berry-uglyduckling · 5 years
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i always knew that i wanted to work and i knew i wanted to be a singer and an actor. i knew that every choice i made would help me get to that point. so the better the choices i made, the more of a chance i would have to get to where i wanted to be.
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Dance, Dance|Finchel
Summary: Rachel and Finn attend a party which leads to a conversation about their relationship and the future.
It wasn’t often that Rachel wanted to ‘go out,’ dinner or a movie usually being enough socializing for her. But friends from school had invited her to a house party near campus and she was looking forward to it. She still wasn’t a party girl and didn’t really know how to dress for the occasion. Anything that Finn deemed ‘hot’ seemed appropriate so she threw on a black dress - tastefully snug and short, leaving just enough to the imagination - then slicked her hair back into a ponytail. She did a turn in the mirror catching a glimpse of Finn in its corner. “Well? Do I look good enough to make everyone jealous that I’m on your arm?”
Finn was surprised that Rachel wanted to go to a party, but of course he didn’t turn it down. He got ready and then sat on the edge of the bed while she did before he walked in the bathroom. “You always do. You know I love that dress though.” he gave her a smirk.
Moving to where he sat, Rachel stood between his knees and coiled her arms around his neck. “Starting early tonight, I see.” Her head tilted down to catch his mouth with hers. “I figured you would like it and it would keep you slightly distracted at all times.” She let her forehead rest against his. “I really want you to have fun tonight. Let’s dance and drink a little, kiss a little maybe.” Her last words made her smile a silly smile.
“I think that all sounds good.” he gave her another kiss. “Let’s get going.”
Their shared kisses always made Rachel second guess why they were leaving the house to start. Still, she knew they needed to socialize and step back from just them to have a healthy relationship. “Okay.” She slipped on her shoes and a jacket then held his hand as the exited their building.
“Do we need to get a cab?” he asked her as they walked.
Rachel looked down, lifting her heeled shoe in a dainty gesture. “In these heels, absolutely. But on the plus side…” She tugged at his arm as she leaned up to kiss him. “You don’t have to come down so far for that.” Stepping away, she winked as she waved down their ride.
“It gives me a few inches to work with.” he laughed. When the cab stopped, Finn opened the door for her and then got into the cab as well.
Rachel refrained from making a suggestive remark in response to his, not wanting to rev him up too early. Stowed comfortably in the cab, she gave the driver the address then leaned against Finn. “So, how much dancing can I realistically coax you into tonight?”
“Well…. How much can I drink without you getting mad?” he asked playfully.
Rachel nudged him a little. “I won’t get mad if you drink like you normally would at a party. It’s never impaired you in the important ways so… you know.”
He thought about that for a minute before shrugging, “then I might be a little willing to dance with you tonight.”
Turning her head, Rachel kissed his cheek. “I meant what I said earlier. I just want to have a good time and I want the same for you. Whatever that means.” Her attention moved to the city rushing by as they rode.
“I know, we will.” he promised. When the cab came to a stop, Finn paid their fare and then stepped out, grabbing Rachel’s hand.
Rachel used Finn’s hand for balance as she climbed from the cab, keeping hold as they approached the party location. Entering the building, she looked around until she found the people she knew. She introduced Finn to everyone, her face beaming like it always did when she showed him off to new people. A friend pointed to the drinks when everyone knew everyone else and Rachel directed Finn that way.
Finn walked in and smiled and made small talk with everyone Rachel introduced him too. When they walked to the drinks, he grabbed a beer and looked down at her. “they seem nice.” he commented.
Rachel selected a small, clear plastic cup from the table and poured a light colored liquid from one of the bottles on display. “They are. I am glad that we had some classes together.” She sipped at her drink. “I seriously didn’t think that I would ever make good friends at this school.”
“I’m glad you did though. It makes me really happy.”
Looking at him, she smiled. “That’s because you’re sweet.” The thrum of music crept toward them from an adjoining room, Rachel seeing some of her friends moving toward it. “I’m going to dance.”
He nodded his head. “I’ll hang out over here.” he gave her a kiss.
Rachel holds onto his elbow as he kisses her, Rachel lingering there with him before she backs away then turns to her friends again. The music caught her in its motion and she swayed to it amidst the growing group. The lights were dim and Rachel hardly noticed movement other than her own until she felt someone behind her - a chest near her back. Like someone was trying to dance with her. Someone who wasn’t Finn. With a swirl, she caught pretty brown eyes, glazed from drinking, and a smile. “Hey.” It was all the other girl offered as she leaned in close to Rachel’s face. Rachel took a step as she replied with her own ‘hi.’ The girl gently grabbed Rachel’s wrist to draw her back. “Don’t go. You’re sexy when you dance.” Rachel didn’t want to be presumptuous but the last time someone had tried to make a move on her, she’d almost lost Finn. She wasn’t letting it happen again. “My husband thinks so too. I’m married.” Her wrist twisted free of the other girl’s grip as she realized she’d spoke louder than necessary and people were watching. “Call him over. He might want to watch.” The other girl winked, Rachel shaking her head. “I’m…he…I should go find him.”
Finn watched Rachel dance, a little surprised when he saw another woman begin to dance with her. He finished off his beer and walked over to the two of them, uncomfortable with how she had gripped Rachel’s wrist. “Hey baby.” He put his arm around her. “I’ll dance with you now if you want. “
The girl standing close to Rachel was not aggressive, just drunk. And Finn’s presence seemed to sober her up a little. Nearly sighing in relief at the feel of his arm around her, Rachel smiled politely at the girl and shrugged. “Thanks anyway.” The retreat was a slow one, the other girl staring at Rachel and Finn momentarily before turning away. Rachel faced her husband. “Do you really want to dance or was that my save?” She did want to dance with him but wasn’t going to push the issue if he wasn’t in the mood.
He shrugged, “I’ll dance, I guess. What was that all about?”
Rachel stood as close to him as she could to Finn, her body swaying but not like it had been before. “Oh.. that.” Her eyes flicked up to his. “She was drunk and she was trying to… flirt, I guess. I don’t know. She said I looked sexy dancing and when I told her I was married she just said you should come watch.”
He raised his eyebrows, “watch?” he asked with a laugh. Finn had been trying not to be so jealous and the slight buzz he was feeling helped. “Well, we can’t have people hitting on you. Even if you look this sexy.” he said playfully, giving her a kiss.
The tension in Rachel’s body eased slightly. Finn didn’t often take news of such matters well so for him to be willing to get passed it and have a fun night with her was a relief. “Finn…” Her cheeks heated a little but she couldn’t help the accompanying smile. Especially not when he kissed her. “You’re being bad. We’re supposed to dance. But instead, you’re talking me up.”
“I am not!” he scoffed, pulling her closer. “I can’t help it if you chose to wear this dress. Obviously I’m not the only one who noticed.” he gave her a playful smirk.
“Just the only one who really matters.” The warm of his body was reassuring, Rachel more than happy being so close to him. She came for another kiss, barely noticing the music changing.
He kissed her back, “Did you still want to dance or are you ready for another drink?”
“I could go for another drink.” Rachel kept hold of his hand as they weaved through crowd. “But don’t get me too drunk.”
“why not?” he asked playfully as he poured her another drink. “I’ll take care of you.”
Rachel took a sip from the glass he handed her. “You always do.” She weaved an arm around his waist. “I just want to remember when things get affectionate later.”
“Okay, I’ll make sure you don’t get that drunk. I don’t want you passing out on me.” He turned to give her a kiss. “Are you having fun?”
Enjoying the affection, Rachel was more interested in kissing than in drinking. “A little. The kissing has been fun.”
“You kiss me all of the time.” He teased. “I want you to have fun with your friends too.”
“I am having fun with them.” To make her point she found a few of them in the dance crowd and waved. “They just love to dance. I like it but… they do it all week in school then again on the weekend. That’s a lot of dancing. I mean, it’s good exercise but… I get mine in other ways.”
He laughed softly, “Why do you always tell me to behave and then make it impossible?”
Finishing her drink, Rachel could feel the alcohol warming her. Her muscles felt looser, her smile a little crooked like her husband’s. “You tell me almost everything I do is sexy. I guess I just can’t help it.” She tugged on his arm gently. “Come dance with me. I promise to be good. And if I’m not… well, that’s for later.”
Finn quickly finished off his drink and followed her to dance. The buzz from the alcohol helped as he pulled her closer to dance with her.
Rachel was glad when Finn followed her, her body close against his as they danced. She was completely taken away again, this time because of Finn and his body moving against hers.
He was normally extremely on guard when he was dancing but tonight he was enjoying himself as he moved with Rachel. He danced with her for a few songs before deciding he wanted another drink. “Let’s pause.” He suggested, taking her hand to go back to the drinks.
The room was fully warm from the crush of bodies and Rachel had to pull her hair off her neck once they stopped. “Okay.” Another drink she could probably handle. Just one, though.
Finn handed her another cup and then poured his own drink. “Just let me know when you’re ready go.” he told her with a smile.
Rachel could have honestly said she’d been ready to go after the drunk girl had flirted but she saw no point in rehashing that part of the night. “One more drink.” She held up her cup. “And a little dancing with my friends and I’ll be good.”
“Sounds good to me, baby.” He said with a nod. He knew he probably should have been being more social with others at the party, but he was content being there for Rachel. He walked around, every so often watching Rachel with her friends.
Rachel did as she said - drank then danced. It wasn’t until her feet started to ache that she decided to find Finn and call it a night. She was a little sweaty, and wobbly from an extra shot she’d done with her friends, when she sidled up to her husband. “Hey handsome. I saw you checking me out while I danced. I don’t know if your wife would approve.”
“I think she would make an exception for you.” He joked, leaning down to kiss her. “Are you ready to get out of here?”
Steadying herself in his arm, Rachel grinned up at him. “I am. It’s been fun but… I need more of you.” She waved to friends on the way out then stuck her arm out to get them a cab.
Finn kept her close, mostly because she was a little more drunk than him so he was trying to support her a little as she walked. When a cab stopped for them, he opened the door to let her in and slid in after. He told the cab driver their address and then sat back so he could kiss Rachel.
On the list of Rachel’s favorite things, kissing Finn in a cab was pretty high up. But kissing him anywhere was. Her foggy mind had a difficult time gauging what was too much, her hands moving dangerously low as her lips parted for his tongue.
He kissed her deeply, but moved her hands when they moved too low. They had come a little too close to messing around in a cab before, he knew he had to be the responsible one now. Instead, he placed their fingers as he held her hand to keep it where he wanted it.
Rachel’s cheeks burned a little when she realized Finn was keeping her from getting too fresh in the cab. She wasn’t truly embarrassed nor sorry, just flushed and feeling a little uninhibited from drinking. “You know, it’s very appealing when you’re responsible.”
“I hate it when I have to be the responsible one.” he laughed softly. “But if you find it hot maybe I should do it more often.” He joked.
Rachel stroked his cheek, her bottom lip rolling between her teeth. “Or I could just let you take control more. That’s the same thing and just as hot.” Her kiss was slow, suggestive. “Is that what you want, baby? To be in charge.”
Finn smirked, letting go of her hand so he could cup her cheek. “You know I like to be in control.” His eyes met hers for a small moment before he pressed his lips against hers.
Rachel’s fingers slipped into his hair. “I do. Just like you know I’ll give you whatever it is you want.”
Finn kissed her again before the cab came to a stop. Tearing himself away from Rachel, he paid for the cab and got out. He held her hand on the way up to their apartment and once they were inside, he kissed her heatedly.
Rachel stumbled a bit as they crossed the threshold of the building, then their door. She hadn’t had time to slip off her shoes before Finn had her close again, their mouths moving together in a sweet tangle. Rachel moaned, the strap of her dress falling from her shoulder. “You’ve been thinking about this all night, haven’t you?”
“You make it hard not to.” He said as he moved his hand to her covered chest. “Watching you dance while wearing this dress really got to me.”
“I knew it would. That’s part of why I wore it.” Her head ducked as his hands moved freely over her, her fingers fumbling at the waist of his pants. “Did I mention that there’s nothing underneath?”
“No, you didn’t. Which is good because we probably would have left a hell of a lot sooner.” he joked. “maybe you should show me.”
“Should I?” The alcohol had stolen a bit of her natural grace but Rachel managed to step back, all her attention trained on Finn. “All at once or…” She pulled her dress down slightly, exposing part if a bare breast. “Nice and slow?”
Finn wanted it all at once, but he decided to take things slow. “Slow, baby.” He said as his hand moved to her breast.
With great difficulty, Rachel took Finn’s hand from her breast and led him to the bedroom. She gave him a little push to get him on the bed before easing away. She turned her back, peeking over her shoulder as she slid the zipper of her dress down. The bare skin of her back shown first, Rachel smiled at him as the dress inched below her hips. “Like the view?” For emphasis, she shimmied the dress the rest of the way off, one of Finn’s favorite parts of her on full display.
Finn sat on the bed and watched her with an excited smirk. “I love it.” he replied. “I’ll love it more when you turn around.”
Rachel stepped out of her dress, standing out of Finn’s reach in nothing but her heels and the star necklace he had given her. Carefully, she turned. “Better?” She let her ponytail down, brown strands tickling her back as she shook her hair out.
“God, I love you so much. You are so beautiful.” he couldn’t stop himself from touching her as he spoke.
Rachel drew close to Finn again. “I’m a little tipsy so if you keep that up, you might make me weepy.” Hands in his hair, tilting his mouth to hers, Rachel sighed. “I love you too. More than anything.”
“Wanna be told how fucking hot you are instead?” he gave her a playful smirk. Kissing her back, he pulled her into his lap.
Rachel let Finn guide her to him, his hands warm and secure. “Mmm… I like both.” She tugged his shirt off before moving to kiss his neck. “I like when you’re sweet and gentle. And when you’re rough and sexy. It all turns me on.”
He lifted his arms for her to get his shirt off. “I’m leaning more toward rough tonight.” he stated as he ran his hand down her back.
“Is that right?” A pleasant tingle crept up her spine as he touched her. “You’re going to have your way with me tonight?”
“Mhm..” He smirked before kissing her heatedly.
Rachel was more than happy to give in to Finn’s desire, her chest pressing to his as their kiss intensified.
He picked her up just enough that he could lay her back on the bed. Before he joined her, he got rid of the rest of his clothes and then climbed over her to continue their kiss.
Rachel stretched out as she watched him undress, the well worn sheets soft against her skin. Her hands cupped his cheeks as they kissed, her lips easing apart for him.
Finn moved his hand between her legs, his fingers toying with her clit as he kissed her passionately.
Rachel hummed her approval first, her leg curling around Finn to give him room to work. “You know just how to touch me.”
“I should by now.” he said playfully as he pushed a finger into her.
The sound had meant to be a laugh but instead passed Rachel’s lips as a silent moan. Her nails dug into his shoulder as her head tipped back. “So good, baby.”
He pushed a second finger into her, his lips moving to her neck as he did so.
The feel of Finn’s fingers and his mouth could easily undue Rachel, her body so willing for him. But she held out, not wanting to give in so easily.
“you should ride me.” He whispered before nipping at her skin.
“Anything.” The word came in a gasping breath, Rachel’s only hesitation being that she didn’t want him to stop. Still, she maneuvered slowly, straddling him first so he could look at her. Her hand moved between them to work him, getting him to where she was.
He bit into his bottom lip as he watched her stroke him. “So sexy..” he said softly as he reached out to touch her.
Rachel smiled briefly, her features folding into something erotic as he touched her. “You always make me feel that way.”
“Because you are, baby. You drive me wild.” he said softly.
Rachel’s hand stop pumping long enough for her to move down, her husband filling her completely. Her teeth caught her lip - was it possible that a buzz made him feel bigger? She was careful not to let the fuzzy feeling in her head take complete control, Rachel knowing she could hurt him of she got too out of control. But she didn’t hold too much back, her hips working hard and fast for what she wanted. “You’re going to finish me before we really get going if you keep talking like that.”
Finn watched her, his hands moving to her sides and up her body in wanting to touch her everywhere. “Wouldn’t want that. I need to enjoy my view first.” he smirked at her then bit his bottom lip.
Rachel slowed down, her head falling back as Finn’s hands roamed her body. Even though she was on top, he was in complete control, her body craving whatever he gave her. “Enjoy, baby.” Leaning forward, her mouth covered his. “I love you so much.”
He ran his hand up her back to tangle in her hair. “I love you more than anything.”
Rachel nipped at his bottom lip, her breath coming in a gasp. “I love this with you. It’s so good. Always so good.”
“Yes it is, baby.” he agreed as his hand moved to her breast.
Rachel practically melted as his stroked her skin. “I’m so close.” She bit her lip, trying to fight back the stir she felt.
“Me too.” he groaned. He let his hand move down her body so he could press against her clit to push her over the edge.
Release for Rachel was instantaneous, a simple touch from Finn doing her in. His name came ragged past her lips and she shook as she continued to move atop him. She wanted him to feel as good as she had and she wouldn’t stop until he did.
It didn’t take much longer after she released for him to follow suit. He came undone with a low groan, then pulled her down to him so he could hold her.
Rachel was still trying to catch her breath when Finn pulled her into his arms. She nuzzled his neck, happy to be cuddled up with him. “You know, every time we have sex, I wonder why we ever stop.”
“I don’t know how we do.” he chuckled. “It is the best thing ever in every way.”
“It really is.” Rachel sighed, her head still feeling fuzzy. “I take it you had a fun night tonight?”
“Yeah, I did. Did you?” He asked as he ran his hand along her back.
“Definitely.” Rachel shivered, her chin dropping as she buried her face in his shoulder so she wouldn’t moan at the contact. “I’m glad that you did too. And that the thing with that girl didn’t bother you.”
“It bothered me a little bit, I’m not going to lie… it was annoying.” He admitted. “Do you get hit on like that a lot?”
Propping herself up, Rachel looked at Finn. “Not really. There’s the occasional catcall here and there but that happens to all women, unfortunately.” She placed her hand on his chest. “I know that sort of thing isn’t easy for you. I know it wouldn’t be for me in your shoes. But it’s good that you could let it go then, and that we can talk about it now.”
Finn nodded his head, “I’ve been working on the jealousy thing. I know you would never cheat on me so I have nothing to actually be worried about.” he gave her a small smile. “I can’t promise I’ll be this cool about every situation that comes up but I’ll try.”
“The fact that you try is more than enough for me, especially when that part of the relationship has been so difficult for you.” Rachel kissed him. “No one could ever compare to you anyway. I love you so incredibly much.”
“yeah, I know.” He said with a playful smile. “I just don’t like other people touching on you and stuff.”
“So greedy.” Rachel grinned at him, poking his side gently. “At least I’m allowed to touch myself, I suppose.”
“You can touch yourself all you want.” he said playfully.
“Oh, don’t worry. I do.” Her lips touched his cheek. “Hmmm… I think I had a little more alcohol than was necessary. Not in a bad way. But it’s making me feel giggly.”
“I like it. You’re cute.” He grinned at her.
“I like when you call me cute. And alcohol makes me very… affectionate. More than normal, and that’s a lot.”
“I’ll accept all of that affection tonight. I might even secretly enjoy it.”
“Ah. So that was your plan all along? Get me tipsy so I’d give you all of the sexy attention.”
“I get it without alcohol.” he laughed. “but this is fun too.”
“It is.” Rachel wiggled around, her body half on top of his and her chin on his chest. “I like pretending to be normal people our age who don’t have responsibilities and that, even just for a night. Teasing you with my hot dress was pretty fun too.”
“We can do that more often.. Whenever you want. I feel like we live the life of 30 year olds.” he chuckled. “I do love it when you get all dressed up for me, even when I can’t touch.”
“You got to touch plenty after the party.” Rachel kissed his chin, then looked up with admiration. “I can’t imagine us at 30. Well, other than having a house hopefully. Maybe kids.” Her fingers moved along his ribs. “I know I’ll be more in love with because that happens daily. And that makes me happy.”
“You think we will have kids by 30? That’d be cool.” he replied with a grin.
Rachel took his smile to mean that he’d be happy with a child by then. It made her heart flutter, her own lips softening to an expression fueled by fondness and emotion. “I could see us having at least one by then.”
“I think that would be cool. Even before then. I just can’t wait to start the next phase of our life together.”
“Anything could happen.” Rachel’s nose nudged his. “I think you just want to work on the actual making of the babies.”
“well… I wouldn’t complain about practicing.” he joked. “but really… I think it would be awesome to start a family.”
Rachel felt a serious turn in the conversation, one she wasn’t sure how to take. “It would be. But… do you think we’re ready for that?”
“Not right this second, no.” he shrugged.
Feeling relieved, the tension in Rachel’s back eased. “You didn’t want to have to share me anyway. I mean, you already think I give the cat all the good cuddles instead of you. Just think of all the cuddles a baby needs.”
“But a baby would cuddle with me too.” he pointed out.
“True. Our baby would adore you. Girl or boy, you’d be their hero.” Her finger ran along his cheek, her lips forming a soft smile. “You’ll be the best dad.”
Finn smiled. “You’ll be an amazing mother.”
“I hope so.” After not succeeding as a performer, failing as a mother was one of Rachel’s greatest fears. And she’d never had to confront it until she and Finn had married and a family was a real possibility. “I suppose it will be like everything else and we’ll learn as we go.”
He nodded his head, “I don’t doubt that we could do it. Once things are more stable.”
“I just have to get my feet off the ground in show business.” Because she knew that she would never able to contribute to raising a child or a home of their own as a part-time waitress.
“you will soon. I know you will.” he smiled.
Rachel had been feeling less confident about her future on the stage. Many of her classmates had already had small roles in productions and while the shows weren’t on Broadway, they were something. Rachel couldn’t even say that. “I love when you say that. You know how much your faith means to me.”
“I know and you will always have it.” He gave her a kiss.
Rachel stroked his cheek, the kiss removing any discouraging thoughts from her mind. “That’s because you’re the best.”
“It’s because you’re the best.” he rest his forehead against hers and pulled away because he yawned.
“We can’t both be the best.” Her voice was a quiet tease as she could tell he was getting tired.. “And since I have all the breasts in this bed, I think my vote should count most.”
“you have breasts so that automatically makes you the best.” he scoffed.
Nuzzling his cheek, Rachel kissed him softly before rearranging herself next to Finn. “Fine, fine. You win this time. But only because you’re all warm and comfy and it’s making me groggy.”
“I’m getting sleepy too. I had a great night with you though and I’m so happy you had fun.”
“It was a very good time. Thank you for coming out with me.”
“I will go with you whenever you’d like. “
“For all my life.” Her eyes closed, her lips smiling. “Just like I’ll go anywhere with you.”
“that’s why you’re my best friend.” he kissed her cheek.
“Of all the things I could be to you, that’s one of my favorites.” Rachel rested her head in the crook of his neck, her hand settling in the middle of his chest. “It’s up there with wife.”
He smiled happily. “I just want you to remain everything to me.”
“I will. You were forever stuck with me from the first time you punched a boy in my defense then told me you loved me.” Rachel left a soft kiss on his neck. “I’ll always be yours. Just like you’ll always be mine. Nothing could ever change that.”
“Good, then I can sleep happily.” he said quietly, his eyes already closing.
“We both will.” Rachel pulled the blanket around them and closed her eyes. “Good night.”
“goodnight, baby.” he fell asleep soon after.
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
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INSTAGRAM: berry-uglyduckling
Our wedding day was so perfect. 2 years later, I’m still crazy about him and about being Mrs. Finn Hudson. #lovemyhusband #lovehimforever 
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Summary: Rachel’s father makes an unannounced appearance. 
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Involved with You|
Summary: After weeks of Rachel healing and Finn working full-time, they finally get an evening to themselves.
Rachel stretched out on the sofa, Oliver scampering over to settle himself on her stomach. A quick nap after her morning shifts and before Finn came home from work had become routine, Rachel enjoying the refreshed feeling she got from the extra rest. She felt a little guilty this particular afternoon, her need for sleep taking precedence over Finn’s dinner. Ever since he’d started working full time, she’d made sure he came home to a meal that she’d made. He deserved it, working as hard as he’d been, but Finn never begrudged her anything she thought she needed for herself so she knew he wouldn’t complain about the container of restaurant leftovers she would be feeding him. Still, she fretted a bit before she finally dozed off, Oliver protesting when she began petting him a little too roughly.
Finn stepped into the apartment to find Rachel sleeping on the couch. After a quick shower and change of his clothes, he kneel before the couch and kissed her gently to wake her up. After getting paid and working so much, he just wanted to go out and have a fun night with her. He hoped that she felt the same way. “Long day?” He asked her, smoothing her hair out of her face.
Rachel's eyes fluttered open, her lids feeling slightly heavy. “You smell good. How long have you been home?” Gently setting Oliver on the floor, Rachel fully turned to Finn. “It wasn't any longer than usual, but I did get run into by the new waitress and ended up catching the corner of a table.” She lifted her shirt to show off a blossoming bruise on her hip. “All of which is survivable when your kiss is my wake up call.” For good measure, she let her lips brush against his once more.
“Like.. Fifteen minutes or something. Maybe less, I dunno.” When she lifted her shirt, he frowned and leaned down to kiss the bruise. “Stupid new girl, hurting my wife.” He said playfully. He kissed her with a small smile at his lips. “Do you wanna go out tonight?”
“You make it better so she can be forgiven.” Rachel reached to comb at his hair, her bruised skin tingling where his lips touched it. “I would love that. It's been awhile since we went out.” Thinking back, she realized that their last date had been in Lima. “I should probably brush my hair and change.” She sat up, her body protesting when she went to stand.
He gave her one last kiss before he moved to the side so she could get up. He moved to sit on the couch with a sigh. “I’ll look into places to eat.”
The sudden urge to not leave his side took hold and Rachel lingered as he sat down on the sofa. “You're so sweet, and handsome. How do I ever spend even a minute away from you?”
He looked up at her with a confused smile. “Good question.” He joked with a playful smirk.
The blush of her cheeks caught her off guard when his was response was a cheeky expression. “You know… I've been feeling a lot better lately. Physically, I mean. I think tonight might just go in the way most date nights do.” She turned toward the bedroom, letting the idea of intimacy settle into his mind while she dug through the closet for a dress.
He watched after her, really hoping that she wasn’t just teasing him. He wouldn’t get too excited about the prospect, but he would be happy if it happened. He looked up restaurants and when he had decided on one, he sat back and played with his phone while she got ready.
Rachel slipped a light summer dress on and brushed her hair up into a bun. A dab of lip gloss and mascara and she was back in the living room, reaching for his hand. “Find a good place?”
“I did! I looked up romantic restaurants and I found this place called Milk and Roses.. Hopefully it’s not all weird food because it sounds like it would be.” He joked as he stood up and took her hand to walk out to the street, where he had called a cab to wait for them.
Rachel liked the sound of romantic, though weird food could definitely kill the mood. “If it's too unusual, we'll leave and get pizza.” The cab was waiting for them at the curb, a true sign that he was going all out. She appreciated that they were getting back to a place financially where a thing like that didn't make her mentally crunch numbers. And she imagined it made him feel good that he could do things like this without worrying so much.
“It said it's an Italian restaurant so I think we might be okay.” he said with a nod. He opened the door to the cab and let her in first before sliding in after her and giving the address to the restaurant. His arm wrapped around her shoulders and he turned to kiss her. “How does your hip feel?”
Rachel scooted in close to Finn, her head on his shoulder. “It's feeling a little sore. I hit that corner pretty hard. I'll be fine though. Especially with a little tender loving care from my husband.”
“You know I take any opportunity to take care of you.” he said, only half joking.
Reaching across his lap, Rachel's fingers wove through those of Finn's free hand. She'd always found comfort in the small, simple gestures they shared and the ease with which the shared them.
“I do know. It would be difficult not seeing as you make no secret at your husbanding skills.”
He squeezed her hand gently. “Kind of hard not to want to take care of someone I love so much.” he gave her a kiss.
The fluttering feeling rising from her stomach made a lazy grin form her lips. “If you'd like to be doting like that all evening, I will definitely accept.” The kiss he offered turned into something long and slow, Rachel remaining mindful that they were in a cab. “I love you too. More than anything.”
He smiled as they parted, always loving to hear that she loved him. They arrived at the restaurant shortly after and Finn paid the driver before stepping out and holding his hand out for Rachel. Once they were inside, they were seated at a table and Finn grabbed the menu. “This place seems nice.”
The interior was nice, and Rachel was visibly impressed with his choice. “Should I tease you about being a big spender?” She smiled brightly, letting Finn know how pleased she was. Truthfully, they could have gone anywhere but she knew being able to give her things and take her to places like this was important to Finn.
“It doesn’t seem like it’s that expensive. Don’t worry, I’m not spending all of our new money.” He joked.
She laughed as she looked over her menu. “It's not unreasonable. I was just pumping up your ego a bit. It's always easiest to get you started that way.” Rachel winked then slid her menu aside. “That was an easy choice.”
“So, you weren’t joking earlier? Tonight is the night?” He asked with a smirk as he set the menu down as well.
Sitting back a little, Rachel extended her leg under the table, her foot bumping his shin. “What kind of girl would I be if you took me some place nice and I didn't put out?” She reached for his hand and gave it a playful squeeze. “I wouldn't tease about that. Especially not when you've been waiting patiently.”
He rolled his eyes with a smile at her question. “I think I’ve done more than bought you dinner and didn’t expect anything.” He said playfully. “Well.. If I would have known that, I would have chose somewhere closer to the apartment.”
“I can't remember a time when I felt that you expected anything at all.” She brought his hand to her lips, gently kissing his knuckles. “That's why you get so far. Or at least part of why. There's also the fact that I like you quite a bit and find you irresistible.”
He smiled at her, loving that she was feeling more like herself. When the waitress arrived, he ordered their food and kept his hand in hers. “You look so beautiful. “ he told her once they were alone.
He could always manage to make her blush with a compliment like that. Once it was from the new, unsureness of it - no one had called beautiful then so how could she be. Now, she just enjoyed hearing and feeling the truth of it. “Thank you.” She leaned over the table, leaving a sweet kiss on his lips. “You are very sweet for saying so. Always managing to give me butterflies and make me fall more in love with you.”
He smiled back at her. “I'm so hungry. I hope they're fast.”
Rachel's head shook, her bangs brushing her forehead. “My poor husband. Starved for food and sex. How do you survive?”
“I don’t know, it’s a rough life. Thankfully both of those things should be fixed by the end of the night so no one has to die here.” He laughed.
“No one will. I just wish you didn't have to work tomorrow since I don't and I vaguely remember promising no one would be leaving the apartment when we made our comeback.”
“Well, we always have when I come home to more than make up for everything.” He shrugged.
“We do. And while you're at work, I'll just have to keep myself entertained… somehow.” She fit in a quick kiss before plates were set in front of them and she had to pretend to behave.
“Damn.. I wish I could take a day off.” He bit his lip, glad that the food was placed in front of them for a distraction. He dug into his pasta as he hadn’t been kidding about how hungry he was. “This is really good!”
Rachel knew she was being somewhat unfair about his having to work but she liked the way teasing, and the fact that she could follow through on it, felt. She smiled as he dove into his dish, enjoying his food as always. Hers was equally tasty. “It is. And you know I love a good cheese ravioli.”
“Ravioli is the best. I always try to order something different from you though.” he said with a laugh.
“Thoughtful even with food. What more could a girl ask for?” Rachel speared bite after bite, an unusual feat for her. Leaning back when she finished, she let a hand fall to her belly. “This dress might not fit again after that.”
“I'm enjoying how easily impressed you are by me tonight.” he joked. “It's coming off soon anyways.”
Rachel smiled, fully aware that he would run with the comment about her dress. “Is that so? What if I was going to make you wait?”
He shrugged “Wouldn’t be the first time you’ve kept your dress on during…” He smirked.
“Listen to you and all your fanciful ideas. You're going to wear me out tonight, aren't you?” Straightening herself, she drew close to him again for a kiss. “Because I don't think I'd mind if you did.”
“We have to make up for lost time.” He smiled, giving her another kiss. As the waitress stopped by again, Finn asked for the check. He reached for Rachel's hand as they waited.
“Tonight and tomorrow will get you all the making up for lost time you want.” Rachel barely noticed the waitress until Finn asked for the check. She was starting to get giddy, young love feelings just sitting and holding hands with him. “Mostly because I'll get all the after cuddles.”
“You get all the cuddles you want regardless. As far as affection goes, you're spoiled.” he joked. When the waitress returned, he paid for their meal and stood up. Leading the way out, he flagged ll down another cab and let her in before sliding in after her. After telling the driver where to go, he snuggled up to her. “Anything else you wanna do while we're out?”
“No one could argue that I'm not spoiled. You're just that good to me.” Her hand stayed locked with his as the made their way onto the street and into a cab. She nestled contently at his side. “Not tonight. All I want is to spend some quality time with my husband.” Her lips touched his, leaving a whisper near his ear. “And those aren't the kind of things we can do when we're out.”
He smirked at her words, “Good, cause that's all I want tonight.” he replied with his voice low.
Rachel didn't pursue the salacious behavior that periodically happened in cabs. She did kiss him, failing to keep it appropriate, but she kept anything else for after they were home.
When the cab stopped, Finn was impatient about handing his money over and getting out. His hand found Rachel’s again as he led the way up to the apartment and through their door. “Finally!” He said as he pulled her in to kiss her.
Rachel giggled as he pulled her into the apartment and into his arms. “You poor, deprived man.” She wrapped an arm around his neck for leverage as they kissed, the other hand on his chest. “You missed me that much, huh?”
“You know that I did. I don’t think we’ve ever gone this long without sex and I don’t like it.” He joked.
Her fingers tugged lightly at the ends of his hair near the nape of his neck. “Damn my body for doing you wrong this time.” She grinned up at him.
“It’s about to do me very right, I hope.” He said as he used his arms around her to pick her up.
Rachel gasped as she was lifted off the floor, her recovery quick as she held onto his neck as he carried her. “Sweeping me off my feet, quite literally? Classy move, Mr. Hudson. And I promise, you’ll be treated very well by my body tonight.” Her lips found the sweet spot on his neck, her teeth grazing his skin there.
Finn walked her to the couch and set her down, moving over her. His arm wrapped around her to unzip her dress.
The idea of all this happening on the couch didn’t thrill Rachel but she reminded herself that the place didn’t really matter. The couch, the kitchen, the bed - it was truly irrelevant when she focused on Finn and the fact that she’d missed him as much as he had her. With her dress unzipped, she drew her arms out of her sleeves and reached for his shirt, the contact of his skin against being everything she needed at the moment.
Finn helped her get his shirt off and immediately drew closer to her as his lips found hers in another passionate kiss. He kissed down to her neck and reached between them to get his jeans undone before deciding that the couch might not work out for how little room they would have. “Do you want to go to the bedroom?” He asked softly, lifting his head to look at her with an excited smile.
Rachel was lost in the sensation of his lips sweeping over and marking some of her favorite spots. “It would probably be easier.” Not that she wanted anything to separate them. Still, it would be more comfortable and she wanted them to have that. She let her dress slip the rest of the way down before she turned toward their room, her hand waiting for his.
Finn watched her get rid of the dress before he took her hand and followed her to the bedroom. He pushed his pants off as he entered the room, then moved to the bed and pulled her down with him.
Rachel was in both their bed and his arms before a heat rose to her cheeks. She couldn't remember the last time she'd felt even slightly nervous about sex with him. But the procedure, and all that came with it, had thrown her completely off kilter. She hoped it didn't show much, Rachel not wanting Finn to feel responsible like he sometimes did. “Thank you taking me out tonight, especially when I'm sure you'd have much rather been doing this.” Her hand cupped his cheek as she took the liberty of a slow, sweet kiss.
“I wanted food.” He joked lightly as his hand moved between her legs. “You’re sure nothing is going to hurt?” He asked, pausing his hand on her inner thigh.
Her eyes fell upon his face, the earnesty and concern looking as it always had. “I'll be okay. You know I'd tell you if I wasn't.”
He nodded his head and pressed his finger against her clit, his lips moving back to hers in a deep kiss.
Rachel shook slightly. Being touched, and wanted, like that again was intoxicating, his kiss taking her breath away. Her nails pressed into his back, Rachel unsure that she could manage anything more at the moment.
Her reaction kept him moving forward as he toyed with her. He decided to press further by pushing his finger into her as his lips moved to her neck.
Rachel’s head fell back, her mouth falling open in a gasp, as Finn tested her boundaries. She gripped his arm, a silent prayer that he wouldn’t stop taking hold. “You’re so good.” Keeping her hips still was nearly impossible. Still she tried, wanting to give Finn all the control.
He nipped at her skin in response, pressing a second finger into her. He lifted his head to look at her before pressing his lips against hers in a passionate kiss.
The kiss, his touch… it was all heat to Rachel. The kind she’d been craving without knowing it. Her fingers slid up his back, tugging at his hair when she found it. Her teeth sunk into his bottom lip as they kissed, Rachel always biting when she got a little too carried away. She shifted her thigh, a pitiful attempt on her part to give Finn some friction.
Finn took the opportunity to press against her thigh as she rubbed against him, letting it work him up more as he kept his main focus on making her feel good. His hand moved a bit faster, wanting to get her off before they really started.
Rachel could feel each rise and fall of her chest, but the ability to grab breath escaped her. Her intent hadn't been for this reunion to focus on her but the way she reacted to Finn working her body now was far beyond her control. Her back arched against the bed, Rachel pressing against Finn's hand as she came undone.
He pressed kisses along her chest as his hand moved away from her. “You're so sexy.” he whispered against her skin.
Rachel closed her eyes, smiling as his lips moved over her. “You're talking me up now.” Hooking her legs around him, rolling their position. “Using my weakness for compliments against me.” She took her turn kissing his chest, her hand between them giving him some much needed attention.
“Or I just love you and you turn me on so much.” He said with a small groan as her hand moved to him. He moved his hips lightly against her.
“There you go again. Saying those kinds of things to me.” Rachel stroked slowly at first, her mouth meeting his in teasing kisses. “I love you too, baby. You’re the perfect kind of husband.” She moved to line him with her entrance, sinking slowly onto him so she could adjust to the feeling.
He lay back with a sigh, his hands moving up her back. “I missed this so much.” he said with a groan.
Rachel leaned forward, testing her comfort and finding a pleasurable position for them both. “Me too.” Her chin dipped, her hands cupping his cheeks as she stole a kiss. “I missed this with you. How close I feel when we're together.”
Finn was letting her have all control, nervous that he was going to do something that would cause discomfort. He kissed her back before pulling back to meet her eyes. “it feels good?”
Rachel's hips rocked, each shift more comfortable than the last. It was like relearning how good it felt to be with him, and remembering how good he'd been to her when they'd started. How loving he'd been ever since. “So good. Always so good.”
He kissed her again, then held her so he could begin to move his hips up against her. “I love you so much.”
“I love you.” The words formed around moans and Rachel stopped moving just long enough to roll them so he was on top of her again.
Finn kissed her deeply once he was on top of her, then pulled away to begin pushing his hips into her. He was still being more gentle than usual, but it was beginning to feel more natural. He ducked his head to kiss her neck.
Rachel wrapped her legs around him when he found his rhythm. His whispered name grew louder and louder as she pressed her face to the pillow. “That's it, baby. You're so good.”
Hearing his name was pushing him forward, his hips moving against her. With it having been weeks since they had last been intimate, he was already close. “Are you close baby?” He asked her, nipping at her skin.
“Touch me.” It was all she needed, all she could manage to say. Her nails dug into his shoulder as her hips shifted to his rhythm.
He brought his thumb to her clit, groaning as he came undone. He slowed his movements to a stop before sighing.
Finn's touch drove her to release, holding tight to him as she came down. Her arms turned leaden and shook after a few minutes and she had to let go, but not without a kiss.
He kissed her softly and slowly before pulling out of her to lay beside her. “Things finally feel back to normal.” he smiled.
Rachel gave Finn a moment to situate himself and relax before she cuddled up to him, her need to feel just as close after sex as she did during taking hold. “It is nice not to be so limited in what I can share with you, that’s for sure.”
He wrapped his arm around her “I just love you so much.” He told her as he kissed his cheek.
“I can tell. You're being incredibly affectionate right now.” Her arm moved around him in kind, the tips of her fingers brushing against his back. “I love you too.”
“Mostly because I finally can be.” He said with a small laugh. “Not that I couldn’t kiss you all the time before, it just makes me feel closer when we can have sex, I guess.” He shrugged.
“You and I agree on that.” Her lips pecked his before she sat up and stretched. “Especially since I thoroughly enjoy the closeness.”
“Me too.” He reached out to run his hand along her back. “Do you want to go take a shower?”
Rachel felt a hot prickle move along the skin that he touched. “You touch me that way and I'll never want to get out of this bed.” She looked over her shoulder at him. “It's up to you.”
“I don’t want you to get out of this bed.” He countered with a smile.
Rachel turned and propped herself up, her face near his as if to kiss him. “Is that so? I might need more incentive to stay.” Her lips stopped just away from his, their breaths the only thing between them. “The touching was a good start.”
“Yeah?” He asked as he moved his hands to her chest. “I love touching you, that’s not a problem at all.”
Rachel settled back down on the bed, her arms feeling shaky as his touch turned her week. “It never has been.” Her eyes closed as a familiar sensation began to coil low in her belly. “Touch me in your favorite places, baby.”
He let his hand move between her legs while his lips moved to her breast, pressing kisses along her skin before his tongue brushed against her. “Like this, baby?” He asked with a smirk.
Finn's touch was like a drug to her at this point, her weeks without it leaving her needy and a little desperate. She managed some composure, even when she caught the slightest bit of his expression. “Mmm… yes. You know you drive me wild.”
His lips moved back to her skin as he rubbed her clit. He finally moved his kisses to her lips. “You drive me wild.”
It took every ounce of strength Rachel had to pull away from him. She turned to prop herself up again, this time on all fours. Her hand gliding over her belly, she touched herself where he had, her fingers teasing her clit as she looked back at him. “Like this? Does it make you hard for me?”
Finn watched her move away in confusion, but lay back as she began to touch herself. “Makes me so fucking hard.”
His words would’ve made her smirk had the not been curled into the shape of a moan. She slipped a finger inside herself, her body hungry for any satisfaction at this point. “Thinking about it makes me so wet for you.”
He sat up so he could kiss her neck. “I love it when you touch yourself for me.” He whispered. “You’re so hot.”
Rachel was trying to go slow, easy, because she wanted him to make her cum. “It's almost as good as when you do it. Almost.”
“Then let me.” His hand moved down her stomach, “Cause I love making you cum.”
Rachel let her hand fall back to the mattress. “You do it so well, baby.”
His fingers replaced hers, entering her as he began to kiss her neck.
Rachel's head tilted to the side giving Finn full access to her neck. Her thighs trembled slightly as she resisted pushing against his fingers, her moans barely contained sounds.
Finn’s lips began to move roughly on her  neck as he continued to finger her. Finally, he decided he needed more and pushed her back against the bed. “you want more, baby?”
Rachel would have said yes to almost anything when he had her as turned on as she was. “You know I do. I can't wait much longer.”
He moved between her legs and guided himself to her center before entering her, this time less apprehensive than before. His hips began a steady rhythm of thrusts into her as his head ducked by her shoulder.
Her nails skimmed his side as he pressed into her, her leg curling around his hip to draw him closer. She tugged at his hair, whispering how good he was, how big.
He groaned at the sound of her voice as his hips thrust into her. He loved it when she spoke to him during sex. His lips pressed roughly against her neck as he began to come undone again.
Rachel loved the effect dirty talk had on Finn, her fingers pressing hard enough to bruise is skin as his pleasure triggered her own release. Her lips curved to a smile as she lay there, the pleasant weight of Finn's body on top of hers making her feel secure. “Keep this up and you're going to be exhausted at work tomorrow.”
“It's very worth it.” He smirked as he looked down at her. “It always is.”
Taking his face in both hands, Rachel pulled him to her for a long kiss. “I'll remember that when you come home all cranky and tired.”
“you'll know how to fix that. “ he joked, knowing that lack of sleep definitely would cause him to be irritated the following day.
Rachel stroked his cheek, urging him to lay down next to her so he could rest a little. “I do. Nice hot dinner, a massage, a little more lovin’, then a shower.” She turned to kiss him again. “Which is what we should probably do now so that you can get to bed at a reasonable hour.”
He lay down, pressing a kiss to her neck. “But I'm having a good time right here with you.”
Rachel shook her head. “Who’s saying that you won’t have a good time in the shower with me?” She forced herself to sit up, hoping he would follow suit.
He groaned as he sat up and followed after her, his hand playfully smacking her ass as he entered the bathroom and turned the water on. “Tonight has been really good. “ he smiled as he stepped in to the water.
Rachel jumped at the slap, turning slightly to swat at his arm. “You should've used that move before.” She pulled her hair up, following him under the spray. “It has been. I'm glad you're happy and sexed up again.”
“There’s still time.” He said with a smirk. “Me too. I miss sex when we’re not having it.”
“Don't tempt me with those kind of promises.” Her arms slid around his neck. “I do too. Mostly, I just miss the way you smile when you're satisfied and loved. Not that I don't always love you.” She kissed him for emphasis. “But the sex has always been that special bond I get to share with just you.”
“I forget you like that kind of thing.” He waggled his eyebrows playfully at her. “And because it’s amazing and mind blowing for you, right?” He teased. “It is nice to have something that makes us feel close like that.” He said with a small kiss to her lips.
“It's strange that you could forget since your hands are on my butt all the time.” Her whole body curved into his, her smile a tease. “It is amazing and mind blowing for me. Sometimes because it's hot and you're very sexy. Always, though, because you're so good to me.”
He laughed softly, “I wouldn’t say all the time… Just as much as you’ll let me.” He joked. “I’m glad you feel that way, baby. I do everything I can to make you feel loved.”
“You make me feel it every minute of the day just by still being here. By wanting to be.” She blinked, the rivulets of water masking her emotions. “But if you keep talking sweet, you're going to make me a mushy mess.”
“Want me to dirty talk instead?” He asked with a smirk. “You’ve just got me really.. Involved with you tonight.”
“You're always very involved when I'm naked.” Her lips brushed his ear. “And I like it.” Her hand smoothed over his chest, her nails scratching his abdomen before stopping seductively shy his waist. “Like how you kiss me, how your fingers feel inside me. How good it feels when I'm bad and you have to spank me.” She slid her body against his, musing at the lost point of the shower. “When you fuck me so good I beg for more.”
Finn hadn’t expected his line to work, but he was more than thrilled that it had. He rest his hand on her back, letting her speak to him with a small smirk. “I love it when you talk to me like that, baby. You know how crazy you get me.” His hand moved to her ass then, pulling her tighter against him.
“You like that?” Her lips worked the tender spots of his neck, the ones she always used in her favor. “I like where your hands are. Like how I can barely control myself when you touch me that way.” She pressed back against his hand. “I think about what you do with those hands and it makes me so hot for you.”
He groaned softly as her lips moved along his neck. Letting his hand move around her, he brought it between her legs to toy with her clit. “I think you like it when my hand is here more.” He whispered.
Rachel was glad to held so tightly to him - his touch would have left her unbalanced, weak in the knees. “Baby…” Her moan was as quiet as his words but Rachel wanted nothing more than this with him. Her hand was around him now, stroking him as best she could. “It's so good when you touch me there.”
“I love it when you touch me like this too.” He responded, his finger pressing into her as he spoke. “And I love the way you look when I finger you like this.”
Finn's fingers entering her nearly brought her off the floor. It was almost like being the desperate girl he'd touched like this for the first time when they'd played hookie in high school. Had it really been so long ago? Had she ever thought it would feel better than that? No… but it did. Everything always felt so damn good. “You know you can get me off just like this.” The words were a rasp, a sound that she rarely made. “You're that good.”
“I know that I can, but I’m going to fuck you.” He stated, his lips moving to hers heatedly.
Rachel let loose an ecstatic sound at the mere suggestion of his words. “You can feel how bad I need it.”
“I can, baby. Turn around.” He moved his hand from her so she could do so.
Rachel turned, a tricky maneuver in their shower but nothing was going to keep her from having him. “Don't stop, baby.”
He knew it probably would have been easier to just pick her up, but this was hotter. His hand moved to his hard member, guiding himself between her legs so he could enter her.
Rachel’s fingers curled against the slick of the shower wall as Finn pushed into her, her back arching. She pushed back a little, wanting to feel the whole of him but not wanting to end things quickly. “God, you feel so good.”
Finn wrapped his arm around her, his hand moving to her breast as he began to pump his hips. “You always feel amazing.”
Rachel reached to touch Finn's arm, her hips angling and pressing back. “It's so hot when you take me like this.”
“Yeah? You like it when I fuck you from behind? “ He pushed harder against her.
Rachel's breath caught as he changed the pace, a moan sticking in her throat. “I do. You fuck me so good like this.”
“I swear you feel tighter this way. “ he said with a groan, his hand moving from her chest down to hold her hip.
Rachel’s body stilled as Finn held her in place, the meeting of their skin easing her closer to ecstasy. “You feel good every way.” Her head turned, her lips calling to his. “I love you. So… so much.”
He kissed her back, “I love you too, baby. You're my everything.”
The truth, whether Finn knew it or not, was that his sweet words could finish her more easily than anything he did physically. All the love she'd ever wanted to feel - and more love than she thought she could have before she met him - was expressed in those words. “I just need you to touch me. Please.”
His hand took its time running down her stomach before moving between her legs to rub her clit. He was so close, but he wanted to feel her orgasm first.
Rachel nearly whimpered at how slow his touch came. When he did, she felt the pleasant flutters begin between her thighs. She panted his name, Rachel coming undone as the moved together.
When he felt her tighten around him, he came undone as well. His hips stopped moving and he leaned in to kiss her again.
Rachel leaned against the shower wall, catching her breath after they shared a kiss. “That time might have done me in.”
“I think I'm right there with you.” he said as he moved back under the water to actually shower.
Rachel relaxed as Finn took a shower, enjoying the view as she waited her turn. “I guess there is such a thing as enough. Even for us.”
“If it weren't the middle of a workweek, twice would not be my limit.” he said with a laugh. Once he had cleaned himself,  he stepped aside for her to shower.
Rachel shook her head, smiling. “So you're saying you have no limit?” She took her turn under the water, rinsing her hair out first.
“I'm sure there is one… eventually.” he gave her a playful smirk.
Turning to catch the expression on his face, she couldn’t help but flick a bit of water in his direction. “You say you’re done in right now, but I have a feeling that you could go another round or seven…”
He laughed softly, then shrugged. “I could probably go all night if you would let me.”
The last of the soap ran down the drain as Rachel reached to turn the water off. “Make me sound like the bad guy.” Her expression mirrored his, Rachel extending to her toes for a quick kiss before stepping away. “You get to sleep next to your naked wife all night. That should be just as good.”
“Not the bad guy, but the responsible one.” He smiled as she kissed him. “I do love naked cuddling.” He stated as he stepped out the shower and handed a towel off to her. He dried off, then moved in front of the sink to brush his teeth.
Wrapping up in the towel he gave her, Rachel brushed out and braided her hair before leaning against his side. “You love naked everything.”
“Because I have an incredibly beautiful wife who happens to have a sexy body that I love to see and touch at every opportunity.” he gave her a smile.
“Okay, okay. You win.” Pulling away, she hung her towel up and drifted to bed. “I can't counter you when you call me beautiful.”  
Finn followed behind her, leaving the towel in the bathroom. He lay down and got comfortable in his spot on the bed, yawning as he did so. “I don't wanna go to sleep yet. “
Rachel waited for Finn to get comfortable before turning to him. “You don't have to. Just relax and talk to me until you do.”
He wrapped his arm around her, “When do you go back to school?”
Rachel cuddled a little closer to him, the warmth of him always enticing. “A few weeks. I can't say I'm looking forward to it but I can't say I'm not either. I like the routine but this extra free time has been nice.”
“It’s been nice to have you around more. I’m not looking forward to crazy schedules again.”
“Let's not think about that. Just the next few blissful weeks of you coming home to a nice dinner and all the lovemaking you can handle.”
“You're making life sound pretty amazing. “ He said with a kiss.
“Enjoy it while it lasts, that’s how I see it. And I’m going to enjoy every second I get to spend with you.”
“you know that I do too.” He smiled. “You're my best friend, I love everything we do together.”
“I love being your best friend, and hearing you tell me.” She placed a small kiss on his chin. “It’s probably my favorite thing to hear after ‘I love you.’”
“You get told both a lot.” he joked, his eyes closing as he began to lose his fight with sleep.
Rachel watched him struggle to stay away. “All the time. I like to think I say them a lot too.” She kissed him again before beginning to hum. “I love you, best friend.”
“I love you too.” He said softly, his breathing slowing as he fell asleep.
Rachel watched him drift into dreaming before closing her own eyes to follow.
1 note · View note
berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Summary: Finn graduates from auto-mechanic school.
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5 notes · View notes
berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Summary: Finn and Rachel have a tense night.
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Hospital Trip
Summary: Finn takes Rachel to the hospital, where she gets some frustrating news.
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Text @Finn
Finn: I'm getting close to being there. I'll park and come to get you.
Rachel: Okay. I'll be the pathetic looking one.
18 notes · View notes
berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Text @Finn
Rachel: No, you wouldn't. You're always the most supportive guy.
Finn: I'm just a good husband. Hopefully.
Rachel: Not hopefully. You're absolutely a good husband. The best.
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Text @Finn
Finn: I would never make you go through it alone.
Rachel: No, you wouldn't. You're always the most supportive guy.
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Text @Finn
Rachel: Drive safe. I'll be here when you get here.
Rachel: Thank you.
Finn: Of course. I love you.
Rachel: I love you. This'll be so much easier with you there.
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Text @Finn
Finn: I just clocked out. Give me like 20 minutes.
Rachel: Drive safe. I'll be here when you get here.
Rachel: Thank you.
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Text @Finn
Finn: I only have a couple of hours left so it's okay. You are more important
Rachel: I know, baby. You show me all the time. How long do you think it'd take you to get here?
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Text @Finn
Finn: I can see if someone can cover for me and take you to the ER. That's not good.
Rachel: I feel bad that you'd have to leave work.
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Text @Finn
Finn: Do you think you need to go to the doctor?
Rachel: I'm thinking about going to the ER that's near work soon if it doesn't ease up. I'd have to get a cab. Even though sitting is worse than walking right now.
Rachel: Even my boss is a little worried. :(
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berry-uglyduckling · 6 years
Text @Finn
Rachel: :( I barely made it through my final exam.
Finn: I'm sorry, baby. What's wrong?
Rachel: My 'female area' hurts when I'm sitting. Or walking. And not like an achy "things got a little intense in bed" sensation. It's actual pain.
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