest ones always got the most unlucky, or so it seemed. It took all of Helsinki’s willpower not to scream, not to break down into tears and beg for mercy to whatever god or gods were out there. He wasn’t a religious man; never had been. It was ironic; he looked so big and strong on the outside, but it was all a disguise. On the inside, he was weaker than anyone else.
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“Sh, sh…” At first, when Nairobi spoke, he assumed it was probably just a hallucination. But the tone of her voice and the desperate tears streaming down her cheeks told a different story. She had seen Axel. She had seen her son. “It’s okay. I’m right here…” But Axel wasn’t, and now, Helsinki understood. Sierra was a monster. “He’ll be okay, and so will you. Just stay with me.”
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beartamed · 3 years
Have your muse confess something to mine!
Their love, hate, appreciation, dislike, or indifference to my muse. Maybe a fantasy or dream involving our muses together. Perhaps even their deepest darkest secret!
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beartamed · 3 years
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A loud sigh left Helsinki’s lips. He should have known better; all he knew was that things would never be the same as they were that one magical night. It had meant far more to Helsinki than it had to Palermo, which was devastating. But, deep down, he knew Berlin was right — he had to accept it. “Just tell me something.” Violence wasn’t the answer; he’d have to talk this out if he didn’t want Palermo to despise him. “Do you love him as much as he loves you?”
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“I’d rather have a broken bone than a broken heart.” Everyone knew emotional scars took much longer to heal.
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beartamed · 3 years
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𝙂𝙀𝙉𝙏𝙇𝙀 𝙋𝙍𝙊𝙈𝙋𝙏𝙎   ,   𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝙾𝙽𝙴 . (  a collection of roleplay prompts for when one muse is feeling vulnerable , or is in need of some loving ! prompts may be edited or changed to fit muses as required . ‘ my ’ muse refers to the receiver’s muse . add ‘ reverse ’ for the opposite . )
[ STROKE ]  for your muse to stroke my muse’s hair .  [ WRAP ]  for your muse to gently drape a blanket / coat over my muse’s shoulders . [ HUG ]  for your muse to draw mine in for a warm hug . [ SWEET ]  for your muse to present my muse with candy to cheer them up .  [ KISS ]  for your muse to give my muse a surprise kiss .  [ COMFORT ]  for your muse to comfort my muse after a nightmare .  [ BANDAGE ]  for your muse to provide my muse with first - aid .  [ WRITE ]  for your muse to hand my muse a handwritten love letter .  [ DATE ]  for your muse to ask my muse on a date .  [ PILLOW ]  for your muse to challenge my muse to a pillow fight . [ FORT ]  for our muses to build a pillow fort together .  [ CALM ]  for your muse to calm my muse down after a panic attack .  [ NAP ]  for our muses to take a nap together .  [ CUDDLE ]  for our muses to cuddle .  [ CARRY ]  for your muse to pick up my muse and carry them . [ NAME ]  for your muse to call my muse a pet name . [ NOSE ]  for your muse to kiss my muse on the nose . [ BUTTERFLY ]  for your muse to give mine butterfly kisses all over their face .  [ PRAISE ]  for your muse to praise my muse .  [ MOVIE ]  for your muse to suggest my muse join them for a movie night . [ LISTEN ]  for your muse to offer to listen to my muse vent .  [ SILENT ]  for your muse to simply support my muse in silence . [ STAY ]  for your muse to offer to stay with mine for the night .
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beartamed · 3 years
it feels like home
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you're the kind of person that makes people feel safe. you probably couldn't be intimidating if you tried, but that doesn't matter. what matters is your kindness and compassion, your innate way of making people feel happy. you're so good at taking care of everybody else, but don't forget to take care of yourself, too! you deserve the same love you give so freely
tagged by: @hellmersmyopathy <33
tagging: you!
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beartamed · 3 years
It was so fucking hard to stay angry at Berlin when Helsinki could see the sadness in his eyes. Nairobi wouldn’t want him to be mad. She’d respected Berlin; maybe there had even been something more there. Either way, the pain was immeasurable. Helsinki had lost Oslo in the first heist; now, he’d lost Nairobi. When would it end? Who was next, Palermo? At this point, Helsinki wouldn’t be surprised.
“Berlin, please don’t…” It wasn’t worth it. Helsinki couldn’t stay mad at him, not right now, not when Nairobi was gone. Not when they were both suffering. “She meant the world to me. I should have protected her, I… I told her I would protect her, and I didn’t.” The tears flowed freely now. “I failed, and now she’s gone. And I wish I could blame you like I always do, but I can’t.”
@hellmersmyopathy asked: ❛ for what it’s worth, i really am sorry. ❜
No, you’re not. Helsinki wished he could spit out those words, but something in the other man’s eyes showed a hint of compassion. Was it possible that Berlin had changed? Was he actually sorry? Had he lost his patriarchal views? Or was Nairobi just an exception?
Maybe this wasn’t even about Nairobi. Maybe this was about Palermo. They all knew Helsinki was in love with him; it was no secret, and yet Berlin would pull him back in every single time, and Helsinki would be left alone, out in the cold. At least he’d had Nairobi to comfort him before. Now, he didn’t have her. He had no one. He hesitated, then moved his gaze to the man’s face. It was impossible to tell whether he was an amazing actor or whether he actually felt sorry for him. What did it matter? Words couldn’t bring Nairobi back. Words couldn’t make Palermo fall in love with him, not with Berlin around.
“I don’t want your fucking sympathy. Just leave me alone.”
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beartamed · 3 years
“What history do you have with him?” Helsinki didn’t listen to a word the other man said. Palermo was clearly just trying to distract him, and it wouldn’t work. He wasn’t that much of an idiot. “Why do you put yourself through this pain, over and over again? Why can’t you see that he doesn’t fucking love you?” The words came out much more harshly than intended, and for a moment, Helsinki’s eyes were filled with regret. But it was the truth. Berlin didn’t love him — not the way he deserved to be loved, at least — and he never would.
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 ❛ haha . love it when handsome guys fight for me . ❜
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