beemans-stuff · 11 days
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beemans-stuff · 17 days
Petite Latina shaking ass
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beemans-stuff · 2 months
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beemans-stuff · 3 months
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beemans-stuff · 3 months
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beemans-stuff · 3 months
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beemans-stuff · 4 months
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Simply takes my breath away
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beemans-stuff · 4 months
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beemans-stuff · 8 months
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177.Ready Master
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beemans-stuff · 1 year
An Awkward Conversation With My Son
Submitted to us by “WineMom”. I only mention that because she references the name in the story.
I don’t really know where to start (and I can’t believe I’m writing this) so I’ll begin talking about me. I’m a mother, I’m 37 years old, my son is 18 (in his first year of university) and my husband is 41. Long story short things haven’t been going well with my husband. Over the years he slowly became more career driven and we saw him less and less at home. He often came back home late and was either tired or in a bad mood. Sex slowed down progressively, we barely do it anymore. Like I said he’s often tired and/or starts arguing/screaming over little things. Sometimes he’s borderline abusive. Because of this he and my son are often arguing (he slowly started to talk back to him when he was becoming a teenager). Additionally my husband’s been facing some erection problems, it takes him time to be ready down there if he doesn’t take some pills. I don’t really mind, I’ve been doing my best to make it work and I’ve never made fun of him but I think it really must be hurting his ego. Last year I found out he’s been cheating on me with his secretary for years. Yeah I know, it’s so cliché. He completely broke my heart. I didn’t confront him, nor did I tell anyone. I didn’t have strength to and I’ve been trying to find what I did wrong. My son did notice that something was up but I said everything was fine. What kills me is that my husband doesn’t seem to have noticed anything. I’ve been thinking of divorcing him. Our current apartment is in my name and I have a part time job that can easily become a full time one so I should be fine. Besides I’m sure my son will help me out at home even more than he already does :) Anyway, I’m sorry I’ve typed all of this out but I felt like I needed to talk. And don’t worry, I’m submitting this because something weird and awkward happened recently between me and my son. Like I said, my husband and my son often scream at each other. Fortunately his dad bought another apartment, much closer to his work, and lives there during the week for the most part (still comes home sometimes and texts me telling me to make dinner). I can’t help but feel that he just wanted to be away from us and hell … maybe even bring his bitch there.
During the week ends he still comes here but mainly watches tv, goes out to the pub and complains. It’s good that he’s not often at home because that means less arguing. It has made my son and I closer in a way I think. My son was always very short when he was a kid. He was really insecure because kids and even girls made fun of him. Because of this I think he felt the need to compensate by being really fit. Fortunately he was just a late bloomer and he isn’t short now (he’s 1m75 or around 5'9" if you’re american) but thanks to all those years of doing sports, jogging and going to the gym he’s fairly fit. He kind of has the same body as Brad Pitt in the movie Fight Club. He’s not huge but lean and you can see his muscles. He has a bathroom in his room upstairs with a shower. After training he likes to take a bath downstairs in the other bathroom. Because of this I sometimes get see him with just a towel around his waist. I often acknowledge his muscles and abs, hoping i’ll make him feel more attractive. It often makes him blush and go “mooooom!”. I even pinch him to show how lean he is or touch his arms jokingly. By the way, he’s my son so I’ve always found him beautiful like I think every mother does. But now I think I can objectively say he’s pretty attractive. He’s not tall (or short) but I think he really makes up for it. Up until very recently I can say fore sure I’ve never been sexually attracted to him even though I could see he had a nice body. Recently he was going out with a girl for some weeks, a little asian girl. I’ve seen her once, she’s skinny, about a head shorter than me (I’m 1m70 (or 5'7" according to google)) and pretty cute I have to say. I was really happy for him because that was his first gf and he seemed really happy. However, last week, he came back (it was Saturday night) and looked terribly sad. Questioning him only made him angry. His father didn’t seem to notice/care.
As you can see with my name I love wine, I usually drink one glass a day, sometimes more on the week-end. When my son turned 16 I started drinking wine with him from time to time (we never got completely drunk, don’t worry, I’m responsible). We would talk about stuff and enjoy ourselves. It really made us closer. I think that his dad being an asshole has also made us closer in a way. Anyway I proposed him to spend an evening drinking wine (secretly hoping it would relax him and make him talk). He accepted and seemed a bit better already.
So that’s what we did this Monday. We got a bottle of red wine, two glasses, sat on the sofa in front of the living table and enjoyed ourselves. We talked, laughed. All was good but after most of the wine was gone I felt like alcohol would make talk a bit about his problem. I asked him if something happened between him and his gf. After some hesitations he said yes … paused and added “we tried to do it”. I went “oh” and then followed with “tried … ?”. He went somewhat angrily “we couldn’t really do it and she even didn’t want to do oral with me”. He continued saying she gave him a handjob, they dressed back up and she broke up with him. Now what would you think at his point? Questions were flowing in my head … what kind of problems did he have down there? I know he masturbates regularly because of the tissues in the little bin in his room and he’s young so I doubted he had the same problems as his father. I told him he could tell me everything, calling him honey or sweetheart like I often do when needed. And then he just said suddenly “I’m too big for her”. I really didn’t expect this so I couldn’t help but shockingly go “what??”. So here’s the thing … he explained that when he showed it to her she didn’t want to do it because she saw this relationship as a way to just fool around and have fun. She said that she plans to marry later in her life and he’ll make her too loose. And so she told him it was over. She also tried to reassure him by telling him “oh you’ll find plenty of girls who’ll love your dick”. I must have really looked shocked when he told me that because even when typing this is feels weird. I tried to cheer him up saying that he’ll just find another girl, he’s very attractive and all that. I really didn’t know how to comment on what he told about his penis.
I think he really had a thing for this girl. After this awkward conversation we decided to go to sleep. We still haven’t brought THAT subject up yet. I regret not having asked more questions that evening. Ever since I’ve been curious about his penis. I wonder how big it is, what it looks like … is it really freak huge to the point where it’s impractical or was it just too big for his tiny (ex)girlfriend. In retrospect I even find his body more attractive. I’m really confused. Am I attracted to him or is it just because I haven’t had much sex this entire year? Is this just a phase? Is it just because I’ve heard he’s endowed?
I’ve been looking up studies on incest at first and then incest stories. And that’s how I found your tumblr. I’m a bit ashamed but I’ve spent this entire week checking the stories you’ve posted and I find them very arousing. I’ve been masturbating a lot more than usual this week as well. I’m sorry I wrote so much stuff, I didn’t even intend to in the first place. It may not be worth posting for now. I’m going to try to get more intimate with my son. I really need to cheer him up, he has winter exams coming up in January. If something happens I’ll send you an update. Thank you for reading this, I felt like I had to share this.
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beemans-stuff · 1 year
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beemans-stuff · 2 years
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beemans-stuff · 2 years
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beemans-stuff · 2 years
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beemans-stuff · 2 years
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beemans-stuff · 2 years
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可愛い マリノちゃん
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