bekolxeram · 28 minutes
Eddie being ghosted by his son and his mom is being inconsiderate.
Meanwhile in the background:
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bekolxeram · 2 hours
Tommy: I'm so attracted to you even in this silliest of outfit.
Buck: I need to devour this man right now, behind my best friend's couch.
Evan Buckley, always making everything with his boyfriend sexual.
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bekolxeram · 3 hours
First reaction to 8x01:
Rich asshole in a private plane lol, you have no idea have many arguments between ATC and pilots I've heard on LiveATC. I honestly don't feel bad for his impending doom.
Why are you taking off your headset? Not only, should you know very well as a licensed pilot that communication is a very crucial part of flying, it protects your ears.
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Yup, that's an Airbus alright, which makes the 8x02 title so much funnier.
This is not an endorsement of Gerrard, but man do I love Brian Thompson. He's so good at playing malicious looking characters that may or may not turn out to be villainous, but always comical enough to be entertaining.
We're eating goooood with Athena this season. Now she's in Amir's shoes.
I honestly understand where Hen, Chim and Eddie are coming from. They've all fought back against jerk boss at one point, I'm sure Eddie did in the Army too, but they just keep coming back. It makes sense for them to lay low for a bit and deal with other stuff in their life first.
Yup, Bobby, as I said I can absolutely feel your headache brewing.
The beeeeeeezzzzzzz. Knowing that it's an reoccurring thing in real life makes it that much more terrifying. I don't like insects. Of course I want the bees to survive and pollinate our plants, but, away from me please.
Now I want pizza. I haven't eaten one for like 7 years. :(
Ooohhh... potential tension between then Wilsons and the Hans?
Unfortunately I think Ortiz has a lot more tricks up her sleeve.
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He looks so good, finally not in beige.
Can't believe that subsection of the fandom spent the whole hiatus gaslighting us, trying to discourage us, just for that bts video of OS and RG to be a BuckTommy & Eddie friendship moment with BuckTommy flirting in it. I know I shouldn't care about them but I'm feeling petty today, after waiting for months.
"Has anyone told you, you're a vision in a cone?"
They have more chemistry than Nilered had in his parents' garage.
So BuckTommy count as a surprise for Christopher... Man, I love this for all of them, it feels like a warm hug to me.
Well, Christopher's reaction is expected. Barring the Kim stuff, I also acted like that as a teenager.
Tommy feels bad for his friend, so he instinctively reaches for the cupcakes. I'm convinced this man eats his feelings in cakes.
The bees again. :/ Kudos to the FX team, I hope they pay you enough to fund your caffeine supply.
Eddie running in laps with the Flight of the Bumblebee in the background, that's actually funny.
Uuuhh... Buck? Are you ogling Monty the beekeeper?
Well, I get it, he's hot. Knowing weird obscure stuff and use it to help people is super hot.
Oooh I love this. The last minute PHX - HNL with stopover at LAX flight explains perfectly why Athena is on a wide body for such a short hop. They really know that stuff. (Shoutout to Shoot Aviation, that's a beautiful set.)
Hhmmm, so someone Epstein'd that perv, and now they're trying to Epstein Jenkins. Predictable.
Hahahaha. I know a lot of people were looking forward to a star on Hotshots somehow being British. Gotta admit, Australian is even funnier to me.
Oooh, Buck saves Gerrard? Is it linked to how Buck ends up golfing with that jerk? I can't flipping wait.
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Good to know the FCU and overhead panels are still intact and lit up. There are going to be a myriad of system malfunctions, but at least it's controllable.
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Oooh.... yeah, I really hope Captain Dominguez somehow got to strap in before the disaster, but it's not looking good. :/ And I'mmmm disappointed. Justice for female pilots.
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bekolxeram · 13 hours
I can't sleep, so I've been rewatching the trailer again.
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This is the post collision cockpit. Now it looks to me that the blue-ish stuff is not the sky? It looks like a piece of debris reflecting the light from the sky, which is objectively even more disastrous.
This is a screenshot of an A320 cockpit (I can only find a neo, but it's practically identical to the ceo cockpit) taken from similar angle:
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I hope the overhead panels are still intact and somewhat functional, or else they can say bye bye to most of the instruments. Even if the upper panel stays on, the circuit breakers are going to pop like popcorn.
It seems to me they need more than air traffic control and a flight instructor to help them land the plane, they also need a whole freaking team of engineers.
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bekolxeram · 14 hours
i think this dennis/athena storyline could be an extremely compelling parallel to bobby/amir.
dennis IS bobby.
an addict whose actions in the thick of it led to death, who proceeded to “get away with it” and go on to try and make it right in any way he possibly could. bobby with firefighting. dennis with at risk kids.
and it could be really beautiful to see athena wrestling with that.
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bekolxeram · 17 hours
My biggest S8 wish
Buck and Tommy should Dozerman Gerrard in S8:
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bekolxeram · 20 hours
Thanks for the shoutout!
I'm glad amongst the crowd of followers of the show who reads too much into the proximity of co-stars standing next to each other and colors of photo taken by certain actors as a hobby, there are some like you who look into the firetrucks, the planes, and other characters to be honest. It's fun to play with all the possibilities.
I agree with the majority of your analysis, good work! I'm just on the fence about the emergency landing site. While it looks like a highway, it's actually the ramp near the control tower area at San Bernardino Airport. It has the markings of a road because that path leads straight from the fire station. At the same time it still can be a stand in for a highway, it looks like that, and you can't just block off a main road in the 2nd largest US city just because you want to film a TV show.
Love the analysis, love the attention to detail. (I could never) And love that it's not just me who think Bobby would be the one calling Buck away from the station. Yes, I want to clarify yet again that I love Tommy, I want to see him every single second on my screen, but Bobby just fits in too well in this scenario. And I'd really love to see "retired" fire captain Bobby Nash finally asking Buck to be his S1 self, steal the fake firetruck and go save his wife on a clandestine mission.
plane disaster spec for all that kept asking for my theories
We know based on the trailer that the plane emergency appears to be influenced by airport 1975. What happens in airport 1975?
A 747 in flight collides with a small plane, and is rendered pilotless. Somehow the control tower must get a pilot aboard so the jet can land.
Based on the trailer, we know Athena is on a plane that appears to get into an altercation with a small plane due to killer bees attacking the small plane. Therefore, the question remains how that damn plane lands itself.
All bts can be found on 911bts my eternal beloved. Let’s get into it:
Context this author is contending with:
It’s been highlighted to hell and back that Gerrard and Buck are at odds.
Bobby is working on a tv show called Hotshots! and deals with a very method actor.
At some point, it appears Gerrard collapses.
At some point, Buck runs the opposite direction of the 118 when called to an incident.
The 217 is included with the 118 (and situated in the frame alongside the 118) at the hangar
The plane appears to be parked on a freeway of some kind.
The 119 engine from hotshots somehow gets involved?
Athena is confirmed to be on the plane.
what the hell is happening with the station content?
Starting off strong, I’m going to spec that Gerrard gets injured quite comically (perhaps due to the construction worker in the bts content), which leaves Hen in charge as interim captain as he rehabilitates.
To start with, we can see Gerrard on a stretcher holding his head as he’s wheeled to the ambulance at the front (see right photo). Buck, meanwhile, is trying to get out of the way (circled, left).
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With Gerrard out of commission, I believe Hen will assume interim captaincy (which perhaps poses a problem with Ortiz? There’s the mysterious court scene to contend with too). I further believe this to be the case given in the “Buck running away from the engines” clip, Hen runs towards the engine on the right versus the ambulance that Chim runs to.
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While Buck runs away from the engines, Hen and Eddie go to the engine on the right (see arrow in photo below) while Chim goes to the ambulance.
It should also be noted the change in clothes for Buck, so if Hen is made interim captain, I believe it’s for more than just a single shift given Buck is wearing the different outfit in the running away clip.
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Hen as interim captain poses a dilemma for me because it begs the question: what the hell makes Buck run away from the engines? If Gerrard were still around, I’d continue saying Buck has been made man behind; however, I’d imagine Hen as interim cap would tell Buck to get into the engine…
Whatever the case, something big must be occurring for Buck to run the opposite direction. I don’t think it’s to do with Maddie in trouble or Chim would follow; I also don’t think it’s Bobby in trouble given the others (or at least one of the others) would follow.
what’s the deal with that overly zealous method actor peter mentioned on jimmy kimmel?
During Jimmy Kimmel, Peter indicates that on Hotshots! there’s an overly zealous method actor Bobby has to work with.
It seems the 119 “engine” ends up at the plane emergency:
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I believe either a) the method actor steals the engine OR b) Bobby steals the engine with the method actor when he hears Athena is in trouble.
If that’s the case, could it be possible Buck is running to Bobby versus riding with the 118?
But why would he ride with Bobby and aid in stealing equipment from a beloved but ridiculous television show? Well, like father like son? Or… could it be Buck knows Tommy is somehow involved in a rescue plan to save the plane Athena is on?
time of day???
Important to note that the fleet are leaving the station during the day whereas the fleet are in a holding area at the hangar into the night.
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Based on the trailer (special shout-out to @bekolxeram because I am woefully ignorant on plane things, but their spec clocked that the door seems to be ripped off exposing the sky, bottom right circled in pink), it seems the initial impact between the commercial plane and the small personal plane occurs during the day.
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Therefore, I’d imagine the LAFD would’ve been immediately notified of the pending mass casualty event and to round up at I presume Harbor (?) to await further command. Ergo, the 118 gets the call, BUT Buck runs the opposite direction??? Surely, he’d only do that if he had intel (based on him having a phone in his hand) to indicate that a) Athena is on this plane, b) Bobby is probably finding a way to show up, and/or c) that Tommy’s going to be involved in the rescue.
but wtf is going to be the rescue?!
It’s important to note a few things:
Athena does not know how to fly a plane (unless that’s a deus ex machina situation, which I doubt)
Tommy is a helicopter pilot, and Tim has previously confirmed Tommy flew the plane in s2, which would mean he’d have some kind of experience with planes but likely not commercial planes??
The trailer features a character @bekolxeram identified as captain based on their outfit (and given they’d be a female pilot, let’s hope they’ve got some plot armor + they’re not sucked out when the incident occurs):
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I believe that Athena and the female captain will work together to try and get the plane landed. I also suspect the female captain may end up incapacitated at some point to amp up the drama.
From the ground, we know the 217 is involved in the rescue, so either a) Tommy is involved with ground support, b) he’s perhaps a point person on the ground for Athena and the captain, or what I feel is less and less likely is c) Tommy is taken up in a helicopter to get on board to do a like-for-like of airport 1975. If the captain is incapacitated, I think it will ultimately be up to Athena to somehow land this plane while perhaps Tommy is the one that concocts a plan (maybe with Bobby and Buck’s help?) to get the plane slowed down enough to land with minimal casualties… somehow.
I think Bobby ends up at the incident via the 119 engine, and his help could sway the fire chief into deciding to get Bobby his job back at the 118. HOWEVER, I have to wonder if Bobby will be brought back immediately as captain or if he’ll perhaps have to serve under interim captain Hen or even Gerrard if he’s still hanging around…?
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
How does the plane land???
Based on the below bts, I think the plane lands on a freeway. Look at the vehicles around compared to where the plane lands.
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Based on the location of the 119 engine, I would assume there will be a romantic embrace between Athena and Bobby. And perhaps there’s another romantic embrace that occurs…
so tldr:
I think Gerrard gets injured in 802 leaving Hen as interim captain; I think Buck is perhaps running to join Bobby in whatever plan he’s hatched to try and save the day from the ground; I think Athena and the captain with plot-armor 🤞will likely work together with Tommy (possibly with Bobby and Buck’s input? idk) to try and get the plane landed with minimal casualties; and I think the plane is landing on a freeway. Maybe. Or I’m blowing smoke and completely off-base. And maybe this is subject to tweaks as I ponder even more on all this.
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bekolxeram · 23 hours
On behalf of everyone in their 30s, thank you 🥹 I promise you won't feel any different at that age, it's not old. Some people act like tommy should be in a nursing home
i’ve grown up with the internet acting like people in their 30s and 40s are old meanwhile i only started thinking of my grandmother as old when she got to her 80s. my parents are in their 50s and i have never once thought of them as old (my siblings being in their 30s probably helps)
i really don’t understand the obsession people have with thinking 30 year olds in particular are old. i hope i maintain my views and personality when i’m that age, even if it’s not for a few years.
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bekolxeram · 2 days
Who is going to land that plane with Athena?
Well, Otto pilot, of course.
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bekolxeram · 2 days
This gives me major 8x02 energy:
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Yes, the aircraft in the picture is an Airbus A350, as you tell from the fully blacked out raccoon eye style cockpit windows.
I choose to believe the show intentionally uses an Airbus set for an episode with Boeing in the title, to avoid any trouble caused by an unhappy manufacturer, and for fun. It’s just funny, like in Airplane! with turboprop sounds in the background but the plane is obviously a jet.
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bekolxeram · 2 days
Time dilation is everyone celebrating the S8 premiere tomorrow, but you live in Asia, so technically you have 2 sleeps left before getting to see Tommy's face, and time feels extra long.
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bekolxeram · 2 days
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@sebastienlelivre It does seem to be the case.
This particular flight info screen is apparently a spoof of the Delta IFE. (I've never set foot on US soil, so I had to rely on good old Google. I'm sure some of you have clocked that long before I did.)
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If we look at the IFE screen behind Athena again, we can see it's on the PHX - LAX leg, the destination section says LAX. According to that reddit post by ONT employee, the film crew told them the scene was about a prisoner escort. It wouldn't be relevant information if they were simply filming Athena flying to Arizona to get the prisoner. It makes sense that the accident happens on Athena's way back to LA after her Arizona trip.
I can't really see the aircraft type part, but I think it starts with a 3, so an Airbus. The word in front of that looks like simply "Aircraft" though, I completely understand why they don't want to name any real life plane manufacturer for a plane crash scene. Using a Boeing pun for the title, then crashing an Airbus is kind of genius, not gonna lie.
You can also vaguely see the estimated time of arrival and current time are both at the pm. The plane probably spends some hours in the sky before a landing attempt at night, as we see from the nighttime stills at the hangar posted by Tim.
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bekolxeram · 3 days
do you have a final theory on how the 802/803 disaster plays out before the premiere?
Hmm... one single theory, that's difficult. I usually operate on evidence. Not because I think it's superior or anything, but I lack imagination so I rely on visual cues. Also I'm an easily swayed coward, so I never commit to one single theory.
For now, I think the accident itself will pan out just like Airport 1975, a small private aircraft colliding with a commercial airliner, incapacitating the pilots. But I really hope it doesn't end the same way on 911.
The major gripe I have with Airport 1975, or the entire Airport series as a whole, is that its female characters only play supporting roles to the males characters, or worse, being damsels in distress. Nancy the stewardess somehow manages to keep her cool and slowly figure out how to operate the plane's radio communication and keep the plane relatively stable in the air, with the help of autopilot. Yet, at the end, it's still the boyfriend she was trying to dump who performs a daring stunt, drops into the cockpit from a helicopter and saves everyone like a hero. Nancy doesn't even help once Murdock settles into the pilot seat.
I've seen plenty of aviation disaster movies with male pilots making mistakes, then different male pilots saving the day. Not once have I seen a female pilot even participating in saving the plane. I think it's time. I really hope Athena would be helping the female captain we see in the trailer with landing the plane. Maybe the captain is too injured to fly the plane herself so she has to make do with verbally instructing Athena?
Lone Star dramatized a real life aviation accident in 3x08. I understand it's an episode about Gwen and TK, but I just think it's a missed opportunity not telling the story of the flight crew. The SW1380 captain was one of the first female fighter jet pilots serving the US Navy. Women were still excluded from flying combat missions during her time there, so she instructed other Navy pilots instead for missions in Iraq. Her first officer on that Southwest flight was an equally accomplished male former Air Force pilot, and he expressed different opinions at times during the accident, but at the end of the day, the 2 pilots respected each other and in a perfect showcase of crew resource management, they landed the 737 safely as a team. The captain even made a super daring flaps 5 high speed approach to get the jet down as fast as possible.
It's probably not the answer you're looking for, anon, but I really hope the S8 opening disaster would be Airport 1975, with a 911 twist. If there's one thing in common about first responders and aviation, it's the importance of team work. In both industries, trying to fly solo and play hero would most likely get people killed instead of saving them.
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bekolxeram · 3 days
What do you think Chim& Eddie are gonna involve with the hangar ( bts of Kenny & ryan)
Have I missed some obscure bts with Kenny and Ryan in it? If not, then I assume it would play out like an actual aircraft emergency.
If it comes to the scenario where an amateur on the plane has to be instructed through landing the crippled airplane, it'll probably be the responsibilities of air traffic control and whatever professional flight instructors invited to the tower. It's not just about guiding the plane towards the airport, it's also about diverting other traffic away, clearing the airspace for the emergency landing.
The first responders called in to help out would obviously wait on the side until the plane actually lands/crashes. I guess Chim, Eddie and Hen would be briefed by the commander of the emergency about the course of actions once the plane arrive. Maybe they'll be studying the layout of that particular aircraft just to further improve the efficiency of the evacuation. Modern airliners are required to be able to completely evacuated in 90 seconds, so that might be a challenge for regular firefighters working outside of the airport.
So, in real life, an emergency landing requires 3 different kinds of responses: fire suppression, medical assistance, and rescue.
If the plane is not physically on fire, the fire suppression team, usually the airport firefighters in the crash trucks, would drive around the aircraft and inspect for any possible fire. If the plane is on fire, they would be laying foam on the ground to aide evacuation, then spray whatever foam or water they have to stop the plane from burning. A burning plane releases a lot of toxic fume. Like the Haneda runway collision that happened at the start of this year, fire engines were called in from al across Tokyo in an attempt to contain the fire. They didn't succeed, so they left the A350 to burn itself out.
Any kind of emergency landing, no matter how severe, would still require the full attention of the medical team. Injured passengers/crew onboard would have to be tended to, obviously, but an emergency evacuation via slides is likely to injure passengers as well. It's a steep slide, and everyone is pushed to get off the plane ASAP, so a lot of sprain ankles and broken bones are to be expected. So I can imagine the 118 helping the pax escape and provide essential medical help.
If the emergency landing goes badly and it breaks into several parts, trapping passengers inside, a rescue team would be needed in order to free them, before the aircraft completely destroy itself. That would be some high stake drama, because a broken plane filled with jet fuel can explode anytime.
Even if the plane landed in one piece, it's still not totally safe for the first responders. Emirates, the flag carrier of Dubai prides itself over having no passenger or crew fatalities in its entire operation, right? Well, a 777 crash landed back in 2016. Sure, all of the pax escaped unharmed, but 7 firefighters were injured and another one was killed when an engine suddenly exploded.
So to answer your question, I don't know for sure what they'll be doing at the airport. But I hope it's some cool firefighter saving people stuff with high stakes.
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bekolxeram · 3 days
Have you seen the new trailer yet? Looks like you were right with your reasoning why they would gather all the fire trucks in a hangar at the airport--they know an incident is likely to happen and that's how they prepare. Exciting stuff!
Yes! Watched it first time as soon as I got the notification, and I've been pumping out my first thoughts. I'll probably be watching the trailer frame by frame and zooming in for the next few days, in case I missed something.
Logically this opening disaster involving plane has to be bad enough that the whole city is called in on standby, but not actively dropping out of the sky. It makes sense that the plane is safer in the air, maybe flying itself by autopilot, than manually landing it. I'm not some genius, just extrapolating from past incidents in real life.
I'll never survive as a TV writer, I lack imagination. I'm pretty sure I'd logic myself into a super boring and non-dramatic scenario. I'd so be getting fired.
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bekolxeram · 3 days
I stand corrected, the cabin with Athena in it is likely an A330.
How do I know this? I might've found the company responsible for building this set... Except if there's another airliner set at the FOX lot that started being built mid July, used for filming all throughout August, just wrapped up last week, with a bunch of 911 crew members liking instagram posts about the set.🤷🏻
Point being, this company knows their craft. All of their aircraft sets are built by chopping up retired real planes into sections. They're also very familiar with the difference between wide body and narrow body, Airbus and Boeing, even between models.
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If you look at Athena's cabin, then pictures of this Air Transat A330, you can find many matching features. Airliners are pretty hard to identify from within, as each airline has wildly distinct cabin interior designs. I know for a fact that this company orders original cabin ceiling/wall panels for the aircraft, so if the features match up so well, it's save to say it's indeed an A330.
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That makes the A320 cockpit understandable, it looks pretty similar to an A330 one to the untrained eye. Especially when you're going to destroy half of it pretty soon.
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Yes, they're indeed two different models.
That brings us back to the very obviously Boeing aircraft at the airport. What is its purpose?
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Of course, there's also the possibility that it just happens to be in the shot, and has nothing to do with Athena's plane. (It'll be missing a chunk in the flight deck.) I think I can see some blue and red on the tail? SBD does have a huge amount of retired Delta aircrafts just sitting there on the ramp, just weathering away.
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bekolxeram · 3 days
a stupid question but where do you see that giant hole in the cockpit? I have no idea where to look at that screencap 😭
I’m back on my phone so it’s super blurry, I’m sorry😅
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Look at the light on top of the cockpit door. Now look at this screen shot:
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I’ll turn it for you
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