bee-b0-blog · 4 years
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𝐒𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐖 .     innocence, big dreamer, waking up too early, walking home, being afraid of meeting new people, slim hands, always cold, reading a book under a tree, the smell of the forest, missing your home
𝐄𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐄 .     independent, caring too much for others, sharp looks, walking through the city late at night, the tallest and most spectacular building, iron, being single and okay in a world that tells you that being single is bad
𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐅𝐓 .    falling in love easily and heavily, traveler, the infinity of the bluest sky, storms, broken smiles, forgetting people who used to be your beloved ones, feeling out of place, mistrusting people, a fleeting romance
𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐖 .     feeling as if you have seen so much and as if you know a lot, prejudging, tight hugs that leave you breathless, a grey sky, serenity, intelligence, being left behind, chains, smoke, the pride of someone wise
𝐃𝐎𝐕𝐄 .      petals, jealousy, being tired of living with the same old faces, whispered secrets, marble, sundresses, white clothes, the first sunset of winter, pride in who you are, learning to get over someone
𝐒𝐄𝐀𝐆𝐔𝐋𝐋 .     family,  golden light, the sea murmuring in your ear, summer afternoons, caramel ice cream, collecting seashells and other things and calling them treasures, living breezy and carefree, swimming in the sunlight
𝐂𝐀𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘 .     artistic, getting excited easily, dancing and singing while you are alone, looking at your friends having fun, no phone, being afraid of judgement, spring, a meaningful gift, the first ray of sunlight
TAGGED  BY  :  stole it!
TAGGING  :  anyone who wants to do this!
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bee-b0-blog · 4 years
Beebo doesn’t seem to understand what’s going on!
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They’re just busy rolling in the grass.
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bee-b0-blog · 4 years
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Keep reading
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bee-b0-blog · 4 years
Rung almost doesn’t realize that he’s hit anything. Whatever he’s brushed against is soft and light and easy to dismiss, and it’s only the accompanying squeak that makes Rung bother to glance down at all.
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Is that–?
He kneels down, one hand hovering curiously and cautiously above the stranger.
“Hello?” All signs point to this odd little creature being a living thing, and Rung feels terrible when he realizes that he might have really hurt it with that careless step forward.
“Gracious, are you alright? I’m terribly sorry!” He sits back to give the poor thing some room, his antenna angled sharply down with concern.
“Do you need medical attention?”
Lifting their head from the ground, Beebo looks up at the stranger. Their eyes are narrowed at a downward angle, making a rare display of distress.
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This person is likely the one that bumped into them, but Beebo can’t help but feel relaxed and secure at the other’s caring voice. Maybe it was an accident? They put both nubs on the ground, pushing themselves up into a wobbly standing position.
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bee-b0-blog · 4 years
Beebo was more than a little disoriented — suddenly being in the middle of a bustling city was certainly not something they were used to. Everything simply moved too fast for them to comprehend, and they often bumped into the legs of passersby as they stumbled forwards, trying to find something, anything that was familiar.
They squeak as they collide with yet another (particularly large and sharp-edged) foot, and they fall back, tumbling over onto the ground.
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Trembling, they remain on the ground, as if attempting to cling to it for some form of comfort.
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bee-b0-blog · 4 years
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let’s get going with a starter call! uncapped!
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bee-b0-blog · 4 years
hi! applying again for beebo! i made some changes, and my application is under navigation on my blog.
Welcome to scenic Isola Radiale, Beebo!
You will be housed in APARTMENT 301. 
You’ll retain the ability to give one toy life per day, but they will return to being inanimate at midnight.
– mod altair.
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