berrycute95 · 4 months
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berrycute95 · 4 months
Ruin your life for Gluttony
It's time to make a few things clear. I'm not just here to make you horny. I'm here to fuck you up so much that you'll very soon be wheezing 24/7 as you try carrying your deep hanging gut into the kitchen to get your fat fingers on more snacks. So you better pay attention to what I want you to do.
If you are delusional enough to still have a gym membership because "I'm just experimenting and will lose it again", cancel it now. I'm not kidding. Cancel your fucking gym membership! That money is better spent on snacks and when was the last time you went there anyways? Cancel it. You will be living a sedentary lifestyle from now on. Keep everything you need at arms length, make yourself as comfortable as possible, sleep in, masturbate a lot and stuff yourself all day long.
You'll be exclusively eating greasy, sugary food from now on, loaded with fat and carbs. You'll have absolutely no greens. The only way you'll have some vegetables will be the salad on your burger. Buy your snacks in bulk, look for jumbo boxes of snacks that will keep you occupied for a few days. Consume as much sugar as you possibly can. Really fuck up your appetite and insulin with all that sugar you'll be stuffing down that greedy throat of yours. And don't forget the heavy cream! I only want you to be eating and drinking stuff that is bad for you
Objectify yourself. You had your chance to be human, yet you chose to be a pig. Things such as human rights, respect, moral, privacy, etc. no longer apply to you. Show off your fat, growing body from every angle possible. Make a fat fucktoy and whore of yourself as you'll be depending on people to encourage and feed you even fatter. Fulfill every request sent to you, stuff yourself whenever someone tells you to. Do as you're told. You no longer have free will. Let yourself be used. Being used means that you're desirable and that's what you want, isn't it, piggy?
Wreck your brain. Play games, watch mind-numbing TV shows and do absolutely anything you can to keep your mind occupied. I want you to dumb down so much that your brain activity doesn't differ much from when you're asleep. Whenever you catch yourself thinking about anything but how fat you've gotten or how you want to eat more food, stop thinking. All that matter is food, worthless and endless content to consume, cumming over and over again and just letting your brain rot away.
Screw your limits. You don't wanna grow immobile? Sucks to be you. You'll keep getting fatter until I'm satisfied. You're my pig now and you better keep putting on those pounds or I'll have to force you. I don't care about all the issues that arise, your heart racing, your arteries clogging up from all the grease, you always being short on breath, another pair of jeans you're ripping right through before you've even worn them 3 times. I don't fucking care. All I care about is seeing that number on the scale go up. If you cannot do something as simple as stuffing your fat face, you're of no use to me.
Enjoy the last few years you've got. Soon you'll be fully immobile. You'll be one of the girls you've seen pictures or videos of, watching them struggle move their 800lbs body around, while their feeder still funnels them with heavy cream shakes. You'll be just like them and just like them your health will decline rapidly until you're fully immobile with an oxygen tube in your nose and a feeding tube in your mouth. But I won't be satisfied until I fuck your fat, buried pussy one last time until you flat-line during orgasm because your body just can't handle it anymore. That when both you and I will finally experience true satisfaction.
And yes, while all this sounds so very extreme and surreal to think about, it strangely turns you on more than other, softer posts. The fantasy of actually becoming that fat is so frightening, yet so strangely appealing. Almost as if you deeply desire just that. Why don't you stuff yourself while imagining how you'd be a fat, 800lb immobile blob? I bet that orgasm would feel sooo good. Go ahead, do it. Grab some food, start masturbating and cum while you think about how fucking fat I'll be making you! Good girl ~
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berrycute95 · 5 months
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Dont forget to check out my Clips4sale store if you haven’t already💖💖💖 Also a big reminder that I make custom content as well just request it in my DM’s 💖😍🐽
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berrycute95 · 5 months
It happened so suddenly. Your body was so thin, it was athletic, lean, enviable and yet, you changed. You gained a little weight, and it was cute! It was 5, maybe 10 pounds, but you felt good so you kept with it. It quickly turned into a bit more. 10 became 20, and 20 became 30. It was at this point you dipped your toes into feedism, and it was a perfect fit. You kept active, but it steadily went down. From jogging a couple miles a day to walking them. At least, that was until feedism wasn't a good fit anymore, you had outgrown it. The last 30 pounds hadn't been kind to you. You had gained 60 pounds and now it was getting hard to exercise, so you stopped. Your body began to explode in stretchmarks, your clothes stopped fitting, your growing tummy was starting to be visible no matter what you wore. It was humiliating, it was degrading, and yet you loved it. You fell into the rabbit hole, consuming more and more. That soft feedism had gotten a bit darker, and yet, it wasn't enough for you. Those 60 pounds became 80, then 90, then 100. People were starting to get worried, and with good reason. At some point, you had lost control. At some point, you gave in. Unfortunately for your once thin body, you weren't done. You needed more. It was at this point that your addiction got darker once more. You wanted to be unhealthily obese, grotesquely fat. Your gut hangs over your waistband and your stretchmarks are everywhere. They cover your gut, your arms, your chest, your legs, your fupa. All angry remnants of your growth, reminders of your gluttony. You want more than to just be fat, you want more than to just be obese. You want to become unhealthy. You want your body to struggle with sugar, needing insulin to cope. You want your heart to tighten and pound with every movement, every ripple of fat causing a quake in your heart. You want your breathing to heave, to wheeze in the wake of any activity more than slightly opening your mouth to stuff yourself. At this point, it has only been a year, maybe 15 months, but it doesn't matter. You gorge yourself on 10,000 calories regularly, but I know you'd eat yourself further if you could. When you're slowing down, I push you further. When you're not hungry, I force you to eat. When you want something to drink, heavy cream is soon to follow. You've ruined yourself, and you're never going back. I'm here to make sure that it stays that way. Keeping you a docile, fat, submissive, pathetic hog who wants nothing more than to gorge themselves, no matter the cost.
The inspiration for the story. Donate to them since they can't seem to stop stuffing their fat pathetic face. Cement them into obesity like they deserve.
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berrycute95 · 10 months
I stroll through the grocery store, cart loaded with assorted junk food. And not one of those half carts either. A full-sized cart full of fresh baked pastries, boxes of snack cakes, frozen pizzas, massive sub sandwiches, bags of chips and candy, various pints of ice cream, cases of full-sugar soda, just an obscene amount of unhealthy garbage.
By now, the employees know me by name with how often I'm there to indulge your cravings. I bring my haul over to a checkout aisle and start unloading, but I figure one more candy bar wouldn't hurt, and I add it to the pile. The checker begins the extensive process of scanning all the items, and I can see the look on their face.
None of them are really shocked anymore. When they see me, they know they'll be scanning pounds and pounds of junk food. And judging by the size difference between you and me when they last saw you, I think they know where it's going. You're not with me this time, of course. You've gotten too lazy and too heavy to be waddling around the grocery store anymore, especially when you can trust me to fetch everything your greedy heart desires.
Getting it all inside is a full task in and of itself. I practically get a full arm workout hauling all the bags from my car, through the door, and to the kitchen. You know I'm not one for taking multiple trips, but with the amount you go through, I'll have to go back at least once.
When I walk in, you're right where I left you: feet up on the ottoman, laid back on the couch that is undoubtedly straining to hold your weight. The groceries are heavy, but I just can't help but pause and marvel at what a sight you are. Rolls covering your body from top to bottom, legs forced apart from the sheer girth of your thighs, your blubbery mound of a belly spilling onto your lap from under a t-shirt turned tank top, fattened tits resting on top of your gut, pillowy arms and pudgy hands tilting a fast food milkshake cup back to get every single drop. A living definition of unrestrained hedonism.
You glance over at me, continuing to suck down the entirety of your indulgent treat. I have to wonder if you're putting on this little show just for me, or if you really have become that gluttonous. Probably both, if we're being fair.
"Looks like you didn't wait for me to get back," I say, walking to the kitchen to set your goodies down. "How much did you struggle to get to the front door and back for that delivery, hm?"
I hear a soft groan from you and the echo of an empty cup set on the side table. "I moved myself just fine!" Your heavy panting suggests otherwise, but I let it slide. After all, it could just be that you didn't stop to breathe until you consumed the entire shake. "You get everything?"
"Everything and more. I doubled up on some things, knowing how you've been lately."
"Oh my godddd, I need one of those sandwiches. I'm starving..." There was a time when you would rush into the kitchen to look through everything I brought back, but the last few times- "Could you bring it to me...?" you ask. Right on cue.
"My pleasure, princess," I say with a grin. I pull out one of the footlong subs and unwrap it for you, taking the liberty of slathering on some extra mayo for good measure. The moment I step into the living room, I can see your excitement as you lift your arms and lean forward ever so slightly, a wide grin on your face.
"Thank you thank you!"
I turn to leave, but I watch you take that first bite out of the corner of my eye. And then that little moan of delight that sparks the urgency in your feasting. I can hear you stuffing your face as I head back towards the garage and gather the rest of the groceries. You'll almost assuredly be at least halfway done by the time I get back inside and set everything down.
And you never disappoint. I step back in and see you pushing the last bite of a sandwich half through your lips before licking your fingers. The way you've been gorging yourself is nothing short of breathtaking. It really is no wonder that you've managed to gain hundreds of pounds.
"Your shirt is looking a little small," I call from the kitchen.
"You like how it fits?" You respond with a full mouth. "I just can't pull it past my upper belly anymore..."
"To be fair, not much does fit you anymore. I can't even tell if you're wearing underwear most days," I chuckle.
"Think I'm wearing any right now?"
I can practically hear the sultry smile on your face as you ask. "I think you want to see me struggle with all your rolls to check. But I don't think you've eaten enough to earn it."
"Well, you better bring those cookies and make a proper hog out of me, then."
With an invitation like that, the rest of the groceries can wait. I dig through the bags for all 4 boxes of soft, chewy cookies, bringing them in and setting them beside you.
"A proper hog? Like I haven't done that to you already..." I tease, taking your belly flab in in one hand and squeezing it gently. "Look at all this. All this heavy, moldable fat..."
I lift your gut and drop it on your thighs, a dense slap resonating through your whole body. The sound, the ripples that shake every inch of you, it's mesmerizing. I continue handling your corpulence with increasing roughness, gripping all your rolls and jiggling them, slapping your love handles, and sinking my hands into your hips.
"I've gotten so huge...I can't help that it feels so good..." You moan, laying your head back.
I pop open the first container of cookies and situate myself in front of you. Your belly makes such a nice table to hold the container while I lean into it. "Open up. Let me make you even bigger."
You part your lips, letting me push nearly half the cookie in. I get more aggressive with each bite you take, encouraging you to take more and more, over, and over, and over.
"Come on, piggy. Keep it up. You want to be a good pet, don't you? Eat..."
One by one, the cookies disappear, and I get to hear that beautiful, overfed panting of yours again. You huff and puff, finally able to catch your breath from the relentless feeding. Everything about your current state just encourages me, igniting a need to see you helplessly engorged.
I slowly but firmly caress your poor, sweets-stuffed tummy. "Well now look at you. All stuffed with sweets. You know we're going to need to offset that with something savory and greasy. Settle in."
"Okay..." you say, your chest heaving up and down as you place your hands on the sides of your belly.
I start scrolling through DoorDash, tending to you while I look for your next meal. It's only early afternoon, after all. And gluttonous house pets like you need to keep fed all day long.
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berrycute95 · 11 months
Just secretly craving this so bad 😩
gaslight me into gaining more weight.
Tell me I lost weight, make me complacent on my diet and feel like I am able to take cheat days a little more frequently.
Lie about when my last cheat day was, tell me it was a week ago even when it was a couple of days.
Instill bad habits in me saying I don't need to worry as I'm in perfect shape, a bit of fast food here an extra treat there, get me used to it.
Whenever I complain about clothes not fitting apologise for shrinking them in the wash.
Make me skip going to the gym, take me out on dates instead or ask me to watch a movie on the couch with you when I'm about to go out.
Replace my clothes with ones in larger sizes, replace the labels too, make me believe that I haven't grown.
Hide the scale and don't let me measure myself.
Slowly increase my portion sizes and feed me weight gain shakes instead of protein shakes.
Only let me find out when it's too late and I lack the willpower to do anything about it on my own.
Do everything in your power to break me out of the delusion that I am a fit girl and turn me into a soft, lazy, glutton on a one-way trip to obesity.
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berrycute95 · 1 year
I think you are addicted to gluttony. It started off innocently, I know. You were tired of eating healthy and being disciplined, and you had always wanted to indulge your appetite and let yourself go a little bit, so you decided to finally enjoy yourself and eat whatever you wanted. You started with a small stuffing every once in a while. Losing your self control and giving in to your cravings was exciting. You liked stuffing your face. You liked being a little greedy. It felt taboo. So you started stuffing a little more often, and eating a few extra fattening treats every now and then, and you let yourself gain a few pounds. That really turned you on. You liked your new chub. You liked how your belly was starting to bulge noticeably out of your clothes, and how your thighs were starting to rub together. You didn't mind that it was noticeable. In fact, a part of you wanted other people to notice that you had become a naughty girl with a big appetite who just couldn't help herself. You liked showing off what a mischievous little glutton you'd become.
You were having fun, so you let yourself indulge even more. Before you knew it, you were stuffing every day, and you were craving fattening foods all the time. You found yourself ordering fast food for breakfast and ordering dessert in the middle of the night. Your appetite was out of control. You were starting to have trouble ever telling yourself no or ever eating normal sized portions. You were eating like a pig all the time and getting chubbier than you had ever intended... but you still wanted more. You knew you were playing a dangerous game, and that your gluttony was starting to get more powerful than you had ever expected, but you were already too far down the slippery slope. You loved being greedy too much. It wasn't enough to just let yourself indulge anymore. You wanted to flaunt your gluttony and see how much of a pig you could make out of yourself. You wanted to make a spectacle out of your big, greedy appetite. Other girls eat in moderation. You wanted to indulge in excess, to eat to the point of bursting, to stuff your face until your belly was a massive, taut mound, and then to undo your button and watch your round gut spill heavily onto your lap. Other girls eat healthy. You wanted to only eat fast food and takeout and desserts, to make a game out of eating as much sugar and fat and carbs as you can, to consume more calories in one meal than most girls eat in a day. Other girls watch their weight. You wanted to see how fat you could make yourself on purpose, to take pleasure in watching your body soften into jiggly rolls and pudge, to celebrate when your weight crawled up the scale and you finally became obese. You wanted so badly to let go of your last bit of restraint and to finally give in completely, so you abandoned the last remnants of your self control and dived as deeply as you could into your ever-expanding gluttony.
You submitted yourself completely to your hedonistic desires. You became a slave to your appetite, spending all of your time eating, stuffing your face with reckless abandon. You ate cake, donuts, fast food, sushi, pizza, pasta, and milkshakes, all in wicked excess, finally getting to live out all of your fattening, greedy fantasies. Your body ballooned, becoming unapologetically soft and plush and overfed and plump. You had never been so big, and it turned you on so much. You loved how your fat body jiggled, and how it bounced when you walked, and how it didn't fit into any of your clothes. You loved how your fat belly spilled out onto your fat thighs, and how your fat thighs spread out when you sat, and how your pudgy rolls hung off of your hips, and how your body was so soft and plush and sensitive and ticklish all over. And you were having so much fun flaunting what a pampered, spoiled little piggy you'd become. You loved playing dumb, pretending to be totally oblivious to the fact that you outgrew your shirt 20 lbs ago. You loved showing off, wearing revealing clothes and letting your burgeoning belly and widening thighs bulge out of them as you stuffed your face, and afterwards pouting and wondering aloud why your pants are getting so tight. You especially loved showing off your massive appetite, ordering a few entrees and appetizers at dinner with your skinny friends and eating every bite while they stared in disbelief. The more of a pig you made out of yourself, the more it turned you on.
You just can't help yourself. It turns you on too much to be a naughty little piggy, and you are too much of a slut for gluttony to ever stop. The feeling of being stuffed and getting fatter is the best thing you've ever felt, and you never want it to end. Nothing else will feel as good as this. You are trapped in a hedonistic cycle: you love eating, so you stuff your face, which makes you fatter, which turns you on, which makes you want to stuff your face even more and get even fatter, which turns you on even more. It's a never-ending cycle of erotic and gluttonous pleasure, and you are just too addicted to all of that overwhelming pleasure to ever stop. You might as well accept that you are a helpless, hedonistic glutton who will never be in control again. Not that you want to be in control anyway. All you really want is never-ending indulgence, pleasure, and excess. You just want more. Now you can hardly recognize yourself anymore. Long gone are your good habits and your strict discipline and your self control. You have become nothing but a soft, jiggling vessel for your massive appetite. You are dominated by your own insatiable gluttony. You obey it's every little whim with dutiful obedience, turning its every craving into excessive indulgence until you are stuffed to bursting and mindless with pleasure. This is how you want to be forever. Fed and stuffed, dumb and docile, fat and happy. Your skinny body is a distant memory, and your new fat body is a symbol of your complete submission to your addiction to pleasure. You sometimes wonder how you let it go this far, and how you were able to completely lose control like this. It started off so innocently: you just wanted to give in a little bit, to try a few stuffings and maybe gain a few pounds. But I don't think it was as innocent as you say it was. I think a part of you knew that once you started, you'd never be able to stop. I think a part of you wanted to lose control.
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berrycute95 · 1 year
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berrycute95 · 1 year
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berrycute95 · 1 year
I know you like to imagine what your body would look like if you truly gave in.
Close your eyes and picture yourself as you are, but wrapped in a soft, heavy, cozy layer of fat. Legs spread apart by pillowy thighs that always touch. They aren't much good for walking any more, but they've embraced their calling as an erotic zone, a tender expanse so sensitive to the touch that you tremble when my hand runs gently across them.
Reach out to where your hips would be, filling the bed, or spilling over the edges of your chair. Trace the edges of these hips with your fingertips. Hips that fill a couch, hips that get stuck in doorways. Think about all the things you won't fit into any more. Whisper that you're just too big.
Now imagine your breasts, massive and swollen, filling the bottom half of your field of vision. Beneath them, your belly rests heavy in your lap. Imagine the weight of it all holding you down like a weighted blanket, encouraging you to stay cozy and sedentary. Trace the shape of this with your hands too, outlining the sensitive curves of your breasts, kneading your overfed belly like risen dough.
Picture your upper arms, enormous pillows pressed against your sides. Feel their weight as you try to lift them, feel the size of them swaying when you reach out your hands. I'll make sure you never have to reach them far, always bringing you another tray of treats. Always touching you where you can't touch yourself.
With a body like that, everyone would know what you are. A body like that can only come from a life of lazy days and constant eating, spoiled and helpless, giving up on anything that requires strength or mobility. It's a body that you could only have because you wanted it, needed it desperately, enough to sacrifice all the things normal people take for granted. Wanted it enough to give in.
I know you dream about how it would feel to have that body, to be seen in that body, to be loved in that body. Is there anything that turns you on more than imagining yourself so soft, so pampered, so wide and so loved?
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berrycute95 · 2 years
Just a fatty waiting to be feed 🤤
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berrycute95 · 2 years
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Hey Loves! I'm FINALLY BACK and I might have been eating a little TOO GOOD on my break from making content 😅 ​While I enjoyed my long break, I'm SUPER excited to be back making Feedee Content and hope to bring fresh and exciting videos to the community while getting to enjoy my love for over indulgence 🤤 An all new video drops TOMORROW and my OF is currently 50% OFF to all new and returning subs for a limited time!
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berrycute95 · 2 years
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berrycute95 · 2 years
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♡ ♡ ♡ GAL PALS ♡ ♡ ♡
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berrycute95 · 2 years
I ate too much again
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berrycute95 · 2 years
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berrycute95 · 2 years
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