bendysreadingroom · 2 years
Heya bendy! Things seemed to have been pretty quiet over the months and so! How is everyone?
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“I think everyone was like me? Asleep… in stasis… something like that as most of the stories have been paused for awhile. I’m not sure who’s awake yet…”
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bendysreadingroom · 2 years
Aww.... Bendy looks SO ADORABLE when Sleeping. C: <3
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“It’s been a…while… since I’ve heard from anyone…”
(Please remember to sends ask for Bendy through the Bendy’s Reading Room blog)
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bendysreadingroom · 2 years
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Bendy’s been asleep for awhile. If you have questions though he’ll be happy to wake up and answer them.
(Let’s get this blog up and going again!)
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bendysreadingroom · 3 years
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Fight Together
Drawing my most recent D&D Character made me nostalgic for the old Fantasy AU that I used to mess around with with my friends and I had to draw something for it. I think it turned out pretty well, though I do think SINdy turned out best.
Benny belongs to @fullmetaldevil-blog​
SINdy belongs to @trashboatprince​
ITT Bendy is my own.
Check out under the cut to get a better look at the toons without their inky enemies.
Keep reading
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
Thank you very much Bendy, it really means a lot to me! ^^
“You’re welcome!”
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
I hope I wasn't being pushy or stressing you out with my own comments and questions. If I was, I sincerely apologise, Bendy. I can't help but be really awkward at times. I can make you brownie buns (or cupcakes, I dunno the American term) to make up for it if you want? Or give you the recipe?
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“I might not have been able to sure how to answer them... but the fact you were asking just means you care... As for the cupcakes... it isn’t necessary. I mean, I love sweets and never refuse any when offered, you don’t have to go out of your way to make them for me.”
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
It's okay, Bendy. You can't help having those feelings. Besides, the fact that you apologized just showcases how much of a good toon you are. Not everyone does that.
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“Sure... you might not be the best with words, but you still tried to help. And that means a lot...” 
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
“Well I’m glad I could be of some help,” she smiles “I also made cookies if you want any.”
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
Hey Bendy, I wanted to apologize for ealier... I'm not very good at comforting others and tend to often sound cold or like I don't care (even though I really do). I didn't mean to make you feel worse...
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“I know you were just trying to help... I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that... It’s just... really hard right now...”
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
"Hey bendy its ok if you don't really like yourself, all that matters is that Henry loves you, I know that's probably a really cheesy thing to say but its true." she smiles a little "but just know that there are people who love you no matter how dangerous you may or may not be, I'm not really good at comforting others but I hope this helped even if its only a little"
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“I know my family loves me... but it’s hard to believe sometimes... I don’t really feel like I deserve their love all the time... or your guys’... but I appreciate it all the same... I just want to make sure it’s not in vain...”
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
"Right now"? Interesting choice of words. Does that mean that you're considering your dad's words that you might grow to adapt to your change? I know that's not exactly what Henry said, but that is the basic gist, yeah? People change, just give them time. I won't tell you to just grow to love yourself, that doesn't always work. But please try and give yourself and your family some time?
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“I mean... I trust my dad, but is this really something I should be adapting to? I ate someone’s soul... and I liked it... That doesn’t seem like something I should accept or get used to... I promised dad I’d give it time... that we’d try and figure out what to do next... I just don’t want that to be a mistake...”
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
Hi again, Bendy. Guess you're not doing okay, huh? While I admittedly do see why you want your dad to "fix" you and make you perfect, he is right about his actions making him no better than the Liar. Besides, what if you lost everything you were if the Demonic side of you was taken or altered? Toon or not, you're Bendy the Dancing Demon after all. I'm sorry if I'm overstepping.
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“Is trying to save who I am right now really more important than making sure those I care about are safe from me? I know the others love me, but there’s still a part of them that fears me. They try and hide it and always apologize when they can’t, but they are right to be afraid. Wouldn’t it be better for them to longer be afraid?
“Besides... It’s not like I like who I am right now anyway...”
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
So you don't feel "normal"? Well of course you don't, there's no such things as being "normal". And you know why? Because everything (alive or not) is unique. That's why Henry doesn't want to change you. He loves you just the way you are.
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“Being ‘unique’ and ‘special’ is all well and good, but not when you’re constantly struggling not to kill anyone. It would be so easy for me to hurt someone, even accidentally. I’m tired of having to constantly control myself, worried about what will happen if I slip. Is it really so bad for me to want to be free from that?”
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
Hey Bendy, what do you think will change if Henry actually made you "perfect"?
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“Don’t you understand? When Henry originally created me, I was just a toon. It was the Liar messing with dark forces that turned me into something more... into a demon... Sure, I’ve learned to put up with everything that I’ve become, but now I have a chance to go back to what I was meant to be... I just want to be normal! WHY WON’T MY CREATOR LET ME BE NORMAL!”
(Bendy’s... not in a good place right now...)
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
Bendy... are you gonna be okay? After everything that happened, I know it'll take a fair amount of time to heal, after what the Liar did. But do you think you and everyone else will be fine or..?
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The others are going to be fine. Sure, being brainwashed and having your form change, pretty drastically in some cases, isn’t the most pleasant experience, but it isn’t anything they aren’t... used to... I know it’s weird to say, but compared to what we went through in the Studio this last incident is actually pretty mild.
Linda is having a bit of a rough time. She went through a lot and I can sense the ink that now flows through her veins. None of us know the full extent of the effects the interrupted ritual had, but Henry will be there with her every step of the way.
As for me... it’s hard to saw. If it was just the brainwashing thing, I’m sure I could handle it. It’s the choices I made that are haunting me. I did something I had sworn to never do, and having no other choice doesn’t really make it easier. I don’t regret getting rid of the Liar, but I know things will never be the same for me...
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
Hey Bendy? How do you feel about what happened?
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I mean... the Liar is gone and will never bother us again... we weren’t hurt to badly all things considered... and some good things even came out of it! But I can’t feel like this victory came at a high cost... too high... 
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bendysreadingroom · 4 years
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(Now that Pulled Apart is completed, you can ask Bendy about it.)
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